Lifetime Plex Pass A$159.99 @ Plex


Plex is going to increase the retail price. The retail price has been stable for many years.
Thus, to obtain current price, you need to make your purchase before 29/Apr/2025

New USD prices as of April 29, 2025 will be:
 Monthly: $6.99
 Yearly: $69.99
 Lifetime: $249.99

*Exact pricing in other currencies may vary.

I did purchased my lifetime Plex pass long time ago. Plex pass well worth the cost.
I was a Jellyfin user in case you mention it. (obviously, I don't like it) .

If anyone has a discount code, please share (I know we don't like to pay retail price).

Plexamp is a good music player to check out (for Plex pass user only). If you are thinking hosting your music lib on Plex media server.

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  • +1

    $119.99 is the benchmark now

    • +33

      The retail price is going up. Almost double. I doubt the Plex pass will go as low as $120 again. When I purchased mine, it was about A$65 from memory.

      • +6

        Got it when I was in Turkey

        • +2

          was that in your Delorean when you travelled back in time? :)

          • +4

            @gizmomelb: Nah Turkey is 5-10 years behind so no need for a special time travel lol.

        • Did you get a discounted hair transplant offer with Plex?

      • What are the benefits in return from doubling the price?

  • +30

    Just checked, and I paid $29 usd back in 2014.

    One of the best value purchases I’ve ever made.

    • Well done mate. One of my best purchase too.

    • Damn. I just checked. $70 November 2021.

  • +36

    I doubt the Plex pass will go as low as $120 again.

    Purely opinion. I predict the only real winner with Plex doubling its price will be Jellyfin

    • +12

      Never even considered Plex when Jellyfin is simply good enough.

      • +6

        I have a look at Jellyfin from time to time. The server works well, better than Plex EXCEPT for the naming. Needs work. As far as clients are concerned, Plex is far ahead. Although, not if you run Kodi as a front end.

        • +3

          Plex seems to be available on tons of smart TV app stores that only have a very limited selection of apps. If you could somehow use the Plex app to login to a Jellyfin server that would be awesome but i'm guessing it's not possible. Jellyfin is really behind on the app situation.

        • What is wrong with plex and kodi?

          • -3

            @bohn: Nothing. It's just not far ahead of jellyfin. It's equal.

            • +3

              @Bruceflix: That's incorrect.
              Plex used with Kodi can skip intro/credits.

              Jellyfin with Kodi that feature doesn't work well as it's an addon not built-in to jellyfin itself. The skip intro/credits works fine if using the Jellyfin UI direct, but not via Kodi as the metadata is added subsequently via the addon and does not get passed through to Kodi nicely.

              I love that feature, very handy. Otherwise I would agree, there isn't much between them when streaming locally via Kodi. If connecting remotely, the Jellyfin 'app' is rubbish and Plex wins there.

              • @bohn: Skip intro works fine in Kodi from jellyfin for me.
                They also added the start of native app support in the last major release, so no extra add-on will be required soon.
                The app is just a web wrapper, hence not as good a feel as a native app

        • only ever had an issue with naming with a literal few bits of media - one tv series it kept defaulting to a japanese show with the same name, the other media it didn't like was Black's album "Wonderful Life' - it kept insisting Black Sabbath recorded it. Clicking the 'idnetify' button for those media and then manually re-typing the media name and year etc. and it found it (and clicking the 'dont update metadata ' option for that media).

          Mind you, I have all my movies in a movie folder (and the Jellyfin library is set as 'movies'), tv series are in a 'tv' folder (again with Jellyfin library set to 'tv series) and music in it's own folder.

          Chucking all your files into a mixed folder may be the issue if it's not finding the correct metadata.

          • +11


            Chucking all your files into a mixed folder

            People do that?!
            The savages

            • @Bruceflix: Right!?

              Sonarr and Radarr should control the naming of folders anyway (in separate TV and Movies folder structures) ;)

        • +1

          Correct i tried and it did funny way of naming my folder with documentary movies/show

      • +8

        Jellyfin server is great but the clients are so terrible though.

        • +1

          the official client has the exact same layout as the browser.. there are other clients available - streamyfin is a good one which also integrates with jellyseerr to handle media requests (ios and android).

          • +1

            @gizmomelb: Does any of these options (streamyfin or Plex) help with HVEC codecs? I have no end to my troubles with that codec on my Jellyfin server. Everything else seems great for me. Or is this a hardware issue?

            • @amrdeus: might be a hardware issue at your end (what hardware is jellyfin running on?) I'm running jellyfin in a docker container under Synology DSM 7.2 - BUT it's running on an intel motherboard and uses the intel iGPU to hardware transcode when the client doesn't support native HEVC (virtually ALL video media on my NAS has been already been transcoded to HEVC by me before it's added to the NAS) - as an aside, I've only ever seen video transcoding being needed when someone uses an older apple iphone, or firefox browser - the built in browser on Samsung TVs, as well as any chrome browser, the android app (version 0.18.4) running under amazon tv firesticks, roku sticks, the ios app (version 1.6.1) and safari and even the vodafone tv boxes have all played stuff from my jellyfin install (server version 10.10.6) with zero issues.

              • @gizmomelb: Hmm, I might have some settings not set up properly then. Because I'm not playing anything crazy here and I'd assume my hardware is ok. I'm also running docker containers. All the Arr apps + Jellyfin. Its running on an old but decent 9 or so year old MacBook Pro.
                My clients are mostly decent (PC or newish phones) but I didn't know Firefox caused issues. I'll keep an eye out for that.
                But I usually have issues when it says its transcoding too.

                But honestly, I've told my ARRs to only look for h264 and I haven't really had too many problems with that.

                • @amrdeus: maybe try handbrake encoding some of your media and ask your users to specifically test those files when you can monitor the jellyfin server as well. hevc/x265 encoded files have a lot lower bandwidth usage and the majority of devices can natively play them these days (which is why I encode anything not hevc/x265 myself before it goes in my jellyfin library). Less bandwidth for media = more users online simultaneously (due to limited upstream bandwidth) and hopefully smoother playback with no buffering as well. I could encode all audio tracks as AAC to save even more bandwidth, but that seems to be the main transcoding when people are playing stuff and it hardly takes any cpu bandwidth at all, even for multiple streams. I keep the original DTS-HD, Atmos etc. and commentary tracks as I get use out of them through my AVR home theatre setup.

            • @amrdeus: oh I found out that Streamyfin has the pin to main menu option that the Plex client does, if that's a must have ability for the media client.

          • @gizmomelb: As @amrdeus said, it’s not the layout of anything, it’s the performance that’s the problem.

            My problem for example is client doesn’t report the clients codec capabilities to the server, therefore server doesn’t transcode correctly which in my case no sound. There is just plethora of other issues like this, it made me annoyed enough to pay for plex unfortunately.

            Though absolutely love that there is a free open source project for it!

            • @Larsson: sorry to hear you've had issues - see above for extensive reply - literally every hardware or software device that friends and family have tried has worked and I know if someone is on my server and streaming anything it does tell me if my end is transcoding because the remote player doesn't support codecs.. what hardware are you trying to serve from, also what hardware playing on and what version of server (10.10.6?) and what version of client /browser are you using?

    • I just mooch off my mates Plex account

    • 100% i hope they go bust for this kind of price gouging. imho they need to scale down the team & focus on making a stable product that “just” works without all the complicated licensing, activation and other bloatware services.

      A subscription based model for the heavy users and limited streaming for free tiers is the real winner or one time purchases which unlocks certain features would be more suitable than this lifetime bs.

      (p.s. i don’t hate plex, i use it lightly for the convenience of accessing $hit i have on physical media and not my business to judge anyone else and i think they’re just driving a good product to the ground)

  • +2

    Paid $132 in 2019. Guess didn't look at sale back then lol. Still worth it though. Added watchlistarr too mine. Myself and my friends add things to watchlist and it downloads to my PLEX. worst is if someone ad a tv show, it downloads all of the episodes not just the episode chosen. Probably a setting i forgot to change.

    • That is exactly what I want for my parents, is it only on PLEX?

      • It's piracy.
        You'll need to google Plex + Arr stack and start going down the rabbit hole.

        • I understand, I should have been more clear and referring to his watchlistarr, is there a similar addon/plugin for Jellyfin?

          • +1

            @knobbs: Ah, I understand now.
            I'm not sure if there is a direct watchlistarr version for Jellyfin (using the built in watchlist as the request source).
            I am however sure of an alternative that allows users to request to sonarr/radarr via a website you host - overseerr. This would obviously circumvent the restriction of what server/front end you're using.
            Might be worth looking into.

          • +3

            @knobbs: jellyseerr - same idea. shows trending movies/tv series and users can request shows not on the jellyfin server to be added to the watchlist - then auto downloaded if the jellyfin server admin has that enabled and doesn't mind sailing the high seas.

            • @gizmomelb: Thank you very much. You guys are making it hard to pony up for the lifetime pass before it doubles haha. Really need to find time to setup my NAS properly to test this out, keep having issues with the stupid old HP Microserver not being able to find the installed OS on reboot

              • @knobbs: I still have a couple of my stupid olf HP microservers running (xpeneology).. if you're doing similar then might be time to buy a new USB stick, install the auxxxilium boot on it, re-install DSM and it should pick up your old DSM install (if that is what you were running). I don't think the HP would have the grunt though really for transcoding unless you stick in a dedicated video card (not something I have tested, just my opinion). I did spend around $600 in parts for the intel n5095 NAS motherboard, 16GB RAM stick, PSU and jonsbo N3 8 bay NAS case - thing is a beast in my opinion - more than enough processing power for my needs, low power (uses about 50W with 5x 10TB HDDs installed - just slightly more than the HP with 4x drives) and almost silent.

    • +1

      same here, must have been this deal
      personally, preferred jelly fin in the end

  • do you need one if you are just a viewer?

    android and ios app isnt free?

    • +1

      Sorry for the long post. Its on the link OP provided

      Option 2: Remote playback with a Remote Watch Pass subscription (New!)
      Our brand-new subscription offering, Remote Watch Pass, allows individual users to remotely stream media from any personal media server to which they have access. This is a great option for users who don’t run their own server and are looking to stream from a server belonging to a friend or family member who does not have a Plex Pass. It’s also a good alternative for server owners who may not need the full feature offering of a Plex Pass, but are looking for a more cost-effective option to access their media remotely. Beginning April 29, 2025, Remote Watch Pass will be available for an introductory price of $1.99/month or $19.99/year.

      • Why do you need to pay for this? I've only used Plex a couple times but I added my girlfriends email as a user to my server and we were able to watch from her place using that login? Are they monetizing the app harder now?

        • +2

          If you got Plex lifetime you can watch it as admin and don't pay remote play. Someone need to have paid it. I got lifetime pass for a few years. Know some friends pending platform had to pay a one off fee to watch my server. Think they wanting to catch the ones selling a Plex server and making money out of it. Sucks for us who just use it for friends and family.

        • Yes, they have announced that any remote playback will now require either:

          • the server owner/admin; OR
          • a user who wants to access that server,

          to have one of two types of paid subscriptions.

          If the server owner has a Plex Pass (advertised in this post), anyone can access that server.

          If a user who wants access to a remote server has the new "Remote Watch Pass", they can watch remotely from any server.

          Remote Watch Pass is only available in a monthly subscription. Plex Pass is currently available in monthly, yearly, and lifetime subscriptions.

    • +1

      I cancelled my plex pass a few years ago and haven't noticed any impact or change whatsoever. Not sure why I signed up for it in the first place.

      • +3

        it didn't offer much aside from hardware transcoding, credit/intro skipping and subtitle syncing iirc. it was good if you got the lifetime pass on sale, but i wouldn't pay for it via subscription.

    • if the server owner has a plex pass, the invited users can watch for free, no sub needed. Its highlighted in the blog post, if they also needed a sub, plex would be cooked lol

  • +5

    I use Jellyfin, and not Plex… What's the reason why you're using Plex? I can't seem to think of any advantage

    • I was looking at putting in a mini pc and running a plex server. What would Jellyfin do differently?

      • -8

        The Jellyfin interface is shit

        • funny.. looks the same as plex, so why is it shit?

      • +6

        For a start you'd be able to use the intel gpu hardware transcoding for free with jellyfin. Menu layout is pretty much identical between both plex and jellyfin so dunno what eggboi is smoking.

    • don't know why you got down voted as this is a valid question.

      I also used Jellyfin instead of Plex, some people have preference to it.

      • +9

        I did a test of jellyfin a bit ago (I tend to do one every now and then just to see where things are at), so keep in mind things may have changed and this is all personal preference. But, here was my experience (as a long time plex admin) when trying out jf:

        • when I started my collection, I didn't name things properly, and kept movies in a folder of just the movie name for years. I've since changed it to be movie name (year) because of the Disney love action remakes, but there's a good amount of movies that don't have that naming scheme. In my entire time with plex, I had about 3-4 times (out of 500ish movies) where plex would mismatch the movie. When I tried jf, there were about 150 movies in my collection that would need fixing
        • I have a lot of remote viewers. For plex, they have an account, I give them access to the server and it works. With jf, I'd have to give the users my server's IP address. I'm not hugely tech savvy so I can't tell you why, but for the one user I had as a test subject for remote viewing, the IP changed 3 times that day and I had to give him the new IP. Again, I'm not tech savvy so not sure why, and there's probably ways to fix it, but it's more work to do that compared to plex just working
        • plex had better client support - at the time, I had a user who didn't have a smart TV and would watch on their PlayStation - there's a plex app but no jf app for PlayStation. You could use a browser on the PlayStation to use jf, but that's more effort for my users
        • lastly, I have a custom dashboard I use for plex that tells me how much hdd space I have left, CPU and ram usage, watch/stream numbers, bandwidth used, transcoding vs direct stream numbers etc. The integrations used only have plex support. I admit this is a very niche thing, and there's probably ways to set it up for jf, but it's just more effort

        So a quick summary for me based on my experience is that jf is good but just more effort. Plex works out the box, and if you (and especially if you have remote users who aren't tech savvy like my mum), having a very, very, very simple user experience is much more friendly and makes it much more likely for my users to keep using my server. I admit that there are probably workarounds with jf to get the same outcome, but again, with plex it just works. Why spend hours getting jf set up in the same way (or potentially losing functionality) if I have something that took me 0 time that works perfectly?

        Again, ymmv and your use case might be different, but for me it seems like if you're a) quite tech savvy or b) are using jf for your own watching and don't want remote users, the jf is for you. But for me, plex just works perfectly enough that it's not worth (at this point) switching things out

        • The only people who think jellyfin are better are people using it for themselves and convineitly ignore all the downsides because Jellyfin is free.

          Plex is the vastly superior product.

          • +2

            @samfisher5986: I mean, plex and jf have their pros and cons, and for certain people one is better than the other. It's always worth keeping an eye out for jf since more competition is always a good thing, especially something free and open source. If jf ever gets to the point where I can just start a server and have the same functionality as plex, that would be an amazing day!

            • +2

              @Opaquer: I want Jellyfin to win and be the better product and I originally thought it was going to be.

              I have watched development for a long time and realised development is simply too slow and features they try to copy from Plex end up being unreliable or not very good.

          • @samfisher5986: JF works fine for me. I only use it for myself I guess, but it was pretty painless and does what I need.

            Not sure what the downsides are to be honest, does exactly what I want, nothing more nothing less.

            • @CaptainJack: Thats like saying "VLC Is fine for me"

              Plex is a product to share with remote users so the comparison to Jellyfin should really be based on that.

              • +1

                @samfisher5986: So the statement should be:

                The only people who think Jellyfin are [sic] better are people using it for themselves, and they are not incorrect.

              • +1

                @samfisher5986: I have 9 external users who regularly use my jellyfin (100/20 NBN connection) - I've seen 4 online at once with 1080p streams and no buffering/lost connections (jellyfin 10.10.6) and as I expanded on above using a variety of browser, smart tv (android and ios) apps or streaming media devices - no one has ever reported any issue and I generally message them through discord/facebook when I see 3 users online as I want to know what their online experiences are like and whether my server is struggling.

                • @gizmomelb: You’re probably transcoding at a much lower bitrate. They’d all be watching a couple of pixels each. Even highly compressed 1080p videos would be 100-200mb per file for 20-30min. I think your acquaintances are too polite to say anything when they’re bumming your streams for free

                  • @Balljuice: I've seen the video quality when I configured the apps for my parents and sister, plus I use it daily during when I'm at work, so I also eat my own dogfood. Video quality is very good - having everything already encoded as HEVC means the majority of devices connecting to my jellyfin are sent the files direct - and decoded by the playback device. Which is why I almost never see my server do video transcoding, only audio transcoding (since I keep the original audio streams as DTS:X, DTS-HD, Atmos etc.)

                    Format : Matroska
                    Format version : Version 4
                    File size : 602 MiB
                    Duration : 52 min 44 s
                    Overall bit rate : 1 595 kb/s
                    Frame rate : 23.976 FPS
                    Encoded date : 2025-03-24 20:07:45 UTC
                    Writing application : mkvmerge v91.0 ('Signs') 64-bit
                    Writing library : libebml v1.4.5 + libmatroska v1.7.1

                    ID : 1
                    Format : HEVC
                    Format/Info : High Efficiency Video Coding
                    Format profile : Main 10@L4@Main
                    Codec ID : V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC
                    Duration : 52 min 44 s
                    Bit rate : 953 kb/s
                    Width : 1 920 pixels
                    Height : 960 pixels
                    Display aspect ratio : 2.000
                    Frame rate mode : Variable
                    Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
                    Color space : YUV
                    Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
                    Bit depth : 10 bits
                    Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.022
                    Stream size : 359 MiB (60%)
                    Language : English
                    Default : Yes
                    Forced : No
                    Color range : Limited
                    Color primaries : BT.709
                    Transfer characteristics : BT.709
                    Matrix coefficients : BT.709

                    ID : 2
                    Format : E-AC-3
                    Format/Info : Enhanced AC-3
                    Commercial name : Dolby Digital Plus
                    Codec ID : A_EAC3
                    Duration : 52 min 44 s
                    Bit rate mode : Constant
                    Bit rate : 640 kb/s
                    Channel(s) : 6 channels
                    Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs
                    Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
                    Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
                    Compression mode : Lossy
                    Stream size : 241 MiB (40%)
                    Title : English
                    Language : English (US)
                    Service kind : Complete Main
                    Default : Yes
                    Forced : No
                    Dialog Normalization : -31 dB
                    compr : -0.28 dB
                    dialnorm_Average : -31 dB
                    dialnorm_Minimum : -31 dB
                    dialnorm_Maximum : -31 dB

              • @samfisher5986: I share Jellyfin with remote users. :) No issues

    • +3

      Having used both, I much prefer the interface of Plex, it's a known commodity in my house now, my 7 year old has no problems navigating it if he wants to watch something under his limited profile. The clients are pretty much available on everything too..

      On top of that, the Skip Intro & Skip Credits features are awesome.

      Had lifetime for many years now and so I see no need to change.

      • +2

        I honestly don't get it.. I've used Plex client and Jellyfin (android and web broswer) clients and they were almost identical. I really don't get how people say one is better (or different) to the other. Mind you I've only been using Jellyfin since October 2024 so maybe the older client really was different and horrible, but things have been updated.

    • Tbh I tried Jellyfin not long ago and I kept getting some Hardware coding error or something after a few days of no issues after first setting it up and then just couldn't figure out how to fix the problem, so i went back to Plex.

    • +2

      Client support for Plex is just better imo. I'll give Jellyfin another go when their tvOS client has been fleshed out since it's in some beta stage atm and seems to be lacking a bunch of playback features (…).

      I don't want to pay for Infuse Pro when the free Plex version works well for me.

      I'm aware that even the Plex app on apple tvs can't play DTS:X or TrueHD Atmos

      • ahh swiftfin is not the official jellyfin app - it's one of many third party players.
        heck on my main lounge tv I'm using KODI with the jellyfin plugin (why? out of habit mostly) and that handles DTS:X and Atmos with no issues. I mostly use chrome browser while at work to play stuff from home and that also decodes atmos etc. to stereo headset with no problems.

      • -2

        Use an official client before complaining about Jellyfin please.

        • +1

          Press the All filter and filter by tvOS and tell me what you read?

          Perhaps also give the repo I linked a read please.

  • Is the current price a bargain?

    • +3

      They're going to double it very soon.

      • In comparison to previous price drops, no it's not a bargain, however considering the upcoming price increase and changes to remote viewing etc. I'd say at minimum it's a good reminder to get it before it increases, doubtful they will offer any discount before the increase. It's a good FYI.

      • -3

        My question still stands… this is Ozbargain

    • With this price increase, they are taking away the remote access for free users as well.

  • +7

    signup using an argentinian VPN and its around A$60.
    make sure you follow the steps here…

    • +2

      Price is now $128471 ARS which is $190 AUD. Deal has expired. I was actually meant to post the guide but got busy from work. Had it all drafted up.

      • ouch. was that very recent? i signed up a friend <12 hours ago

        • +2

          As of today yeah. Just checked 1 hour ago. I'll upvote your comment anyway.

          • +3

            @I Smell Pennies: yea not unpublishing the comment cos yearly is the same price (~A$12).
            Thats probably the way to go for everyone. Considering the new plex lifetime is ~A$400, it'll take you 33 years before breaking even.

  • +2

    my lifetime Plex pass long time ago.

    If you put the username/password in your will, this can last more than a lifetime…

  • +11

    as a plex pass lifetime holder, I'd be hesitant with giving them more money at this point as they could easily just turn around and lock newer features behind another subscription.

    They are in the business of trying to make money, which is fair enough, but with the recent changes to remote streaming being paywalled, it's probably a matter of time before they make it worse for their users. if the server admin doesn't have plex pass, then users now have to pay a subscription to remote stream, what's next? you'd have to pay more for streaming "original quality"? or limited to 1 server library?

    i've got jellyfin setup and ready to migrate once things go south, but with all the changes, it's hard to feel confident going forward. which is a real shame because the UI/UX and sharing my server with friends and families is really easy with plex vs jellyfin.

    • +1

      I believe Plex is talking about the 'not in the same network' situation (i.e. the traffic route over Plex servers). If you have your Plex at home (e.g. nas), and you have a public IP and open the port. I believe you still be able to remote playback directly (as this will be treated in the same network).

      Also Cloudflare zero trust tunnel should allow you to do this free even you don't have a public IP and don't want to open a port (to keep you at safer state)

      It was just a free thing (which I would not use - I think it was max at 2M). You always wants to setup the direct connection to your server (i.e. not router through Plex).

      F.Y.I. no change to Plex pass users. I don't think it is useful anyway.

      • personally i feel like if they gave us the option to opt out of using their relay servers, that would be great for people like me who have it setup behind a reverse proxy

        • They do allow relay opt out, it's user authentication that's always required.

          • @cramblamwich: Thanks for the correction. I wish there was an option to opt out and go fully self hosted.

            • @pyramidpirl0: Me too! Though I guess that's the price you pay for a more polished, more hands-off experience.

              • @cramblamwich: sucks if your internet is out and you cannot authenticate to watch stuff on your own network.

      • Even with a direct connection, I doubt you will be able to do this in the way described because user authentication via Plex's servers is always required, even locally.

        • user authentication via Plex's servers is always required, even locally

          Until you whitelist your local network ip-address range.

          • @SickDmith: I suppose you could interpret what I said in two ways.

            As far as I understand it, if you want user authentication it has to go through Plex - there's no option for local authentication. Yes, you can whitelist your IP but to my knowledge that's only helpful if you want no authentication at all. And I presume there would be no remote streaming if there's no authentication.

            Correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, will be interesting to see how it's implemented.

            • @cramblamwich: I don't see why you couldn't use regedit to whitelist + combine with tailscale for free remote play?

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