• expired

Verbatim DVD+R 50 Pack Spindle - $2 @ DSE


Verbatim DVD+R offer 4.7GB or 120 Minutes of write-once storage capacity, superior recording quality, and compatibility with 1X to 16X DVD+R writers. Verbatim's 16X cutting edge technology allows users to record a complete 4.7GB/120Min disc in approximately 5 minutes. Recognised as the choice for professional users, Verbatim DVD+R offers the optimal "Advanced Azo" recording dye, which provides the highest level of read/write performance, reliability, and archival life. Verbatim 16X DVD+R media is compatible with Sony, Dell, HP, Compaq and other leading drive manufacturers.

Features and Benefits:
•Compatible with 1X-16X DVD+R Hardware.
•Record 4.7GB or 120Min of data and video in approximately 5 minutes.
•Advanced AZO recording dye optimises read/write performance.
•Ideal for recording up to 2 hours of DVD quality home movies and video clips.
•Archive and back up, up to 4.7GB of important data.
•Compatible with 16X DVD+R drives from Sony, Dell, HP, Compaq and others.
•Read compatible with most DVD-ROM drives and DVD video players.

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +2

    Nice but max order is 2. Is it really worth my time driving 15min to a DSE that has stock?

  • +3

    No Stock in Canberra…No wonder they shut all the stores here!

    • +1

      Don't think it was advertised, so why would they stock up on items they are trying to clear?

  • +1

    Just ordered a few.

    There's still stock in Melbourne CBD store and Frankston store for anyone that's interested.

    • -1

      No CDs left in Melbourne it seems. :(

  • +1

    Bleh.. None at any of my local stores…

  • +2

    All Verbatim stock is being cleared out, as a result a majority of it is marked at $2


    • I will be stocking up at my local DSE tomorrow! Thanks!

    • Kinda doesn't make sense considering Verbatim is the best blank media brand in my experience. A lot of people also share this view.

  • Owwhh would have been good to have this info yesterday, all gone, but well before 500 clicks.

  • how do you click and collect. it says low stock at a store near me but says one product not available when I select it at checkout

    • Need to be 2 in stock for Click & Collect to be available.

  • +1

    awww no stock within 50km of my place thats 5 dick smiths stores! ahha

  • Very nice price, but no stock in Canberra. I thought I'd check central Sydney as well (2000) - no stock. In Melbourne (3000) two stores have low stock, while the rest have none. Brisbane (4000) looks a lot better - three stores have low stock.

    In other words, good luck finding these.

    • But would not accept Click & Collect at those Low Stock Brissie stores ('one product not available') :(

  • no stock near me, damn.

    235 GB for $2 is damn cheap.

  • There's stock of 30pk LightScribe DVD+R at Doncaster VIC (The Pines Shopping Centre) for anyone close by.

    Same price.. $2.. Cheap for LightScribe.


  • No Verbatim stock at north Parramatta DSL. 8 Days left before we close and plenty of good bargains still to be had!

    • so what's the deal with Dickies, are they all going to beclosing down? this and retravision, it's getting serious for retailers

      • Some are, but not all.

      • Only 15 stores are undergoing closure at the moment, all other stores will be trading as per normal.

        There is no further information available regarding remaining stores and the future of DSE.

      • My own observation:

        Retail electronics is nowhere near as profitable as it was 3-5 years ago, and with online shopping becoming more popular and products more accessible online, fewer people see the need to enter bricks and mortar stores to shop.

        That coupled with the GFC & Eurozone issues, people aren't as willing to spend because money is more scarce than it was 5-10 years ago.

        As much as we all ultimately want a good price, or for us OZBargainers - the best price, and turn to online shopping, we quite often fail to support those stores which bring the products to us in the first place when we should, even if it costs a few percent more in price.

        • +2

          I think the blame lays squarely on the wholesalers. If it's costing the retailer more to purchase the product than a similar company OS, then they are always going to lose..

          But then, they'll shift the blame onto transportation companies, which apparently are ripping everyone off as well. Funny how it seems to cost more to ship 100+ of an item than it does 1. </sarcasm>

  • Thanks just got

    VERBATIM DVD-R 50 pack Spindle
    VERBATIM CD-R 100 Pack Spindle

    • 100 pack is $20??

      Edit.. CD :/

  • Out of stock everywhere.

    Are all DSE stores closing down?

    • Just ordered 2 packs of DVD-R 50s in Brissie

    • No, only 15 stores closing at present

  • None at the stores near me. Sweet deal though.

  • +8

    Found some hidden gems. Not going to create a separate threat. Good luck if you find some in your store.

    Laser DVD Player DVD-HD007 $2 only found in bankstown. Sorta far from me. Can't be bothered. Try your luck.


    Remington PG210BP Personal Groomer $2 Got 1 for myself. Blacktown and castle hill is showing stock.


    • Trouble with Low Stock - stock may only exist on compuer, may be faulty, damaged, or being used in store. I've chased too many ghost stock items!

      Thanks - Picked up 2 groomers in Brissie. Make an OK gift.

    • THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

      Got a groomer, just checked my suburb, then all surrounding, until i found one.


    • +1

      i bet anyone with one will be faulty stock …… the Laser blu ray players are quite reliable but the dvd players are not

  • +1

    DSE website is sloooooooooooowwwwww

    • Thank you.-R is in stock in my city.

  • -2

    DVDs are soooooo 2005…

    • +1

      doesn't work for me. What did you search for to get a list?

      • +1

        Verbatim then order by cheapest

        • ahh ok thanks

  • Southland, VIC still has stock fo collection. I just purchased 2.

  • bum i could not find any more near doncaster

  • Typical luck. On the day I run out of DVD's, I find this bargain, but get here too late to get anything.

  • no stock at all

    • no, none near you.

  • Thanks, good found.

  • +2

    Just clicked to picked up these in Brissie stores. But both only get 1/5 in reviews!
    2 $2 Answering Machines with 2-Way conversation recording, MEMO recording http://dicksmith.com.au/product/F8115/dse-basic-digital-answ…
    2 $2 slimline phones http://dicksmith.com.au/product/F4526/digitor-slimline-corde…

    • +1

      works after an earthquake unlike a cordless
      unable to use it due to sticky buttons

      • My landline phone is now earthquake proof for $2! Oh, thank you DS!!
        Pity the copper cables will just snap, and the exchanges will crumble.
        Must be careful not to get my buttons sticky.

    • The above $2 Answering Machines with 2-Way conversation recording, MEMO recording - some display stock are left at a few Dickies so you can get them for $2. Staff don't seem to realise they are there, so ask.

  • This is a superb post, but the DSE website, though attractive, works very poorly. I cannot fathom why they would rather close stores than fix something so basic.

  • seems to be a lot of dual layers in melbourne. 3 for $2, great value if your 360 has CFW

    • Thought that needed +R DL?

      • damn, I think you're right, I haven't burnt a game since I got a PS3

  • Wow this is soooooo cheap

    That's like 4cents a disc lol

    What a bargain

  • +2

    DS is clearing out some aging lines to make way for new stock, hence the insanely low price. also 3.5mm aux cables for $2, TDK 10 pack with cases for $2, Verbatim DL DVDs 3 pack with cases $2, and a whole bunch of home phone cabling stuff.

    but being they are clearing the items out, the reason people are struggling to find stock is the fact that the price is desgined to run the stock out.

    and as for the closures the only DS stores closing are unprofitable stores, or stores that had been end of lease stores that werent performing well for a while. The whole DS closing thing was a beatup, Woolies is SELLING DS, not closing the company, many believe its due to them putting more focus into their BIG W stores for electronics (TVs and whatever else etc). The company is making money as a whole, and comping on previous years still due to the major facelift they've undergone so wouldnt make sense to close a business actually turning a profit in this retail climate.

    • yes, I think right now what is actually happening is woolworths is trying to crash prices in order to win market share and make the company look good for someone to buy it.

      They want somebody to buy it and then sell electronics as a competitor @ bigw (more than they are now, but not as many lines as DSE has)

    • The DSE in Bourke Street (Melbourne) had what appeared to be a renewed supply of the DL 3 packs this afternoon - a dozen or so more packs than the day before.

      They also had a number of the 25 packs of dvd cases for $2.

  • +1

    A 10-Pack of TDK DVD-R discs is also available for $2. If you can find them in stock.

    Product information here: http://dicksmith.com.au/product/XM1228/tdk-dvd-r-16x-4-7gb-s…

  • Godd brand, great price. Thankss

  • any idea what the shelf life of these is?
    Got several spindles unopened from a few years back, still salvagable?

  • Is no one going to say it? Guess I will …

    There is no stock at most stores because the staff bought it all!

    • +1

      Umm… you post that there is no stock 12 hours after this deal was posted. With a popular deal, it would often be OzBargained straight away. DS's website barely worked due to the high traffic last night.

      There is no stock because none has been ordered in by DS for a while (hence no online stock), these are very old stock, it already has been on clearance in the stores, and what was left has been snapped up by OBers as soon as we knew about the deal. I used to know many DS managers & buy up all their 'Quit Stock' for a nice profit. Little if any of that stock was of interest to staff. Its old technology. No need to stir up any conspiracy theory!

      I easily ordered
      2 $2 packs of DVD-R 50s,
      2 $2 Groomers
      2 $2 Answering Machines
      2 $2 slimline phones
      and more $2 stuff in 3 Brissie stores (limit of 2/order)

      • Sarcasm missed… obviously.

        • -1

          Unfortunately on OB, it is often not sarcasm displayed in these DS deals. Assumed it was - but not obvious enough ;)
          Replied just in case - tired of these same old conspiracies!

          Now we will see how much stock actually is in the stores - as some will only exist on the store inventory, not on the shelf. In the coming hours junior staff will scour the shelves for this stock, and texts may go out that some of us won't get our order. (Knowing some stores far too well, it will exist but will be lost out the back. Some stores were notorious for poor stock taking practices - with lots of old stock left on their computer which had been transferred to other stores, stolen, damaged, returned unfit for sale, or lost.) Then we will really hear the conspiracy that staff hid it away for themselves.
          My comment is merely a preemptive strike!

    • +5

      Very easy to blame staff, or sarcastically elude to it.

      There is no stock because thieves don't tell us to adjust our stock levels before they take something.

      Yesterday alone at the closing store i work at, we had a few $10 mobile phone pouches right through to a $370 HDD stolen, all with heavy discounts on each item.

      • Unfortunately, that is what I predicted for some of us :(

        • Fortunately, I was lucky with 5 out of 6 orders.
          1 store said it had stock, but they rang to say none existed.
          I rang a store with Low Stock, but had none.
          They suggested Garden City had 6 of what I wanted, so rang but it was a mistake on their system. Online also showed no stock.

          So DS store computer stock levels may differ from DS online level, and both may differ to real stock level!!

      • +1

        Click and Collect is a great system, providing the stock is actually available in store.

        So many times at my store have customers assumed items were in stock without waiting for confirmation, only to be disappointed (many wanting compensation which is ridiculous) upon arrival at the store because the items we were looking for were damaged/stolen etc and still showing up on our system

        • A great system, but only as good as the true representation of the stock level. Years ago I was an electronics builder & DS tragic - checking stores in out of the way locations for old stock (from Cairns to Tasmania). Some stores inventories were way out. Some stock had not existed for years. When I brought this up with DS head office - they sent me a free $100 kit. But with this system, stock is checked to exist, reserved if available & they even ring if stock is not available after all.

  • Nambour is the only store on the sunshine coast with stock.

  • None in Canberra, Staff cleaned 'em already :)

  • -5

    should neg coz no stock,

  • +1

    Just received phonecall regarding my order issued yesterday. They cannot find the dvds to put aside and therefore my order is cancelled.

    Hmm, not implying anything, just mentioning the fact. :(

      • Same for me too

        • In my case I ordered for pickup at the Westfield shopping center Dick smith store near Chelterham. Hope you guys did not order for pickup at the same place.

          Would be strange if all disappeared at the same store….

  • Nice I just got a email "Your Click & Collect reservation is now ready for collection" for an item I ordered yesterday ^_^

    Thanks OP

  • -2

    Just received texts + emails - my orders are ready for collection!
    As stock was in short supply, meant 5 orders from 3 stores.
    2 $2 packs of DVD-R 50s
    2 $2 Groomers
    2 $2 slimline phones
    1 $2 100 LED light set with solar panel & mains pack
    2 $2 answering machines with memo & 2 way conversation record

    Of course there will be shortages of old stock at some locations.
    But as some people are saying No stock at DS? Bah Humbug!

    Just placed another order a few minutes ago. DS rang back to appologise that their store computer was incorrect & there was no stock. Pretty good service.

    • Placed another order a few minutes ago for 2 $2 Indoor/Outdoor 100 White Led Light Set HS0400 to replace failed order. Order available - got last ones at that store. Handy for parts (solar panel, rechargable batteries, plug pack) or parties. http://dicksmith.com.au/product/HS0400/indoor-outdoor-100-wh… Those are $18 at closing down stores (eg Logan) on special!
      Love the negs ;)

  • i like honest staff at my local store… they actually knew the price for $2 but was only busy on putting orders aside (b4 the shop open at 10) as oppose to grab all of them for themselves… could b the case where DVD is not in their interest. but still pretty good service today! maybe because i actually grab the disc i want ^_^

  • +1

    Guys if you missed out on the 50 pack of DVDs they have "VERBATIM DVD+R Inkjet Printable 16x 4.7GB 100 pack" for $20. Not as good but still a pretty good price-



  • No stock within 30km!!!!!!!

    • Most stock OzBargained 15 hours ago.

  • I got emails to pickup all 3 of my order. Was unable to get stock on the $2 groomer however but that's fine.

    • Pity about that. Stated stock levels are often incorrect on old stock.

  • +1

    Stock may be available at closing stores, may show if you 'Check Store Stock', but won't be shown as available for Click & Collect. I have been told these stores are under a separate management company to wind them down. So they cannot offer DS catalog specials or ordering. BUT, stock levels may only reflect levels at date new management took over, and may not be updated.

    Also prices at closing down stores are NOT DS prices.
    Logan store just quoted $13.95 for 50pack DVD-R at their 'closing down sale'!!
    The $2 100 LED light set is $17.95 & they have stock. http://dicksmith.com.au/product/HS0400/indoor-outdoor-100-wh…

  • +1

    Just picked up two spindles at the Toowoomba store. Two left on the shelf if anyone wants them…

  • no stock throughout ACT :(

    • +1

      Dee Why plenty of stock, but 'Closing Down Price less 15%". i.e. normal price less 10% but cheaper on Wed & Thurs.

      • These stores are under the operation of a liquidator, not DS.
        Same staff, same store, same stock, just different managers/owners who say they won't haggle or price match DS.

  • Thanks. Just picked 5 spindles of DVD-R.
    By the way, Dick Smith have taken down the page with the Laser DVD Player DVD-HD007 For $2
    linked to earlier in this thread.

    The DSE shop assistant made me feel like a liar when I mentioned it.
    It would be nice if someone had a screen shot of that page.

  • Thanks. Just picked 5 spindles of DVD-R.
    By the way, Dick Smith have taken down the page with the Laser DVD Player DVD-HD007 For $2
    linked to earlier in this thread.

    The DSE shop assistant made me feel like a liar when I mentioned it.
    It would be nice if someone had a screen shot of that page.

  • anyone mannage to PRICE MATCH + 5% off at officeworks?
    the one I go to have a Stubborn manager does not want to PRICE MATCH
    he making me serioursly thinking about complaining to ACCC & Fair Trading!

    • +1

      @Davidl2 i got office works to price match no issues there. looking at the reciept they didnt do the +5% i wasnt going to push it for 10cents.

      Great find!!

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