This was posted 12 years 9 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

All Sidchrome Tools 1/2 PRICE @ Repco, Starts 24 May - Ends 03 Jun


This sounds like a good deal for some decent tools!

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Hopefully they don't "jack" the prices up when I get there :P

    • -1

      100% sure that will happen

    • +3

      Sidchrome is already pricey enough without jacking up the prices.

  • nice… im might have to spend some money there…

  • will my 20% voucher work? (received for signing up to their mailing list)

    • Nope, unfortunately you can't stack this on top.

    • Do Repco sell gift cards? If so, buy yourself a present @ 20% off before the 24th…you deserve it! ;)

  • Semi-related…Supercheap are having a decent sale too - starts tomorrow:…

  • I can not think of Sidchrome without thinking of Andrew Mallard. I wonder if others feel the same way and if it has affected their sales.

    • +2

      I doubt it

    • +1

      Whys that? I can see Wikipedia link about a false murder imprisonment… did he supposedly mash someone with a torque wrench?

      • +1

        That is how he was stitched up. Detectives asked him how he thought such a murder would have happened. He said that the poor lady could have been bashed with a wrench. The cops asked him to draw what that sort of murder weapn would look like. He drew a Sidchrome and was conflicted, in part because of it. He was mentally ill and part of his illness was low self esteem which would manifest itself as trying to be important. So when the cops asked him for help, he felt important and did what he could. The cops knew he was menatlly ill because they had to go pull him out of Graylands, which is Perth's main psycho hospital. It is where the true nut jobs go.

        The detectives did tests on a pigs head, but could not replicate the wounds. They kept the tests secret from the defense team.

        So whenever I hear/read/think/see Sidchrome, I think Andrew Mallard.

        • geeze, poor guy… thanks for the story.

        • At least Mallard will be able to buy a shitload of Sidchrome tools with his settlement money, I would imagine that ambulance-chasers are lining up around the block for a crack at that case! ;)

        • Stewy - he has blown through a very sizable chunk of it with multiple cars, expensive clothes, trips, eating out every day. He did buy a house, so at least he has that.
          Whenever I hear or think of Sidchrome, I see that drawing and imagine those cops whaling away on that pig's head. The name Sidchrome and those events are inextricably linked in my mind. I just don't think I could have one in my toolbox. I am sure there are some other West Australians that feel the same way.

        • +1

          So it just happened that is was a Sidchrome? They didn't provide him with the wrench? Why would that stop anyone buying them?

        • Damn, yes I forgot that even though the guy has a mental illness, that they would just give him a wad of cash & no financial management support. IMHO a few free sessions with a financial manager should be mandatory for all compo payouts to those folks not able to manage their own affairs.

          Yep, unfortunately this kind of thing is still SOP for coppers. I've got a few mates that have been 'verballed' like this by lazy, stupid cops over the years. There's a lesson in this for everyone (guilty or innocent) if you're ever arrested or picked up for questioning, say absolutely nothing until you see a lawyer!!!

          The pigs head thing is just surreal…it's like some bizarro Dexter/Mythbusters episode crossover! :o

        • Stewy- In regards to financial management, it is sort of like a person with a disorder that makes it likely they will overeat. A few sessions with a personal trainer or a nutritionist won;t make an impact down the track. Unless someone is really ill, you can't force them to hand over financial control. So, in the end, they will do what they have a tendency to do.

        • DB24 - No it is definitely NOT the company's fault. That drawing made an impact on a lot of people in WA. I'm not saying it should impact sales and I am certainly not encouraging people to not buy (esp if it is a bargain!), but was just wondering if the totality of the events had ever affected their sales, particularly in WA.

    • +3

      Sorry, can't see how a bloke's mistreatment by the law relates to tool sales. He could have drawn a Snap-On tool and it wouldn't affect their sales either.

    • If anything they would do better.

      even bad publicity….

    • +1

      Get real mate! How on earth could that affect sales?

  • Nice, but I don't think they have a great range

    • +3

      Quality not as good as say 15yrs ago and earlier.

      • +2

        I bought some SCA tools from supercheap.
        i'm going to stick with sidchrome. SCA has the softest metal screw drivers ever! (I can't really complain though, i did pay $28 for a 50 piece kit)

        • SCA screw drivers are junk. Yes they were cheap but many I have thrown out as they have chipped after one use. Will never buy them again

      • I meant Repco.
        Repco won't have a great range of Sidchrome.

        And no, all though much better than several years ago, they are not what they used to be pre Stanley buy out.

        SCA tools are shit, I was looking at them the other day, big pass.

        • Interesting, what do you recommend for someone getting into car maintenance etc at a reasonable price?

        • +1

          Their older Super Works Gold tools were decent. I bought shedloads at 70% off when they were on clearance. The current SCA branded stuff is shite though.

      • Why is the quality not as good as in the good old days?

        • Nothing is as good as the 'good old days'. Personally I still find Sidchrome makes good tools and its cheaper than it used to be.

  • +7

    I was going to get my tools from Supercheap, but this definitely throws a spanner in the works.

    • +3

      It's just Repco ratcheting up the pressure

    • +1

      I think you should just socket up and buy it :P

  • I Love the 10 word description. You did very well.

    • LOL yes you noticed. I did struggle a bit, sat on 9 words for awhile. The deal was pretty self explanatory anyways. ^^

  • Anyone know if they actually have anything decent? Nothing on website and repco store is a bit outta my way.

  • I got the 64 bit set from that wheels deal a few months ago. Must say it is an amazing toolset. Before I had some no name brand from either SCA or Bunnings. Well worth the investment.

    Having said that not sure what the range is at repco, I might try check it out after work :\

    • They did have that set, which should work out $125 in this deal vs $139 in that deal -

      At this pont I am happy I was one of those that waited too long and they stopped the 64pc on the subscription.

  • Does anyone see a reason why this could not be used in conjunction with Bunnings 10% price beat policy?

    • Thats pretty smart. I dont see why not.

      Do you know if they have sidchrome torque wrench? at repco / bunnings. I am after one ;)

      • I've found Repco are pretty good at getting stuff in and in my experience will often apply the sale price on the item even if it doesn't come in until after the promo period.

        As for Supercheap any time I've asked for something more complicated than a fluffy dice I get the frontal lobotomy look - maybe its just my local store!

        • No this is how SCA stores are supposed to be operated.
          Put stuff on shelves, price it well, and let consumers pick it up and take it to the counter.

          Repco is not much better really. usually there is one or two that have a clue.

          I recently walked from a SCA into a Repco store that was literally next door, and it was the same experience in both. More than 4 staff members standing around talking to eachother, no one bothering to approach the customer looking intensely at the expensive tools he wants to buy.

    • I think they don't price match when it's a % off sale - it has to be an actual 'advertised price'. Not sure though…

      • +1

        *Excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. Shelf prices may be lower than advertised to ensure lowest prices every day.

        That is all the exclusions? So if they call up repco, they say yes you can buy a sidchrome 64 bit set for 125$, they have to beat it right? :\

        • yes

        • It's still not an advertised price. You may get lucky and find someone who will give you the match + 10% but I don't think they will honor it.

          Could be worth a shot though.

  • +1

    I clicked on the terms and conditions and it mentioned something about buying two of the same items and receiving one free. Can anyone confirm this is or isn't how you achieve the 50% off?

    • Also, does anyone know if this includes tool chests if they are stocked?

      • the tool chests are ridiculously over-priced… 7 drawer roller cabinet at bunnings is $468… at repco it's over $1200

        • Yeah, I was having a look in Bunnings yesterday but might see what they come down to at this sale ($1200, really??!) and see how goes. You've obviously looked at tool chests recently, any recommendations as to what I should consider? would want 8 draw chest (wheels not necessary) as a mininum.

        • Should check out the Kinchrome factory outlet.. have minor dented tool chests pretty cheap..

        • I'm no expert.. i just know enough to avoid Repco for Sidchrome branded chests and roller cabinets… they sell their items at 20% above the recommended retail price. I don't know any other store that does this. And this 50% off only applies to in-store items. They only stock Sidchrome spanners, spanner sets, wrenches etc

        • lol im confused. the 140$ from wheels was a good deal. Apparently you can get it 125$ at repco. And then another 10% off at bunnings. How is that not a good deal?

        • we're talking about chests and roller cabinets

    • I read that last night twice to realise it is a grammatical stuff up

      "Store stock will vary. Not all Repco Stores carry all advertised products but they can be ordered on request, other than items marked "limited store stock, no rainchecks". *Buy 2 of the same item and get one of the same item free. Limited store stock only, no rainchecks."

      It should be ", buy 2"; that is , a continuation of the previous sentence in regards to exclusions.

    • It's definetely 1/2 price, the T&C's apply to the entire catalogue - there are things on the back page marked with an * that are buy one get one free which is what that is referring to.

  • Are sidchrome tools still good? I remember my dad bought a big set in the early 80s and they have lasted till now. Are new ones as good or have they moved to cheaper Chinese manufacture and I should get other brands?

    • I think they are made overseas but the set I got from the wheels subscription still comes with lifetime warranty and when I used them on my car during timing belt change they were a lot better than the cheap stuff I used before, so I think they are worth it and am hoping they will last me a lifetime ;)

    • Its a difficult question to answer. They are not the most expensive tools but I feel they are very good quality for the price. There are other brands that seem to be just as good but they cost about the same.

  • I went to my local store yesterday and asked for sidcrome tools to which the staff said they actually didn't have any… We told them that must be why they are 50% off and they just laughed…. Great sale repco

    • omg really? that is pretty bad…

      Has anyone found any?

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