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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

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    • -4

      It means absolutely nothing. The same sum total of the reasons people have to justify their need to bully, attack and intimidate.
      It's the new right wing strategy.

      • +5

        Surly you have it wrong

        Bully, attack, ontimidate is the left wing tactic. Along withnscreaming racist, bigot, transphobe when they don't like something.

        • -4

          Fake news. A few mean words online is largely meaningless - you lot always go on about free speech, snowflakes and people being triggered.

          It's a right wing tactic - "Bully, attack, ontimidate[sic]".There are so many examples that have leaked into real life, but here are two that spring to mind:

          • +3

            @ihfree: Numerous right-wing individuals hold non-white supremacist beliefs.

            • +1

              @gto21: What's your point? Many non-white people hold right-wing beliefs. News at 11.

              • +1

                @ihfree: Do individuals who hold right-wing beliefs automatically qualify as white supremacists?

                • @gto21: Where are you getting this? Please explain the context before I answer.

                  • +2

                    @ihfree: Here is the context in your own words: "It's a right-wing tactic - "Bully, attack, ontimidate[sic]".There are so many examples that have leaked into real life, but here are two that spring to mind:"

                    • @gto21: Yeah, but what does right wing individuals holding non white supremacist beliefs have to do with it?

                      Do individuals who hold right-wing beliefs automatically qualify as white supremacists?

                      What do you think?

                      • +2

                        @ihfree: One of the sources you referenced in your criticism of right-wingers employs terms such as "white supremacist," "racist," and "terrorist."

                        It seems you're making very serious accusations. Don't you want to clarify what you mean? Right now, it looks bad.

                        • +1

                          @gto21: Oh, you're struggling with that again. Let's just leave it there. I'm not here to teach reading comprehension.

                          • +2

                            @ihfree: All you have to do is say - I don't believe all right-wings are white supremacists, racists or terrorists. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but by not clarifying, you ended up proving the guy's point about the lefties' tactics.

                            He wrote: Bullying, attacking, intimidating is the left-wing tactic, along with screaming racist, bigot, transphobe when they don't like something.

                            In an attempt to refute him, you proved his point.

                            • -1

                              @gto21: Hey, this is your language issue but to be clear I don't think all right-wings are white supremacists, racists or terrorists. You could apply the exact same argument to quack's statement which, from this thread, I know you are struggling with and performing some A-grade mental gymnastics. I also think that should have been sufficiently demonstrated with my follow-up questions yet you chose to follow through with your line of reasoning.

                              Sure, your "white supremacists, racists or terrorists" (your words, not mine) may upvote you for this, but honestly, you've demonstrated hypocrisy, an inability to change course and a lack of language skills.

                              • +1

                                @ihfree: I find it weird you place such great importance on upvotes and downvotes. Perhaps you feel disheartened when it appears that others disagree with you. It's worth noting that whenever you assumed I neg you, it was actually someone else.

                                • @gto21: Nah, this is more just a statement on the comments being upvoted. I don't think they're particularly good and are on just completely bizarre, ignorant or off-topic points. In this case, you've been upvoted for not understanding something.

                                  I don't really care about my personal comments - in fact, some of them have been written with the expectation of downvotes. I don't really care of keep track like some others.

        • Correct you are. It's amazing how belonging to an ideology blinds people. They're just so sure their way is the right way, they simply can't find any form of perspective.

      • +9

        people have to justify their need to bully, attack and intimidate. It's the new right wing strategy.

        I don't get it. All the bullying and intimidation seems to be coming from the left wing here.
        Why not choose to engage in meaningful debate? Instead of insulting and attacking the people whom you disagree with.

        If you want to insist that a trans-woman is a woman, please explain what you mean. It's OK, we are just disagreeing on semantics, not reality.
        But it would be nice to understand what you mean by "woman".

        • +3

          must be all the oestrogen flaring up their emotions.
          You’ll never get a straight definition because truth in the kryptonite to fluff ideologies.

    • +1

      Nothing if you know the rules of OzBargain.

    • +5

      hint hint there is no “allying” with woke garbage. most people are of a sane mind and know without definition is not how the real world works.

      • Might want to run that sentence through Grammarly. Idiocracy starts with a decline in education which is evident in many comments.

        • +4

          I feel like its my grammar, my truth. I have never been able to conform to societal expectations of grammar. 😂

          Sorry its hard to take someone with shaky basis of reality seriously.

        • +3

          His education likely grants him the ability to articulate a definition of a woman, unlike you.

        • +2

          Idiocracy starts with a decline in education which is evident in many comments.

          LOL, says the science denier who refuses to define what a woman is :)

  • +21

    I'm genuinely surprised that the ozbargain admins stood their ground. I was half expecting them to back down, delete the post and apologise.

    Give a few days and I promise the trans activists will find a new target/controversy to latch onto and the ozbargain controversy will be forgotten. Yesterday it was Harry Potter game bad, today ozbargain bad, tomorrow something else will be bad.

    Remember to never apologise. Apologies to leftist activists is like blood to piranhas.

    • +11

      OzB moderation, in my experience, has always let both sides of any issue simply duke it out - like it should be. Unlike other websites such as Reddit or pre-Musk Twitter who quite literally silence any non-approved views or wrongthink.

      Big respect for that.

      • +5

        Agree. People have had enough of the posturing coming from the morally righteous who intend to just silence any ideas they disagree with (left today). Common sense is starting to prevail, I can see the tide turning.

  • +5

    Whelp… We made it on a Google search based on this deal…


    • +9

      Just shows how crazy the pro censorship leftists are, to the point they will try and shame and compel a bargain website into not posting a link to a documentary. They will accept nothing but complete capitulation to their sick ideals of conform or be destroyed and support the destruction of free thought critical thinking.

      • +2

        I didn't even know Crickey still existed.

        You learn something new every day.

    • +6

      Here's the tweet about the article: https://twitter.com/crikey_news/status/1666305233591443456

      From the headline, it's clear the author didn't take the time to watch the doco and wants people to dismiss it from his slur.

      The documentary isn't transphobic. It's actually pro-women, and pro-human. It's worth a watch, whatever your worldview, media and political preferences.

      • -3

        haha. yes the daily wire are renowned for their inclusive pro-women, pro-human perspective.

        "the author didn't take the time to watch it"
        You need to eat a sh*t sandwich before seeing if you like the taste do you?

        culture wars garbage (no matter which viewpoint is taken) is not a bargain.

  • +1

    lolz at the redpilled culture warriors.

  • +4

    When we read Orwell's fiction of newspeak years ago we never thought it could actually happen. Surely not.
    Unfortunately however he was right human minds can be mass brainwashed with falsehoods becoming fact in the minds of many.
    To many clear thinking people anyone who thinks a man can be a woman or vice-versa is a lunatic or retarded, nevertheless they literally do.

    Some pushback is finally occurring in any case:
    Some of Nation’s Largest Pediatric Hospitals Will No Longer Offer Children Gender Modification

    • -2

      Some of Nation’s Largest Pediatric Hospitals Will No Longer Offer Children Gender Modification


      the epoch times

      Nothing like posting "news" from a cult as a source.

    • -3

      oh, you're "That guy" at the office.

      • +1

        We just call that being employed.

        Give it a try.

    • I think you got it backward. The spirit of Orwellian concept is a society in which those in power oppress the people. In this case, the "normal" majority dislike that some "retarded" people change their gender and are trying their best to take that freedom away.

      • You gain mote freedom as you age i.e. as your brain develops and you gain more cognitive function
        Children cannot drink alcohol, drive, vote, have sex or smoke.
        The same rule should apply to children <18yrs for puberty blockers & medical inteventions that can be permanent in their effects.

        If youre 18+ then it should be down to the indvidual but intefering with a childs natural biological development is just child abuse.

  • +2

    This forum has become a cesspit of whirlpool trolls.

  • Video still up. Again, this was never a deal. Even more so now.

    • but the haughty outrage of conservative culture warriors besieged by their own imaginations was lolz-worthy

      • +4

        as is the attacks and abuse from lefty child mutilators.

        • +1

          I'm sure the irony of that statement is lost on you

          • +1

            @ihfree: well, since I'm so stupid, explain, please

            • -2

              @quog: You're complaining about attacks and abuse while using attacks and abuse.

              • @ihfree: specifically refer to my attacks and abuse.

                happy to listen to you

              • +1

                @ihfree: You could replace all of your posts with:

                " so what you're saying is…. You hate women?!? "

                And they would still read the same.

    • +6

      Seems like a pretty ignorant comment to make considering the admin comment at the top of the page:

      After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

  • 800 upvote and 200 downvote,I dont even click the video…because as a man dont really care about the things that uninteresting for me

    • I suppose grammar is also on the long list of things you don't care about.

      • Yes,there's plenty things in life more important than grammar

  • +16

    It's good to see that dangerous gender ideology is on the way out before it infects Australian culture like it has in the UK and Canada.

    • +4

      its certainly not out like any other virus this ideologies won't die down so quickly.
      I think as long as this ideology keeps repeatedly getting exposed for being illogical, irrational and based on whimsical arbitrariness, people specially young ones would think twice before committing to it.

      This documentary is a great exposé covering all of the above.

  • +4

    well…there goes professional australian womens tennis

  • -4

    I disagree that "free" political and moralistic propaganda is an OzB deal or in the spirit of the site.

  • +4

    hopefully one day women will realize that feminism hurts women the most.

    • It hurts weak men the most as they feel robbed of the opportunity for what they consider a normal relationship.

      It's not even a secret and right wing pollies often talk about cuts to welfare to preserve families which is code for trapping women in abusive relationships.

    • How terribly 1950s of you.

      • +3

        Sure women of 50's were much happier and womanly and lived up to the expectations of their nature.

        • -3

          Women had to give up the happy life you describe and work etc because men weren't doing their part?

          • +6

            @Ughhh: Becoming another slave to the capitalism other than men, falling in love with the money they earn in order to survive and maybe feeling a little successful and independent, being obsessed with the false idea of not relying on men at all, and ending up with several cats and unhealthy mind, a broken, depressed, lonely soul.

            This is what feminism has been doing to the women.

            Do you really call this a happy life?

            • -2

              @baldur: But wow, have you thought about giving lectures around the world, telling women what they want is false. That they should be listening to you, because you clearly know what's best.

              Sounds like you're either projecting or having a hard time finding a lover. Sorry for whatever you happened to you.

              • +1

                @Ughhh: You have got nothing to say without personally attacking?

                I would like to hear your counter arguments if you have of course any.

                • -1

                  @baldur: Lmao you based your opinion on 2 women, who are not experiencing the same life as younger women these days. Omg.

                  Oh how about this. My grandmums, and my partners grandmums, my 5 aunties and 3 cousins disagree with you. More than good enough for your standards?

                  • +2

                    @Ughhh: Good luck with your cats. You dont deserve any sort of reasonable discussion.

                    • @baldur:

                      Good luck with your cats.

                      Lol, that's hilarious. The whole incel movement is much more closely related to the right wing. Feel free to have a read about it - Wikipedia might be a good starting point.

                      • +2

                        @ihfree: Everybody who doesnt think like you is an incel? Right. Call someone an incel so you can feel like you are the winner of the discussion. Lol

                        • @baldur: I never said that - this is a response to your statement on cats and the implications around it. Unlike you, I've provided some backing for my point.

                          It's funny you'd take such offence at a response that is basically the same as what you've said. Anything you'd like to share?

                    • @baldur:

                      Good luck with your cats

                      You making that assumption based on me disagreeing and challenging your spectacular "proof" of 2 grandmoms. Talk about mature discussion, ain't getting it from you.
                      Maybe you can share some more on what I want, clearly you know more than myself.

        • HTF could you know that?

          • +1

            @jackspratt: I asked my grandmoms.

            • @baldur: So to put that in context:

              Sure 2 women of 50's were much happier and womanly and lived up to the expectations of their nature.

              • +1

                @jackspratt: quite interesting you have data over the remaining 48. how many grandmoms do you have?

    • +11

      Feminism is the OG anti-family rock that has snowballed into the woke delusion that we are currently experiencing. Record divorce rates, unhappy women, loneliness epidemic and broken families at scale.

      There are good aspects to feminism but it was largely an overcorrection.

      Add to that nihilistic inclinations such as humans population toxic to the earth therefore dwindling population, hollow sense of virtue at scale of being a “dog/cat mum” rather than a biological mum and can see the downfall of western society in its infancy.

      Pretty ironic that at the end of all the decades long feminist struggles, the “cis” women are being called a bigot and TERF for not saying basically that a biological man can become a woman. Feminism has been hijacked!

      • +1

        well sad, sir. oh wait, I said sir, I must have been a sexist!!!!!!!

        • well sad, sir.

          It is pretty sad, isn't it.

          • +1

            @jackspratt: good luck with your cats.

          • +1

            @jackspratt: it boggles my mind that you call someone out for a typo yet put up with bullshit sounding pronouns like "ze/hir"or with a statement such as a biological man can never become a woman.

            Do you have switch to instantly turn off all rational thinking?

            • +1

              @dBagDealer: he or she is a typical keyboard warrior with no proper argument to put forward, instead prefers personal attacks, attempts to make fun of irrelevant details etc..

              typical loser woke crew.

              • +1

                @baldur: ha ha! This is still going.

                You've come here and made a few arguments with no backing - almost as if you expect it to just be common knowledge. I think you're likely romanticizing the 50s. Maybe longing for a life you feel you missed out on - 2.5 kids, an alcoholic wife, a house with a white picket fence, a homogenous society, etc, etc.

                With your two grandmoms which you've used to back one of your arguments, the "loser woke crew" have responded with the same quality of evidence. In turn, you've turned to personal attacks. Though, I'm 100% sure you're oblivious to your hypocrisy. (ps: smash that neg button)

                • +1

                  @ihfree: The person you are defending literally put no proper arguments but personal attacks over the entire so called discussion yet you criticize me for that reason, not that person?

                  Pretty sure that's the definition of hypocrisy.

                  • -1

                    @baldur: I gave you proof of over 4 grandmums, 5 aunties and 3 (female) cousins, that's more than your 2 grandmums, yet you reply back with an attack? Hello pot kettle.!

                    You've made 0 arguments.

              • +2

                @baldur: logic or proper argumentation is like pesticide to the weeds of the woke ideology. They are harmful to the main crop in the long term, useless and not deeply rooted but require many treatments to get under control.

                • +1

                  @dBagDealer: In hindsight, they are fascists, because they think their opinions are the only truth, there should be no other opinion. The world has bigger and more major problems, like poverty, wars, global climate, inflation rates, discrepancy in the distribution of wealth yet their biggest concern is that all the public toilets must be unisex. They arent even aware that they are brainwashed by the mainstream agenda that they should focus on secondary, minor issues of the societies..

                  • +2

                    @baldur: I do think this disease/degeneracy is a recent phenomena that has come about due to abundance of comfort similar to the degenerate tendencies that kings had inclinations to in the old times.
                    Interesting that Maasai people in the doco had no idea wtf this trans thing was because they had life and family to deal with as a matter of priority.
                    This behavior is also not prevalent anywhere outside of the western countries. Crossdressers sure exist elsewhere on the fringes of society but men are certainly not "celebrated" for simply donning a wig and a costume or acting silly.

                    Breakup of the institution of family via feminism, loneliness and no moral grounding in my opinion are factors conducive in creating the woke mind virus here in the west.

                    • @dBagDealer:

                      This behavior is also not prevalent anywhere outside of the western countries. Crossdressers sure exist elsewhere on the fringes of society but men are certainly not "celebrated" for simply donning a wig and a costume or acting silly.

                      Really - I guess you have never heard of Thailand then.

                      But then, Thai people overwhelmingly don't share the same stifling beliefs of the religious zealots in Western countries. Does that make them "diseased and degenerate"?

                      • @jackspratt: A place renowned for child prostitution and debauchery, really?

                        Like I said, they do exist but in Thailand they are always known as kathoeys or ladyboys, not women and they certainly aren’t “celebrated”. Unfortunately for you this delusion has to be left at the airport when entering Thailand.

                        • @dBagDealer: Unfortunately for you I have lived in Thailand for a number of years, and actually know what the situation is.

                          But you are sort of correct on one point - they aren't "celebrated", just treated like normal people.

                          I'm sure you will struggle to get your head around that.

                          • @jackspratt:

                            Unfortunately for you I have lived in Thailand

                            I couldn’t care less mate and your subjective experience precisely adds zero weight to your argument.

                            just treated like normal people.

                            Except you won’t see ladyboys wanting to change in female locker rooms or hell bent on performing sexualised “drag” in-front of children. The definition of a woman is still intact there because woke garbage is recognised to be too alien in their culture.

                            • +1

                              @dBagDealer: Your bigotry and zealotry overwhelms you.

                              You really have no concept of what happens here. But tell us again about behaviour that doesn't happen anywhere other than Western countries.😄

                              • @jackspratt:

                                Your bigotry and zealotry

                                yadda yadda lefty buzzwords. hope you realise that you are also a zealot of the alphabet woke god, making a long pilgrimmage to your holy place - Thailand.

                                No one cares if you want to play dress up, just don't get the rest of the population to change basic definitions or try to warp reality of womanhood/manhood and STAY AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN.

            • +1


              it boggles my mind that you call someone out for a typo yet put up with bullshit sounding pronouns like "ze/hir"or with a statement such as a biological man can never become a woman.

              Your mind must be easily boggled.

              Perhaps you could withdraw your dopey statement after you discover that I have "put up" with neither.

              • +1

                @jackspratt: so you are not just a troll and agree with the definition of a woman in the documentary?

                • @dBagDealer: I may, or may not, agree with the definition in the documentary if I had even a scintilla of interest in watching it.

                  You seem to have far more emotional investment in this subject and thread than do I, so I am happy to leave it to you.

                  • +2


                    I may, or may not, agree with the definition in the documentary if I had even a scintilla of interest in watching it.

                    certainly more invested than random trolling. I suggest a far better use of your time is watching the documentary and forming an opinion because thats the whole point of this thread.

                    • @dBagDealer: I suggest you stay the course with your own emotionally invested opinions, and stop trying to assume what mine may be.

                      Fair enough?

                  • @jackspratt:

                    I may, or may not, agree with the definition in the documentary if I had even a scintilla of interest in watching it.

                    lol, man and here you are arguing about it?? Just watch it already ffs

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