This was posted 1 year 8 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tidal HiFi Family (6 Users) Monthly Arg$145/~A$0.84, HiFi Plus Family Arg$225/~A$1.31 (VPN Argentina Req)


**TIDAL HAS INCREASED ALL PRICES AUG 2023 - FAMILY HIFI PLUS (6 USERS) IS NOW 890 ARS OR $4.87 AUD / MONTH **. If you can find 6 people to share, still a killer deal for lossless better than CD quality streaming compared to Spotify. Ignore prices below.

Tidal Family Hifi (6 Users) - $0.84 a month, Tidal Family Hifi Plus (6 Users) - $1.31 a month. For single user plans, it's currently $0.58 a month for Hifi and $0.84 for Hifi Plus. Aug 1st 2023 price increase for Single Users: Hifi 380 ARS/ $2.22 a Month. Hifi Plus 570ARS/ $3.33AUD a Month. There is no price increase notice yet for Family plans.

Note: You don't need a VPN for playback, just during signup. After signup, you can switch off your VPN and use Tidal streaming as normal on any device anywhere.

Tidal Hifi - CD quality 16-bit/44.1 kHz, 1411kbps Lossless. (Best for 99.9% of the population, 4 x better Bitrate than Spotify).

Tidal HiFi Plus - MQA 24-bit/96 kHz, 9216kbps Lossless. (Seriously not needed unless you have compatible high end audio gear).

Spotify (For comparison) - 320kbps Lossy (Compressed).

Original post from 2022: Member OzBerghainer.

Note: This works for new accounts only. Make a new account with a different email.

1. Turn on VPN to Argentina. (Use Tunnel Bear, PIA, Surfshark, etc)
2. Click on Ozbargain link. Single user plan top of page, Family Plans scroll down. Choose Hifi or HiFi Plus.
3. Ensure pricing shows ARS currency. If not, retry or try a different VPN. (Important)
4. Click through the registration process on the plan you want. Note: If it shows $145 in the later steps don't worry, the system means ARS 145.
5. Turn off VPN on Credit Card page as payment will not go through with VPN on. (Important)
5. Mastercard worked fine for me. Some have mentioned Visa Credit Card's don't work. See below for other Credit Card options.
6. After sign up, verify your email address (email will be in Spanish).
7. You no longer need the VPN and can use Tidal on any device normally.

Important Family Sharing Tip: When you invite “family” members to your Family Tidal plan via a link you email them, they MUST initially click through and register using VPN to Argentina for their confirmation or else they will get rejected. After confirmation, they can then use Tidal without VPN on any device.


  1. If you use NordVPN, it doesn't correctly connect to Argentina and fails to show ARS currency. Use Tunnel Bear VPN instead.
  2. VISA Credit Card seems to not work. Verified working credit cards are Mastercard, 28 degrees Latitude, Coles Credit Card, Pre-Paid Mastercard from AusPost plus some other brands of cards, see comments.

If you want to transfer your playlists over from other services, go to

Music Streaming Comparison:

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Can someone adopt me?

  • -1

    Just says tidal is not available in your country. Or throws an error on the entire page. ☹️

    • Make sure to follow instructions. Use Tunnel Bear VPN and choose Argentina for location. Wait for connection, can take up to 1 min. Then click link posted above. It will show prices in ARS (Argentina). I would also clear my browser cache / history before attempting to reduce potential issues.

      • Thanks for your reply. I’m using NordVPN. Will try again and report back. 🙂

        • +1

          Had the same issue with Nord, TunnelBear should work even tho you have a very limited time period you can use it in the trial period.

        • +4

          Nord works just fine.

          Make sure you pick Argentina, and then also use Google Chrome in Incognito mode.
          Cookies in your frequently used browser can sometimes give the game away.

          • @UFO: In Firefox (well Waterfox actually) I have an addon that I can click on that does exactly 1 thing, removes cookies for that specific site.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, for a great deal!

    NOTE: On the Credit Card payment page, disable VPN before confirm to pay.

    what's the significance of this step?

    • +10

      Yes, it's important to disable VPN on the payment page when entering Credit card details to submit. To avoid your Credit Card company's security kicking in.

      • +7

        Basically tidal is expecting payment in ars and receives aud that will convert. Your CC provider is happy as it's your Australian IP address, so they let the payment thru.

  • +1

    I am assuming that I will not need a VPN to use Tidal after purchasing

    • Correct.

      • -5


        • +4

          You possibly misread, as I did at first. He said "not need."

          Also, the post says:

          // Note: You don't need a VPN for playback, just during signup. After the signup via VPN, you can switch off your VPN and use Tidal streaming as normal on any device. //

          • @dullbeard: Skim reading starts World Wars. It's a bad habit. Thanks for correcting him.

  • +72

    Due to massive ARS (Argentina)

    • That's not a massive ARS, this is:

    • Made me lol, appreciate it!
      Is this jv's most invited comment ever?

      • None are invited, but some are upvoted.

  • Thanks - been looking for a streaming music service that offers high quality audio for the car. Will give this a try in the morning.

  • +6

    You don't need the Family Hifi Plus Tier

    Just to be sure we're on the same page, or not, HiFI Plus is the only (main) reason most if not all people like myself would prefer Tidal over say, Spotify. I find your statement rather counter-intuitive?

    Great deal post and been away awhile from Tidal and high time to go back. Thanks OPeee.

    • +12

      The type of person who wants higher quality will probably know they want higher quality, the type of person who isn't sure which plan to choose will be fine with the cheap one.

      You're on OzBargain and it's 84 cents, audio quality isn't the only reason people would choose this over spotify.

    • +7

      Standard Hifi has lossless FLAC quality. Hifi plus adds

      ‘Innovative Audio Formats
      Up to 9216 kbps
      Master Quality Authenticated (MQA), Dolby Atmos, Sony 360 Reality Audio’

      So maybe for recording studio or home cinema owners?

      • +6

        Some of the Atmos mixes are meant to be very good with high dynamic range and better stereo separation.

        Comparison of Midnights because it was the first I could find.

        Whether people have the equipment, ears and focus to notice these things is a different matter though.

      • +1

        The whole Tidal MQA appears to be a load of garbage for when I looked into it last year.…

        I have since downgraded to Hifi (which is not Lossless FLAC quality) but better than spotify.

        • Tidal HiFi is STILL lossless. FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. Tidal HiFi is FLAC.

        • Suggest watching this video for a bit of balance. Maybe then try A/B MQA versus standard FLAC and see which you prefer (ideally using an MQA capable DAC)

        • +1

          I read a technical analysis that said it is equivalent to 18 bit sound, so only slightly better than standard 16 bit flac. It is a very complex proprietary format; it deserves to be sent to landfill. 24bit, 5 (or 7) channel flac is best (you don't really need more than 44KHz since the ears cant hear higher than 19 Khz; the maximum frequency present is half the sampling rate).

    • I was thinking the same until I found out the price in the last Spotify Turkey deal was actually a few times higher than this.

    • +2

      You need to have an amp/DAC that can handle MQA - most people don't.

      • For best results yes. Tidal will do a software unfold with or without an MQA DAC. MQA renderer DAC can complete the unfold process after tidal has done the software unfold. A full MQA decoder DAC can perform the full unfolding process from the raw audio file without a software unfold.

    • +2

      HiFi Plus tier only if you have super high-end hardware that support high res audio (Dac's, Amp's, quality speakers / headphones) that is ALL hard wired (Bluetooth cannot deliver hi-res audio and will compress the signal making the high res signal useless). So that would mean, you sitting in a chair in a dedicated sound chamber in your house devoid of any external sound interference's grinning like a serial killer…..listening to Lady Gaga in high res. Who listens to music like that? Best use case would be using a high end $1500+ headphone with a high end $1000+ high res compatible Dac and Amp when at home sitting in your serial killer padded sound insulated dungeon. High res audio may seem like the obvious choice but most people don't listen to music like a serial killer hehehe. Thus I said, for 99.9% of the human species, just stick to Tidal Hifi (Bit perfect CD quality lossless).

  • Hey, this is irrelevant but I wanna get an understanding of how the market works. If you say that it's due to massive ARS (Argentina) currency nose dive, then wouldn't you like any other person, jump on to buy heaps of their currency and wait until it goes up?

    • +21

      What goes down sometimes goes to zero

    • +4

      Dont try to catch a falling knife. Would you buy Turkey Lira since it is eroded due to inflation? I only buy Lira or ARS to pay cheap stuffs.

      Forex is a very harsh investment. It flips and flops everyday more than shares…

    • +3

      The currency has been dropping for a LONG time now. Look at the 10 year history here,

      The Arsbargain in-country is to take USD ($100 bills) and exchange on the blue market for 60+% over the official exchange rate. Then pay with local currency that way (quickly before it's eroded by inflation again).

      • Why is Argentinian money so worthless? What are they doing wrong in that country? 110% inflation and 95% interest rates.

        Compare this to Switzerland (mentioned in another thread 2.5% inflation and 1.5% interest rate).

    • 'Simply buy stuff every time it goes down' is a killer strategy.

  • Didn't work for me with any cards :|

    • Same, tried 3x cards i have

      • +1

        Try with any MasterCard not visa.

        • Westpac mastercard not working, same error

          Nevermind; im holidaying in Bali… westpac didnt like transaction from here so VPN'ed to Aus and it worked!

    • It accepted my 28deg/lat card. but I disabled the VPN at payment. and also I'm on a trial.

      • Does the bank charge international transaction fee or something. I have a latitude as well. Charged me once when i bought something from Bangood in US currency

        • no, it's fee free. what charge did you get?

    • +1

      Up debit mastercard works and no international transaction fees as well.

      • Can't get my great southern debit card to work

  • +1

    I have been using Tidal ARS for i think 3 years now. I mainly use it for Tidal gui so I can load bunch of flac musics into my own NAS or DAC.

    • How do you do this? Doesn’t Tidal have DRM?

      • Check YouTube did that before

      • There's a pretty tricky workaround in the apps that use it that cause them to identify as a legit streaming app. And the files cache down to legit streaming apps as lossless FLACs. I use Lidarr Extended to hide all this directly in Lidarr and it works great. Unfortunately it's kinda hacky and doesn't really integrate fully into Lidarr, so you often need to check logs to see what it could/couldn't find on Tidal.

    • why is it called Tidal ARS when there is no S in Argentina?

        • excellent! thank you for the explanation

  • +1

    Doesn't Tidal uses the controversial MQA?

    • +1

      Only for hifi plus. Regular hifi is FLAC-level/CD quality lossless that works on any system.

  • +3

    Yeah no good on payment page

    Ok used Citibank card all good

    • Mine worked too, but can't see billing, how do I know it will bill in ARS and not AUD. Will it convert? I did see reference to $145 in the payment page when I disconnected the vpn.

      • Well Aus is $24 a month so would think it is arg145 :)

        • I sure hope it's not $145 AUD :/ We shall see.

          • @zxcvb: They dont have a plan that expensive in AUD. You'll be fine.

  • +2

    This stopped working for me months back, iirc I think they stopped allowing visa cards.

    • Same here. Anyone tired renewing an existing one and switching to Mastercard?

      • +1

        I would open a new account with a new email to get this deal. Use Mastercard, Lattitude 28 degrees or other credit cards mentioned in the comment section. Visa card seems to be not working from last year according to users.

        • Cheers will have to choose a mastercard with low fees as I don't need one for anything else.

          • +1

            @pussa: You can get a prepaid Mastercard from Auspost.

            • +1

              @Dollar Dreamer: Oh nice, but will need to have enough money on it to continue subscription for the length of time I need it for? Or I just saw I can get a fee free Coles one which might do the trick.

            • @Dollar Dreamer: does the Auspost card work?

  • The Tidal site refuses to create a new account and only logging in is the only option. What goes on here? Please HELP!!

    Needing my Hires music fix real bad.

    • Just use any existing Gmail with period in between to register it as a new email id with the service.

      For eg [email protected]

      use john.doe or johndo.e , you get the idea. Gmail discards periods, so you can introduce them anywhere or omit them entirely, it's all the same email id.

      • @sk280
        If I use this method, I can still login with the same email address minus the period?

        Update: Tried the method, able to get to the creation page and clicking on Sign up an error message pops up (please enter a valid email address).

        I will try it on my 'puter later.

        • The email you register is what is stored in tidal. Gmail ignores all periods in an email address, so you can have as many as you want to register and remember to use the same to login to the service.

          You will still get all the emails on your Gmail.

      • +1

        Rather than using periods, use the + trick. It makes things much cleaner.

        So [email protected] = [email protected]. Makes everything much easier to track in terms of what's signed up to what.

    • If you log in via the app you can delete your existing account.

      • Oh really? That is good to know. Thanks.

        • Except the email verification email never seems to come through🕰️

      • I tried but couldnt find the way to delete existing account.
        I went to account -> manage account

  • Nordvpn connected to Argentina, but im getting this at Tidal pricing list..
    Unfortunately TIDAL is not currently available in your country.

    • Same. NordVPN not working for me despite already connected to Argentina.

      • +5

        Update - Signed up successfully with Tunnel Bear.

        Nordvpn simply doesnt work.

        • Same here, Nord didn’t work but Tunnel Bear did with Lattitude 28 degrees card

          • @Jdiggitywap: Hey hey I used my 28 degrees card as well! :)

        • Thanks heaps mate.. all good now!

  • +1

    Just to be sure - can I download the songs for offline listening? Don't want to burn all my data.

  • +2

    Thanks mate!
    Worked fine with Coles CC

  • I don't think butchers means what you think it means

    Nice price though, if you can get it working

    • +2

      Butchered in this context means bad compression. OP’s usage makes perfect sense.

      • +3

        CD quality lossless is worse than Spotify?

        • +1

          No. You have misread. Spotify is much worse in sound quality than CD quality. Tidal HiFi is bit perfect CD Quality FLAC files.

          • @Dollar Dreamer: What the actual (profanity)? You literally edited your post and removed your sentence that included the word 'butchers' and then you come down here and tell me I misread?

            Just own your mistake and move on, mate.

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