Income Tax Rate For Liberal and Labor?

I would like to know if there is a difference in the amount of income tax that you pay between liberal and labor government, or does it always stay the same?
If there is a difference, which government would I pay a lower income tax?

I have lived and worked in Australia for a number of years now. However, I only became an Australian citizen last year so I have to vote this year.
I watched the federal budget on TV but wasn't able to find any information on this.

My annual income is $87k.



  • +1

    OP, vote in your best interest because nobody else will care about it more than yourself.

    I don't vote but if I did then I would support the party with policies that drive disruptive technologies.

    • +1

      The ALP are going to be driving home incredible wealth-generating technologies if they are elected, I sh!t you not. Pls, if you have 10 mins to spare, this video will show you how Australia is on the cusp of generating insane wealth for Aussies to prosper.

      • I click the link but didn't like the title. Didn't watch it.

        • I don't vote but if I did then I would support the party with policies that drive disruptive technologies.

          So edit your comment and remove this, then

  • +2

    You should be less worried about how much tax you will be paying and more concerned with what services as a tax paying citizen those tax dollars get you. We should be voting on that…

  • +1

    OP, vote for what you strongly believe in. That usually tends to lean towards the left since they stick to socialist ideas, if not socialism.

    Personally, I have active interests in social welfare, NDIS, Medicare, global warming, and the economy. So, I will say I am rooted in socialist ideas and stick to the ALP and Independents who take a similar view.

    And as everyone has said, please take an active view on where the tax dollars you spend are going to - LNP and Nationals tend to use it to pillage the land for resources to sell badly (we could have been making a mint on all materials but, no)

  • -4

    If you are pro business, high income and don't rely on the government like welfare / Centrelink and adapt the every person for themselves concept most people would vote Liberal

    If you are on ordinary income, receive Centrelink and pro society than the individual you vote Labor

    All the other parties the votes goes to Liberal or Labor if they don't win

    If you want things to go back to the stone age you vote Greens

  • Look at each party's "promise" to spend money on, wether if it's EV, hospital, age care, ndis, infrastructure, apprenticeship, farm subsidy program, etc.. all of these money come from your tax. So make sure they spend on things you care about.

    I don't like the fact they plashing cash (which we don't have) to buy votes.

    • In general, the more they spend on things which don't generate income, they more they tax you 😁

  • +2

    By and large, left wing governments tax more than right wing governments.

    • [citation sorely needed]

      Show me.

      • +1

        Are you familiar with the traditional concepts of left and right wing economic politics? Right wing economics is more capitalist and deregulated while left wing is more 'socialist' and regulated - this isn't even a remotely contentious comment to make, it is fundamental.

        Edit: lol, just saw your other comments. didnt realise Albo trawled ozb.

        • +3

          So I'll take the request for citation as a no, huh?

          I mean, taken straight from the budget you can see that, as a fact, the Coalition have a higher tax-to-GDP figure on all counts.

          You can read about it here if you want:

          However, the historical tax-to-GDP data contained in the budget — which measures the Commonwealth tax take as a share of the economy — tells a different story.

          Over the past 30 years, taxes have been higher on average under Coalition governments.

          If the only way you can discuss politics is with a Left/Right dichotomy, it's a little smooth brained. Sorry, mate.

          • +1

            @ThithLord: Ugh. I really can’t believe a citation is required for something this fundamental. Will Wikipedia suffice comrade?….

            My comment was not regarding a specific party despite what you have tried to infer. OP’s question cannot be answered because the ALP have not replied to the budget as yet and therefore it is literally impossible for anyone to answer. That said, Labor were initially opposed to some of the tax breaks passed down last year and they also tried to scrap negative gearing (your probs remember).
            Needn’t get so emotional over these things champ.

            • +1

              @bman20: Nice moving of the goalposts there, ChAmP.

              My comment was not regarding a specific party despite what you have tried to infer.

              lol so, what? It was just an offhand comment with regards to ……. left-wing parties in general? Nothing to do with the actual topic of this forum - whether Liberal or Labor tax more? You weren't suggesting the ALP are left-wing, LNP are right-wing?

              I'm a little emotional over this stuff, champ, cos one party is actively pillaging the future of this country and the other party, a LeFt WiNg party, is going to revolutionise the country.

              I know which side I'm on.

              • @ThithLord: Your emotion and resorting to name calling in a reasonable discussion is a reflection of your depth of understanding and intelligence. Happy to cite the plethora of psychological studies that refer to this too.

                No goal posts are being moved, I made a factually correct statement. anyone claiming to have an answer to OP is lying as Labor has not responded to the budget - is this computing?

                • +1

                  @bman20: Can you care to elaborate how saying this:

                  By and large, left wing governments tax more than right wing governments.

                  Answers this specific question?

                  Income Tax Rate For Liberal and Labor?

                  And with literally no factual evidence to demonstrate your reasoning?

                  Also, I didn't name call anyone. I said:

                  If the only way you can discuss politics is with a Left/Right dichotomy, it's a little smooth brained

                  • @ThithLord: As i have said a few times now, it is literally impossible for anyone to answer OP's question. Labor's stance is unclear at this point in time. I also went on to refer to a couple of very recent examples where labor have supported higher taxes than the LNP.

                    I have simply replied with a comment as to how economics 101 typically works along the political spectrum. I didn't intend for anyone to be triggered.

                    Your comments suggest you are a rusted on Labor voter and if you truly think our country is going to look notably different under a Labor government, you have a very short memory. Time will tell however history tends to repeat itself.

                    A green tech revolution? Good grief.

                    • -1


                      I have simply replied with a comment as to how economics 101 typically works along the political spectrum.

                      OK so we are meant to just take your word for it, got it. No need to provide even a shred of further information; you said that's how it works - so that means that's how it works! I see what I'm dealing with here.

                      Have a ripper wkend mate

                      • -1

                        @ThithLord: Good grief. Your attitude is emblematic of exactly why Labor failed to win the unlosable last election, you have your blinkers on and are unable to reason with someone without resorting to a childish tone. All it does is fuel an echo chamber. It is why there is a silent majority, the silent majority don't want to get caught up in this unrefined squabble.

                        How many resources would you like me to provide that clearly show the economic positions of left and right wing governments on the political spectrum? I assumed wiki was sufficient. Unfortunately Australia is not large enough that there has been any significant peer reviewed studies on the matter however you are welcome to refer to this study from America -…

                        Putting Labor on the pedestal you do is delusional. Labor have shown time and time again that they will flip flop on a matter that they think will win them votes. That is not to say the LNP are any different however if you are expecting any form of substantial change you are kidding yourself. Here is a source which clearly explains how just last year Labor was in favour of rejecting tax cuts that the LNP wanted to pass through yet they flip flopped once they realised it would cost them votes -…

                        The GDP:Tax ratio you have cited, although an indicator, is highly flawed and provides relatively little insight. Resource prices and levels of company profits in a particular year make this model borderline irrelevant. You're latching on to something because it fits your narrative and not because it is empirically sound.

                        Honestly, you are citing friendlyjordie…. does any more need to be said?

                        • +2


                          positions of left and right wing governments on the political spectrum? I assumed wiki was sufficient. Unfortunately Australia is not large enough ……
                          however you are welcome to refer to this study from America -

                          You're saying our centre left and centre right parties are comparable to what the us has for their right and left leaning parties?

                          Apart from calling them left and right, that's about the extent of the similarity comparison with regard to the leaning extremes in which they operate.. so I don't think you can compare how the Democrats and Republicans operate directly against our Labor and liberal parties.

                          • @SBOB: I completely agree that it is not a perfect comparison, it is just as close as i could find with a peer reviewed study. That said, the republicans and democrats are also relatively centre left and centre right, less so than Australia but not drastically.

                            Politics cannot be neatly summarised as left or right. I have simply made a statement that typically left wing governments have higher tax rates than right wing governments.

                            I have also provided a couple of examples where Labor has opposed tax breaks in very, very recent times.

                        • @bman20: lmao so let me get this straight…. Left-wing taxes more than right-wing, ALP are left-wing, you then go on to link an article that says that Labor supported tax cuts… and that's your point?

                          In doing so it has thrown its support behind the most inequitable tax cuts in Australia’s history, effectively putting an end to progressive taxation in this country.

                          Bro you're the flip floppa

                          • @ThithLord: That article refers to two tax breaks that the LNP wanted to keep (negative gearing) and introduce (high income tax offset). That article says that the ALP wanted to oppose the tax offset however they decided against it as the backlash was not worth the benefit.

                            Here's another article for your to mull on -…

                            Your tone is like that of an extermist, just a sheer unwillingness to see or consider anything that falls outside of your narrative. Good luck to you in life with that.

                            • +1

                              @bman20: You are so far out of your depth, mate.

                              Have a good 1

                              • @ThithLord: Out of my depth? You quite literally have been unable to pose a coherent response to anything I have put forward, instead taking the weak route of playing the man and not the argument.

                                I have an economics degree from one of Australia’s leading universities and have linked you to various resources yet you post videos from a derided propaganda machine in friendlyjordie? A green tech revolution? Getting so worked up like this? You sound legitimately unhinged but I didn’t want to go there. When did deriding all dissenting views ever win any fans? Hope ya got some windows in that echo chamber, it sounds like a pretty dark place.

                            • +1


                              as the backlash was not worth the benefit.

                              Because the coalition already had the majority, didn't need the alp vote, and therefore there's very limited political cache by shouting down an issue (especially when it was linked to an election related point libs took to the previous election)

                              Got to pick your battles

                              • -1

                                @SBOB: Yep 100%. My comment is more in response to the delusion from ThithLord that Labor ares some pious and ideological party. They all do whatever they can to win a vote and if ThithLord truly believes that Labor are going to revolutionise any aspect of our country, they are in for a rough time.

                                Just like ALP supporters believe the biggest con the LNP have pulled is convincing the public they are better economic managers, the ALP have conned the public into believing they are going to make a difference to the environment. Both parties policies relating to the environment are weak as piss because everyone needs to win votes at the end of the day and neither parties policies are going to halt the climate crisis.

              • +2

                @ThithLord: There's no chance I'm voting Liberals this election, and will vote Labor, but to think that Labor is going to revolutionise the country is a bit of a joke don't you think?

                They might improve stuff, or at least not (profanity) things up as much as the liberals, but I wouldn't expect "revolutionary" change by the labor party as long as the Right faction exists.

                • @NatoTomato:

                  But to think that Labor is going to revolutionise the country is a bit of a joke don't you think?

                  I was being hyperbolic, I confess.

                  But Australia is on the cusp of a Green-tech revolution, mate. I implore you, if you have 10 mins, this video goes straight into bashing the LNP and then by the end you get some reeeaalll insight into the machinations of the ALP vision.

                  • @ThithLord: I'm not really a fan of friendlyjordies. While I generally agree with his political opinions, his persona really only appeals to people that already strongly agree with him and will never win anyone over (and IMO is more likely to fire up opposition).

                    I feel like we're teetering on the edge of making some decent headway into a green tech "revolution". Public support for green tech (at least in the cities) has never been higher, and I also feel (purely anecdotal without any proof) that this year's new young voters give slightly more of a shit about the environment than last time. I think another round of an LNP government would set us back a decade, but a non-LNP government would be enough for it to keep chugging along, without necessarily doing it overnight, but at least not putting up as many roadblocks. One can hope!

                    • @johnno07: Hey fair enough, I never suggest FJ is everyone's cuppa tea. He certainly isn't liked by a lot of people.

                      The ALP have clear, forward-thinking approach to renewable energy. They will take it to the next level.

                      Labor will achieve at least 82% renewable energy by 2030. I can't stress this enough - Australia is the most poised country to benefit from a renewable energy industry and we will get there with a Labor government. Labor states are already doing it, without the Federal gov's help. (QLD will be home to the world's largest Green-hydro manufacturing facility in the future)

                      It's so difficult to believe this, but they've got it on paper, mate. It's gonna happen (once they get in).

    • +6

      I think you mean right wing governments tax the rich less than the poor.

    • Tax can actually be used to do good though and increase fairness in society. The Scandinavian systems prove this.

      • The Scandinavian systems prove this.


        They also pay $3.30 per litre for petrol.

        • +2

          And are still happier than we are.

          An ex work colleague married a woman from Finland and moved there with her. When he returned to visit a few years later he was gushing about how well run everything was there. There is a completely different attitude to paying taxes because people believe in what they get in return.

          We prefer to be selfish, and more unhappy.

          • @Brianqpr: I'm sure that plenty of millions of Australians is happy with their lifestyle.

          • @Brianqpr: Finland isn't part of Scandinavia.


            • +2

              @rektrading: But is run in the same way as those countries. Thanks for the geography lesson though.

              As for lifestyle, yes it's still good here, but this country is a far more selfish, expensive and less relaxed place than it was when I came here in the 1990s.

  • +2

    Vote Independent. I want to see both Labor and Liberals fall all over themselves making deals and who knows you might get some actual action on:
    * Infrastructure
    * Health
    * Climate
    * Economy

    And possibly it'll actually be something better.

    What I've noticed:
    * Labor - expect them to provide fat juicy contracts to their union mates and build something but in reality they probably build less.
    * Liberal - expect them to provide all sorts of perks for their big business and big resources mates and in reality spend more than any gov in history
    * Greens - should be screaming climate, renewables, giant batteries and solar everywhere but in reality mostly fight amongst themselves and just want to tax everyone into oblivion.

    The bar is so so low <sigh>

    • +6
      • Labor - expect them to provide fat juicy contracts to their union mates and build something but in reality they probably build less.

      What about these?

      • World-class NBN (before being crippled by the LNP) that was Labor building less?
      • Trebling of the First Home-owners grant to boost construction that was Labor building less?
      • $15B School-Modernisation plan that built tens of thousands of State-of-the-Art libraries in schools that was Labor building less?
      • The construction of Melbourne's Regional Rail Link, the Hunter Expressway, the Ipswich Motorway, the Gold Coast light rail system G:link, the Redcliffe Peninsula railway line, the extension of the Noarlunga Centre railway line to Seaford, South Australia and various projects along the Pacific Highway in NSW and Bruce Highway in Queensland … is this Labor building less?
      • TAFE? Medicare? Ever heard of these?
      • Upping the maximum-subsidy childcare rate to a whopping 90%
      • Upping the Federal contributions to Healthcare in the states so it's funded 50-50. Morrison has reduced that to 60-40 in favour of the Federal Government. Noticed them Ambulance ramping issues suffered in a lot of states recently?

      That's as much as I can name off the top of my head.

      Can you name one thing that is Nation building from the LNP?

      • +1

        The problem with Labor (for me at least) is that where they get the money to build these things besides taxing (me) more ?

        • +5

          The ‘I want everything but don’t want to get taxed brigade’

          How do you think it works?

          • +2

            @Vote for Pedro: Not really, it's like someone wants to sell you a great product (too good to be true) but they never tell you how much debt you get into until you already sign up. I want to know how much those things cost and how we are going to pay for them.

            • +3

              @duluxe2000: I agree, like the ‘cheaper nbn’ that’s cost double (over $55billion) and is worse, the $3billion to cancel the sub contract and sign up to a new one for an unknown future cost or delivery schedule. And the future frigates that are $10billion over budget and growing.

        • Were you wondering that when LNP signed us up for $1.1T (with a T) debt by 2025?

          • @ThithLord: Tell me Labor's plan to manage current debt. Labor also borrow more to keep their election "promise" if they get elected.

        • +4

          And the problem with this type of comment is it is usually made by people whose research goes no further than the Murdoch press and commercial TV news.

          Me, me, me. That's the dominant view now.

        • +4

          where they get the money to build these things besides taxing (me) more ?

          As opposed to where did the lnp get the ~$800b of debt over their last terms ?

          If it's not a direct tax increase on you today, it's future tax, future inflation, future cost of living or future reduction in living standards.

          How far would you like to roll the snow ball down the hill before it gets to big to ignore?

          • @SBOB: From bipartisan support iirc.

            Now was the overstimulation / stupid reaction to covid necessary, no it surely wasn't

            But labor was very supportive and would have done the same and arguably more damage.

            I agree that the trillion dollars debt is absurd but most voters won't make a dent in the repayment anyway, only those (profanity) high income people

      • Snowy 2.0

        You asked one thing.

        Because LNP has done nothing else /s

        • +1

          Are you being facetious about Snowy 2.0? You know it's a massive black hole, right?

          • @ThithLord: And the NBN isn't?

            PS snowy 2.0 had bipartisan support

    • It depends on what is defined as independent - for instance, thinking the United Australia Party have the will or capacity to do anything useful for this country is laughable!

    • Independent

      The one who will probably never be above ALP or LNP votes (talking in a federal election campaign), Australia IMO is still pretty much a Duopoly in politics, Greens and independents do not have enough majority to be there for a tough game against either ALP, or ANP.

      And do not get started on other parties like United Australia, or Pauline Hanson's party, etc. those extremists.

  • +3

    Moves to a country with good health, education and safety. Unhappy about paying for it.

    Move to the USA where the taxes are low, but you pay your own way for worse health, education and safety.

    • People should always take full advantage of tax deductions. Those that don't only have themselves to blame for paying too much.

      • +2

        Thanks Kerry.

        • -1

          People trade their most precious resource for money. People that appreciate its value it will do what it takes to protect it while those that don't will waste it.

          • +2

            @rektrading: Except tax minimisation is a tool exclusively by and for the rich. A minimum wage PAYG earner has no such opportunity. So while it makes sense on a superficial level, dig a bit deeper and you really see what it’s about

          • @rektrading: And other people just want you to work harder so they don't need to


      • Honestly they need a overhaul of the tax deduction system.
        Have a friend who works at Adelaide ATO system, all he does is audit tradies. Most of the deducations that are not allowed for tradies, are allowed for business men.. like a coffee, because a coffee can be used for a meeting.
        Yet a factory worker can what claim some clothes and laundry, like a factory worker uses a professional laundry matt to iron his kmart hivis pants.

  • +7

    The question really isn’t about taxes, but how they are used. I’m happy to pay my fair share so long as big business and the wealthy do as well

    • -1

      Don't confuse wealth with income.

      • Don’t assume I did. Or that I did incorrectly. Wealth is something that supports tax minimisation on ‘income’.

        So yes, I intended to use wealthy.

        • -1

          Don't double down on an error.

          Own it.

          Explain how someone who is wealthy can minimise tax more than someone who isn't

          Then I'll explain how a high income earner with access to certain entities can do it.

          Now I'll give you a heads up while you triple down your answer. Just because you are wealthy doesn't mean you have a high income. Eg I knowany pensioners living in multimillion dollar homes

          • +1

            @mdavant: The violins are playing for the pensioners living in $4million properties. There’s a hill for you to die on.

            • @Vote for Pedro: I think ppor should be deemed, but that is another argument entirely.

              Address the fact that wealth does not mean income

  • +7

    Labor has had to soften on things like taxation in order to be electable in the extremely selfish society we've created in recent decades. As a result, there's not likely to be too much difference tax wise between the major parties.

    There are nations, such as in Scandanavia, where the population has a completely different attitude to taxation and its purpose and they benefit from world leading health, education etc that is free to everyone. They also rate among the happiest populations so are doing something right.

    We are too far down the other road, where everyone looks after themselves and only the wealthy get access to the best of services, to ever change too much. So we fork out fortunes for private health funds and private schools, fortunes that if directed to improving the public system could lift it to the level where private institutions their profits and political donations would not be required. But as I say, we're too far down that road for it to ever change but hopefully won't ever end up like America.

    Looking at the personalities involved, its hard to imagine anyone but the most blinkered liberal voter thinking that Morrison is anything more than a fraud and also quite a horrible person/bully. Too many people, several on his own side including the current deputy PM, have expressed such views for it to be untrue. And its blatantly obvious in any case. I strongly disliked Tony Abbott, and still find it hard to believe he was ever PM, but what you saw was what you got - he wasn't a fraud like Morrison is.

    Morrison was unknown last time, and his fake dinky di Aussie bloke at the footy act worked, no doubt helped along by Bill Shorten's lack of charisma and the Murdoch press cheering him on. We know what he's about now so it will be very disappointing if he wins again.

    Albanese is no world beater, but to me he seems like a decent and genuine guy with good intentions. I actually used to work with his current partner who is a very decent person and wouldn't be with him if he wasn't the same. Shorten probably was too but couldn't win over people and probably went too hard with some policies he took to the election, which made it easy for the govt to get a scare campaign going.

    The libs have been in for a long time and have become smug, arrogant and entitled. A change would be good. Its worth noting that if they had always been in power things like paid leave from work, Medicare etc would not exist.

  • +1

    Everyone needs to use this when it launches.

  • +3

    Should be more concerned about how each party spends the tax income, not how much they take from you…

  • Any income tax rate change will be small. What matters is how its spent. A government might tell you that it's spending x dollars on something - but where does it actually go? In aged care it gets funelled straight to management and hardly to patient care. In security contracting to refugees, $12 billion went into locking a handful of people up on an island but it looks like a great big national security spend. The NDIS is filled with leech companies charging the government 3 times the going rate for caring services and yet the government does nothing about it because they've got a hand in those companies. Meanwhile the Medicare rebate was frozen in 2014 and multiple item numbers removed so while private companies do great out of government spending, the people who pay the taxes have more and more stripped from them in a variety of different ways. The government might throw them some cash back to people at election time, tell them they're about small government and tax cuts, but they'll do the bare minimum, and use 'small government' as a reason to do nothing for the people, and stream that tax revenue directly to companies they'll have some interest in. And the people who they profess to enable into wealth, are people they would never let in their own front door. I hope more realise this soon.

  • +4

    Honestly upsets me listening to people that tell me how good the LNP are at manging the economy.

    Check out how government debt has increased every single year since these idiots have been in power. And that was before the pandemic even started.

    I honestly don't have an issue paying tax - it is the abhorrent way they they are spending it.

    The ultimate slap in the face was the hundreds of millions we had to pay for the gay marriage plebiscite because these clowns could not do their job and had to outsource it back to us.

  • OP - whatever you do make sure you get your information to inform your opinion from multiple sources. As many have pointed out some news organizations will have a bias to one party while others will have a bias towards the other party, same applies to social media. I bet if you were to take a poll on Ozbargain or Reddit you would find Labor winning in a landslide but the reality is it will be decided by a very small percentage.

  • For most Australians this is the wrong question.

    The right question is which government gives me the greatest middle class welfare to buy my vote.

  • +5

    What kind of a moron bases their vote on how much income tax they'll pay, this is an absolutely stupid way of going about it, there's far more to cost of living under each government than your tax rate

    • I would.

      If wages aren't going to go up, I want taxes paid to stay the same or go down.

    • Yeah but $400 cash buys a lot of votes even though at the end of the year they are probably down $1500

      Me me me me. Stuff poor and marginalised people.

      F¢$¥ everyone else. I want to pay less tax

      • The best way to assist poor and marginalised people is through training (and a job)

        I know some can't but most can work.

        Handouts lead to generational issues.

        • The best way to assist poor and marginalised people is through training (and a job)

          So you support stopping the cuts to TAFE then and getting rid of the shonky for profit providers?

            • +1

              @mdavant: The first anti liberal pro socialist thing I’ve ever seen from you. Welcome aboard comrade.

              • @Vote for Pedro: You don't read enough
                I vote either side.
                Problem is they both suck

                • +1

                  @mdavant: Lol. Straight out of the liberals guerrilla campaign tactic. ‘We might not be great, but were just as bad as each other, but we’re less bad’

                  Its a slight modification of what the greens have been trying for a while now.

                  • @Vote for Pedro: Any more leftist spin?

                    You spin more to the left than warnie against gatting.

                    You want each way bets each and every time.

                    • @mdavant: Remember this. Most people are in the centre social democracy political persuasion.

                      The loony left (greens) and nut job right (pauline hanson, palmer and evangelical right in the libs) are batshit crazy and should be shunned. They are dangerous for our democracy.

                      • @Vote for Pedro: Most people are very happy to live in a country where if you work somewhat our govt will subsidise their lifestyle.

                        If I was a low to middle income earner I'd vote labor all the time

                        • @mdavant: That sounds like you’re more inclined to vote for my aforementioned batshit crazy mobs

                          • @Vote for Pedro: How so?

                            You sound like a rusted on socialist if you don't believe people should work for what they want.

                            Gee. Suggesting people work for what they want puts you in the batshit crazy camp!

                            And people wonder why others minimise their taxes.


                            • +1

                              @mdavant: The tone of your comment and the way you link two concepts is devious.

                              Under Libs the biggest welfare (more than the dole) goes to middle to high income earners. You might remember the term ‘howards battlers’ or in any other language ‘vote buying’

                              • @Vote for Pedro: Which welfare goes to high income earners.
                                No argument from me about middle class welfare. I clearly post about it and Howard and costello
                                I get nothing.

                                • @mdavant: We both get nothing. And I’m ok with it going to those most in need. I’m unhappy that our tax system supports the wealthy and those that don’t need it.

                                  Two examples are negative gearing and franking credit refunds.

                                  Both of these are unsustainable but no-one will dare touch it because, you know, votes.

                                  • @Vote for Pedro: Oh I see why you are so left now.

                                    Lefties who earn 300k plus seem to be far more left of centre than the usuals.

                                    Everyone can use negative gearing and franking credits. Plus they are not handouts

                                    Try again. They are not handouts.

                                    Tell me which govt handout I gan get .

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