mitchalbrown » user profile

Member Since | 22/08/2018 |
Last Seen | 21 hours 13 min |
Badges | 1 |
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You might wanna look at the subsidies the fossil fuels industries recieve... They rob us blind... The fossil fuels industry should be able…

Thank you @greatlamp, I was being facetious as i didn't have the capacity to put it as eloquently and succint as this. It's amazing how…

My point on billions of dollars of missing tax and royalties revenue is null and void then... thank you for clearing that up for me sir.…

Man... imagine being one of the most resource rich countries in the world and somehow... the government still has to come to it's citizens,…

mitchalbrown replied to
Odin on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

how do we pin this comment??!?!?!

mitchalbrown replied to
ldq on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

Sorry if i came off as condescending... after reading my comment back through that lense I'll admit, it could be taken that way. I never…

mitchalbrown replied to
ldq on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

Thank you for being so honest about this... so many comments here that are written with so much conviction, canning bitcoin and crypto is…

mitchalbrown replied to
fredk1000 on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

cashing out is a taxable event. holding for longer than 12 months before cashing out entitles you to longterm CGT discount. Remember,…

mitchalbrown replied to
SlickMick on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

I think if you look at a chart of gold and bitcoin, they follow a similar path. When fiat currency shows weakness, people flee to forms of…

mitchalbrown replied to
apsilon on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

yes, I agree. Meme coins are a ponzi which people gamble on. This is why the SEC hasn't approved a pepe ETF.

mitchalbrown replied to
apsilon on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

What you are describing is a ponzi scheme.... but the SEC gave BTC and ETH ETF's the green light, allowing these institutions to offer it…

mitchalbrown replied to
AndyRates on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

If you are asking this question then the answer is a no... When you understand markets and cycles you will know when it's time to buy…

mitchalbrown replied to
apsilon on Is It Wise to Bet on Bitcoin for The Long Term? My Super Fund Dilemma

What you are saying totally makes sense for the uninitiated but you haven't offered any insight into why the likes of JP Morgan, Blackrock…

There's a lot of hate for BTC here as an investment. There are now spot ETF's for BTC and Ethereum which are being managed by very…

mitchalbrown replied to
mskeggs on How Does My GoogleTV Get New Trailers & Ads without a Wi-Fi or Wired Network Connection?

Hey @mskeggs, whats that plugin? Asking for a friend who would also like to poison my.. i mean his well.

Organisations often put retention policies on teams to ensure ephemeral data like chat doesn't hang around forever. Either screenshot it…

mitchalbrown commented on Rostered on Call When on Leave
Just be a big boy/girl/prefer not to say and talk to your boss. Tell them they have made a mistake with the rostering and put you on call…

Have stayed here and it was pretty nice. I think i paid about $80 a night. The dorms are big though (a lot of beds in 1 room) and people…

mitchalbrown commented on Perisher Ski Resort Access and Parking
Or Thredbo? I think it’s $100 for parking/park pass so cheaper than the tube up to Perisher for the family and it’s such a nice little…

I have no suggestions but I do just wanna say sorry this is happening to you. Racism sucks in all its forms but the worst is when it’s…

mitchalbrown commented on Backing Up Photos On iMac
Honestly… the best thing you can do is go and buy a 2 bay nas enclosure, something like a ds218 by synology and whack those 2 4TB drives…

mitchalbrown replied to
Grunntt on Harvey Norman, Chaired by Gerry Harvey, Has Posted a 45.7 Per Cent Fall. Poor Gerry!

I work in IT... can tell you boomers are my bread and butter.

mitchalbrown replied to
Zythyx on Harvey Norman, Chaired by Gerry Harvey, Has Posted a 45.7 Per Cent Fall. Poor Gerry!

In their defence... I could imagine how many boomers have come in there with their new device linked to their email address and the retail…

The difference between rural here and rural there just in terms of climate and scenery could come into play though... if you are at a point…

mitchalbrown commented on Crypto Airdrop Discussion
I feel like it would be fine to post but man.... you're opening yourself up to the wrath of the ozbargain crowd. The minute one of these…

Just give them a window of time when their courier can come and pick it up and be clear that this is their final opportunity to collect the…

you can pick them up pretty cheap second hand on ebay

mitchalbrown commented on Home Use NAS in 2024
Unraid user here. I had ab old pc witha 5th gen I5 processor in it and decided to buy the silverstone CS380 case to rehome it in. this has…

Crypto is a regret optimisation machine… when it pumps you regret not buying more and when it dumps, you regret not taking profit. Very…

Man… get out now if you can’t handle 20-30% pull backs. Crypto ain’t for you…