This was posted 2 years 2 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Watch Every Match on Every Court of Australian Open Tennis Free @ 9Now


Watch 2023 Australian Open, live on Nine and live-streaming every match, every court on 9Now app or website

I know that whenever such deals come about, some feel that these are not deals and I might be living under a rock, but I don't remember a single time in the past where we could watch each and every single match of a grand slam absolutely free. I've put 9now as the main link because that is where you will get to see every match/every court, but I guess all main blockbuster matches will also be on TV on 9 network.

Also showing on Stan Sport but of course you will have to subscribe for that and pay money.

Full schedule and more info below

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closed Comments

    • +7

      Thanks Moocow, apparently I was indeed living under a rock last year….Lol…
      Nevertheless I'm sure that if a long time tennis fan like me was unaware of it last year, there would be others similarly unaware, and the deal would benefit them.

      • +2
        • +5

          Thanks @alvian I've seen that post before. I wasn't aware though that 9now were showing each and every match. I actually skipped most of the Aus open last year due to all the drama a year back; so probably did not actively look for matches online.

          Keen to watch this year, though.

      • +1

        Nevertheless I'm sure that if a long time tennis fan like me was unaware of it last year,

        If you are a fan, you will know. Hard to miss when every second ad during the tournament emphasises that the matches are being shown on 9Now.

    • +8

      So as I expected some have issues as to whether or not this is a "deal", while many others indeed find it to be a deal.
      Well, this is not a single sports match or news or something but each and every tennis match of one of the 4 grand slams of the year and the only slam in Australia. If you want to watch these matches elsewhere, you have to pay a subscription charge. So you are directly saving money with this deal.

      I would assume that primary concerns while posting a "deal" should be whether it is going to benefit people, whether they are aware of the offer and whether or not they are saving money, rather than analysing whether or not it is a forum or deal post.

      This "deal" is going to benefit people as many won't be aware that each and every match can be seen. Again, people are going to save money as you get to watch each and every match absolutely free, rather than pay a subscription.

      Of course, this logic is not going to appeal to everyone and I respect their choice. Thanks to those who found value in the deal.

      • -4

        If you want to watch these matches elsewhere, you have to pay a subscription charge.

        Same for the current Cricket Teat match.

        This "deal" is going to benefit people as many won't be aware that each and every match can be seen.

        Yep, just like this year and possibly previous ones.

        Again, people are going to save money as you get to watch each and every match absolutely free, rather than pay a subscription.

        The Australian Open been on the anti-siphoning list for 3 decades. I'd suggest that if you blindly paid for a subscription to wstch the AO, then you should hand in your Ozbargain badge.

        I get you just want some attention & an endorphin hit from posting on OzB. I hope you get them.

        • +3

          There is a big difference between 1 test match (and I'm a huge cricket fan too) and each and every match of one of the world's premier tennis tournaments. Not comparable really.

          I instantly agreed with your earlier comment that every match was also shown last year (Which I wasn't earlier aware like many others I'm sure). Can you show me any links that this was happening in "possibly previous ones" as you say, where ALL matches were shown.

          I wouldn't blindly pay for a subscription for AO but as I mentioned, I have never before heard of getting to watch every match free - big difference between just blockbuster matches and sitting to watch each and every match.

          As for attention and endorphin hits, everyone who posts deals would like some sort of appreciation. It is of course a good feeling when you have helped others and people openly acknowledge that your "deal" is appreciated. I am of course glad that close to 70 people right now find it a "deal." Of course, you can never please everyone, and I understand that very well.

          • -5


            There is a big difference between 1 test match (and I'm a huge cricket fan too) and each and every match of one of the world's premier tennis tournaments. Not comparable really.

            Well it would appear you're not a huge tennis or cricket fan. I hate tennis and even I know it's been on FTA since I was a kids and that you fot all the matches on FTA streaming.

            And it's not just "1 test match" this is the 4th test of two of the top cricketing teams internationally (1st vs 4th).

            If you're going to carry on like a pork chop in public, at least try not to BS and het caught out so easily with your ignorance.

            Should we have posted that SBS having the Soccer World Cup for free?. How about the tour de France.and all the other international cycling races. How about the FINA World Swimming Championships in Melbourne which finished up 10.days.not.on subscription TV, but shown on Ch9/9Now!!!!

            • +3

              @M00Cow: Lol you did not like my previous reply and so now downvoted the deal after all these hours, after being the first to post. No problems mate. More than 90 people consider it a deal as of now and I'm more than happy to help them. :)

              Not really going to waste my time convincing you about whether or not I'm a tennis or cricket fan.

              As for the SBS soccer world cup.
              Yeah, it was posted and got 946 upvotes. LOL :)

        • Same for the current Cricket Teat match

          Aussie teats are beating South African teats.

  • +12

    I can't wait to watch Barty and Federer play.

    • -1

      Yep! should be good. And with novak banned for a few more years. We sould be able to avoid the circus for once and enjoy some tennis.

      • +2

        They'll blame ScoMo and the ban will no doubt magically disappear.

      • +5

        Not sure if you're serious but Novak is already here in Adelaide

        • +5

          It was a joke

      • -2

        Joke of a comp last year without the Joker.
        You won't slow him down as much as they try, he's the GOATY.

        • -4

          Landfill comment. L

        • +8

          Don't think it was a joke but would have been hard to stop the Novak. I'm with you hope he wins this time in his playground, won here like 8 times or something, crazy….

        • -2

          Nadal beat Medvedev, who hammered Novak in the US Open a few months earlier, so definitely a worthy winner.

    • +5

      I'm looking forward to watching Rod Laver add another Australian Open grand slam title.

  • Lol memories of the Novak drama this time last year

    • Way more interesting than the tennis

  • +36

    This should go under freebies maybe not deals…
    Mods are just letting anything to be posted as a deal…

    • -5

      They're just catering to those with deficit attention disorders.

    • +11

      Latest bargain Nightly News on free to air! It's almost as good a bargain as Free air that you are breathing.

      • +5

        [HACK] The elites don’t want you to know this but the common blackbirds and indian mynahs at the park are free you can take them home I have 458 blackbirds and mynahs

        • +1

          Bake them into a pie.

        • I prefer them bin chickens, they are great for eating my leftovers food scraps.

    • +1

      well they have to give the busybodies something to do

  • +17

    The definition of "bargain" is definitely getting broader on this site.

    • +8

      It's true, and I think it started with the subscription services. "Disney+ adds Disney movie to paid subscription that is expected to include Disney movies", "PlayStation adds game to subscription that includes regular new games" etc. Until those sorts of deals are removed I think these ones have to stay (and are possibly even more deserving since free is a better bargain than a paid subscription).

      • +3

        Yep, that was the straw. Community voted no, mods allowed them anyway. I'm sure it's to do with page clicks.

        • +4

          I think new additions to a paid subscription service are fine (adding new games to a paid subscription services is imo a good thing and expands the value of that subscription service) however .. a sports match being shown on free-to-air TV?

          • +3

            @dm02: You're missing the point, it's the fact that it's free live-streaming from the app. Many free-to-air telecasts are exclusive to Kayo (or similar) to stream, which is important for some people.

          • +4

            @dm02: Clearly you're not seeing how similar these are. What makes free-to-air different to a paid subscription? The business model. Content is paid for via ad revenue rather than monthly subscriber fees. When they expand their offering, the consumer gets more, whether it is paid for by them directly or indirectly (ad revenue). Why would free-to-air be any less of a deal?
            If a new movie came out on Disney+ and on 9Now at the same time, which one is a bargain? The one you pay for or the one you watch ads for? Both of them are always going to add new content, they just have different business models.
            IMHO, neither should be a deal on Ozbargain, but if the subscriptions are going to get support then I think FTA deserves equal support or perhaps even more because it is more accessible and free! Free free free!

        • +2

          I'm sure it's to do with page clicks.

          Yep. Once upon a time mods moderated, now it's all about traffic and ad revenue. It will eventually bite them on the ass but when people start leaving because of all the nonsense posts.

  • +26

    I suppose I should individually post every sporting match or TV show that is shown on free-to-air TV or associated streaming website as a bargain

    • +5

      Given the amount of premier sports events that stream behind paywalls (e.g. boxing day test right now), I like being reminded what is available for free and where to get it. As with any post, the upvotes and downvotes show whether the community as a whole think it's worthwhile and if it should be on the frontpage. I'd much rather see this post than a random half-price extension lead (though of course that should be posted too!).

      • +10

        Shouldn't be in the deal section though, it's a PSA that belongs in the forums. Also can't even filter this one out unlike the "Subs" posts.

        • +2

          Most people don't look at the forums or really anything other than the homepage, so it's not going to reach many people there. 61 people have liked this so far. I think that proves it's a valuable post that warrants a presence on the homepage so that others can see it.

      • +3

        100% right, why's everyone so butt hurt.

      • -1

        Given the amount of premier sports events that stream behind paywalls (e.g. boxing day test right now),

        What, the event I'm watching on Ch7 for free right now?

        And as I mentioned above, not only was it free this year, it's been on the anti-siphoning list for 30 years.

        Again as I said above, if you subscribed to payTV just to watch the AO without even looking to see if it was streamed for free, like this year, then you should hand in your Ozbargain Badge and I'd suggest you're probably not really a tennis fan anyway.

  • -1

    the amount of overentitled people complaining about this post though 😂

    • +3

      I'll take the opinion of someone who has made more than zero deal posts and 266 comments about what's best for this site, ie. not yours.

      • +3

        Exactly why i dont post, there are too many toxic people online, not you though i'm sure you're a nice person irl 😁

        • Complains about toxic people, right after calling others overentitled for having differing opinions.

          I’ll all seriousness, join in more :)

  • Is Stan better? I'm prepared to sign up to Stan for a couple of weeks if I get to skip ads and/or better quality.

    • +4

      I'm prepared to sign up to Stan… if I get to skip ads…

      This ^

      If you're going to sink hours into watching this as FTA with ~18mins/hr ads, pay the little extra to regain a bit of your life.

      It's the better value deal.

      Ads aren't free.

      • -1

        Ads aren't free.

        Well not on Foxtel.

  • +10

    How is this a deal?

  • +4

    Similar deal posted

    Please upvote :)

    • lmao

    • Your deal has been nuked.

  • +11

    Appreciate the heads up, but belongs in the forum.

  • I would want to be paid to spend my time watching this.

  • +4

    Bargain Hunt airing for free on 7 Two @ 6:30PM weeknights.
    Just in case you weren’t in the know.

  • +4

    Next put nrl afl, cricket, etc on ozb rofl.

  • +2

    Unresolved Reports
    2 for Other
    1 for Sold Out


  • +6

    Forum post perhaps?

  • +6

    Forum post perhaps?

  • +1

    Post perhaps forum?

  • +1

    Daily "free" news on TV should also be reported as a deal.


  • +5

    Not a deal, why waste everyones time?

  • +6

    Nothing free about watching channel 9. Always a punish.

  • +5

    Free for years, even back on channel 7, not a deal.

  • +1

    There is a park bench in front of Central Station, which is free to sit on if anyone is interested.

    You’re welcome 👍

  • +2

    I just want to watch the Croat & Serb youth punching on outside of Melbourne Park as in past years, will there be coverage dedicated to this?

  • +4

    What’s the bargain, exactly?
    This has always been free to watch.

  • +4

    Free to air TV is now … free???

  • +3

    Agree it’s not a deal, but maybe, given the number of upvotes, instead of just trashing this we can come up with some suggestions for how these things could be considered going forward?

    Not saying this is how it should happen, but my thought process is…

    It seems to be mostly things people aren’t expecting to be available, like this, new things in streaming, or back when toilet paper/masks/RATS were in high demand and there was no supply.

    A few people above (good to see some are offering ideas!) are suggesting forum posts - but not everyone checks the forums. Maybe an “FYI” deal category for things that aren’t expected to be available, but are. And the option to see “none” for this category?

    That way those who disagree can blanket opt out, and will be none the wiser, and those who like it can stay and see these FYIs.

    • +2

      Good to see some constructive discussion. Yep, something has to be done, clearly a large part of the Ozb community isn't happy with this and similar deals. I agree, something like an FYI category would be good, the SUBS deals could fit in the same category but it just allows expanding it to include free/ad-supported versions of streaming services and FTA TV

      • +1

        There should be a section in ozbargain called "Deal, but no deal"… All these kind of deals can go there.

  • What's the deal here ???

    Why don't we start posting about every live event on TV .. and says it free to watch on whatever channel!!

  • usually free anyways plus should be a forum post

  • No deal, would only be worth a post if it changed host channels, and even then that's just an FYI, not a deal.

  • +2


  • What's the usual price to watch channel 9?

    • +1

      Sanity :)

  • +2

    If you don't like it, keep scrolling. Jesus what is wrong with the world

    • +2

      If you don't like that other people don't like it, just keep scrolling

    • -1

      Do you know how ironic you sound?

  • Should be classified as a freebie rather than a deal imo

    • -1

      It’s always free, so not even a freebie.

  • +1

    Not a deal for reasons already mentioned. Not even noteworthy enough to be a forum post as it is common knowledge channel 9 does this every year.

  • +1


  • +1

    In glorious 1080!

    • -1


  • +2

    Better deal than a subs deal anyday

  • Not saying it should be a deal, but lots of people missing the point.

    Yes, you have always been able to watch one of perhaps two live matches on live TV.

    Streaming is another matter, because some events that are shown on FTA are not available for streaming even on the same channels app. (eg the current cricket Test).

    This PSA is telling us that not only is streaming available, but you can choose any of the matches not just the couple that are chosen for broadcast.

    I mean, I’m sure John Millman is a nice guy and a plucky Aussie battler on the court, but his game is just so relentlessly boring that I’d rather watch someone else on Court 14.

    • You're the one missing the point. All matches of AO were free last year. There has been no change, contrary to what the OP believed.

      Just because you don't see all matches on TV but the rest are available online, that's not a valid definition of a deal. It is, at best, a PSA.

    • -1

      And oh, God, is John Millman boring as baths*t. I'd rather put needles in my eyes.

      • We get your point, please don’t put needle’s in your eyes..

  • -1

    This is what we've come to in 2022. Free to air TV televising television that has always been on free to air TV. What a deal!

  • +2

    I watched the cricket free today. Was it a bargain?


    • +4

      watched the cricket free today


  • Not a deal, forum material

  • +1


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