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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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    • +3

      You're a bit late at this stage, but congratulations on what may be the most inane post on the entire thread.

      • +11

        Asking people to think deep before deciding to chemically castrate themselves or chop their bits off does sound insane on second thought.

        A completely sane take is recommending people do irreversible damage to their bodies on a whim.

        I’d say most people have been doing a great job thinking and watching the doco despite snowflake complaints but thanks for your opinion.

        • +6

          thinking and watching the doco

          Lol, this documentary is basically made for a certain audience. It's not for thinking, it just reaffirms what most of the audience already think.

          Walsh starts out with a conclusion and finds evidence to back it. As I said after I watched it, it's not a great watch regardless of your point of view. There is much better content out there if you want to learn about the issue (I'm not talking about people in bondage attire, btw).

          • +8

            @ihfree: A person only needs to read through a few pages of comments to see that conclusions from the documentary are absolutely bang on and that Australia is not safe from the woke mind virus.
            I’d also rather get educated by someone with their rationality intact enough to attempt to define things first as opposed to coming up with arbitrary whatabouts and exceptionalism gobbledygook.

            That type of education at best can lead to a circus or a bondage setting but it will certainly fail in the real world.

          • +7

            @ihfree: It begins with the concept of reality. As an illustration, let's consider a situation where a woman claim to be a wolf. Some people may desire our acceptance of her belief in being a wolf. By encouraging her delusion, you are supporting her descent into madness.

          • -1

            @ihfree: You clearly didn't watch it.

        • Oh dear!

          Please consult your dictionary.

          • +4

            @jackspratt: The more inclusive term is wokationary. You’re welcome.

            • @dBagDealer: Thanks.

              I checked my dictionary for "wokationary" and it came up with the definition "a manufactured word arising from the inane mind of a reactionary culture warrior".

              • +1

                @jackspratt: mate here is an example one such pronoun wokationary

                Below are a few examples of manufactured words.

                SHE HER HER HERS HERSELF
                HE HIM HIS HIS HIMSELF
                zie zim zir zis zieself
                sie sie hir hirs hirself
                ey em eir eirs eirself
                ve ver vis vers verself
                tey ter tem ters terself
                e em eir eirs emself

                Admittedly I am very low on the nutjob totempole when it comes to making words up.

            • +1

              @dBagDealer: What is a "wokationary"? Lol, you can't even spell your made up words correctly.

              When did this become a conversation about fried rice? You probably don't even own a decent wok. Haiyaa.

              • +2

                @ihfree: can't even spell your made up words? 😳

                • @gto21: How do you think a portmanteau of woke and dictionary would be spelt?

              • +2

                @ihfree: Oh the irony…I feel like they are the right spelling for me therefore I must be right. The question What is a "<insert anything>" is not within your purview because of subjectivism and arbitrary whataboutism issues. These cannot let you define anything otherwise we would not be having this back and forth.

                • +1

                  @dBagDealer: You really have a problem taking responsibility for your actions - posting pics of people in bondage attire while complaining about sexual deviancy, and now this. Not taking responsibility for your actions and the constant deflection are actions of a beta.

    • +2

      I am a logical thinker. I don't subscribe to religions or belief systems. I am not into nimby affectations. I would define myself as a very well adjusted human but I had one huge problem for most of my life. I wasn't in the right body.

      I can tell you from personal experience that it does affect your every waking minute. You can't remove yourself from the flesh prison, it is essentially the equivalent of being in permanent solitary confinement and no hope of ever seeing the sun.

      What was the fix? Surgeries and hormones. My mind is clear and now I can see the sun and the stars instead of walls. For young trans kids, getting early treatment can save a lifetime of pain and repercussions from the effects of puberty.

      Its a real shame so many people have to put their uninformed point across without almost any understanding of the topic except their social media education.

      • +4

        If a woman identifies as a wolf, does that make her a wolf?

        • Does not matter if it makes her a wolf or not, she should be allowed to be one as long as others are not harmed (eg the wolf don't bite other people, don't steal and eat other's chicken, etc).

      • +14

        Let the kids be kids. They can discuss it with their parents or, when they come of age, they can decide for themselves. Stay away from the kids.

        • +10

          Correct. Kids have enough learning to do, they do not need this introduced into their brains. It's child abuse, anything introduced in schools that is either political or sexual (other than biological of nature). It's not for school.
          If progressives have a problem with society and how it views them or their choices they'll need to learn how to deal with it. We're teaching society to care too much about what other's think. Going backwards. This idea progressives have of demanding people address them by a certain name or pronoun, it's crazy not to mention egotistical. More focus on self worth and individual responsibility is the solution. Adults can be whoever they like provided it doesn't upset others, but they too need to learn that expecting 100% of society to agree and accept you is the height of arrogance. Be who you want to be but get over yourself.

      • +3

        I don't subscribe to religions or belief systems

        you certainly did. you believed in what you felt and obeyed the command.
        Now that you have I assume "transitioned", no hate.

        I am a logical thinker

        The question is, do you think now you are equivalent to someone with biologically opposite sex. i.e. if you were a man before then a woman now or vice versa.
        This is the main point of contention in this documentary.
        I hope I have not come across being hateful to yourself personally. I do not agree with the underlying ideology and the fact that the physical damage done is irreversible. I know transgender proclivity has existed on the fringes of society and I think it belongs there much like other physical urges that have to do with sex.

      • +8

        Kids shouldn't be making huge permanent decisions that have life long effects.

      • For young trans kids

        There is no such thing as young trans kids, just children having mental illness projected on them, or being sexually groomed/abused.

        If an 8 year old is having open discussions about their sexuality, it's an enormous red flag that they are being sexually abused, or the victim of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy & the matter should be investigated as such.

        Child mutilation is a crime and those committing it should spend the rest of their lives in prison.

  • -1

    Newly Released Movie: The Great Awakening

    Free access.

    Narrated by a Bernie Sanders Supporter.

    Very interesting. Well worth the time.

    Everyone needs to come together. There should be no sides at this point.


  • +1

    I love lamp!

    • +1

      Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying that because you saw it?

    • +3

      What is a lamp?

    • Do you have my squirrel?

  • -1

    This is still up? I thought it was free for 24 hours (extended to the weekend for the US)

    Well its Monday folks - this is no deal if it was fake 'free'.

    • +2

      Yeh, misleading.

      • +1

        yeah, like ANthony ALbonese and all his promises

      • +2

        Still works for me. so yeh still up

  • +12

    175.3M views of the video.

    • +1

      It's now the most watched documentary of the decade.

  • +8

    Former Teammate Of Lia Thomas Unveils Herself. Matt Walsh sits down with the former swimmer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRUjW3Vvyws

    • +2

      ….i dont know if ozbargain can handle anymore rwnj nazi-adjacent propaganda perpetuating the trans-genocide Matt Walsh!!!

  • -2

    clearly not a deal - just a promo stunt to get people to engage with a hateful and out of touch message. it worked, well done, hope you feel strong!

  • +3

    This is dumb

    • Nah u should be banned from using voting if ur too lazy to give a good reason

  • +10

    This video stumbled into my youtube feed today and I thought it's a particularly relevant video for this thread and other topics some people find 'offensive'.

    Rowan Atkinson on free speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUezfuy8Qpc

    "The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech"

    • +1

      we must be on the same algorithm…me too

  • +16

    I thought I'd watch this for 10 minutes and turn it off. Nope. Watched the entire thing. Very interesting.

    • +14

      It truly was gripping! And funny how no lgbtq+ advocate can answer what a woman is. One thing I learned is to keep children away from this propaganda. I feel for people who think they are in the wrong body but what is happening now in their name is nothing but propaganda.

      • +7

        Agreed. We've got a small faction of society with extreme views and far too much 'pull' today. Not dissimilar to the Catholic Church some time ago, they felt the need to take moral high ground and project, now the other side have taken that mantle.
        Children need only to learn fundamentals in school, anything remotely political needs to remain OUT.

        • +5

          Couldn't agree more with this. Pushing religion and political/social propaganda needs to be absolutely quashed from schools.

        • +1

          It's interesting that it's a fairly recent and predominantly western movement.

          I'm not trivialising it. Gender dysphoria is a real thing, and I'm sure there are a number of people whose lives are wrecked because of it. But it's interesting that it's only come up in the last 20 or 30 years or so but you don't hear much of it coming from Asia, the Middle East or Africa. I've been around a while now, and you wouldn't have heard this in the 70's or 80's. You'd get an inkling of it in the 90's, and then it began ramping up in the 2000's.

          It's just very interesting. And yes, we should respect people and their beliefs, but sometimes I wonder what would happen when young guys in their 20's start dating and decide to have a family… how do you bring up the subject of, "Hey… so are you cis female?"

          Again, no hate. No judgement. Everyone needs to be treated with love and respect, but it's a prickly subject.

          I have spoken. I'm ready for the downvotes. This is the way.

          • @BadGiraffe: Based on your comment, you've actually had a think about what you've seen. Your comment is a decent starting point for more conversation.

            I don't know why anyone would neg you over it.

            • +1

              @ihfree: 1 so far. Because people take things differently. Take those interviews for example. I can see why some of those interviewed feel attacked. One simple question… "What is a woman?"… was taken in so many different ways.

              I'm not confrontational, so having a one-sided conversation won't work with me. I'll just agree and slowly walk away. I've had discussions around this with family. They shut the conversation down straight away. "This is ridiculous. I'm not going to change someone's pronouns, etc."

              But we really can't ignore this. It's here to stay, and us "dinosaurs", as that doctor calls us, need help navigating this social and political minefield.

          • +2

            @BadGiraffe: actually its pretty easy. the transitioned female has to insert a dilator to stop the wound closing until they die.

            • @quog: Wow. Yeah, I can see why some would choose to not have surgery. Plus it's expensive, I bet. If I was in their shoes, I'd probably say no to surgery as well.

          • +5

            @BadGiraffe: I was only very young in the 80s but wasn't there a whole cultural 'gender bender' movement? I'm sure some didn't appreciate it but media wise the likes of Boy George and others were very successful.
            Seems to me the difference today is that you've got a political movement pushing it in everyone's faces, telling everyone you MUST accept and appreciate us or you're no good (in the form of an insult). It's sheer arrogance. Most people really don't care, they just don't want it forced into their lives through their children via schooling.
            People really need to learn and teach others to be happy with themselves and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks. This is where I feel we've gone backwards as a society within the progressive social movement.

          • +2


            But it's interesting that it's only come up in the last 20 or 30 years or so but you don't hear much of it coming from Asia, the Middle East or Africa.

            It's mostly medical malpractice.


            A person can be 'diagnosed' with gender dysphoria and approved for testicle removal after only a 22 minute video interview…

      • +1

        It's front-and-center at childcares/kinders

  • +1

    If it doesn't have a prostate, I'm into it.

    • and human???

    • +2

      so you're aiming for prostate cancer survivors?

  • +1

    What brilliant brand-building for this bloke. Be sure to like and subscribe.

  • -6

    What's the deal here, I mean what's the saving $$?

    Thought this was Ozbargain, a site to hunt down deals and bargains? I don't want this site politicized with a bunch of divisionary BS.

    Who's the "they" in "they don't want you to see"?

    Not cool.

    • +3

      Usually the documentary costs money to watch so there is a bargain in the sense that it's free.

    • didn't read the mods notes?

  • +4

    27 pages deep and we still can't agree that if you aren't born with balls, then you are a female.


      • +7

        Anorchia (also called anorchidism or anorchism) is a DISORDER of sex development…

        • -8

          Yeah? well, that's why you need to stop trying to be smart and stick to the established definitions.

          • +7

            @ihfree: Some individuals in this discussion seem to downplay the significance of the issue at hand, suggesting that only 1% regret transitioning. They argue that we should focus on more pressing matters instead.

            When it comes to definition, other individuals with left-leaning perspectives deviate from norms by highlighting rare disorders that affect a very small fraction of people.

            This seems to indicate that these left-leaning individuals selectively choose when to acknowledge and prioritize minorities based on their convenience.

            On a related note, I have discovered that using the statistic of 1% regretting transitioning might be outdated.

            • +2

              @gto21: like I said before its idiocracy at play.I mean how hard is it to understand that a few exceptions DO NOT change the definition or make the rule. They are sometimes also known as outliers and they exist everywhere. You do not get to a sound conclusion unless you discount the outliers.

              • -3

                @dBagDealer: Idiocracy is coming up with these new definitions and statements when there are clear and existing ones that don't have the ambiguity especially if you're talking about one rooted in biology.

                Pretty much every attempt at it is a fail. Pregnant? Nope, there's menopause. No prostate? That's just weird. Forgot which species? Australia had more sheep than NZ. Humans - Can walk on two legs? Cats can walk on two legs, amputees, spinal injuries, etc

                You're only supporting these trash definitions and statements because these people share your point of view. They are completely ridiculous.

  • +2

    So folks, what is a woman? Language changes, and I'm ok with that.
    Matt gives the old fashioned definition: an adult female (by sex) human.

    I would have expected that people will have trouble agreeing on a new definition that includes transgender women. But according to the movie, they supposedly can't even come up with a single proper definition, just circular answers.

    Can anyone answer the question?
    When a person identifies as a woman, what exactly does women mean in that context, if not a biological female?

    • At the end of the day it shouldn't matter. Adults, yes ADULTS can call themselves whatever they like, what they don't get to do is expect everyone else to comply with their chosen pronouns, gender, etc. My question is, why do they care what people think? I'm sure they don't agree with many other people on a range of personal decisions in life. Let's all just grow up, become content with worry about ourselves not others.

    • I'm a cis male, but I'm going to try.

      When it comes to gender and sex, "woman" can have multiple meanings… and that's okay.

      While in utero, someone's sex is identified as female. When born, this person's sex can also be identified as female. This person grows into adulthood, identifying her gender as female. She is a biological adult female who identifies as a woman. She is a woman.

      While in utero, someone else's sex is identified as male. When born, this person's sex is also identified as male. This person grows into adulthood, identifying her gender as female. She is a biological male who identifies as a woman. She is also a woman.

      I'm sure this is nuanced and there are many different ways of defining a "woman". But I'm guessing a biological male will not and cannot identify as a biological female. I imagine their own bodies will remind them every day. I imagine they know they're not a biological, cis female, but they feel in every ounce in their body that they are and want to be treated as such.

      And I think that is what gets people mad.

      It's interesting though. When it comes to asking "What's a man?", you'd think it's as simple as flipping the definitions around… but somehow it feels like defining a woman gets people fired up while there isn't much outrage over defining a man.

      • +1

        When born, this person's sex can also be identified as female. She is a woman.

        She is a biological male who identifies as a woman. She is also a woman.

        This maybe your first time defining things because your definition means both born males and females can fall under the definition of a woman but what is that? expanding your definition born males that identify as men can also be women.

        • Again, you're right. I'm just a regular Joe who has no experience in defining things…

          So in my mind, a woman is a an adult, female person. But "female" has two meanings… Sex and gender.

          I think a biological male (sex) who identifies as a female (gender) = an adult female person.


          I also think a biological female (sex) who identifies as a female (gender) = an adult female person.

          So… In my mind… A woman is an adult person who identifies as female (gender), regardless of their biological sex.

          The next question is… What does it mean to be gendered female… And that is something I don't have an answer for.

          • +1

            @BadGiraffe: What about a woman who identify as a wolf?

            When you say regardless of biological sex. It sounds like if we ignore the science then he is a woman. If we ignore reality.

            • @gto21: That's exactly what that person in the video said she was.

              If she needs medical attention, she won't go to a vet. She'll go to a doctor.

              So how far does one go to respect a person's beliefs? Where is that line? Does the line move? I have no answer. I have an opinion which I'll keep to myself, but I have no answer.

          • @BadGiraffe:

            a woman is a an adult, female person.

            Bang on

            I think a biological male (sex) who identifies as a female (gender) woman = woman.

            Fixed it for you because the definition stops before “AND”. so they really think they are an adult female person, they are not actually one because they are not a biological female.

            What does it mean to be gendered female
            because there is no such thing.

          • +3

            @BadGiraffe: Gender is a synonym for sex, so this is a false distinction.

            A male can identify as a female, but he can not be a female.

            • @trapper: I'm going by what the doctor said in the video. The only one that seems to know what she's talking about. I'll edit this later to add her name in.

              From memory, she says sex and gender are different. But I'm sure there's more to it than that.

              • +4

                @BadGiraffe: Being something and identifying as something are two different things.

                The word "woman" refers to an adult human female, not an adult human identifying as female.

                • @trapper: I have no doubt that when they come across someone's bones 200 years from now, they're going to say, "Oh, yes. These are the bones of a woman."

                  Can't deny the science. But the question that's being raised is not just a question of science, but a social and political, maybe psychological one.

                  And from those perspectives, the answer to "What is a woman?" varies. And that's why it's a very thought provoking exercise.

                  But I understand that the reality of this is that this is not just an exercise, but something that has real world ramifications.

                  • +1

                    @BadGiraffe: How do social, political, and psychological factors change the definition of a woman? I mean, in general.

                    • +1

                      @gto21: Depends on the person, I guess. To the person who is biologically male but identifies as a woman, they and like-minded individuals will define her as a woman. Someone else in the same room will say, no, you were born male, so therefore you are male and cannot change that.

                      So like what this Matt Walsh guy says… "What's the truth?" To those people in the room, they will all say that what they believe is the truth…. because they have varying definitions.

                      Which was the point of the video. That the definition of a woman changes from person to person.

                      All I know is, I have friends who work with trans women. They feel uncomfortable when they're in the toilet and the person in the cubicle next to them is clearly standing to pee.

                      At the same time, I have worked with a trans woman and didn't think twice about it. She was a friend who liked the same shows I liked. That was it.

                      If some one came up to and said, "No. She's a dude." I'd like to think I'd say, "She's a woman. Not a cis woman, but a trans woman."

                      • +1


                        "What's the truth?" To those people in the room, they will all say that what they believe is the truth…. because they have varying definitions.

                        So all truth is relative? Anyone can say anything and they aren't wrong or mistaken because it's their truth?

                        • @ozhunter: Maybe? I'm just basing my thoughts on this one video which asks the exact same question. Maybe there's a line for different situations. Like that person who identifies as a wolf for example. There has to be a line drawn when it comes to medical assistance perhaps. They'll need a doctor, not a vet.

                          One can have a positive opinion on person X using different pronouns and a negative one for that same person X participating in women's sports. Another person could maybe have a negative opinion on both.

                          There are already bills and laws being passed in the US that have have split the opinions of people because of their relative truths. Who is right? I don't think this is something everyone will unanimously agree on. But lines are being drawn, and they will always have one side that opposes it.

                          • +1

                            @BadGiraffe: If we fail to establish clear boundaries at this point, the situation will not improve. Certain individuals are asserting their identity as wolves, dogs, and cats. Furthermore, there are disturbing assertions being made by some that rape and pedophilia are natural phenomena.

                            It is crucial to recognize that the same arguments employed to justify identification as a woman can potentially be utilized to identify as an animal. If we agree for one but not the other, It would reflect an inconsistency in the reasoning. Inconsistency is a sign of a failed argument.

                      • +1

                        @BadGiraffe: Conversely, if someone were to approach me and insist that I am a woman, I would question the sanity of that individual. In such a situation, the intervention of a friend to clarify my gender would likely be unnecessary, as the majority of people would view the person making such claims as either joking, mentally unstable, or attempting to insult me.

                        The mere need to clarify the gender of your friend indicates an underlying issue or discrepancy.

              • +1
                • +1

                  @gto21: weird would be the hair, the body language and the creepy smile. What she is saying warrants her admission into a psych ward.

                • @gto21: Not that one. The one with the diplomas and certificates one the wall.

              • +6


                I'm going by what the doctor said in the video.

                If you take your child to a doctor, and that doctor has blue or green hair, get the hell out of there as fast as you can.

    • +4

      The documentary presented its case not by appealing to Jesus, but by relying on the foundations of science and logic.

        • +3

          What argument he used is rooted/influenced by religious belief in the documentary?

            • @mcneil: So how did you watch and listen to it?

              As formbeing dumb, well let others make that choice.

        • When you import it, you eventually become it. Think about it.

  • +5

    Looks like the positive votes far outweigh the negative votes. I wonder what this indicates.

    • +3

      People like free $hit?

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