Hi OzBargainers! This is a hot topic at the moment and it's hard to ignore. Whilst on one hand I see people spending money on literally everything (houses, holidays, shopping) like there's no tomorrow, on the other hand media has been making the interest rate hikes a big deal (even though RBA seems to have been much less aggressive/ decisive than the other central banks) and then there's news about layoffs (at a very small scale yet) and softening job markets. As if this isn't perplexing enough, my every visit to a shopping centre or a mall gives me a bigger shock about the price increases - 30% price hike in 3 years sounds 'mild' now when some products have almost 60%-70% higher prices and yet I don't see people at large complaining about it (or rent increases for that matter).
Things are no different on the housing front. Some economists predict price rises in the near future whilst others predict a fall. People are still very optimistic about price trajectory and don't seem to hesitate to take $1m-$2m loans even at 6% interest rate, demonstrating that a huge population, at least in the major cities, still has an ability to repay $8,000-$10,000/ month towards the home loan despite such a sharp increase in overall cost of living.
I was wondering if there is a huge number of people who have started feeling the pain (though it doesn't look like if you visit any stores) OR not yet. Whilst obviously no one has a crystal ball, it will be insightful to hear thoughts of savvy OzBargainers on the current state (and direction) of economy, inflation, property market, etc. Feel free to share your ground-level observations as well, if any. Media can be biased so a neutral voice can be often more interesting. Thanks!
P.S.: Added a poll later so there are only a few responses. Your vote is welcome!
I also find the travel situation very hard to understand. Everything is cripplingly expensive yet everything is fully booked all the time. It reeks of profit taking, airlines and hotels and everyone else artificially limiting supply to make money from people who pay more than they used to in smaller numbers. Something definitely seems off about it.