This was posted 12 years 8 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Coca Cola Glass with Any Large Extra Value Meal @ McDonalds


Just found on Facebook still few weeks left.
Listen up fans! To celebrate the Olympic Games, from tomorrow, you can claim your free collectable Coca-Cola® glass with any large extra value meal. There are 6 to collect and they are only available for the next 4 weeks so don't miss out!

Mod: Removed freebie

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closed Comments

  • strange I got one today

  • McDonald's (and Offers now Banned on OzBargain

    Any posting to McDonald's and offer links to are now banned on OzBargain.

    I received an email from McDonald's Australia's Vice President this morning that OzBargain "is currently displaying McDonald's register trademarks without permission". All previous McDonald's offers are requested to be removed from OzBargain. While OzBargain is a user-generated content website, all uploads by members still comprise a breach. Therefore I do not wish to risk any future issues, I am now banning McDonald's from OzBargain completely.

    McDonald's did mention that "in the future they may wish to utilise OzBargain themselves for the benefit of its members" so I guess they may officially post offers here (but unfortunately no one else can).

    • +9

      This is facebook, should be fine.

    • +2

      guess that's why its not mentioned who is giving away the glass in the titles or description.. only the store profile gives it away. Which is a fail in my book.

    • +15

      Apparently they don't want more money :|

    • +1

      So McDonald's gets a free positive ad on OzBargain, and their only response is to lawyer up? I wonder if they realise how foolish they look.

      Sorry, I should have put a little (R) and (TM) after McDonald's. Can't be too careful…

      • +1

        not just mcdonalds ;)

    • +4

      I say if they won't let users post bargains then don't let them post themselves. It shouldn't be a one way street …

    • +2

      So some good Ozbargainer decides to put this up to share with others. Maccas got FREE advertising and more traffic from here yet they are threatening to have to removed.

      Stop being like Apple for god sakes!

    • +1

      It seems you missed the last line, a very bold point, in the content of the very same page you're trying to quote.

      Update July 2012
      McDonald's deals are no longer banned.

  • I got mine recently too.

    Seems better quality then usual, all of mine have broken in the past.

    • Yeah, the glass was usually quite thin and inevitably cracked. Once had a set, they're all gone.

  • +1

    The promo started today if anyone's wondering.

    • Correct.

  • +2

    you can get it for $1.95 without buying the meal…

    • -5

      have u try? I know we can do that for toy, not sure abt these glasses promote. If possible, that's a better deal than buying the meal and get the free weight with it..

      • i was there last nite,a kid in front of me bought the glass for $1.95 without buying the meal.

      • -1

        3 negs for this?! Broken english fat joke is pure win

  • McDonald's deals are no longer banned,

  • Maccas have already started advertising this offer on TV.

    • a buck?

    • +15

      every single comment from you has been downvoted or hid, just super-saiyan

  • +2

    got one aqua (basketball) and one blue (swimming) at my local Maccas today.

    • -1

      Got a blue one today. Guess they're not doing one a week then?

  • -1

    Got one of these last night :) Remember when they did this for world cup in china

    • I was in Europe last month and McDonalds over there had special cups for Euro 2012.

      • -8

        special cups for Euro 2012.

        How many Euros did they cost?

  • +14

    Walk around the food court at you mall and you'll get a 6 pack just from the ones people have left behind. Saw about 3 sitting on empty tables without looking too hard ;)

    • -4

      Would you like some Hepatitis with that ?

      • +4

        They're packaged in cardboard…

        • +4

          Gotta admit, if there was any chance someone had their lips on it, it'd be turned off. But a pub glass? That's fine.

      • hahahahahahahahahaha

    • +1

      True; I got one for free the other day as the bloke who was siting next to me left his rubbish and cup behind. Left the rubbish on the table, but took the cup (after looking around to see if he was nearby).

      • +13

        Indeed. I went through the skip out the back and have 19 now. Drive your car around and also take a step ladder - it makes it easier to get in and out of the skip.

    • +1

      Wonder why people bother getting them with their meals if they are just going to dump them. At least you saved them from landfill. I thought they'd only give them out if the customer said they actually wanted it at order time.

      • They just hand them to everyone.. They're probably instructed to do so, as it's basically an advertising flyer printed on glass!

        • Yes, the glasses look a bit tacky with "proud partner" and the sports pic but i guess they have to make the most of their Olympic sponsorship. The classic style were better or if they had these and these like McD in other countries

  • +1

    Would a large grand angus meal get me one of these? Lucky Friday is the only day i eat junkfood.

    • Yeah I bought a Grand Angus Meal today and received the blue swimming cup. I'm pretty certain it's with any large meal.

  • +9

    Good to see McDonald's giving away glasses this time rather than smashing them.

  • I just got one (blue) then come home and read this.

  • +4

    this is not a freebie as you have to buy something.

  • +4

    Wow. I have their 2008 Olympics range. I feel old now.

    • +30

      You must be pushing like 4 or 5 years old now, hey?

      • +2

        hahaha :P

    • I still have the ones i put up on the cupboard aswell. The ones i used broke in like 2 months.

  • +3

    the glass cups break so easy, not worth taking for free.

    • They're made of glass? I just assumed they are plastic.

      • nope, they're glass, would have been better if plastic.

    • +1

      Yep, don't even bother getting these.
      The glass are thin as….

    • +2

      I'be had some for yearrrrs… still going strong.

  • +2

    What is the starting price of the large extra value meal?

    • +2

      Cheeseburger meal is under $6 I think… probably gone up again.

    • $5.40 for a large cheeseburger meal in QLD (excluding poor/bogan suburbs)

      • So pretty much under $5.40 everywhere in QLD?

      • -1

        Crappy over-priced food from a child-exploiting comapny - supposedly made more attractive because of included advertising crap from another over-priced non-Australian company.

        How many negs can we give these two iconic obscene obesity-pushing foreign companies…

        • i would say lots of people go to maccas and people like free shit

      • +1

        I got for $5.25
        You got ripped :/

  • What's in a Large Extra Value Meal? The website doesn't seem to have it.

    Does the green glass feature the Coca-Cola logo only?

    • +1

      Large extra value mean=larege meal

    • On each glass, one "side" has a picture of an olympic sport (like the football one, etc) and the other "side" has that coca cola logo.

      So in those pictures, they've photoshopped out the reverse "side" of the glasses, and have used green cup's flipside coke logo to illustrate what each cup looks like.

      The real question is - which sport is on the green cup? (Maybe running?)

      • ok, thanks. i don't care for those sport pictures. i'll give this one a miss.

  • What's the cheapest large meal? Does McDonalds run any special during lunch time?

    • maybe large cheeseburger? Probably find large big mac meal would be a close second?

  • I got the 2008 set of these I think I'll try get this set too. I think the quality of the glasses are pretty good I'm still using one from 2008 that gets used every few days.

  • +1

    The hell is a large EXTRA value meal? Does it have EXTRA value than a regular value meal?
    Not poking fun at the OP, more to McDonalds, was thinking of this while in store the other day.

    • Thats the first thing i thought. Never heard of it before.

    • It's basically upsize your fries and drink on top of the set menu…

  • -3

    If you want two cups after purchasing your meal, just say that you came the other day and you weren't given one.. At the end of the day, they're just staff lol

  • +2

    Hey guys can we keep this post updated with which glass is available of the week? It appears they ahve the green on right now. It might change next week who knows?

    We need a list.

    I got green one yesterday. Will get another meal if the glass is different next week.

    Keep everyone posted pls

    • happy munching!

    • I got charcoal in Brisbane on Wednesday.

    • +1

      What state are you in neonlight? I'm from Victoria and I got the blue one (swimming).

      It maybe random.

      • +3

        I'm in NSW. It sounds like its all random and depend which store too is it? That's too complicated!!!

        So next time before I get the meal ask them which colour they have….before getting purchase LOL

        Walk away if they only got the colours I got already haha

  • +2

    Got a blue one (in vic)…bought a large big mac meal for $8.35…guy after me got a medium big mac lunch deal for $5.95. Felt a bit stupid paying $2.40 extra for a cup when I didn't need or want the extra coke and fries, and the cup is sold separately for $1.95..

  • +1

    There is something called fair dealing in Australian copyright laws. Maybe whoever freaks about McDonalds threatening legal action should check those out first.
    Essentially, what happens here is commenting in its widest sense - this is covered by fair dealing.

  • +12

    It's our anniversary tomorrow so I'm gonna surprise the missus with a large big mac meal.

    • +4

      :O so the glass as a present…

    • +2

      True Ozbargainer!

    • +5

      And as a side benefit you can offer to help her burn off those calories with some extra curricular activities ;)

      • +3

        Oh man, great idea, boy do I catch your drift. ;) I'm going turn the heater on extra-high during our competitive game of Checkers

    • happy anniversary

  • +1

    blue glass, sydney, chatswood

    • Sound it varies store to store even same state. Unless they just changed today

    • Blue glass Perth W.A.

    • +1

      Blue glass, Sydney, Gordon?

      • +5

        Black glass, Gotham, Wayne?

    • Aqua, Sydney Carlingford. Also George St, Aqua SUX

  • ,

  • +1

    these glasses are pretty cheap quality. if used with boiling hot water, will crack

    • I got these sames ones last year or the year before — they're complete crap

      (World Cup is coming to mind?)

      • yep, stack them and they shatter

  • blue and green at Darling Quarter.

  • u do realise you can buy these for $1.95 from maccas you dont have to buy a large meal

    • Thats expensive considering you can get a large meal for $5.40 and get it free…

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