Conformist » user profile

Member Since | 20/03/2023 |
Last Seen | 30/10/2024 |
Recent Activities

I'm not biting. Bye.

No it's just when I have these discussions I'm looking to learn something from the other person about a specific topic by opposing their…

I gave you content as you asked, you go look through it. I'm not going to spoon feed you like some five year old. I don't do the same for…

That's because you have to have some shock jock being a literalist for you to see an obvious slant. I can't teach you to read in between…

I've given several premises that I can show you they aren't. Including the paul Keating interview where the interviewer wasn't was posing…

Yes it was framed in a very specific way however if you look at other federal reserves they are still very careful with their words, it was…

Next time I'll go to a bank and ask for a loan I'll ask them for 'free stuff'... What nonsense. The money is created by the federal reserve…

It's a loan. Not free money. If you don't know the difference do a basic diploma in finance. Frankly if you haven't majored in economics or…

Conformist commented on Deliberate car damage
Revenge is not a good idea. Im surprised everyone is recommending it when it sounds you financially can't deal with any further, and also…

Okay you're just a troll. Got it.

You clearly didn't notice his counter sarcasm.

If you can't fix supply in the short term you use demand instead. And who's to say it isn't a demand problem? We consume more as a society…

Because the free market doesn't care about a inflationary price wage spiral or a deflationary spiral. An independent entity is needed for…

You seem to know a lot on the topic. Fill me on this one, does the term neutral make any sense? Surely funds rate impact is dictated by the…

Saying likely for a 2 year forecast is stupid, no one can predict that far into the future with accuracy for inflation especially with the…

You made the claim ABC is left. Onus is on you to prove it. I've given several premises that I can show you they aren't. Including the paul…


Ad hominem again, also not a very unique one, seen that one on way too many YouTube comments. The fact is you can't even give 15 words for…

Thought you didn't have any points. And I guessed right. Ad hominem.

You're not really substantiating anything I countered with. It's waffle. We're talking political systems, not who's running for this…

Again I'm not sure what you mean by run out of peoples money. The money doesn't disappear. And the government net debt was only 18%…

Inflation is a monetary policy issue not a fiscal policy issue. Has nothing to do with politics, a government can print regardless of…

Give me 5 policies the ABC pushed that were left during the Scott Morrison government. If you can't read in between the lines during news…

You mean disguised Bill Hicks

That's some illuminati style thinking brother. Keep up with connecting more dots, we may be onto something haha

There are many co-operatives in Australia, especially in the dairy and meat industry. But in general, no, there aren't many in comparison…

This is a lot of cherry picking. I can compare a lot of countries that are capalist in south America and worse off than Cuba. I can do the…

That is not a bail out. It's cash being injected by the federal reserve for liquidity. That money is not owned by the bank. Lending someone…

I'm not sure how you're claiming we are becoming more communist when Medicare is being butchered in funding and so is education and unions…

They didn't bail the banks though. The shareholders weren't bailed out. The deposit holders were.