What's everyone think about the Same Work Same Pay policy I'm getting biased YouTube ads for?
Generally when corporations kick up a fuss and start advocating against policy it's because those policies end up benefitting people/workers rather than their bottom line. Few corporations would realistically say "this guy's been loyal and worked here for so long, let's just pay him more than the bloke who we just hired." I feel like they'd be more inclined to say "let's pay the loyal worker here just as much as this guy that just joined because he'll love the equality and feeling one with the team."
If they wanted to raise your pay depending on how long/knowledgeable you are in the role they'd probably add more incentives and a recurring pay bump on an annual basis above any mandates by the government
So please, share your thoughts on why the policy leaves a foul taste in the mouth of these corporations, or why it's horrendous policy
EDIT: Found the ad on its own https://youtu.be/mYPUMg7-KEc
And thought I'd link to the overview/paper in the main post as well https://www.dewr.gov.au/2023-workplace-reform-consultations/…
Why do you still have YouTube ads in this day and age? There's so many methods to remove them. Do yourself a favour.