• expired

Google One Storage Monthly/Yearly 100GB (A$0.50/$5.02) 200GB (A$1.00/$10.04) 2TB (A$2.51/$25.11) @ Google Turkey (VPN Required)


Reposting this deal from 2021, credits to the original poster @Pricebeat and @neo479

Due to the significant change in currency exchange rates, prices are now around 50% lower than last year. I've done the currency conversions from Turkish Lira to Australian Dollars and the percentage of savings so you don't have to :)

Storage Monthly Cost (% Savings) Yearly Cost (% Savings)
100 GB AUD $0.50 (80% off AUD RRP) AUD $5.02 (80% off AUD RRP)
200 GB AUD $1.00 (77% off AUD RRP) AUD $10.04 (77% off AUD RRP)
2 TB AUD $2.51 (80% off AUD RRP) AUD $25.11 (80% off AUD RRP)
5 TB AUD $12.58 AUD $125.78
10 TB AUD $25.15 N/A
20 TB AUD $50.30 N/A
30 TB AUD $75.45 N/A

I remember doing this on an iPhone a few months back (as I don't have an android). So I'm guessing the device does not matter. I just resubscribed today to a new plan, on a PC. So here's my experience, and it took literally minutes.

Step 1: Change your Google payment profile to Turkey. If needed, use a fake address simulator like this one

Step 2: VPN (fly) to Turkey using the deal link above (I used the free Windscribe Chrome extension; although it was a bit tricky since Windscribe kept connecting me to random Turkey locations - in this case just disconnect and reconnect until you land on Istanbul or something, or use a different VPN. Nord VPN does not work). if the currency is shown in Turkish Lira, you've hit the jackpot

Step 3: Subscribe to the plan of your choice. Use a credit/debit card (preferedly with no international fees)

Step 4: Fly back home

EDIT 2:27 AM: After serious testing I've found the following:

  1. Regards to AussieMark's comment here

    • I just did some testing and it looks like you can share your Google One with family members - IT'S POSSIBLE! The only catch is you have to add the family members / accounts into the family first, before taking one of the accounts and subscribing through this deal. TO ADD FAMILY MEMBERS GO TO https://families.google.com/families

  2. For those who currently have Youtube Premium from Argentina, and want to sign up to this deal on top on the Google account - IT'S POSSIBLE, simply create a new payment profile for Turkey

    • If pricing initially shows Turkish but switches back to AUD, try this method: You might see the 3 columns show Australian pricing, but select the 2tb and go to next screen and check it changes to TRY currency. if this doesn't work, then I think you have to delete the Australian payment profile. You can always make a new one after, but be aware that deleting your Australian profile will destroy all your Google Play Credits
    • You can create a new payment profile by following these steps by alcheron: go to https://pay.google.com/gp/w/u/0/home/settings and clicking the pen icon next to "Country/Region" and a link to create a new profile should pop up. You can then add details for the Turkish profile.

Hope this helps!

EDIT 12:00 PM: You need to turn on family sharing after signing up to this plan to actually share the storage. To do this, go to the Google One site and click on the Gear settings icon (alternatively click on this link, then go to "Manage Family Settings" and toggle it on. This step assumes you've sared it with other members before signing up to this plan, as you cannot add family members anymore after if their account locations are not in the same country

Please note the process can be easy for some people, harder for others, or may not work at all. Copying some notes from @bargainsgrabber

  • There is no need for aggression in instances where you are unable to subscribe to an international Netflix account. Share your experience so everyone can chip in and help out. There are plenty of examples where hacks shared on this platform do not work for some people, but may work for others:
    • Modem reset for faster internet,
    • Cash back program purchase tracking,
    • Price matching an unobtainable deal or price error,
    • Targeted bargains, and
    • Limited quantity items quickly or instant (bot) sellout.
  • Similarly we know there are cash back users who follow every single step for cash back (turn off ad blocker, have no items in cart, do not click other links, etc.) on their purchases and it does not work, its probably best to move on.There are many users who successfully use this hack and enjoy paying half the price of the Australian membership. Unfortunately there are also many users who have been unable to sign up to Netflix Turkey or Argentina. After all it is intended for people who reside in Turkey or Argentina. If it does not work, I am not affiliated with any of the entities listed below or linked to and cannot guarantee any outcome. I can only read comments on this platform and others to share them with you. Your patience is appreciated. Please do not take it personally.

Referral Links

Google One: random (191)

Targeted offer: Referee gets 75% off first 3 months of Google One. Referrer get $7.

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closed Comments

  • does it work on existing account? btw you cant fam invite a aus account from turkey

    • +2

      Yes, it works on any google account with a Turkey payment profile

    • -2

      Does anyone have hacks for VPN or other subcription services?

      • +1

        Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, Xbox gamepass.

        • Does doing Netflix and Spotify lose any content? Like do all the shows recommended become Turkish…etc?

          • @amrdeus: not netflix

          • @amrdeus: You can get Spotify unlock for free, if on android use a modified APK

            • @pformag: I don't plan on changing my subscription but do you have a link to a guide on this? So I need to be rooted?

        • I don't actually use any of those services apart from YouTube.

      • yeah the hack is you pay for mullvad 5eur/month and you get the best vpn that exists

        • D'oh… Off I go subscribing to mullvad because I have Nord, and it doesn't have a Turkish server!

    • I consolidated all the advise in this thread and made a detailed guide on getting this to work with a family account

  • +33

    Is it worth risking losing your data if they terminate your account due to breach of terms and conditions?

    • +9

      I would advise only putting data you want to be accessed anywhere on the cloud - for anything else more sensitive that you can’t afford to lose by doing a dodgy like this, always invest in physical storage.

      • +12

        You're not backed up, unless you're in at least 2-3 locations/mediums. If physical storage is your only backup solution, you don't have a robust backup solution. Remember kids, RAID isn't backup, it's only redundancy.

      • +9

        Nah, cloud storage with the big boys (microsoft, google, amazon) is the best backup for stuff that you absolutely do not want to lose, better than physical.

        Physical media can and will die. Physical backups are much harder to keep on top of, because unless you have 2+ backups at different physical locations at all times, it's not backed up properly. With Google Drive/OneDrive it's georedundantly backed up, accessible from anywhere on any device, and is pretty much guaranteed to not be lost.

        • +1

          Oh absolutely - I wasn’t comparing online to offline storage in general, merely in case anyone is contemplating this deal and are worried about their accounts being terminated - I wouldn’t keep any sensitive data on this account just in case of that. Risk is incredibly small, and from a business perspective they wouldn’t worry with terminating these roundabout methods unless it was taking up storage from higher paying clients, but that’s not going to happen 😅.

        • +1

          And if you think about it, any of that physical media can easily be stolen, even from inside a PC. Encryption can be a pain to work around if it's not a portable drive, esp with software on it.

          Cloud storage easily bests that with 2FA on.

    • +14

      People have been asking this question for years (along the same lines with Youtube Premium as well). Google dont really care, they have you in their ecosystem and at the end of the day, they also have your money regardless of how much or little you spend.

      • +2

        That's what people said about netflix and sharing accounts from different households

        • Are there any issues by doing that (netflix and sharing accounts from different households)? Never done that and not interested either, but curious

          • @aec: Netflix said they would be restricting it

            • @aoeueoa: problem with netflix was you could create a lot of accounts across 6+ different households / devices but could only use 3 time if on the high tier, 2 on lower tier …… if they restricted to 2-3 devices before needing password reset across devices then their problem is solved

          • +3

            @aec: Never had any issues sharing netflix account details across continents, let alone households.

            • +1

              @UrbanLegend: Turkish Netflish have ramped up their accessability lately. Recently went to Thailand and I couldn't access my Turkish account from there. However I also have an Australian account and that one worked fine in Thailand. I guess its only a matter of time until they start region locking it.

        • +1

          But we are talking about Google, not Netflix.

        • +1

          Been doing it for 4 years without issue

      • +2

        Google care about fraud. When I did this with Indian payment, worked at first then my google pay got cancelled, and my credit card got blocked
        The logical conclusion was use a new google account for this, but then how is a google drive on another account helpful to me?
        I guess via this family account sharing thing, but apparently you have to be family already before you try this.

        I'll read the rest of the comments, any blocked banned google pay's/credit cards will happen in the days to come, won't be seen in the comments yet

        • +3

          i've been using youtube premium in argentina for over a year now, using the same credit card with no issues.

          • @Heybargain: I might have just been unlucky, but it makes sense to me why I was blocked. I used google pay in an Australian shop hours after signing up for Indian Youtube, apparently being in India. I guess lesson here is don't do this on an account that you're using for Google Pay

            • @bobvegas: My account also uses google pay. Been using YouTube India for several years now. No issues.

    • +1

      I'll add - is it worth keeping your data in Turkey jurisdiction?

      • +17

        That’s not how it works.

        • Are you a data architect at Google?

          Do it understand Google's data sovereignty policies?

          If so, please elaborate.

          If not, then you're just guessing.

          • +7

            @itshammer: Your data does not have anything to do with Turkey jurisdiction. You just make a payment in Turkish currency, you data is separate and is stored in Google servers and it may be stored in any Google server in the world. BTW there is no Google servers in Turkey.

            • +1

              @ozmau5: What ozmau5 said. Your data could be stored anywhere, regardless of what currency you pay in.

              • @PainToad:

                1. Some countries require to store PII of their residents inside the country. Depends of business goals if big player like Google is complying or not. For example, Facebook in Russia declined to do that, but AWS in China is complying, and AWS does not even have datacentres in China - they use their Chinese partners to provide services
                2. if Turkish law enforcement agency/court would send a request to Google, it does not matter where data is stored - what matters is if Google sees you as a subject of Turkish law (same with GDPR - you data could be stored in Zimbabwe, but if you are EU citizen, that data is subject to GDPR), and if Google has the political/business motivation to reject those requests. I'm not sure what implications are of using Turkish version to pay for Google - it could have some fineprint in T&Cs.
                3. Even if chances of something like that happen is low, losing your google account (including email, youtube etc) could be pretty big (profanity) - think of all other accounts that are using your gmail as password restoration email. And you usually do not have much recourse - appealing to Google is pretty much useless, if you are not able to bring it to wider tech community (like hackernews) attention, there is 0 chance your account would be restored.

                I would not risk my collection of memes!

                • +1

                  @interlocal: Just because you enter a Turkish profile, doesn't magically make you a Turkish citizen and subjected to Turkish law.

                  If Google's received request for access they're going to want more proof of Turkish citizenship than you entering a fake Turkish address.

                  • @PainToad: Google would receive not request to access, but request to comply with Turkish laws and remove all illegal material from Turkish Google services. Just storing some files on your Google Drive that COULD be shared would break the law. And there would be no one requesting citizenship data, there would be algorithm comparing hashes of files, removing them, and then suspending your account after some threshold. Good luck appealing to algorithm.

                    If it sounds too unrealistic - that's more or less happening now, with known child exploitation materials etc. The only difference is who decides which materials are prohibited, and I strongly suspect that in case with Turkish entity of Google selling services, it would we Turkish authorities.

                • +1

                  @interlocal: so you're sayin' - you just need to be a Turkey to get this deal … ? ;-)

      • tayyip erdogan won’t have a problem with accounts in australia if you are male and our government doesn’t upset him and putin says it OK …..but seriously, it’s hard to know in the current world climate what some of these extremist governments will do in regards to blocking if they aren’t happy with google.

    • +7

      I just paid the $25 to be sure. Sick of seeing storage alerts for months on end! :)

      Here, I forfeit my OzBargain license.

    • good point. for all peeps concerned with google dirty data practices - i recently discovered a cool encryption tool - VeraCrypt that is compatible with mac / linux / windows and there are some options for android, but i havn't tried), which might help you encrypt your backup for storing on gnarly clouds. good intro video

    • +1

      Definitly not IMO, which is why I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole unless you were using it to store stuff you don't actually care about, using a fake google account.

  • should I do it on my main google account or a dummy one?

    • +12

      Do it on a dummy account then create a shared folder on it that you invite your main to.

      • +1

        Someone said that you can't family share from Turkey account with Australian account.

        • good point. Can't do that for my youtube premium

        • you could make a shared folder but not "invite" to the family. although I'm not sure if shared folder counts towards the owners quota, or whoever uploaded the file?

  • +2

    Any chances of account being terminated?

    • +10

      No one has ever been banned from the Youtube Premium VPN deal (also by Google), for years, at least from what I've heard

      • What if you upload some video (or in case of Google One - some file) that breaks some stupid Turkey law? Google is definitely assisting local law enforcement agencies with their requests in countries like Turkey

        • +2

          What are you planning on uploading?? 😱

        • +1

          tayyip erdogan sets some funny laws on an impulse if not happy and controls media in turkey ….. if not happy with something overseas hard to know what he will block … putin, erdogan, they all read the same playbooks but are just on different chapters .

      • How about if I perchased YT Premium with India VPN and now buy Google One with Turkey VPN?
        Is it risky?

        • +2

          Look out for my comment in a few mins below

          see here

  • -7

    Amen Australia, whip me till i get another A-hole coz that's the Australian way ^_^

    As long as we have mute sheep that just keep on paying and paying. BeeeeEeEeee BeEeee!

    We pay for everything almost, minimum double to 10 times over 🤣

    • +8

      Are you ok?

    • +8

      Must be some killer gear.

      • +8

        He may come across as being negative but he's right.

        Google doesn't provide much/ any support for their apps, so the cost in Turkey is the same as the cost in Australia.

        Yet we pay double because I assume, Google perceives that's what people are prepared to pay

        • +1

          Yet we pay double because I assume, Google perceives that's what people are prepared to pay

          We are just subsidising them since their purchasing power is low.

          Instead of telling developing countries that Google One is only for rich first-world countries, they charge the rich countries more and use that to subsidise the cost for developing countries.

          If every single subscriber in the world only paid $25 a year for 2TB cloud storage, Google One probably won't be financially viable for Google. They are a business, not a charity. Massive cloud infrastructure like that costs a lot of money to set up and maintain.

          • @eug: If that was the truth then they could just cut out all service to third-world countries, whilst continuing to high-charge first-worlders, and make even more money

            • +1

              @GhatT: They are more forward-looking. If they can get the billions of people in third-world countries into their ecosystem now, in 30 years time when their economies are hopefully doing better and everyone has more spending power, they can gradually increase prices and people will stay because they are so used to it over the past 30 years that they'll just stick with it.

              It's like student discounts and developing Chromebooks for schools. If you can get them into your brand early, they're more likely to stick with you later on because of familiarity.

              • +1

                @eug: More likely that it benefits them right now to have those people in the network. Pretty much any data you enter into Google is sent straight to first-world governments, for one

                • @GhatT: Nice theory, but I think the simpler explanation is probably more likely. Companies like money so they do things that will secure them money.

                  • @eug: It isn't a theory, it's a well-known fact. Your theory of them selling their product at a loss in the hope that in 30 years time it'll pay off is more far-fetched

                    • +1


                      It isn't a theory, it's a well-known fact.

                      Amongst conspiracy theorists, sure. There's a much larger world out there though.

  • So what will happen if I stopped the subscription from 2nd year onwards?

    • +3

      You can still access your stuff, but you can't upload anymore

      • what happens if you stop subscription for lets say a month and sign up again? Do you get another 100GB?

        • +2

          No, you just get 100GB back. The second you stop paying for the 100GB you drop back down to 15GB, and you won't be able to receive any more emails or upload anything else if you're over 15GB.

    • Once you stop payi g you go bzck to the 15gb tier. If you're way over that you can't upload anymore or use Gmail. After 2 years of inactivity they may wipe you account.

  • +9

    Turkish person here. I did this but changing the payment profile was not enough for me. I had to change my Google Play Store country to Turkey as well which has some caveats. For example you cannot be in the same family if countries do not match. Also cannot find some apps, side loading works so far.

    • +3

      That's no good. Thanks for the feedback, should be valuable for others here

      • Could just switch play store back to Aus after storage purchase?

        • I don't have Android so I can't comment

          • +1

            @I Smell Pennies: Yeah I assume on android are you forced to changed play store country too?

        • +3

          No you can't. You can only switch once a year (from memory. It's painful process once you have the region changed.

          • +1

            @batrarobin: Right so unless you want your google play store to be the Turkish one and remain so for a yr, this storage deal's a no go?

          • @batrarobin: Only true if you have multiple payment profiles. If you delete them all and set a new profile, your playstore country will default to it.

            • @aaronaldo: So you saying you can sign up to this then change payment back to Australian and all is back to normal?

              • @Jklaro: Yes I believe so. Thing is my main account had the YouTube setup for India already and all my family was setup, so I couldn't delete all the payment profiles. Tried with a new account and worked, but couldn't add family. In the end I gave up and just used my google credit with AU prices

    • +1

      This happened to me. I ended up creating a “burner” account, set up the year long subscription in Turkey, changed the account back to Australia and added it to the family meaning the storage is shared.

      When the plan is about to expire, I will rinse and repeat.

      • You have done this and it works?

      • +1

        I tried the same thing and somehow I could not do it. I am planing try again next year as I cannot change my real accounts store regions for a year.

      • My problem is that my current profile is a family account based in Australia and I'd rather not delete it as I'd lose all the transaction history.

        Can I create a new account, add it to the family, then change that profile to Turkey and purchase via VPN? Or does it need to be the family manager that purchases the subscription?

      • Oh I get what you mean. Create an account now so that next year when you can change to AU sign up change to AU.
        I think you need 2 burner accounts to do this.

      • I created a new profile, bought storage, invited a family member but when a family member clicks "accept invitation" invitation (while VPN is set to Turkey), the following message pops up "Can't Join Family Group It looks like you're not in the same country as the person who invited you."
        Is there a workaround without changing address/payment profile of another family member?
        Or perhaps, is it possible to change my address/payment profile back to AU straightaway and then invite family members?

    • That's odd because according to Google I'm in India and my family are in Australia. This was setup a few years ago though.

  • +7

    Eh, will just keep using Rewards, pays for the 100gb tier easy

    • How do you pay with rewards?

      • "Google opinion rewards" - earn play store credit with basic surveys from visiting places

        • +1

          If you have existing credit with rewards, can this be used to pay for the Turkish Google one plan?

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