This was posted 2 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

YouTube Premium: Individual TRY ₺29.99 (~A$2.57), Family TRY ₺59.99 (~A$5.14) @ YouTube Turkey (VPN Required to Sign Up)


If you tried to sign up to a Youtube Premium Family via India, you probably hit a dead end, with most cards ending up declining due to this reason and this reason. Well if that is the case, hopefully Youtube Premium via Turkey will be a breeze (albeit a slightly higher cost monthly), especially for those who have Google One via Turkey already (confirmed working for me, you will not need to enter a new address - took me like 10 seconds).

Google is increasing the prices for Youtube Premium in several countries worldwide, including USA, UK, Canada, Argentina, Turkey, Japan etc. This means Argentina is no longer the cheapest and most OzBargainers will be migrating from Argentina other countries.

For price references, Youtube Premium via Australia is $14.99/mth for individual plans & $22.99/mth for family plans

Annual subscription via YouTube India long running post
Youtube Premium via India

Available Plans

Plan Monthly Cost Yearly Cost
Individual TRY ₺29.99 (~A$2.57) TRY ₺299 (~A$25.86)
Family TRY ₺59.99 (~A$5.14) N/A
Student TRY ₺19.49 (~A$1.69) N/A

Instructions (No Current Subscription)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Connect a VPN to the server in Turkey

  2. Go to and if it shows currency in TRY (Turkish Lira), continue choosing your membership.

  3. Enter your Turkey address (get a fake one here) and proceed to pay by credit card.

  • If payment fails, try creating a Turkish payment profile. You can create a new payment profile by following these steps by alcheron: go to and clicking the pen icon next to "Country/Region" and a link to create a new profile should pop up. You can then add details for the Turkish profile.

Instructions (Transferring from a different country)

Note: If you're signing up for a family plan, best to add your Australia family members / accounts into a family group before signing up. To add family members:

  1. Go to and click on your current subscription. Click “manage” then continue to cancel

  2. Once cancelled, the current subscription will continue until the end of the billing period. But you now have an option to resubscribe back to Youtube Premium

  3. Connect a VPN to the server in Turkey

  4. Go to and if it shows currency in TRY (Turkish Lira), continue choosing your membership.

  5. Enter your Turkey address (get a fake one here) and proceed to pay by credit card.

  • If payment fails, try creating a Turkish payment profile. You can create a new payment profile by following these steps by alcheron: go to and clicking the pen icon next to "Country/Region" and a link to create a new profile should pop up. You can then add details for the Turkish profile.


  • Most VPN services will connect to Turkey, unlike India. Those include NordVPN, Private Internet Access (PIA), free Windscribe Chrome extension (recommended), ExpressVPN, etc. If one doesn't work, use another VPN

    • If you're using Windscribe and it shows different currencies: keep turning the windscribe on and off. Each time you don't get TRY, turn it off and on, then refresh the Youtube sign up page. You'll eventually land on TRY. Go to each time you turn it off/on and see if you land on Istanbul

Other Google Services via VPN

Google One Storage via Turkey
Youtube Premium via India

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +5

    Tried multiple VPNs (windscribe, Hola, Pure, Nord and a couple others) and only worked seeing Turkish currency through Urban VPN. Other VPNs I saw British and Canadian. Thanks to the many comments and recommendations on here.

    I feel dirty with all the VPNs I used.

    • +1

      I have tried with Windscribe and SurfShark. Always showing me British and Canadian as well. Just tried with Urban VPN and it works. Thank you

    • wow !!!!! legend

  • +1

    I used to use Argentina and it stopped working too. Tried Nord, Windscribe and none of them worked on my android phone. Used express VPN with Turkey nd also disabled the youtube app on my phone so it went to the browser instead and bingo, it worked!

    Paid annually but it also looks like you can top up and add an additional year on as well, looks like you can only add 1extra year on but at least I wont have to worry about this nonsense for another 2 years 😉

  • accidentally signed up to the yearly Individual account (instead of the family option) but cannot cancel my individual membership for some reason.
    anyone have any tips to cancel? on the purchases and memberships page

    • I did the same and found out my family is not longer able to access although I did not realise the yearly was individual only until now… trying to work out how to fix this…

    • Did the same…
      Unfortunately no way to cancel.

      I created a new gmail account, got everyone in the family then signed up again as family.

  • +1

    In case it helps anyone, I found using much easier to do this. was saying offer not available. Had Hola VPN as Surfshark/windscribe weren't working for me. Have it signed out and it shows the TRY currency when you're on the right VPN, then you can go get premium on the 3 dots choose annual/fam/monthly, log in and pay straight away with your card. I didn't need an address, did last time for Argentina.

    • Careful with this if you also want Youtube premium (you don't get it for free if you buy just Music Premium)! This ended up getting me Music Premium but not Youtube Premium. The Youtube Premium page was stuck and wouldn't let me purchase Youtube Premium. I finally managed to user the Seed4Me app on my Android to use a Turkey VPN and upgrade my Music Premium subscription to a Youtube Premium one for a little bit extra.

      • Apologies, I should've edited, I wanted this for one sub, but stuffed other and used YouTube app on phone to upgrade also with a vpn, I used express vpn trial

  • My individual membership just expired but decided to get my friends in my family subscription, none of the Chrome VPNs and iPhone VPNs were working, getting errors saying that the country could not be verified, but even if I got to that stage, I was unable to press the Family Membership button, finally worked on an Android and random Play Store VPN

    • Same for me. I can get it to show TRY prices, and can choose the Individual membership, but the Family Memberships button doesn't work. Tried on multiple computers. I don't have an Android phone to try :( Anyone got any ideas?

  • +1

    thank you @ismellpennies

    This worked a treat.

  • I tried surfshark (already had paid subscription),, windscribe & none of them worked for me. Hola VPN ended up working after a few refreshes.

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Changed over from Argentina to Turkey. The only free/non-trial VPN with a Turkish connection that I could find on my iPhone was Seed4Me. It was painfully slow but worked in the end.

    • Thanks Bender, I was able to get it using Seed4Me

  • +1

    I tried to do this last night (my Argentina subscription failed to renew)…

    Eventually got Hola to detect the Turkish currency, but it won’t accept my payment.

    Tried to create a new payment profile (there was already a Turkish one there, deleted it and made a new one). Still won’t work, tried both Macquarie and BankWest cards (don’t have any other credit / debits cards).

    Keep getting OR-CCSEH-24, which googling that code says I need to wait 2 days or contact google support (which I obviously don’t wanna do).

    Any suggestions?

    • +1

      Nevermind. Got it sorted using the Seed4Me app that BenderRodriguez suggested 😁

  • Anyone sticking with Argentina? I get it if you're signed up with a visa and don't have a choice because they're forcing you away. But I'm signed up with 28 degrees and the difference in price between Argentina and turkey is like 30-50c per month for the family plan.

    • I wouldn't bother, finding a working VPN has taken hours for me, not worth it if I hadn't been kicked out of Argentina.

  • +2

    Switched to Turkey, everything worked fine with ExpressVPN

    • +1

      Cheers mate. Tried possibly 7 or 8 different VPN and finally this one worked. Thankfully I could sign up with free trials for them all.

      Strangely others showed either aus or Canadian currency

      • +1

        @Jared17 don’t forget to cancel all them trials or it won’t be free :)

        • Yep thanks I did right after I posted lol

  • +1

    Just switched to Turkey annual with a local Visa. I chose annual as a way to hedge against future changes for at least 12 months.

  • Anyone got this working recently for a Family Membership? I can get the prices in TRY and sign up for an Individual account, but when I choose Family Membership I get a "we couldn't verify your country" error. (I've used Windscribe Chrome plug-in, and UrbanVPN all with no luck). Any ideas?

    • I was having this problem on PC, I think it worked when I used seed4me on my phone with wifi turned off.

  • +3

    Thanks for sharing OP

    Tried Windscribe VPN with chrome extension and didnt work was showing IP address in India

    Tried using Hola VPN and showed TR price but gave an error message saying unable to verify country

    Finally tried using Urban VPN using Microsoft Edge extension and it worked like a charm!

    Paying TR 59.99 for the whole family!

    Thank you so much OP!!!!!

    • Thanks. Done

    • Thanks! I tried so many different VPN's. Urban VPN worked super fast and flawlessly.

    • +1

      Cheers mate, you saved me heaps of time 😁😁

    • Thanks mate, I tried a few free VPN's then read your comment about urban..

      Now the family will get off my back,, I did tell them it costs 59.99 a month, if they wanted to chip in ..hahaha

  • +1

    Cheers mate, you saved me heaps of time 😁😁

  • Ever since I singed up for Turkey via the payment profile thing, the Google Wallet app on my S21 is just fked, won't allow me to add a credit card to pay for Myki balance, fully cleared all payment profiles and even tried with pre added payment methods it's just always failing ffs

    • I always get family account for this reason. Use a sub account to sign up, and invite main account as a user. Main account stays in Australia

      • yeah I just spoke to support and it seems google thinks there's been fraudulent activity (well yeah there has been…) so it needs to be escalated, so I guess when I get shit working again I need to re-do this Turkey thing and then hope my shit is gonna work properly after as well :L

        • Oh no. Hopefully they won't block it

    • I don't know if your problem is related, but I noticed that whenever I resubscribed to YouTube premium, the google wallet app defaulted to the payment profile I used to resubscribe. Then I would forget about that and try to add cards to google wallet app which would not work and would suspend the payment profile so that I would have to resubscribe yet again.

      So for me, the fix was simple, I just had to remember to change the google wallet payment profile back to Australia in the app settings every time after resubscribing.

  • I have been having trouble in getting the VPN to know my exact location. Everytime I click turkey, Surfshark says It can't pinpoint my exact location and I am directed to youtube Great Brittain. I don't know how to fix this.

    • Try Hola VPN. It worked for me when surfshark wasnt working.

      • +1

        Username is misleading lol

  • Hi Team, I was on India plan which expired and now tried Tukey to get the Annual Premium plan.

    I used a CBA Credit Card and I can see the charge is successful (pending). Does it take a while to activate?


    • You should be able to access instantly

      • Thank you. Weird - I still dont see it :(

      • May be its because transition is pending? Anyone else had any similar issues?

        • Update: the temp payment disappeared. I tried again and all good. Thanks again for an amazing deal.

  • +2

    Just to share, I was on the YouTube India plan when my card expired, tried to switch to my Citi debit card. Could not work. Tried to sign up to YouTube Turkey as well with several vpns, wasted 2 hours, it kept defaulting me to the Australia youtube prices. Was using PIA vpn.

    1 week later, I turned on PIA vpn and tried to subscribe to YouTube Turkey with my Citi debit card and it worked.

    If you’re having difficulty, give it a couple of days and see if it works later. I’ve also given up on YouTube India

    Edit: this was for the YouTube family plan

  • +1

    Nothing works for me. Windscribe, Express VPN. I give up!

    • same for me :-(

      • +4

        Try Urban VPN, the chrome free extension worked for me like a charm, no sign up required as well.

        • +4

          It WORKED!!!
          Strange thing is I tried urban VPN last night and Google reported it could not confirm my country and I tried the Mozilla and Chrome extension at the time but this morning I re-tried the Mozilla extension as I still had that loaded and it seemed to work just fine!

          • +1

            @Jonc: Thanks to both of you! Didn't work in chrome for me (still had it open from windscribe), but it was a breeze in Firefox!

            No address needed here either.

          • +1

            @Jonc: can confirm, after trying every which way possible with edge and chrome, i decided to try firefox with urban VPN and it worked!!!

  • Tried signing up for the Premium family, but only getting monthly options. I wanted to pay for 12 months upfront, is anyone else seeing annual options?

    • Only single user has 12 months option.
      No 12 monthly for family. It's better to do monthly anyway. I had India for years until my credit card expired.

  • Thank you everyone! Couldn't get Surfshark, Winscribe and Hola to work. Had success with the UrbanVPN chrome extension for Turkey.

  • Bit late to the party, but found this deal recently whilst looking for a way to block ads on YouTube, failed via Windscribe but success on Urban.

    ~AUD24 annual plan, no address requested, Citi debit card processed instantly.

    Thanks @I Smell Pennies

  • Got the India 12 month deal last year for $20 but didn't work today with 28C Mastercard.
    Turkey still working ($24.50 for year) happy with that. Can't stand Ads

  • Amazing. Worked for me with the Hola plugin and the tip of saying at the bottom corner of the page that it isn't working. After 2-3 tries it showed up as TRY, accepted my Wise CC and now got premium for a year for just a couple of $. Great deal and hope it lasts.

  • +1

    Hello guys , went through all the process and using urban vpn showed TRY successfully, trying to sign up the yearly plan with my NAB Visa card and NAB visa debit card. Both card showing they took the money( $23.88) but stuck at payment screen, it just keep spinning. Not getting youtube premium or email confirmation as well, signed up Indian yearly plan before and expired. Will be appreciated if anybody could share some ideas~~ Is it the payment will bounce back? Thank you

    • I am having this same issue. Did you work it out?

    • I am on the same boat today, did the payment end up bounce back?

  • Showing as Pounds for me….VPN location IP showing as Turkey….

    UPDATE - Surf Shark - no good. Urban works perfectly

  • Finally signed up

    Used free SoftEther VPN. It is free project by University of Tsukuba, Japan.

    I had to wait around 4 days until someone from Turkey show up as it does not have servers and it is peer based VPN.

  • Worked for me with Urban VPN (chrome extension)

    • Just used my existing gmail account and invited my family members initially
    • Ran into a few errors with YouTube (i.e. cannot verify country), but just deleted my internet history/cache and tried again - it would work again to log-in and put in payment details.
    • Used my Suncorp Everyday options debit card and worked fine $4.74AUD/month for family membership at time of purchase.
  • I used Getflix VPN, worked a charm, made a few accounts for family, accepted NAB debit
    card every time .

  • I've activated the YouTube premium account but now I want to remove someone from the family member. Would I be able to add member without any issues?

  • Worked first time with no errors. Hola Chrome extension & ING Visa Debit. 👍👍

  • Question: do you have to leave your country in your google play store as the Youtube country you have paid for (eg Argentina)? Or can you revert back to Australia to access google play store etc?

  • +1

    My card expires and I couldn't update my indian subscription with a new card. So trying Turkey but not sure what's going on, everytime on payments it just keep having that loading screen and never ends. I tried protonvpn and windscibe, they dont work but Hola seem to get me to show TRY but I cant get past payment, even tried creating the Turkey profile.

    EDIT: Chrome on PC doesnt work and tried on mobile and it works!

  • Got it to work for Türkiye with Hola Chrome extension at Youtube music premium page for my gf.

  • Thanks for all the comments and detailed steps OP, especially the Google Pay - payment profile steps, as I had the Indian deal before.
    I have IPVanish as a VPN, however the Turkish servers didn't work for this one, tried one of the free chrome VPN options mentioned above (Urban VPN) and worked a charm!
    Got my whole family plan setup and going, no more ads

  • So I had an India family plan that was refusing to renew. Nothing I did would work. I found this and for whatever reason my Getflix VPN would link to Turkey but it kept showing pricing for Egypt. After a bit i decided to do a currency conversion on the Egypt price and saw it was actually a bit cheaper, and decided I would try using that.

    So I signed up for 89.99 EGP and was charge $4.40AUD for a month of YouTube family premium. I'm not sure if there's any disadvantages to having used Egypt. But it seems all good so far. I just used my actual street address and put in a random Egyptian state and post code which worked. Hopefully it auto renews just fine. If not in a month I will try a different VPN for Turkey.

    But if this keeps renewing it's actually a bit cheaper seemingly. Which is why I am thinking there must be some catch to using Egypt? Or else it would have been the recommended country ahead of Turkey after India?

  • +1

    Thank you OP! just signed up on YT Music, tho didn't work on YT premium :(

    - i tried Surfshark and Winscribe - failed. UrbanVPN successful in getting IP located in Turkey.
    - tried YT premium, failed to get TRY currency.
    - clicked YT music, got TRY currency
    - paid with CBA debit no problem! thanks again OP

  • Got the right currency to come up. Then cant pay:

    "Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction, secure your account. Learn more about securing accounts [OR-REH-04]"

  • My card expired and my India subscription wouldn't accept the new card. Tried today for Turkey with UrbanVPN and Windscribe but couldn't get TRY. Finally paid for a month of ExpressVPN and it worked first time, still worth it but should have read these comments first.

  • Couldn't get it to display TRY no matter what, used ivacy, surfshark and windscribe, Ukraine UAH is only a bit more expensive and all the VPNs worked just fine so i signed up there.

  • I am getting a blank (white) page when I try to sign up for YouTube Premium via Indian VPN. I did move from Argentina.

    Family Plan via India VPN is not working

    Managed to find an unblocked link for the Individual Membership

    I went through the the above link to by pass the blank screen and and was able to sign up for the individual for INR 129 plan. The link for the family plan is not working. My local Indian card has been charged INR 129

    Although I subscribed for the individual INR 129 plans I am still getting ads and it shows my old Argentina plan as expired and the renew link takes me to YouTube India but I am unable to subscribe.

  • Another existing member with expired card, and for long reasons I was issued a new one. I just couldn't add it as a payment method, even to my Australian payment profile. At one point, I couldn't even log into Latitude Financial so they're clearly busy with something over there.

    In the end, I took the international transaction fee hit and tried out another credit card, and it worked.

  • When trying to subscribe to turkey, does it auto select turkey as the payment address? I can't seem to change my payment address and wondering if that is causing it to decline payment?

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