This was posted 2 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Synology 2 Bay NAS DiskStation DS220J (Diskless) $211 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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About this item

  • 24/7 file server for your household to store share and backup personal data
  • Award-winning DiskStation Manager (DSM) brings intuitive operation flow and reduces learning curve
  • Access and share data with any Windows macOS and Linux computers or mobile devices
  • Integrated media server to support multimedia content streaming. Freely access private cloud files on-the-go and back up mobile photos with iOS and Android apps

Basic NAS for entry level

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I use these as a backup target for my other synology nas's, they do the job

    • +28

      You should buy another one to backup your backup Synology.

      • +2

        i've got another one to backup my backup backup synology (and a couple of dodgy xpenologies :P)

    • +1

      I’m still using a ds213j as a hyperbackup target from my other nas. These things are built to last.

  • +13

    This was $199 on Amazon on the weekend, I just received it yesterday.

    • +1

      Also was $199 + free shipping from Mwave over the weekend. Seems OP missed the boat on this one

      • +61

        Or perhaps you by not posting it? 😉

        • +34

          Forgive me father for I have sinned

  • +1

    can this one run docker?

    • Nope

    • +4

      this one is quite weak, weaker than other DS220 models. I think avoid the J ones.

    • Must be an Intel CPU to get it through their store which I believe is just the + varients. It can be sideloaded on the ARM architecture and apparently it's totally fine but this J series if it will run is too weak to do anything useful.

    • -1

      Excellent question

  • +5

    $199 at computer alliance

    • +2

      Plus delivery also. The final price will be similar

  • Does it run latest DSM 7? I still have Xpenology running DSM 6 and might get this to backup files before upgrading to 7.

    • +1

      Yes runs DSM7.

      I've kept some DSM6 xpenology boxes as additional backup targets from my DSM7 syno's

    • why are you asking something you could have googled in less than half the words you typed

      • +3

        What's Google?

        • Google it!

      • +1

        Thanks @bdl.

      • -1

        Sorry Willy boy if I've hurt your feelings, now take your meds and go back to mama.

        • It took you 7 hours to come up with that comeback?

      • The more relevant question is - Is that really your name irl

        • -1

          Not sure if serious, but that's a video game character's name.

  • -1

    Is this the lowest price ever?

    • +1

      There is a link to 🐫 X3 just below the body of the post. Have a look and your question will be answered.

  • Does this support btrfs?

  • Install Tailscale add-on for an easy off-site backup solution.

    • Prices compete with back blaze?

      • +4

        Tailscale costs nothing. It's like wireguard but super easy to setup. Install on all your devices and everything appears as if it's in your local network.

        Offsite backup is to your mates or families Nas.

    • Looks interesting. How do you manage the 90 day api key expiry? do you visit the other site within the 90 days to rotate keys?

      • All devices (2x Nas, HASS, and phones) are all on the same account, so no API keys needed.

        • Sorry, not api key, auth key.
          From my brief reading of tailscale (after you posted), you need to log in on each device into your account. I'm assuming you are running NAS headless (i.e. without GUI or browser installed), so you'll need to log into tailscale using auth key, which expires in 90 days.
          Is this not right?
          If this problem with managing auth key is solved, I may build an extension of the tailscale docker image to include incron + rsync to automate back up between sites.
          But if I have to physically visit the off site (both sides dyn IP so no remote ssh access) to update the auth key every 90 days, it's a problem.

          • +2

            @jkim: You can adjust the auth interval or disable it if you want. You can even temporarily (remotely!) renew expired keys, in case a remote server has expired.

            Tailscale is awesome, highly recommend it.

            • @snep: Thanks for the link. Good to know.
              Now before I spend time to figure out how to build the new docker image, do you know if one already exists?
              What I want is:
              1. Run tailscale in the container, without giving tailscale access to host. The standard image seems to set up tun on the host instead of just running inside the container to run the workload.
              2. Takes 1 additional parameter - remote machine identifier (to retrieve the remote machine ip from tailscale via API).
              3. Takes 2 additional volume parameters, let's say inbound and outbound.
              4. Set up incron + rsync on the outbound volume, so it will monitor and then sync across any filesystem changes on the outbound volume to the remote server.
              5. Accept remote rsync into this image into the inbound volume.

              Hence achieving automated remote replica of a specific path on the host machine without giving any other access.

              • @jkim: I don't run docker containerised, so I'm not familiar with the state of the availabile images unfortunately.

                What you want to do generally sounds possible, although I'm a little unsure as to what stuff might break if you start limiting tailscale's access to the host.

          • @jkim: I just remote accessed a PC at the other site to setup the Google login for authentication on the NAS. Just had a look and the auth key has 180 day expiry.

            You can disable expiry if you wish

    • Is tailscale just an alternative to setting up a VPN between sites/devices so that backups using synology hyperbackup (between 2 nas units) or synology photos (between phone and nas) works? Or does it do more? Can you please help us understand it better?

  • Thoughts on this + a raspberry pi for docker? Seems like a way better deal than going upmarket in NAS

    • +1

      Yeah good idea, tho also price up a dell 7050m (micro form factor) or similar vs an RPi with current availability / prices

    • My truenas has been excellent for years but she's had issues accepting SMB disk writes from my external docker machine. (Particularly torrent)

      I had to move qbittorent to the nas itself, might be fine with this device, but I think docker externally isn't ideal a solution to be honest.

  • +2

    Any good for Plex?

    • +1

      Direct play is fine… like anything that will run HDD. But no good for transcoding.

    • +2

      Not really, better getting a "+" model for Plex

      • +2

        For a basic setup and direct play you don't really. Of course it is desirable, but its not a must. A modest plex library will run, scanning, catalog updates etc will be slower but not the end of the world for a basic user as long as they understand they can only do direct play not transcoding.

  • +7

    J series very under powered. As a file/backup server its fine. For running other apps, get a higher spec NAS.

    • -1

      what kind of apps you running? don't say plex

      • +1

        not OP, but I got a QNAP NAS recently and use sonarr/radarr + qbittorent + jellyfin, and audibookshelf and megabasterd (all dockers). I also have plex running for my family/friends to stream from / backup when jellyfin docker is being funky. I had to order more RAM on my "higher spec" NAS too because even that is becoming too much.

        • hey ChipP just wondering which model you got and how much ram you needed to run all that?

          • +1

            @morphio: QNAP TS-464, all that with 4GB ram was going to about 70%, especially if I had a lot of torrents going. I am installing 16GB ram today so we'll see how it goes with that.

            • @ChipP: Please keep me updated! Would love to know! Seems like your QNAP model and Synology 920+ is what I'm looking at.

              • @morphio: Put a Crucial 16GB (1x16GB) CT16G4SFS832A 3200MHz DDR4 SODIMM RAM into it and now its sitting around 25% RAM with jellyfin streaming 720p, and about 90 torrents seeding (nothing downloading atm), so definitely an improvement. If I remember I'll comment again in the future with any updates. It was streaming a blu-ray ISO before without any problems for the 2mins I tested it. I'll try the whole movie (with subtitles also running) over the weekend. It recommends 2x8GB ram, but I read it can take 2x16GB ram, so if I do any future improvements I guess it'll be putting another (identical) one in. But right now, with only a 1080p TV and not many more apps to load I think there's no more improvements needed.

                I was also looking at Synology and just randomly chose QNAP. I want to check out my friends Synology because honestly QNAP is just on the edge of being too knowledge heavy for me. I know nothing about linux/coding and so troubleshooting the dockers is a bit difficult for me. I don't know how easy it is on synology though I've heard its the "apple" of NAS products. Plex has its own app through QNAP, so that runs no problems straight away if thats what you want to do off the bat.

                • @ChipP: Thanks for that! TBH I've been leaning towards to Synology as I heard the software is better (possibly easier to use), though the QNAP does have better hardware. Decisions!

                  • @morphio: yeah if QNAP didn't have a later model than what Synology is currently offering (near pre-covid specs if I remember correctly?) then I would've gone with Synology.

                    The NAS with 16gb ram was able to play the blu-ray with a bitrate of 32mbit/s + subtitles without issue front to back, with a few pause/plays in between. Trying to go backwards/forwards pretty much froze the playback though. Apps are running a lot quicker than before. So I'd definitely recommend upgrading your ram once you get it if you're doing more than just plex.

      • media server, torrent client, surveillance station, few small docker apps.. had a J series before and would always be consistently 90-100% CPU for extended basis for simple tasks…

  • +1

    need an advice please. Is this good to replace cloud photos (icloud, google, etc)?

    • +6

      Yes, that's what I primarily use it for, photo and document backup/access. Synology photo is great. Have one Synology at home, another at parents house. All photos and videos are backed up from phone to Nas during day, then at 3am each Nas does a backup over the internet to the other. Once a month photos are also backed up to external HDD and stored in safe.

      • Is there an app that automatically backs photos up from phone in the background or do you have to open the app daily?

      • Why not just pay for icloud or google photos?
        And dropbox for all other files?
        Then it's always in the cloud. And no need to physical back up HDD and keep in the safe?
        Or is it about saving on the monthly fees from Dropbox and apple?

        • To save $, have a lot more storage, and not have to have all data on the cloud or pay any subscriptions.

    • You can use Moments or Synology photo, I've used both, it does the job but it's not as good as Google photo AI search if you use that feature a lot.

    • It's not really a replacement for cloud photos per se since it's all still just local and in one place without a backup. It gives you the functionality of cloud photos, but not the backup.

  • +2

    Does this support pron…?

    • +2

      I do

    • +1

      Depends, how much up time do you need?

  • +6

    Bought this initially as i wanted to setup my first NAS. This was painfully slow …. I had to let it go and bought a DS220+ which does the work for me.

  • What are the advantages to use a dedicated box like this vs a second hand Dell 9020 or similar?

    Only asking as I have a number of surplus 9020 machines..

    • +3

      Simpler setup I guess. Software dedicated already setup for you. Warranty and support.

      I used a setup like this for a while til I started running out of space. Eventually ended up with a ds418play and gave this to my parents to store backups and some shows movies etc so they can watch via kodi on Google TV. Does the job for that!

    • +2

      my experience from previously running the older ds212j for 10+ yrs, and now moved to unraid using a 6yr old PC:
      ADV of DS: lower power consumption, more user friendly UI, easier to setup
      ADV of running your own (ie with truenas/ unraid): more customisable, run docker/ VM, upgradeability of hardware down the track, much faster & responsive system and performance (transfer etc).

      • I don't leave my old pc NAS on all the time. It off 99% of the time. So electricity isn't a huge factor.

        • Mine is on 24/7 running as file server, target backup for Mac time machine & windows backup, and Jellyfin. At idle (which is most of the time) system use 24w off the wall with HDDs spun down. With my electricity rate of $0.28/kWh, minimum running cost is about $61 or so per yr. Yes it's much higher than what the ds212 we're using (from memory was about 8w at idle), but not too bad I reckon for what it can do.

          • @kevlam3: Why not have it schedule to turn off at night ?

            • @congo: Not bad idea, might have to look into that and see if I can auto-schedule it on/off.
              How do you setup yours for auto on/off?

              • @kevlam3: It’s uses windows, so I just setup a task scheduler to call the shutdown command.
                I manually turn it on, when I need it. Most days, it stays off.

    • They would pair well together

    • More power efficient, but less powerful.

      Dell 9020 with OMV is great.

  • +4

    Wow this is very NAS!

  • -8

    Does this support dsrwrbdsaf bsogheb sfkag;kbtowrb bnaj;gb nbf' ag ????

  • This is a good price. However, I instead use a Mediasonic PROBOX 4 Bay 3.5” SATA Hard Drive Enclosure as a JBOD for the different sized HDDs I have collected over time. The advantage for me is you can keep the NTFS partitioning on the hard disks.

    • NTFS sucks balls

      • For Linux, yes. For a Windows server, probably the best option.

  • I just switch to Testra 5G home internet.

    Synology NAS will not be accessible and be able to backup photos from mobile devies or reltives to access and be able to backup to this NAS?

    • +1

      Backup from phone will still work when away from your LAN via Synology quickconnect.

      Tailscale will allow extra functionalities as if you're on the same LAN.

    • I think that it depends if you are in a CG-NAT situation. Optus 4G uses CG-NAT so I don't have a specific IP address that I can link to. Might need to use Zerotier or other similar SDN.

      • Tailscale will work behind CG-NAT

  • Yolo’d one of these, with tailscale I assume it would be great for remote backup/media storage

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