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Bonus Max Speed Data on Vodafone Month to Month SIM Only Plans: Lite 80GB $40, Super 200GB $50, Super+ 300GB $60 @ Vodafone

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$40/Mth SIM Only Lite Month to Month Plan

  • Unlimited standard national calls and text
  • Unlimited standard international text
  • 80GB Data (access to 5G, and 4G) First use 80GB Max Speed data then keep using infinite data in Oz at speeds of up to 2 Mbps. 2 Mbps is great for browsing, social media and streaming music. Not suitable for HD video.

$50/Mth SIM Only Super Plan (Was $55/Month)

  • Unlimited standard national calls and text.
  • Unlimited standard international text
  • Standard 1000 mins to Zone 1 & 100 mins to Zone 2 international minutes from Oz
  • 200GB Data (access to 5G, and 4G) First use 200GB Max Speed data then keep using infinite data in Oz at speeds of up to 10 Mbps. 10 Mbps is great for high definition video and video calling. Uploading large files to the web may be slow.

$60/Mth SIM Only Super+ Plan (Was $65/Month)

  • Unlimited standard national calls and text.
  • Unlimited standard international text
  • Standard Unlimited international minutes to Zone 1 & 200 mins to Zone 2 international minutes from Oz
  • 300GB Data (access to 5G, and 4G) First use 300GB Max Speed data then keep using infinite data in Oz at speeds of up to 10 Mbps. 10 Mbps is great for high definition video and video calling. Uploading large files to the web may be slow.


Bonus Data
Get 70GB/140GB/200GB bonus data each month for use in Oz when you stay connected to this plan, On SIM Only plans, this offer is only available for new/additional services. Offer ends 30/06/22 unless extended. T&C apply.

Save $5/mth off plan fees (On $50 & $60 Plans Only)
Save $5/mth off plan fees each month you stay connected to this plan. Hurry, offer ends 30/06/22. T&C apply.

Amazon Music Unlimited
Get 3 months of Amazon Music Unlimited on us (when you have a Vodafone Infinite or SIM Only Infinite Plan). After 3 months, you'll roll onto a $11.99/mth subscription. New Amazon Music Unlimited customers only. Offer ends 23/08/22 unless extended. Redeem within 30 days of purchase. T&C apply.

If your plan include Zone 1 or Zone 2 countries, check it out below.

Zone 1 countries
Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Guam, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican (Holy See)

Zone 2 countries
Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brunei, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Faroe Islands, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Macau, Malta, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Northern Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain Canary Islands, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

Notes To Self

$40 - 10GB Standard + 70GB Bonus = 80GB total
$50 (Was $55) - 60GB Standard + 140GB Bonus = 200GB total
$60 (Was $65) - 100GB Standard + 200GB Bonus = 300GB total

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It's a good data offer but it really cheeses me off that data from the current in-market plans can't be shared with any so-called 'old' plans on an account.

    For someone like me, where I have several services on one account, it means changing all my services to current plans to take advantage of data sharing.

    Some of the older plans I have are much better value.

    • Same with Optus and Telstra 👍😁

  • Wish Telstra would price match.

  • I can’t get 5G where I live. That’s the only thing stopping me from moving from Telstra.

  • their unlimited sim plan is rubbish when it comes to hotspot (only 30gb is allowed to be used through hotspot and then slow speed whereas the other plans is fast speed until all the data runs out), also these plans aren't as good as previous plans as previously when you used the data the speed went to unlimited 25 Mbps where as now it is like 10 or 5

    • +1

      Yep, you would have thought speeds would only get gaster and limits bigget.
      The 65 plan was 500gb last year or year before

      • Ive been waiting for this deal, or a double data deal to come back but I dont think they will be

    • By chance have you tried any of your Vodafone postpaid call plan sims in a 4G or 5G modem? I guess that would be still considered as WiFi hotspotting, I wonder if I place a Vodafone sim in my 5G Telstra WiFi Pro which has ethernet out would that be considered as a WiFi hotspotting well would it recognize it that way at all (I reckon it wont, or it will come up as tethered), tempted to try them for a month as I've never really tried there services at my place, maybe try their $50 200gb plan that slows down to 10Mbps, my Optus data plan is fine at 1.5Mbps (speedtest shows 10 - 15Mbps if accurate) so 10Mbps should be plenty for me

      And 73.5% cashback of first month for month to month postspid plans with shopback but I'm not sure how long one needs to stay on plan to qualify, I'd assume one month is enough since it's Vodafone month to month postpaid plan

  • +4

    Vodafone is 2mbps most the time anyways.

    • I thought it was a joke that people made about Vodafone and I bought a sim. Boy was I wrong. Can’t wait to switch away.

  • If im sith voda, do I need to cancel my plan then purchase this?

    • On SIM Only plans, this offer is only available for new/additional services.

    • +1

      You can if you port out to a Telstra pre-paid sim which takes 15 minutes, then the next day or during the week you can sign up to the plan you want from Vodafone

      • Hi regarding porting to Telstra. Do I need to cancel my vodaphone plan first or after? Can you give me the whole sequence? Much appreciated.

        • Porting/transferring your mobile number to Telstra will automatically cancel Vodafone plan once the port/transfer is completed

  • -1

    Bought something from vodafone once. Worst service ever, palmed off and lied to when I was just trying to return a faulty vodafone TV and was perfectly polite about it. Couldn't pay me to deal with them again. Didn't even have an emailed receipt from my purchase because their website sucks.

  • +3

    I just switched to Voda from Aldi and am happy. I was getting 1 bar with Telstra at home and about 15mb speed, now I get 4-5 bars and 350mbs 5G. Soon Vodafone and Telstra’s tower sharing arrangements will begin and the regional issues will be solved

  • Tried signing up with Voda twice this week and it was an absolute nightmare. First attempt I only signed up for a sim only plan without a handset, and got an email saying they couldn’t approve me, but they were happy to offer me a sim only plan (exactly what I was applying for anyway) and if I want to proceed to reply to the email, which I did, and then got a second email saying my order was cancelled.

    Tried again later in the week for the exact same thing, a sim only plan, and got an email saying I was approved pending a credit check, then got another email saying my order was approved and to setup my e-sim, which I then tried to do but needed a code which I wasn’t given because my order screen said pending credit check. Then tried to ring up the number they gave me and get the code, and after 5 attempts and telling the robot 5 different ways I wanted to get my code, I got told 5 times about how to activate my replacement sim online and then hung up on by the robot.

    Never thought any telco could be worse than Optus, but these guys are a complete nightmare just trying to join up, so I can’t imagine what a nightmare dealing with them for anything else once you’re actually in the door would be.

    • Never thought any telco could be worse than Optus

      The most secure computer in the world is one not connected to the internet.
      Thats why I recommend Telstra ADSL.

  • Beaide being m2m, I think the normal JB deals $69 with 200gb and $400 giftcard are much better value. If you don't mind staying for 12m

  • Wow Vodafone pushing new deals hard, funny Vodafone is seemed to be the cheapest alternative out of the 3x big telcos (taking into account there coverage/service) but their specials and deals usually don't beat the other 2x big Telcos,.. well especially Optus why I haven't had the pleasure of trying Vodafones postpaid plans and service out as yet, now might try them out for a month with this deal see what there like in my area, Telstra winning so far in 5G speeds, 5 minutes away drive Optus 5G smashes Telstra 5G with over 1 GBps speeds👍😁

    Edit: 73.5% off first month for month to month postspid plans with shopback but I'm not sure how long one needs to stay on plan to qualify, I'd assume one month is enough since it's Vodafone month to month postpaid plan

  • @jmytch regarding porting to telstra. Do I need to cancel my voda plan first? Can you give me the sequence? Much appreciated.

    • If you cancel your plan first you lose your number.
      You'll also need your billing account number if on postpaid and DOB if on prepaid. Beware if you're already on postpaid, once your number is ported and account closed you'll need to do another credit check to get back on postpaid. So be careful about anything recent that might affect your credit history.

    • Yes as stated above you'll loose your number if you cancel, never ever cancel a plan

      These days when in the process of applying/porting over you'll get a SMS (OTP) from Telstra to your current provider Vodafone with a number code to verify its you/your account your porting over, rest is usual which is provide a license number or Medicare card number, name address etc during the application process and that's it should take under 5 minutes to apply, can do in person or at a Tesltra store if you don't want to do it online (online youll have to wait sim kit or use a starter sim kit), usually ports over fairly quickly depending time of day etc

  • OPTUS needs to up the excess data throttle speeds, Vodafone offer 2mbs base speed to Optus 1.5mbs and thats an extra 33% extra bandwidth! The Vodafone offer 10mbs and Ulilimited at full speed (caveat is tethering is basically banned effectively at 2mbs, the same as the base plan)

    Overseas Vodafone offer you the ability to select your throttle speed, data limits and excess data speeds for a lot more customization than they offer here. Id rather Felix 20mbs unlimited and keep the sim in the phone and just hotspot away myself for $35 a month!

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