This was posted 1 year 10 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Spotify Premium: Individual TRY₺30 Per Month (~A$2.30), Family TRY₺50 Per Month (~A$3.90) (Android and VPN Required) @ Spotify


Resharing this guide after previous deal post marked as expired

Roughly a year ago Spotify and Google play store made a press release stating that they were going to be trialing Google Pay and Merchant Pay. I checked it regularly and within the last week or two it has finally been added!


Pre-existing spotify account:
I Smell Pennies @OB

New/ Free Accounts

Blue Stacks (PC) - IOS alternative/ android back up method:
Iangh @OB


  1. Set up a Google Play account with a Turkish payment profile - after looking to save myself some effort this deal by alcheron's comment explains it pretty well - thanks SuBw00FeR for helping me find the correct one
  2. Download and/or open Spotify
  3. Go to the get premium tab on the bottom right of the home screen
  4. Select any plan
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the payment where it says your country
  6. Change country to Türkiye
  7. Click the change plan key (had one account have issues signing up which this solved)
  8. Select the plan you want
  9. Click Google Pay
  10. Select your Turkish payment profile
  11. Select/ enter the card you want to use

To add family members:

  1. On the head account go to: and get the link
  2. Follow that link on the child account, enter in the same address as is on the head account (I used an NZ one and it worked, just make sure they are the same)
  3. I experienced issues adding one account, it was saying it was from a different account to the head - if you get this issue on their account go to: and check what country is listed. If it is New Zealand/Aus/anywhere other than turkey get them to connect via turkish VPN (I used PIA) and it'll give them the option to change it to Turkey
  4. They can then follow the same family link and use the same address as the head account and it should work now

And you're now sorted with what I believe is the cheapest Spotify Premium price currently available.

This method is imo less effort, cheaper, and doesn't need to be renewed, like the previously available cheap Spotify option posted on OzBargain

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • -7

    Another thought: 5 of my friend and I got together and got a family plan and we only pay $36 per year. No VPN or any fancy steps are required.. Might be simpler to do if you can find 6 people or look in the forums to find the 6 people.

    • +17

      $36/person/year is the old rate (and was increased in 2020/2021), you'll be looking at $38/person/year now.

      However if you decide to split a family account via Turkey its $8/person/year. It's worth the effort.

    • +15

      Thats the communist way. This my friend is the Oz bargain way. Word to the wise my friend.

  • +1

    mmm i pay $3.65 for my Philippines individual account, how do i swap it over to this?

    • +13

      Yes otherwise you'll have to close your Ozbargain account

  • +2

    I paid under $10 (one off payment) on some random Discord server to be added to a family plan 2.5 years ago and it's been going strong ever since.

    • +2

      How do I get in on that lol

      • Likely too dodgy to post here, and it was so long ago I don't remember exactly anyway. Try Googling Spotify Premium Discord?

        • +11

          Yes, they're all using hacked accounts or stolen card details.

    • +1

      Yes for 10 dollars you can get
      YouTube premium

    • +7

      Isn’t this why you’re on ozbargain?

      • -1

        I don't know man, I keep seeing 2 grand phones and rm boots going OOS after 10 minutes on OB so my faith is shaking

        • +6

          Didn't realize there was a price maximum for something to be a bargain.

        • +2

          Do this for 10 years and you too can get a pair of RMs.

      • +1

        They have a fair point. It's one thing to get notified when the same product from the same retailer is sold at a bargain price; it's another thing to go through hoops to save $10 a month.

        • +1

          You're saving basically 75% a month for the foreseeable future.

        • +1

          Closed minded thinking. Imagine what you can do with $120 a year back in your pocket.

    • Time for you to sign out of OZBargain

  • Does Spotify play nice with Siri? I.e. use voice commands to play songs by title, all songs from a singer, or playlists, etc.?

    Tried Amazon Music, voice only works within the app, so you need the app running in the foreground, when it does it also hijacks everything else you ask Siri to do, i.e. call someone or send a text, etc.

    Apple Music works the best, but it's also $12.99/month.

  • +3

    There are always other methods for the Android peeps..

    • +1

      Also for the ios peeps ;)

      Altstore / appdb with spotify++

      • is there an android version of appdb?

        • +1

          You dont need a signing service for android you can just install the apk

          If you mean an app library, search modded central and crackedapps on telegram

    • +4


  • I always sign up to 3 month trials with a new email. It’s free!

    • +1

      Do they accept the same card you used previously?

      • Use Revolut.

      • I use prepaid or all the cards I signed up with banks for a welcome bonus.

    • And have to redo your playlists/saved artists etc?

      • just go back and forth with YouTube Music

        • +2

          There's no guarantee you're going to capture every single song you've got in playlists though. Especially if they're some obscure versions of a song. What then?

    • +1

      But don't you lose all your playlists and recommendations?

  • +6

    Lucky I didn't prep a guide for this one yet because I'd be crying

    • I appreciate all your efforts you put in your posts and comments Top G

  • +4

    Is anyone else not getting the option to pay with Google Pay?

    • +1

      yup same here

    • +1

      Yep same

    • -1

      make sure you are not in any Google family group.

      • +3

        how does Spotify page know to display (or not) the google pay option if you are in a google family group?

    • same

  • +2

    Is your Spotify account at risk by joining a Spotify family in a different region like this?

    Considering whether everyone in my current Spotify family group would feel comfortable transitioning their main accounts to a Turkish group that could be detected as breaching policy

    • Nope been doing it for over a year.

      • +1

        "Been doing it for over a year" is enough - just cause you have never been caught speeding doesn't mean it's not technically illegal

        To be clear - I don't have an answer, but I've been doing this for over a year myself, and I've never heard of anyone being done for this sorta thing with Spotify.. so I presume it's actually quite safe.

        Worst case scenario? Make a new account and do it again, and let Spotify re-learn your listening habits.. It's Spotify - not a Google account with your emails/photos etc.

        • +1

          Yeah sorry for the dull response. Bottom line is I've known people who have done stuff like this for years and doubt any of your accounts would ever be at risk. They will end up having to get rid of regional pricing.

  • Is there such thing as Spotify for Turkiye? like how Netflix does. They have different content per country?

    • yes sorta but it doesnt really matter. all it does is give you playlist suggestions on your home page of spotify that are turkey related.

      • -2

        Wî wî wî
        Wî wî wî Şemmo
        Wî wî wî
        Qurbana te me, Şemmo
        Wî wî wî
        Wî wî wî Şemmo
        Wî wî wî
        Qurbana te me Şemmo

      • I don’t get any Turkey related content suggested to me. Maybe because I am using the app.

    • The content is the same. But you get some recommendations on the Home page (desktop, web, mobile apps) related to Turkish content.

      I am on a family plan in the Phillipines and I get some Filipino content on my home page, but it's not that much and not intrusive at all. The rest is my recommended content from the stuff I listen to.

  • +2

    With the existing family subscriptions, will i need a new address and reinvite everyone?

    • I'm in the same boat - can anyone advise?

      • Yes, you will have to cancel the plan, and reinvite everyone. Everyone will have to do this

  • +1

    I tried. I received a message that said you are using a VPN and that you will need to discontinue to proceed. Sigh

    • They must have detected traffic from a known VPN server

  • Hi I use iphone only . Can I sign up spotify premium in bluestack , then use the iOS spotify?

    • yep

  • +2

    This method did not work for me. Getting an error that Google Pay is not handling this transaction in your region.

    I had: Spotify account set as Turkey.
    Brand new pixel pro w/o SIM, i created a new GPay account with Turkey address (AU cc) via hotspot that had VPN.
    Google and Play Store had country set as Turkey, but somehow was able to have AU in options(probs because tethering phone connected to a WiFi and somehow it bypassed VPN, don't know). security tracking on password changes were pointing to AU location while it was done via VPN / location disable.
    Avoid google like a plague.

    I might retry again if I have time

    • you don't even need anything related to vpn to begin with. Just set up a newly reset phone with new google account, choosing Turkey as the country, in google play store add a card for payment (remember to set billing address in Turkey) and the rest is history. You can set up spotify, disney, google, youtube and endless other on this phone on the cheap (not Netflix tho).

      • +1

        that's exactly what I did, but somehow I got an error saying this operation is not supported in my region ;(

  • From the child account I keep getting ""you need to live at the same address"" error!

    Address is in AU and we use VPN/Turkey

    Any idea how to fix this?

    • Had similar issue previously when I signed up for duo. It said accounts need to be in same country. Child account needed to be changed to Turkey (and from memory turkish address) for it to work.

    • +2

      On the child account, VPN to Turkey then change country location from AU to Turkey. Then turn off VPN and rejoin :)

      • That works, thank you

  • Game changer 😂 I am getting rid of Tidal and I really wish Spotify starts high res soon

    • +3

      I am getting rid of Tidal and I really wish Spotify starts high res fidelity soon


  • Block the spot

  • i just get 3 to 6 months free Spotify premium I never pay for it.

  • +4

    Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction use a different payment instrument or contact us.

    How do I get passed this??

    • did you fix this? i got stuck on same step!

      • Nope - looking for wisdom

        • Finally worked, all i did was remove every google account from phone and clear cache and data of playstore and finally worked for me…but you still need vpn for other members to join

    • I found that the payment only worked when I selected the single premium 'pre-pay' option. None of the 'subscription' options worked

  • Kept getting the error "google play purchases are not supported in your country"
    Swapping from surfshark to nord fixed it

    • +1

      I encountered the same error when attempting to subscribe to the first 3 month free option, but I was able to successfully complete the purchase when I opted for the 12 month subscription

  • I dont have an android on me so its bluestacks ig

  • This wouldn't work on a secondary Turkish profile for me. Only worked when Turkey was my primary country and profile. Unfortunately means that the few Aussie apps I have I need to side load but I'm saving a heap of money with Spotify, Netflix, YouTube and One.

  • I created a new Google account with Turkey GPay
    Set the Google play to Turkey as well. Still gives the error of "subscription not available". Am I supposed to be dialled into VPN during the process?

    • Hi Sandun, did you manage to fix your issue? Im getting the "subscription not available" error as well.

  • +1

    I don't get the option to pay with Google pay, any solutions?

    • I attempted to logout and then log back in, and that worked for me

      • Tried that, may be because I'm a student

        Shows TL14.99 for students but card only, rejects my card

  • Anybody looking for a family member haha?

    • Include me too

    • +1, my current subscription ends 6/5 so if I can’t find a spot I’ll try to make a Turkish account then

  • Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction use a different payment instrument or contact us.
    Stuck on this one. Can anyone help out?

    • Yeah I had the same issue….Help anyone??

  • Is it cheaper to subscribe Spotify India ? Does Indian version provide same services as Turkey version ?

    • looks like it is slightly cheaper. maybe you could try signing up and seeing if it works!

    • ive been on india for a while paying like 20 bucks a year(from my friend). works like a charm

  • Can someone please tell me what the biller name shows up as on your card / internet banking?

    • I pay using a Revolut card and it shows as “Spotify”

      • Thanks

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