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LEGO Carry On & Backpack Set $139.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required)


I had been eyed for the LEGO suitcase deal from Costco for awhile since everywhere else is only selling single suitcase without backpack for $200plus.

Received an email notification all colors had been back in stock. Ordered one for myself, enjoy guys.

Edited: All sold out guys online, but still quite a few at local costco stock with lower price. see comment section Mod Edit: Available online again.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    A Lego set of Luggage? Wow. Dorky but wonders never cease indeed. 😲

    • +16

      Probably gonna blow your mind then by pointing out that LEGO in the USA, starting with its introduction there in 1961, didn't have the LEGO Company in charge, but it was literally "LEGO by Samsonite", with their own sets and all, brick manufacturing and all. Specialty pieces were imported from Denmark, but the whole operation was pretty much run by Samsonite. Until 1972.

      • That's crazy bro

    • +7


    • +9

      Guy who spends his time on internet forums calls other people dorky wowee

  • +13

    but does the backpack click onto the carry on?

    • +13

      Missed opportunity if no

      • Sadly no, just regular bag on the backside.

        • makes sad noises

      • Would hurt the capacity badly though if it does.

        • +5

          Fashion doesn’t need to make sense

          • +1

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: If Balenciaga can use packing tape as a bracelet and call it fashion, then a backpack clipping on Lego style is also fashion.

    • That was my first thought when seeing it! 8-)

    • This!

  • Can it connect to regular LEGO?

    • +5

      With enough 3d printed adapter parts, anything is possible

  • +4

    I don't mind the backpack with added knob/knub pocket functionality, but the knubs on the suitcase will just get in the way.

    Might be a good hiding space for those 2 day trips to vietnam?

    • +2

      My knub quite often gets into mischief when I’m in Vietnam.

  • +3

    Those studs on the suitcase will be crushed after one trip

    • obviously never stood on lego.

  • +13

    3.7 kg for a carry on suitcase, that's half of your allowance gone.

    • +2

      2.76kg for the single suitcase, the backpack is about 900g. I think the average carry on suitcase weight about 2.5kg if looking for ultra light below 2kg then this is not the product

      • +2

        Oh, that's the weight of the whole set, okay. It's not that clear on the Costco website.

      • Regardless carry on rules (seldom or never applied) say the carry on weight limit includes other little bags you carry on too.

        • +18

          Jetstar has entered the chat.

          • +1

            @ronnknee: Every Australian airline is a PITA. I get that nobody wants everyone else to go over the allowance and then there's not space for your bag. But getting a real hard on to the millimetre is a terrible stance for an airline to take.

        • I will hide the backpack under my jacket

          • +1

            @boatie-au: yes attempting to hide things such as by strapping them around your waist when going through airport security and boarding an aircraft is always a good idea …… what could go wrong !? :-/

            • @MrFrugalSpend: You don't have to hide bags going through security, they don't care about carry on allowance.

              Just check-in and boarding gate care about bag amount/weight.

            • @MrFrugalSpend: no one would accuse a person with lego suitcase set on right?

          • @boatie-au: Is that a special jacket to conceal backpack?

  • +1

    ooh this looks fun to have. cheap too for what it is

  • +5

    Baggage handlers have been raving about this. Wonderful things are being built behind the luggage convayer belts at airports.

    • I like the idea of this, however sadly this particular one is carry on size/spec so I doubt to many people are checking them

  • has anyone seen this in store and know how much it is?

  • +2

    Bought the backpack at Donki, Japan for my little boy for around $70 afair. This is a good price tbh.

  • +3

    Looks cool but they don't seem very practical.

    • +2

      the backpack is okay for daycare/preschool lol.

      • +2

        Doh! Was about to use it for work as a Barrister.

    • Saw these recently in Singapore and although do look great/cute in eprson, the design leads to alot of wasted storage space in a time where required luggage space = $$$

  • I saw a youtube review of these.

    Not very big.

  • Lego fans can’t say no to this. The problem is, what colour?

    • Buy 3.

      • Thought about it but only able to add one to cart.

  • Product Weight
    Product: 3.68 kg

  • +2

    these must be for kids as the carry on is much smaller than the carry on limit

    might look ok but not very practical

    • lego death star is $2k, and you have to build it.
      i think practicality was gone a long time ago, lol

      • that's lego kinda like Diamonds hey haha … this has practical use but small

  • Thanks, got one, hope the suit case lasts, dont really care for the backpack.

    • +1

      its a carry on, it will last as its not chucked in the cargo bay

      • it'll last in the plane and airport but once you have shit roads outside the wheels would go first

  • Cool suitcase = target for thieves.

  • Does it hurt if I step on it?

  • +3
  • Too heavy and you waste a ton of valuable space with those nubs that serve no purpose.

  • +1

    From what I remember of the price of just the backpack at Legoland Malaysia this is a pretty good price for a combo.

  • Four of them will be stuck together when they come down the luggage chute. :)

  • -1

    Asking for a friend, will they check the inside of those stud at the customs?
    Like if they can get away with..ummm..some milk powder packed in there..?

    • Next! On Border Patrol….

  • Been out of stock for a while so jumped into the boxing dsy deal from the Lego retail store when they had this without the backback for $150.
    Certainly, this is a better deal.

  • Looks like both red n blue are out of stock.

    • And yellow

  • Bummer looks like all OOS now

    • Damn that was fast, missed out on all the colours :(

  • Was at Costco and saw this on a pallet. $129 :))

    • Which Costco?

  • Auburn NSW, probably 8 left when i bought it around 6pm. i took the last red, no more blues, just yellow.

    • Still quite a few left at Marsden Park. All colours.

  • still available in store and cheaper. $129. i think there was red, blue, or yellow available. they are actually pretty nice. my kids are older now, but if they were younger i would have definitely bought this.

    • mind share which costco store?

  • lots at Coomera today, all colours. They are cute, but seem slightly large for carry on?
    Nope, I checked, exactly Jetstar carry on limits, all good!

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