just saw this on DickSmith website, think it's quite affordable at this moment ;)
MOD: Back in stock again (22 June 2012).
just saw this on DickSmith website, think it's quite affordable at this moment ;)
MOD: Back in stock again (22 June 2012).
Good things come to those who wait ;)
Is that a hint of another price drop? :D
Unfortunately i doubt it. You're welcome to wait though - and remain $1000 better off!
was $1399 before the updates
So tempting.
(IMO Apple are somewhat evil and I have no money BUT I could get over both of those, a $999 macbook pro is a bargain.)
If only It could be spec'd with a SSD.
Why the cheap price?
new models out
New retina + SSD model announced.
Only for the 15". This model is 13" which only really received a speed bump.
USB3.0 is important too..
And, on top of that, the "new" 15" MacBook pro with retina (as opposed to the refreshed models) retails for $2500.
thats the reason
How come you can't slot an ssd in?
can you tell me what laptop can have a ssd slotted in?
Most can, including this one.
yeah I know. but not "slot".
Well it is just "slot"ting it in, with normal non-mac laptops, usually there's an access panel on the bottom of your laptop, 4 screws at max and bob's your uncle.
Macs… I don't use them so I wouldn't know, but I'd imagine they'd say you voided the warranty by swapping out the harddrive.
It's actually pretty easy to swap the drive and there are instructions in the user manual (and Apple's website). As far as I know, it doesn't void your warranty (unless you do something silly).
Yeah for 13" Macbook Pro you still require you to pretty much unscrew the entire base before you can reach your hard drive. Whereas many PC laptop users would just expect to unscrew one screw, slot the tray out, replace the hard drive, slot the tray back in, fix the single screw and done (at least it has been the case for my previous Dell Latitudes and Lenovo ThinkPads).
Still much better than my old 12" iBook though (circa 2004). You pretty much has to take out the entire motherboard before you can reach the hard drive.
On the other hand, all the Macbook Air and the new Retina display Macbook Pro have soldered on RAM and non-standard SSD drives so the only "upgrade" would be either at ordering, or those customised upgrade kids (both expensive).
how to do it?
Well on the new Macbook you can't, proprietary screws and proprietary sized SSD drives!! RAM soldered onto the logic board. Wow, no upgrading later on the these new Macbooks boys and girls.
It's 6 or 8 screws instead of one. Besides that, the process is exactly the same.
We'll be seeing a lot of this in ultrabook/thin models to come. We'll see manufacturers to solder stuff to the board in a bid to minimise size and form factor.
It's no big deal swapping the hard drive in Macbook Pro. You only do it once in a long time, not like you are swapping hard drives every week or every month.
can't see it very hard, buy some special screw driver set, i assume the cheapest one last long enough for one swap.
take old hd out, and put ssd in, done several times,
if you want you can buy a tray to swap the Superdrive to ssd.
Yep, did this to my 13" Macbook Pro a week or two ago, cost ~$150 including the tray and the SSD. Runs much faster now, it's incredible.
anyone has link to spec comparison between the updates? Googled but haven't found much yet.. Thanks,
EDIT : found it..
wow thats cheap! represents a 28% discount. Best so far…but bare in mind a new model is a few months away and all apple products reduce in price ~10-20% towards EOL.
But again massive discount!!
new model is out now.. not a few months :)
This is DAMN good price - never seen a Pro under 4 digit figure
Are you serious? That is a bargain!
guess everyones back in love with dick again.
It was bound to happen eventually…
imma bloke too… does that make me gay? :S
Not at all mate. I work for the Dick. I love it!
Poor man. Must be new if you still love it. No offence, I just got over it quickly when I worked there.
we do love dick specials
best comments hahahahhah
im considering move from window to apple. how good a intel laptop i can get with $999 ? much better spec?
LOL. Macs is Intels too.
try HP Folio 13-1008TU.
That's an ultrabook, can't compare ultrabook with mac pro. You're paying for your laptop to be light and thin, not fast
ultrabooks are light, thin and fast
You're thinking netbooks buddy.
Pro's have significantly more power than ultrabooks, however ultrabooks have the edge over the Pro's since they have an SSD. The Retina Pro's combine both benefits and prices, the former being great while the latter put it out of reach for the masses.
Nah, ultrabooks most if not all have ulv cpus. Not saying they're slow. But everything else equal (mostly hdd/ssd) they're going to be slower. Compare the i5-2430m vs i5-2467m (which I think is mbp cpu vs hp foli cpu). The difference in processing power will not be noticeable for surfing the web, but there is clearly a difference.
Totally agree netbooks are completely useless
If you are interest in the hp folio. DSE currently have them on sale for $897 so I got it pricematched at officeworks down to $852. Pretty good buy I think.
not looking to start a flame war but macs are slightly overpriced spec-wise, but easier to use OS-wise. Oh and macs tend to be more hardy compare to your average laptops. I've had a hp that starting malfunctioning around the 2-year point and a thinkpad that completely died on me after 3. My sister's viao was a beauty, but like age, was the first to go at 1.5 years.
My white macbook (polycarbonate, before all that unibody nonsense) is still working after 4-ish (close to 5 i think?) years. And bear in mind all 4 laptops underwent substantial usage over the years.
Yeah so that's my experience with these laptops.
My office has 7-year-old Thinkpads still in use. They work fine and haven't developed cracked hinges or anything. And this is an office environment where workers don't care about laptops because they didn't pay for them.
My asus and acer still going after 5 and 7 years respectively. My mates mbp lasted 6 months. Luck of the draw
I had an iBook that died twice in 2 years with the same motherboard fault. Also have an original Macbook Air that's done two hard drives. Now I mainly use a Thinkpad that runs Windows, Lion and Lubuntu. There's many 'PC' laptops that run both Windows and OSX just fine if that's your cup of joe (http://www.macbreaker.com/2012/03/four-best-hackintosh-lapto…). I use both Windows and OSX equally and I really don't see that OSX is easier to use than Windows 7.
this one has intel i5
I have both Windows and Mac. I personally prefer Windows for desktop and mac for laptop. It's handy to have both.
try google
I'd expect better from you Steve Jobs…
you even followed the formatting proud
Haha awesome! Had no idea Epic Threads existed. Thanks Chux!
The price of the Retina Macbook is threatening to pop out my Retina as a blood vessel explodes.
In all seriousness. One of the notable new things is an HDMI interface.
About time.
Interestingly the Apple Store doesn't mention the HDMI interface at all but it is clearly mentioned by MANY in the trade press.
http://www.gottabemobile.com/2012/06/13/macbook-pro-with-ret… has a good photo of the new interface.
How so? The only thing DVI has over DHMI is analogue signal, other wise it is completely compatable and, in current versions, superior.
Displayport can handle higher resolutions, and monitor chaining from one connection I believe it should also be cheaper to implement as it doesn't have the royalties of HDMI .. though as noted below the Mac has a thunder bolt port or mini display port and now they have 2 it means you can use one a screen without tying up the highest speed data port on the machine.
ahh, did not know about thunderbolt <-> display port.
thanks. (woops thanks to the below guy too)
The Thunderbolt port works as a Mini DisplayPort.
I dont think MacBook Pro with Retina display is the new Macbrook pro. It only got announced last week so don't think its out yet. Decent discount nonetheless. Its age old paradigm between little old cheaper technology or shelling out more for latest which wont be latest for long.
It got announced this week, and it's already on sale.
Yep. That's what they do. Sometimes…
It's on sale but on the Apple site says it ships in 3-4 weeks.
sigh. And the wait for a price drop begins again. I remember how expensive the macbook air was when it first came out. Wanted it ever since but could only justify the price 2 years down the road. And look where the price point is now.
macbook with the retina display starts from $2,499….WTF!!!WRJKLAJSDKLASJDLTHE!!!!
I know WTF but what is WRJKLAJSDKLASJDLTHE ?? :P
It's an extended version, shock to the point you start to convulse all over your keyboard, resulting in random keystrokes.
good price for a mac but this older version doesnt have HDMI right? I know the new ones finally have usb3 which is about time and probably a big reason why I wouldn't bother with this one unless you can deal without the speed but personally im dealing with big video files everyday and using dongles or thunderbolt (to expensive and a lack of hdd with that spec) just wont do on the go.
but hey im sure you could argue with me about the hdmi port because apple doesn't put much thought into blu-ray but there's always other means for the use of HDMI.
uh oh, no hdmi. thanks i'll pass
Requires a third party adapter.
cheap ebay ones have worked fine for me
According to the engadget article link above, the new version also has no HDMI.
ie. http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/11/new-macbook-pros-vs-macbo…
It's only the Retina version that has HDMI.
As another commenter has pointed, main diffs are
newer vid card, faster cpu and usb3.
DisplayPort >> HDMI
It is also easy to find converters.
You can buy a dongle to convert the display port to HDMI. JB sells them as do other places.
Dick Smith also sells them :)
No dedicated graphic card, can't play games on it …
You don't play games on mac, you do that on windows.
Yep, although you can install Bootcamp to boot into either OSX or Windows.
honestly if you were a serious gamer you wouldn't even be looking at macs. Or laptops for that matter. I have a windows desktop rig purely for gaming and a macbook for everything else. That's how people should do it, not bootcamping or virtual machining.
Now someone here talking sense.
Also why pay $2K+ for a laptop if you are a serious gamer.
Its not designed for serious gamers. They need and want the ability to upgrade, update and get the latest spec'd device every time. Good on them. No point going to war with inferior equipment.
And that said, if you want a serious 4wd do you take a sports car and mod it. (yes I know there are some with money who can buy a Cayenne, but again thats a money thing)
You actually can. Nothing too hardcore obviously, but my 1 year old 13" MBP with the older intel graphics played most games at a satisfactory level. Ie Borderlands, Diablo, CS:S (yes I realize they're older games but they can still be played.
The new card + processor will make it a bit better.
Obviously I didn't buy it for gaming at all but I was pleasantly surprised at how well it actually played games.
Why have they not introduced the retina display etc in the 13inch model?
coz ur eyeballs would explode!
retina displays must be quite expensive…. the macbook pro 15 inch with Retina display starts from $2,499!
one can only imagine how much a 13 inch macbook pro with Retina would cost…
Its a new component and it will take a while to work out any initial production issues. There'll be a 13 inch retina display version as soon as the factory is yielding enough good panels to fill the demand for 15 inchers.
Costs. The 13" is their highest selling model, likely due to it's substantially lower costs. They probably don't want to raise the cost of the existing model, however if they introduced a new model to go along side the existing one then it will also be competing with the 13" Macbook Air. That end of the spectrum is a bit crowded currently and they probably don't want three different models.
Would have been nice to get a "non-retina" upgrade to the screen but. Even the 13" MBA has a higher resolution than the pro.
Why didnt they include retina display and flash storage!!
They did…
I think turd meant in why these werent included in the discounts… Which is pretty self explanatory really though.
nice price for what it is, but I will stick with windows.
Get on it folks!