Inateck Electronics Organizer (New Model) $33.99 (OOS)
InateckOnlineAU have got a 15% off coupon you can apply to their already pretty decent prices. The price only appears when you go to checkout. These organisers are selling for USD $32.99 and USD $29.99 for the new and old models respectively on their own website, while Macfixit is selling the old model for $89.99. The old model looks a lot like the Peak Design Tech Pouch. The newer one, less so, but I do think the newer model looks better. Hopefully the newer one is better in other ways too.
Here is a youtube video of someone going through the new version.
Just a warning, it is pretty long and he did get the product from them but you can still skip through and see what it looks like inside.
Edit: Sorry the new model is OOS. I have changed the main link to the old model for now.
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