This was posted 2 years 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Spotify Brazil 12 Months Family Plan R$300 (~A$94.77) (VPN Required to Sign Up) @ G2A Gift Card


This deal is similar to HamBoi69's from a week or so ago but following the steps below means you only need to pay R$300 (A$94.77 via gift cards) rather than $157.67.

I am unsure whether it is normal, but the R$100 gift cards I redeemed each converted to 6 months premium single, and 18 months converted to 12 months premium family. This means rather than being R$418.90, a year is only R$300 (~A$94.77)

Step 1: Cancel your existing premium subscription to Spotify and wait for the billing period to end, or create a free account if you don't have one
Step 2: Buy 3 x R$100 Spotify gift cards from here. When redeemed from this specific seller (Wtrades), they showed up as '6 months' each, which convert to 4 months family each (from following the below steps).
Step 3: Turn on a VPN and set location to Brazil.
Step 4: Go to your 'account' here and click 'Edit Profile', an option to set your country to 'Brazil' should appear (this is greyed out if you have an active premium subscription). Save your changes.
Step 5: Click Redeem and paste your gift card code that you previously purchased in Step 2. You will see that the confirmation message will mention '6 months premium' being redeemed. Repeat this step three times, then confirm you have redeemed the three codes (R$300) here. If you attempt to redeem more than 3 of these codes, you will get an error stating that you cannot redeem more than 18 months of premium in advance.
Step 6: Go to "Planos disponíveis". Under 'Assinar', press the down arrow next to 'Assassinatura mensal'. This is the monthly family subscription and it should say R$34.90/month (It's easier to understand if you ask your browser to translate to English).
Step 7: You should now see a summary of the subscription type you've selected with the date of next payment. Confirm that this is 1 year from today (or thereabouts).
Step 8: Beneath the summary, you'll see a payment gateway show up with some Brazilian payment options. Look beneath them and you will see an option called 'Mudar pais' in the footer. Click on it. Choose Australia from the list, so that your account is still Australian after the sign-up process.
Step 9: Choose PayPal as the payment method and follow the prompts to finalise. Your PayPal won't be charged until the date stated in the summary.
Step 10: After confirming, choose your normal Australian address for the premium family as you normally would, and tell your 'family' members to do the same.
Step 11:
Step 12: profit???

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Anyone know if it’s possible to get the discounts for apple iCloud?

  • +4

    It's cheaper to pay month-to-month on a Philippines family plan (~$6/month; $72/yr)

    • +1

      Do you need Phillippines-issued payment method? In my experience (recently) I couldn't get it to work with an FX-free card

    • +1

      Interested also in this also, what's the process

      • +3

        I use another PayPal account that has a Philippines address (fake) but linked to Australian credit card.

        • Thanks, so cancel current account, VPN to Philippines, activate with alternative PayPal with Phillipines address? Simple as that?

          • +1

            @Archaleas: Pretty much. I did it a long time ago, so don't remember exactly, but I'd be surprised if ti had any additional steps!

            • +2

              @GreenPlastic: I tried it recently to get a Philippines account and it doesn't work. Tried multiple methods, VPNs, credit cards from different countries (Aus, HK, Sing). Even had my old paypal Philippines account blocked for irregular activity. Don't give people false hope unless you are clear on the way to do it currently…

    • Agreed, this is what I do

  • I know I shouldn't be feeling like this afterall all the big corporates are crooks anyway, but after watching The Playlist on Netflix I don't really want to give my money to them (Spotify) anymore. But then again, I have Netflix which wouldn't be too dissimilar to Spotify, and YouTube premium (Google) - same again

  • Yikes $100 a year for spotify just to listen to music, who pays for this

    • +3

      That’s $15.80 per user but OK

      • Would it be unethical if I don’t pass these savings onto my friends sharing spotify? I’d be making profit off them afterall…

        • This process would require them to join the family again, so you’ll need to have some sort of explanation. It’s your call ;)

          • @siberry: would you not also have to explain to them why they now live in the phillipines?

            • @Fizzydrink: Through this method, you end up with an Aussie address at the end. Personally I pass on the savings!

        • +3

          Would it be unethical if I don’t pass these savings onto my friends sharing spotify?

          Don't you also get enjoyment from saving your friends money also?
          e.g Just re-subbed to Disney+ recently and the couple I share it with were impressed and happy they got a year of access for $10

          • @SBOB: Well with CoL going up so much and centrelink payments not increasing I couldnt afford my WoW sub anymore… now I can.

      • lol can say that is 1 cent per user but OK

    • +1

      What other options are there? Buy new cds every month? Listen to 1000's of ads on the Radio? 28 cents a day for unlimited high quality music seems fair to me…

      • -4

        or amazon music, YouTube music, basically under $20 a year
        Google Music

        • +1

          How about YouTube vanced, Amazon music (comes with prime anyway), convert mp3s yourself using ffmpeg and sites while using YouTube with adblockers better yet Pihole

          It's all free you know except prime. But all ozbargainers should have prime already one way or the other

          Last option convert your CD collections on mp3s on NAS or cloud, stream or VPN to yourself if you are really want to

      • Winamp

      • Just block ads and keep using Spotify.

    • -1

      Yikes imagine being this poor.

      • -2

        yikes imagine wasting money

        • +4

          I listened to 67,815 minutes last year. I can’t imagine better value for money.

          • -1

            @jjcf: yeah i spend atleast a few hours a day listening to music through youtube music app costed me at max $15 a year (subscription, so no ads)

            • @michael9865: Nice so you spend about the same? And get a worse app. Cool cool!!

              • @onlinepred: Nah it's a better app

                • +1

                  @michael9865: Youtube music? Yea nah. All good though mate, glad you enjoy it.

                • @michael9865: I agree. YouTube music has more music and comes with YouTube as well. It also lets me use one account t across multiple speakers in my house, unlike Spotify that requires multiple accounts.

            • @michael9865: Revanced free

          • @jjcf: I could. Do this and then you'd get even better value. You must not be very imaginative.

    • -1

      I pay for Roon and Qobuz which is about 5x more expensive. Roon is on another level… nothing is even close.
      screw spotify….they are still lossy in 2022, they pay the artists less than other streaming services and they went too woke so they lost my money.

      • +1

        Do you pay full price for Qobuz? Qobuz was my favourite in terms of streaming quality.

        I don't think I'll ever be able to appreciate my Tidal subscription without a proper MQA decoder.

        Even when I play the music on Hi-Fi(which isn't mqa) it still sounds like it's missing some expression.

        • +1

          Try amazon music unlimited. The flac files do sound lively

          • @Raj09: I never tried amazon music, I always associated it as a similar service to Spotify and Google Music so I naturally disregarded it.

            But I suppose I made the assumption before amazon dabbled in HQ music.

            Have you tried Deezer and/or Tidal for 45+ days? It seems like a bit of an effort to migrate to a new platform.

            • +2

              @Beyond: Give it a shot. I had amazon unlimited for 3 months free try and was convinced. I used deezer before they got hi-fi and tidal as well. Deezer is good esp the recommendations. Tidal is meh and I don't like the mqa stuff. The format is basically upsampling and I much prefer lossless.

              • +1

                @Raj09: Hmm, I don't think the format is upsampling, as mqa is only available with some songs. If that song isn't available as a "Master"(.mqa) it defaults to hi-fi which is the usual approx 1400kbps running what I believe to be flac.
                If you change the settings to Hi-Fi instead of Master then I don't actually think it plays any mqa files.

                Deezer good have some decent recommendations.

                Oh shit, I just remembered I meant to say Deezer instead of Qobuz(when I was comparing it to Tidal). I tried Qobuz after Deezer, but when you brought up the song recommendations it set off a bell. It's 1:30am here so excuse the mix-up.

                Qobuz was good, but certainly needed a lot of work on the application development side of things.

                If my car's head unit was as easygoing with playing local music as it was with the streaming apps, I'd probably just go local, but I can't use the nav and play local at the same time, otherwise I'd use my Fiio DAP. Apologies, I slightly dragged this message on.

                • +2

                  @Beyond: All good. I'll give deezer another go.

                  As for mqa, I was all in some time back. I got the dax and was convinced that mqa was the holy grail. You know the way the music was meant to be listened to and mastered.

                  And then I got to hear the truth from actual music engineers and from YouTube. Check out goldensound.

                  It's clever upsampling and drm. Some people like it like this and some don't. I don't but you might. What disappointed me about mqa was the deceptive marketing. Anyway thank you for suggesting deezer. I'll give it another go for sure

                  • +1

                    @Raj09: I was quite into the research myself with mqa back in the day too.
                    I read detailed pieces of information from reputable sources that pretty much contradicted each other.
                    All the possible awards and articles written around it definitely make the topic confusing, I always wonder if some of the issues reported about it were from some isolated experiences or if the format is in fact just an original song combined with Tidals added in enhancements.

                    I never got around to getting an mqa device that could do a full x8 unfolding(let alone any unfolding, besides the single unfolding done from Tidal or USB Audio Player) so I couldn't give it a fair A-B test. All I know is that when I listened to both Deezer and Tidal thoroughly for hours on end back and fourth, Deezer shined(or Tidal just made it appear that way). And there's no way I'd be able to have a proper MQA decoder in all my source devices.

                    I'll chuck goldensound in a tab for later or another time. Curious to see if their test methodology is similar to the one I saw or if it's different but with the same negative impression.

                    If Deezer has the free trial thing again, absolutely give it a whirl. I currently feel stuck with Tidal due to the cheap pricing. I'd try using Tidal(as it integrates fairly well) with Plex if I had plex+, but without the proper music player, it just seems pointless.

                    As such, I appreciate you taking this time to have somewhat of a proper discussion regarding these opinions.

                    • +2

                      @Beyond: Beautiful. I like your writing. You seem like a sensible and reasoned person. I appreciate and respect this equally.

                      I will recommend the ifi zen dac v2 for an mqa decoder. And it won't break the bank. I bought it for mqa originally and now use it mostly for all other music.

                      • +1

                        @Raj09: Thank you, regarding the first paragraph. I feel the same way about how you convey your opinions too.

                        The idea of changing/upgrading my DAC came with an excessively straining amount of thought. Considering my original investment in my current hardware alongside comparing the price of a new device to the additional features made it difficult to commit to a device that was only a minor step-up.

                        There was a model that was about 1.5k that got rated quite highly consistently on the DAC charts(the charts that were at the start of covid until about a year later and a half later). Including the fact that my financial situation gradually got worse over the covid period, I decided that if I was to get a new device with justifiable improvements, I probably wouldn't have been able to utilize it in an optimal manner and I'd be better off going in a different direction.

                        —Everything below this line is off topic..ish (feel free to skip, it ended up being quite a long paragraph without any useful information to feed off)
                        I ended up deciding to go the cable route, thinking that it would be something that I could carry forward through my music journey alongside a bunch of experiences. So I went full nerd into learning about cable architecture to order a handful of high-quality cables and heads. I had everything ready, ordered a soldering iron and about $750 in cable parts(to make a variant of the essential cables, including an OCC power cable for my amp[discussions on whether or not power cables make any difference is a whole different topic, lol]) to turn into 5k worth of cables only to somehow get side-tracked when getting into a forum about custom firmware and accessories for my soldering iron. A couple of weeks went by and I had lost the self-confidence towards soldering for the first time. Now I've got a draw full of connectors and two small boxes full of different raw cables. Lol.

                        • +1

                          @Beyond: Hahaha. It can get pretty messy going full on with one aspect of audio. I remember someone described as audio being a chain: the audio files and format, the dac and its components, the cable, the headphones and your ears.

                          I used to listen only to 32bit audio depth with 96khz sampling rate. I read a bit about audio amplitude and time resolution of audio. I then understood that 24bit already captures all sounds from a jet powering on to a mosquito. When I then learnt that babies can hear sound up to 20khz and we lose up to half of that as we age, I knew that it's pointless chasing the holy grail of sound.

                          You are so better off listening to 24bit sound at 48khz as long as you are not down sampling.

                          I lost my job last year as well and have been selling most of my gear to keep only the best ones.

                          Enjoy your audio and the music you like. Audio gear will come and go and it'll get better. The time you have however will not come back 😊

                    • @Beyond: Qobuz works in conjunction with Roon. Roon basically sorts out your digital library and if you have Qobuz or Tidal is like shopping for cds and you just add them to your library. Its metadata is crazy and it suggests new albums based on how and what you listen.

                      I wasn’t convinced and did a free 14 day trial and decided it was worth the monthly spend after about a day…it’s hands down the best music software I’ve ever used.

                      I have an MQA dac but don’t use it because it’s lossy disguised as lossless. Lossless flac is the way to go.

                      Spotify is still on 320kb mp3s….no word on the HI-FI tier.

                      This is only for people who are big into the hobby and spent lots on headphones and dacs/amps. Most people will be satisfied with Spotify.

                      • @Flognuts: Hey, Flog.
                        I looked into Roon a while ago, I made the mistake of using up my 14-day trial when I was busy for 95% of the time and wasn't able to properly examine it.

                        Shortly after, Roon quite heavily increased the price of their lifetime license option and deterred me a bit thinking I had missed my chance to get it at a somewhat acceptable price.

                        Regarding music quality, tbh I think it's more about the person's ear development than the quality of the gear. Of course, the quality of gear helps distinguish differences, but I believe people who don't regularly listen to high-bitrate audio wouldn't be able to beat an A-B sample of 320vs1500kbps any easier using high-end gear than they would using a mid-range setup.

                        Though, I'm more of a bookshelf speaker+dac+amp+source kinda person than headphones, so that may effect my opinion due to a lack of proper involvement. I got some AudTech studio earphones a few years ago so I could experience audio in a different light and then some bluetooth Sony MX4 headphones for things like running.

  • Anyone have any idea at all how to browse music genre by year of release?

    Spotify, Apple music etc. ALL have terrible, absolutely terrible music browsing, filtering options. If you exactly don't know the artists you want to listen they don't give you much of related options, suggestions. Mostly you're pushed into just listening new 💩 sadly.

    • +1

      In Spotify, just search for something like “best of Rock 2003” and you’ll find a playlist for what you’re after.

      • Yes, if there's a playlist made by someone actually, and if there is there will probably be only songs that everyone already knows, nothing different, one same thing you'll find everywhere. It's absolutely fascinating to me that there's like hundreds of thousands of songs and extremely poor search, filtering systems, like intentionally.

  • +1

    Thanks op! I've resited paying for years and accepted sacrifices (like sideloading every 7 days). Now I can get full carplay, watch and Alexa integration plus family ha.

  • Why so expensive

  • These are all shite compared to turkey, someone needs to figure out a way to get a turkey prepaid car

  • +1

    So if I already have a family membership paying $19 a month, I just cancel the auto renewal, follow the steps to sign up again via another country, and reinvite the the members back?

    • Yes exactly what I did so didn’t lose my existing account

      • Using Soundiiz you can easily save your songs or playlists and import them over to a new account, if need be.

  • +6

    I don't understand the 'why so expensive' comments. Maybe they are from the younger generation. I used to pay AU$30 per CD literally 30 years ago, THAT was expensive. Now you can listen to whatever you want for a little over $10 a months, it's not that bad.

    • -5

      $30 for a CD which entitles you to own the CD forvever. Here you are paying for nothing.

      • +1

        So you can buy half a cd each year for the same price. In 4 years you would have 2 albums you own.

      • Each to their own, but it really just depends on where your priorities are at. Streaming music is convenient, Spotify is great for that but it's horrible for the artist (unless you're Beyonce, Beatles or The Beach Boys). Bandcamp is where it's at if you care about who receives the money. If you purchase music from Bandcamp on Fridays, 100% of it goes directly to the artist, who deserves it the most… just my opinion though. Giving something back to the industry that steps up with 'free' concerts when we're struck down with disaster. Or just go to a show and buy it from the band directly, after listening to them for free online.

    • I agree with half of your comment.

      Being that this is cheaper than the original pricing, I would agree that users saying that it's expensive isn't quite right, but then on the comment regarding CDs and "listen to whatever you want for $10 a month" I'd have to say that a lot of us music buffs have multiple subscriptions amongst services.

      I've got about 4TB in flac music but I still currently use Tidal and YouTube Music.

      If I still had my old student discount or better income, I'd have Soundcloud Premium and probably swap Tidal for Qobuz.

  • +2

    Are there any Spotify premium apk's out there?

    • +2

      Yes, there is. Search for andropalace, heaps of premium apk's

    • +1

      If you're an Android user, xmanager is your friend.

      • Just installed and constantly crashing, latest version installed

  • +2

    Ripoff. Get google premium family from India. Much easier and practically free. Spotify not that much better than google music. And you get YouTube as well.

    • +1

      Except Spotify has far better curated playlists, integration with sonos.

      YouTube music app is so bad compared to play music. I have both YouTube music and Spotify and I use it every single time over Spotify for general streaming, YouTube music is only useful for music videos.

    • I was on this for years, but the Youtube Music app is terrible, and their social aspect is nill. Spotify is the industry standard unfortunately. Loads of great features, and supports nearly every OS under the sun. It's great it works for you, but Spotify is on another level as far as a music service. I pay a few bucks a month for spotify as part of a family plan. Also pay for Youtube Premium….

  • anyone have any luck using cyber ghost as vpn? not showing the option to change countries

  • +1

    according to this article…

    They are working with Google to bring in-app payment via GooglePay. Once it's done…..

  • Step 2: Buy 3 x R$100 Spotify gift cards from here(

    That's OOS.

    Is… the same (and even cheaper?)

    • I’m unsure if all R$100 gift cards translate to 6 months Spotify. I would assume yes, but I can’t be certain.

  • Does anyone know if you can get ban from doing this? AFAIK Spotify cracks down on your address and all that stuff?

    • For this particular method, you end up with your legit address so I don’t think they can ban you for that. They may potentially close the loophole so that new people can’t get it for R$300 instead of R$418.90 though.

  • Better off getting Amazon prime for $59 a year which gives you prime video and Amazon music and free deliveries OR using the Argentina method for YouTube premium, better sound quality and extra value for a lot cheaper.. just saying..

    • Better sound barely, but also worse app.

  • -7

    All this VPN steps involved. It's much easier convenient and free to download a cracked apk version or get Amazon prime in combination

  • I would like to reactivate my Spotify account through turkey it’s cheaper. After entering My credit card it says country of payment doesn’t match even after changing the home country.
    What’s the work around for this?

    • Turkish gift cards if you can get them. I published the method in this post because I couldn’t get the Turkish method to work

  • I have got a youtube premium from the last deal for AUD3/month. I get YT music for free

    • +1

      I’ve got YouTube music with Argentina profile. The algorithm is horrible there are no new music that used to play or similar ones. It’s the same music over and over again unless I manually search. It’s difficult while driving my car and asking Siri to play music. I hear Spotify has good selection of similar music to play etc.

  • Can't pay for gift cards with PayPal? Eekps saying payment declined on the gift card website

  • @siberry just managed to purchase the cards, and up to step 6

    there is no Assinar' or 'Assassinatura mensal' on that link, and when I select a subscription type is throws this error

    Something went wrong. Try again."

    thanks for your help!

    EDIT: Got it working, thank so much for putting all that together, much appreciated

    • Hi mate- i am stuck here as well.. How did you get it working?

      • faffed around a bit and got it working….would have taken screenshots had I known it'd work. You only need 3 x R$100 (dont think the seller matters) - it will give you 12mnths of Family Plan. If the link is not taking you to the "Assinar' or 'Assassinatura mensal'" page, I assume it is taking you to a page where it lists all the different plans and its price and when you select the family plan it is giving you the error????

        In this case, select the premium plan -> it will take you to the payment page (even here you will not be able to change the plan to family plan unless you change the payment country first) -> at the bottom of the payment page change the country as it says in the instructions above to Australia -> after you change the country to Australia (or I'm assuming the country for which your original payment came from) you will be able to change your plan to Family Plan - once you do that it should say that your family plan will expire one yr from then -> confirm you selection….and done.

        Hope it makes sense…..

        • Thanks

        • Thanks for this. I was still confused after reading your instructions because I thought it was making me pay again. But then I realised it wouldn't renew for 12 months so all is well.

    • +1

      same issue here. Can you please help!!

  • I've managed to set up a Family account. Would anyone like a spot for
    95/6 = $15.83

    • I am up for it.

    • If you still have a free slot I'll join please!

    • Do you have any spots left?

  • It is asking me to set up my family (I had one set up before with an Australian address). Do I need to reinvite my family members using a fake Brazilian address?

    Do we need to be on VPN Brazil when we record the address?

    Or do we put in Australian address again?

  • appear to be getting an error when choosing the plan - anyone has any solutions please?


    Algo deu errado. Tente de novo.

    • Eu não posso falar brasileiro desculpe.

  • I bought 3 codes and went to change country and my only option is Australia. My spotify account login is through facebook, will that affect it?
    Please Halp

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