This was posted 2 years 1 month ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Blu-ray) $7.20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Amazon AU

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  • I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.

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T2 Judgement Day

The Blu-ray is on sale for $7.20, second lowest price ever since Judgement Day (August 29, 1997) according to CCC

Edit: this deal has been terminated

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle

    You forgot to say please

    • +16

      I can't let you take the man's wheels, son..Now, get off before I put you down.

    • +2

      Nah our battery tech is a long way off.

      • +1

        Lol, I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle……… but first where is the power point.

    • +2

      A dire warning of not investing in his movies. And if you ever get offered 10% of the box office of a Cameron film, you damn well take it.

    • Have you not seen the Terminator movies he didn't direct?

  • -5
  • +6

    I have this in Blu-ray 3D so check mate all of oz-bargain :P Depth is amazing

    • 3D was a gimmick.

      • +2

        Maybe if you have bad eyes "so sucks to be you" or it was badly converted.. its not a gimmick its another field of depth , like any animation in 3d is amazing cause the coversion is perfect e.g finding nemo its like you're in the sea

        • Cost of goggles is insane though. My PJ has the feature, but every time I have too many vodkas & think about pulling the trigger… my ring puckers.

          • @Ulysses31: Ohh googles? nah i recommend Passive 3d from an Lg 3k OLED C6 its the best there is/was ;-; theres no googles or shutters like active and the glasses are really cheap online though im struggling to find the larger ones that my guests like that can also fit over glasses "most on ali-express are now all changed into old red/cyan type"

            but i've heard projectors with active 3d is also amazing but those do use shutters

            or if you are talking about VR? nah that makes me sick, expensive and while its immerse yes but its disorientating

            • +1

              @Blue-Bird: Have you tried the clip on 3D glasses, they are great if you have prescription glasses.

              • @ikey2: I love me 3D movies. Got heaps of collections, discs and whatever forms.

            • +1

              @Blue-Bird: I had an optoma 3d projector and used SainSonic Zebra 144Hz 3D DLP Glasses. Image quality was better than the cinemas but a tad darker

              My upgrade to 4k was more of a downgrade vs my 3d cinema.

            • +1

              @Blue-Bird: From what I was reading, 'active' cost a bomb for good reason… passive is no good.

  • +42

    One of the best flicks ever made.

    • +11

      Hollywood is not as good these days.

    • +29

      Agreed. One of those rare times the sequel could be considered better than the first movie.

      • +8

        Definitely better.

        • -2

          Definitely not definitely better.

          • -1

            @Charlie Dont Surf: insert subjective opinion here

            But seriously, it was definitely better.

            • +2

              @magic8ballgag: I love both films equally and can't easily split them. They're different style of films. That's what I meant by my comment.

              • +2

                @Charlie Dont Surf: I watched T2 probably 10 times, before I finally re-watched T1.
                Never realised how good it was - and a completely different movie.
                Watched it at The Astor in August, Live Q&A with Michael Biehn. Great day!

                • +1

                  @Ulysses31: T1 is just so dark, menacing and intense. He could never replicate (or want to replicate) that in T2, so he created an entirely different film with a lot more humour, hope, and a spoonful of syrup added. Both classics and ahead of their respective time. I'll never claim that one is definitely better than the other. And I'm willing to die on that hill, shot down by a hail of negs, Sonny Corleone style.

              • +1

                @Charlie Dont Surf: Fair enough, they are both excellent films, but Judgement Day is so nostolgic to me.

              • @Charlie Dont Surf: I love them both, too.

                Popular opinion seems to be that T2 is better, but I marginally prefer the original (horribly dated special effects, notwithstanding). T1 is really an adult horror film. T2 is generally a lot more light-hearted (relatively speaking), but a really compelling action movie.

                My two cents.

      • +6


        • +1

          Preferred 'Alien' by a margin, definitely.

        • +3

          Which of the two is better could be debated forever I imagine, although I prefer do Aliens. Very different film to the original but.

          No real coincidence that Cameron was behind that one also. Both it and Terminator 2 hold up very well still today, even visually for the most part which is no small feat given their age.

          • +2

            @Smigit: James Cameron is the GOAT

            • +1

              @congo: In terms of films that resonate with me, yeah I agree. He has an amazing list of films to his name.

              Aliens is my all time favourite film actually.

      • +1

        The first was a great piece of science fiction noir (tech-noir if you will). The second was different, but also great movie. The only other one worth watching was the one with Worthington and Bale.

    • +3

      Directed by James Cameron :

      1982 Piranha II: The Spawning
      1984 The Terminator
      1986 Aliens
      1989 The Abyss
      1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
      1994 True Lies
      1997 Titanic
      2009 Avatar
      2022 Avatar: The Way Of Water
      2024 Avatar 3
      2026 Avatar 4

      Check out his other works…

      • +1

        He destroyed the whole Terminator franchise with Dark Fate

  • is this the extended or theatrical cut?

    • +1

      It's the judgment cut

      • +1

        I wonder why the disc couldn't have all the versions. Combining shared assets etc

  • +6

    second lowest price ever since Judgement Day


  • +9

    He'll live

  • +8

    Check the reviews, pretty sure the aficionados bitch about the DNR (digital noise reduction) on this transfer.

    • It's Arnie's rubber mask that wrecks it for me.

    • +4

      Yeah the image quality is trash. Hopefully we get a proper re-release without the wax museum look and Atmos audio.

    • +4

      Yeah I'd look for a second hand copy of the 2009 Blu-ray if you'd prefer not to have the actors look like they're made of wax.

    • +1

      Good point, thanks. Wonder if they’ll release a good quality 4K version one day.

  • +2


    • -1


  • Offer is over

  • +8

    someone asked Arnie went he didn't update his computer to Windows 10.

    "I still love Vista baby".

    Arnie is good value

    • +1

      Fun fact: the t-800 literally uses the Apple II operating system. So probably does need an update.

      • +3

        He'll stop working when the battery is 20% degraded.

        • +2

          At least he doesn't have to rest in a car-boot full of ice… like Universal Soldiers.

  • +2

    Sold out. Hopefully deal will be back

  • +3

    Alien Anthology (4 Disc) (Blu-ray) $15.98…

  • -1

    That's what he said "Get to the Choppa"

  • +3

    Yeah the Skynet Edition blu-ray is a better version than the updated 3D/BR/4K release (although it was cool seeing it at the cinema!).

  • +4

    You calling Muuua a dipshit?

  • Not sure if it's worth $7.20.

    I'd pay $4 though

  • Available for $8.99 with free delivery. Click see all buying options.

  • +2

    Sold out now but… it'll be back

  • Call to John, call to John now.

  • Had James Cameron walk past me once in Wellington …

  • +1

    plus 1 for the awesome description!

  • -2

    All of James Cameron's movies👍 except for the Avatar 1&2 and maybe Titanic as well👎.

  • didn't expect this to be a bargain, was gonna get it for free shipping but no thanks to this post i missed out.

  • This thread is revealing those who were born before 1990 … haha

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