This was posted 2 years 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC] Free Rashays Rewards Membership for 24 Months (Normally $10/Year)


Normally $10/year. Use codes "FREEJOIN" and "JOINFREE" separately when signing up and renewing on their website to get 24 months.

Benefits include:

  • $10 voucher on your birthday
  • 10% every time you dine-in
  • $15 Pizza and Pasta on Mondays and Tuesdays
  • Kids eat free on Sundays

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +50

    Would never set foot in one of these places.

  • -5

    Are the staff here fully vaccinated?

    • +12

      They don’t have to be? Mandates are dropped

      • I will avoid given this businesses attitude toward the safety of its customers then.

        • -2

          Yep - during the height of the pandemic, the owner showed complete and utter contempt towards his customers and the communities in which they live. Leopards don't change their spots.

        • +10

          So you apply the same level of scrutiny to every business you visit or interact with? I call BS…

        • Their only safety concern is mostly religion?

        • I'm sure you don't enter Maccas you know big macs and heart attacks

          • -1

            @billsa: If you don’t understand the difference between an airborne virus and a burger then our education system is in crisis

        • Lmao

      • Anyone who works for govt also had to be fully vaccinated . Can we do anything about shunning the govt

  • +8

    Tbf the staff aren't the problem here. They're just normal people trying to get an income.

    The ones you're giving your money to by visiting this place are the corrupt ones but unfortunately it's the regular staff that cop it most. Personally I'd never work here but I understand not everyone has the luxury of choice. What you can choose though is not to eat here.

    • Seems like there's a number of ppl that don't like this business but I missed the memo. What happened with them? I got an Instagram ad for one of their promos recently, 1st I'd heard of them. Not my kindof food anyway so it made me chuckle that they were incorrectly targeting me with their $ to insta.

  • thanks OP, let me try it and i will review it on Google :P

  • +2

    Managed to use the code to renew my expired existing membership, seems to be working fine. Thanks OP

    • Same, renewed since it is free but haven’t been there at all last year

  • -5

    Does he provide anti-vaxx letters?

    • -5

      How many have you had? Let me know when the side effects kick in..

  • +18

    I wouldn't even eat this dog food even if you paid me. Microwave food utter trash.

  • Last tike I tried this free membership, I never ended up getting it

    • +8

      That is a good thing…….

  • +2

    The website doesn't seem works properly

    • +1

      they need to sack their IT ppl

    • Yeah, it's just loading endlessly for me. Screw it, not worth my time.

    • +21

      Read the room mate,
      There are reasons why so much hate.

      • +5

        Where's the room mate I'm meant to read, mate?

    • +21

      I think it’s because it’s worth noting that whilst you can get a free membership, the quality of food, serving size and overall atmosphere is disappointing for the size of business they are.

      The meals themselves aren’t complex enough to warrant the cost they charge, additionally, you can get better value from pub meals (Jays Kitchen or Cooks Hill if you’re in Western Sydney).

      OzBargainers can definitely find bargains, but ROI in utilising this is not worth it.

      • +9

        We actually don't. This isn't the USA

        • Just because it's not expressed in the constitution doesn't mean we don't have it as a human right. The Human rights act sets out freedom of expression.

      • +2

        Lucky we got rid of Supreme Leader ScoMao.

    • Why do you think you should be quiet if you don't agree or like something? We all have different values, morals and grow up with different norms around self expression.
      But for someone that speaks of hate and telling ppl to keep silent, I find it amusing that you couldn't practice what you preach and you told others to shut up.
      Think about that for a second.

  • +33

    This restaurant chain is so pathetic even after you have membership you have to remember your benifits as you dont get entitled to them automatically like I ate with kids and had to remind the staff of the kids eat free on sunday despite swipping the card they charged me.

  • +2

    They are increasing their food price as well…

  • +23

    Avoid. Rami (owner) is a a scammer it's all microwaved rubbish.

    • At least there's a lower chance of undercooked food in the microwave lol

      Was good when it was next to ANZ before Westfields expanded.

      • +1

        Don't get me wrong was great years ago when the prices reflected the quality $10 pasta Mondays $10 snitty anytime of the week

        now it's $25 each for those lmao and nothing has changed.

        • Can't say it's a place I would go to. In the past 10 or more years, I've been to Rashays once.

          Had very limited choice waiting for my shit box VW to be serviced at VW Liverpool lol.

  • +1


  • Do they do a good bacon cheeseburger there?

  • What is it? The front page is mostly a Sign In/Sign Up popover over something that looks like food?

  • Food poisoning last time I ate there cat food lasagna

    • +6

      cat food lasagna

      So you ate cat food ? no wonder you had food poisoning

      • Chef special :)

    • Usually Garfield eating the lasagna is a good sign, no?

  • +1

    Crap food crap prices. I hate it there. No idea how such substandard food can prop up that many franchises.

    • economies of scale?

  • +8

    The new prices are ridiculous. $7 for half an avocado and $27 for a slice of lasagne for example.

    Rami was all over the news having a sook and crying during the lockdowns and now he's bending over those "battlers" that stayed loyal yo him

  • +2

    Code worked to renew an inactive/lapsed membership.

  • +2

    It was fine years years ago in Liverpool, went there once. Went to the Tuggerah store a couple of years later and it wasn’t very good. Pizza was crap, meals were pretty ordinary despite the price. A regular pub is better

    • Was Liverpool the first store before it became a chain? Often went every now and then for many years but once it became a chain, visited less often

      • +1

        It was a proper restaurant back in Liverpool, then it became a chain and went downhill from there.

  • +9

    My local Rashays are now charging $50 for a simple seafood basket, the sort of thing you can get at a pub or fish and chip shop for under $20. The $15 Monday/Tuesday specials seem to be gone too.

    Couple this with the owner's controversial views and it's enough for me to stay away for good.

  • +3

    Can someone update me, why is there a lot of hate for rashays?

    • +8

      They charge roughly same amount as a proper place to eat and give you microwave food. Delusional bunch. Honestly mcdonalds is even better.

    • +7

      owner is an outspoken antivaxxer iirc

      • i cant hide my disdain from the absolute dumb k*nts who eat here

        i mean wat the wat

        • -5

          I cant hide my disdain for the people that want everyone to be injected with something thats NEVER been used in humans before. Dumb k*nts.

          • +3

            @inca86: I usually don't engage with anti vaxxers but seriously, whatever random "indie" news site you're getting your info from needs to be ignored. mRNA has been around longer than you've been alive, based on your user name.


            • -1

              @Dogstar: Seriously you lot are either willingly stupid or just ignore anything that is truthfull because "anti vaxxers" is John Hopkins "indie"…

              Mrna was first used in covid vax, you partook in the experiment, congrats.

              You don't engage with antivaxxers? That's just stupid honestly. I've had every vax since birth right up through adulthood and even when travelling. The litteral only so called vaccine which seriously do your research is not a damn vaccine it's a flu shot at best is the covid vaccine which I will not take. So because people who more than likely have never been antivax in their life refuse this bs new covid vac their autmaticly classed as antivaxxers?

              Tell me please how this works? I don't get it, you're the same people that support abortion, my body my my choice and literally every other freedom of mind body and soul under the sun but when it comes to a vaccine which can cause irreputable harm as has now been proven with the multitude of payouts and deaths as opposed to people that died "with" covid not from it as high lighted by our own governments recent Australian Bureau of Statistics data which shows it. Yet you essentially shun everyone and support every loss of freedom because they won't take a jab?

              Pro "covid" vaxxers honestly make me sick, but I will engage with them any day of the week because I can back my words with first hand experience from family members, friends and government sources that are not from the conspiracy tribe. Yet they will not engage back because they got nothing of substance unless they quote "experts" from msm that haven't spent a day in a practice and change their mind on covid every other month.

              If we're seriously in a pandemic why does litterally no one care about it any more? All restrictions gone. Because covid is no worse than a cold unless your old as dirt and already dying in which case any flu woukd more than likely kill you.

  • +2

    After price increase of at least 30%, now offering free membership to save $10?

  • There's a new store opening in Airport West, VIC. I live nearby, have no idea about Rashays (except it's recent push into VIC) and interested in hearing more about this torrent of hate. Poor Food Safety standards? Bikies shootout on the shop floor? Customers being ripped off? Maybe I've missed something.

    It might be well founded but there are also the same negative views around me (overpriced food, lazy staff) and thought this was more of a given nowadays?

    Thanks in advance.

    • +5

      Owner being antivax not wanting to reopen until after mandates were lifted, was vocal about it.

      The food at the one in Broadmeadows Vic was excellent, only tried their pizzas and pasta, but I have to say the pizza was one of the best I've had (no ham options though fyi)

      • +1

        Thanks TEER3X, much appreciated.

      • Good on him, one thing I agree with. Dude showed a spine.

    • Cafe food to McDonalds standards. Fine for some.

  • +6

    Use both codes to get it renewed for two years. Just tried and worked

    • +1

      now that's a nice trick. Royale indeed!

      • +3

        Technically the title should be updated to $20 to reflect two years worth. Also words "apply separately" to clear up the confusion

    • Thanks, worked for me too

    • Thanks I'm good til 2025 lol

  • lol. $10 voucher on your birthday. wat can yob buy wif dat naw

  • +4

    poor quality food at expensive prices. avoid

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