Oppo A74 5G 128GB Space Silver $311.96.
Oppo A54 5G 64GB Fantastic Purple $276.
AOC I1659FWUX 15.6" FHD IPS Portable USB 3.0 Powered Monitor $181.60.
AOC 27G2 27" 144Hz Full HD 1ms HDR FreeSync IPS Gaming Monitor $285.60.
I bought this for my kid and it should be fine for notes. I think its a good deal.
I had the A7 not lite and it's a slow tablet. It doesn't come with a pen or keyboard so factor that in. If you are thinking about taking notes you might want something slightly faster. It takes about 5-10 seconds to even open the notes app…
Yea, its not a fast tablet but for the money you pay, I think its a good deal. As for the performance, I think its ok. If I open netflix or youtube it opens without issues. Chrome is fine as well. Don't take notes but sure that should be ok as well. @Truck, if you want to use something specific I can install it and make a short video and post the link then you can check the performance
Id rather spend double for a good ipad that doesn't have any slow or lag issues. My dad had one of these and after 3-6 month it becomes slow as a turtle, freeze issues, lag etc. At multiple points from the time wastage to the frustration you might just bend it in half and chuck it in frustration.
If I open netflix or youtube it opens without issues.
Well the entire point of a tablet I'd to be able to use apps on it, so it's not a very good idea to be impressed that it's able to open Netflix or YouTube without crashing or showing an error…
You think the performance is "ok" because you bought it for your kid. You're talking to a med student who will need this most likely for not just note taking, but research and multitasking.
As a student myself for the past ~13 years, I know what it's like to have a slow device, and how much time can be wasted because of this (512mb of RAM + dual core 1GHz processor was my worst experience 😔).
get a cheapie Chromebook, check the recent deals on ozb.
Chromebook is not a handheld device u could use the same way as a tablet.
althrough there are some 2 in 1, but they are not cheap, not $188 cheap.
Maybe if you used a word like "consider" or Also" or Maybe.
I love chrome books myself, but for many others a Android/ipad tablet suits their needs much more,
So good not to come accross too definate or black and white, that's all.
Actual question, not being smart etc but why does it matter if somebody votes negative? (I didn't, but just asking). I'm never completely sure why people don't like it, does it discredit your profile/account or something? Is it akin to a personal attack?
I bought this tablet from a previous deal. I think that it's ok for my current use of mainly youtube. I think for note taking this would be ok but I would definitely have a dedicated keyboard attached via bluetooth.
The overall experience can be quite slow, the screen is very low resolution (can see the individual pixels ie. youtube logo on the home screen to launch the app doesn't look to have the sharp round corners you would see on your phone).
As long as your note taking program is light and doesn't use too much resources I think that it's a good buy, just don't expect too much.
No! Use a small notepad. Photo ur notes afterwards if youll loose it.
Bad look to be playing with your phone/tablet in front of patients.
I was shopping for tablets for my partner over Christmas, and I am a med student too. The A7 lite was noticeably slower than the S6 lite, it would be great for simple tasks like watching lectures while typing on a laptop, having a textbook up during class, or making quick notes, but for any drawing/writing more speed is probably necessary. This tablet is very good value for money (especially on a very tight budget), only if you're okay with lag, not having many apps open at once, tablet not starting up instantly, etc. Tbh I'd suggest spending more on an ipad or higher end device, or just sticking with paper :)
Surely a paper notebook is the best thing for note keeping? I'm not sure what the stylus is like on the tab a7 but most devices I've used are nowhere near as easy to write with as a pen and paper is..
Pen and paper bud. A lot of consultants don’t like having someone tapping away at a screen when they’re talking.
yes and so is a $0.50 exercise book
Unless you're broke get an ipad, the whole med teaching system seems to run on ipad apps.
The specs are about the same as my 2013 tab s 8.5 inch. I guess that's how they hit the lower price point but my old tab is 9 years old!
the tab s got amoled display this one only LCD.
low specs
good enough for dji go fly app for the dji mavic?
According to the 5 - 10 second boot time for the in-built Notes app, I would say no.. 😅
On a positive note, seems like this tablet cures insomnia!
Yup..I run dji software on it. Only difficulty is getting a sun shade due to the unusual aspect ratio. Also it has a USB-C power rather than micro-USB so I had to get a new OTG cable to connect to the drone controller.
I have the S6 lite, very minimal usage, just mainly video calls. However, using it normally every now and then (just normal web browsing and YouTube) it's pretty laggy. This is a $500+ device, I don't think I'd last a day with something like this.
My dad hasn't really had any issues using an S6 lite for the last 18 months.
Mainly plays low-intensity games (most demanding is Angry Birds) searches the Web, does banking and that sort of stuff.
Hasn't skipped a beat when I used it for daily stuff.
Buy it and trade it in for $80 and + bonus at JB. 😆
I also wondered if this was worth buying then trading in. Unfortunately, my Galaxy s7 is now deemed too old to trade in.. So I was trying to think of other options
Me too. But struggling with the idea of buying something then trading it in straight up for $100 less than I paid for it.
What's this trade in everyone keeps talking about?
JB hi-fi. Device trade in, plus a bonus $450 when you buy a Samsung s22.
I just got the Oppo a54 5G and am disappointed.
Cruddy camera that has poor zoom despite a 64MP camera, and if you use the 64MP there's no zoom at all.
Most of the RAM is taken up by system software so web browsing is a pain as pages refresh every time you reopen.
Heats like a toaster oven.
Stay away.
Really nothing decent in the 8" range. Either get an ipad mini or the older Huawei m5/m6 or wait for the lenovo sd888 gaming tab.
How do you take notes for this? Is there special stylus?
There's no S-pen support with this tablet. You could use a separately purchased capacitive stylus but they're terrible.
Not a bad deal (thanks) but Android 11 on 3gb ram? Good luck :(
Maybe if you root and custom ROM it? Then probably decent for the price. Anyone researched to see if you can?
Would have been nice to get a further 30$ off the 27G2 with the AOC promo..
Unfortunately won't make the claim date 28/2 lol
I got one to use with a drone and run navigation software. Runs the DJI drone software without issue. Only problem I had is getting a sun shade for the display as it is a unusual aspect ratio compared to other tablets.. In the end I designed and printed a sun shade myself .. For navigation it runs oziexplorer fine..
I'm not sure what you mean by "drone and run" navigation software but are you saying you can control an expensive drone in the air with this?
I would have thought it would lag on anything more demanding than like Angry Birds, I wouldn't have thought to trust it with a reliable connection to a drone.
If so, I might just have to keep one as a spare around the house.
got one for the kids for youtube roblox etc it's great for them.
This should be called the the third world edition. Samsung makes budget devices for poorer countries and this looks to be one of them.
You may have not meant it, but your post is very condescending to people who didn’t have a choice what country they were born in.
Not after a flame war, just a thought.
No one has a choice of where they are born and which religion and they are born to. Infact where we are born dictates what happens to us.
I wasn't meaning to be condesending but it is a fact that Samsung makes phones for poor people. They have good market capture.
Just that they are trying to unload this sort of device in Australia.
You've honestly worded this terribly but, I understand where you're coming from since I have been told similar due to the fact that I am Korean and therefore, know what Samsung does in Korea.
In Korea, this line isn't sold because everyone in Korea wants the latest, greatest, most expensive etc. That's why couture and elite brands are at least 40% more expensive there compared to Europe and Australia - everyone wants to look rich when the actually rich dgaf.
This line being sold in Australia is less of a reflection of Australia, and more to do with Korea and their insane need for "high fashion" bs. I know that I am personally happy with a less expensive item, especially a phone, because f paying $1k for one when all I do is play mobile games, read books, use youtube, and use FB messenger.
TL;DR - The Australian market is less vapid than S.Korea and therefore, Asian brands can market their "lower end" stuff here and make a profit.
@Carmen Sandiego: Fair call. I am just blunt with my communication of obvious facts. We live in absolute luxury here and most people have absolutely no idea what happens in poor countries. Just cause you went to Bali for 7 nights doesn't mean you saw or experienced anything.
What you say is true everywhere in the world. People want to show off their riches. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. Where I live people drive Range rovers. Starting price is 220k fully specced $399k.
Just that we Australians buy an inferior product designed for a different market, they will VERY likely to be dissapointed. Case in point, this particular item.
I agree with you and only buy stuff that I need but will splash when the item matters to me. I don't live in a poor country anymore. I was very very lucky.
Due to my upbringing, I would never spend 1k on a phone/tab when I can easily get almost similar performance from $500 device.
@Naigrabzo: You'll win more supporters with honey rather than an axe.
The OECD average wage is AUD $35K or something insane so, unless that is show to the everyday person, it remains hidden. Added to that, we can only understand something if we are exposed to it often enough, and with this topic, we are sadly not. Bali is the most obvious example but, even in Australia, I would have never known until I had lived that life and volunteered my time to help those in need for years.
People want to be known for their façade unfortunately. I also live in an area where the amount of wealth and power decides the nation's decisions with our current federal member. And this has been rolling on since the start of Australia and England.
There is much to be had with this tablet but, I see the good, and so should you. It will be solved if we don't buy it.
We are all very lucky.
Agreed. And I bought my last 3 phones outright.
You don't even know the meaning of "third world".
Most of the third world are poor but that's not how u define them, some of them are very rich.
I know dude. I was born there and lived there. Rich people in the third world drive Ferari and use disposable iphone 13. They don't use laggy clunky stuff like that.
Dude I'm not talking about rich ppl in a poor country,
when this concept first came out Ireland is a 3rd world country, Singapore is a 3rd world country but are they Poorer then Australia now?
This concept is never about the country is rich or poor.
@samelight: That makes sense. Should I call em poor people in poor countries? I was using third world improperly I believe.
I never realised that third world was derogatory. I think rich people have decided that it hurts to call it that. Some of them have no idea what happens in poor parts of the world.
I think you know what I meant when I said third world. We still treat them like third class citizens. Your semantics are hardly going to change any of that.
@Naigrabzo: Added to that, the word "Third World" isn't used in academic circles (unless you're really racist/old) because of the connotations throw around in the 80s and 90s.
This is why we've now moved onto pointing out areas, not entire countries, by their "socio-economics" because that, at least, gives us some measure of wealth and some comparison for history, economics, sociology etc.
And, as I pointed out before, true rich people don't waste their time and money on bs that they don't need. Sure, there are a open number who do, which I acknowledge, but I deal with the true rich on a daily basis and I can assure you that they would rather not let the general population know. See also - Warren Buffett.
@Carmen Sandiego: Haha true my man. You are much more tactful that I.
For that I bow to thee.
I did learn something about the 'third world' and will not use it again.
Racism for me is usually something aimed towards myself rather than coming out of me. sometimes you get complacent and don't realise what you say is wrong.
@Naigrabzo: Thank you. I chose Literature and History as my uni majors for a reason, and that's to sharpen my tact.
For that I am glad. That word shows me exactly how the person thinks towards the rest of the world. And I will not stand for it.
There is internalized racism and I understand. It will take me a lifetime to unlearn what I have been beaten to learn but, we both (I presume, correct me if I am wrong) straddle the fence of 2 very different cultures and we must learn what the lessons are so that the people who come after us don't suffer as we do.
@Carmen Sandiego: Yes most certainly.
I am definitely not critisising Australia (australians) as it is by every measure a paradise for me. This perspective is impossible to get unless you have experienced the other side. My cousin is now driving a Tesla and I remember that we hardly had bus money those days. HAHA. I still drive a Toyota but still extremely thankful.
I sure hope that people that come after us have a better life in those countries. TBH MOST of the world is so so terrible with dictators/ etc etc. I don't have that much hope although it looks like many people are coming out of poverty.
@Naigrabzo: Dude don't copy the link! read!
French demographer, anthropologist and historian Alfred Sauvy, in an article published in the French magazine L'Observateur, August 14, 1952, coined the term third world (tiers monde), referring to countries that were playing little role on the international scene.
This got nothing to do with poor or rich, it referred to those counties that didn't pick sides during the cold war.
What's the charging type? Is this USB-C type?
Still using my Nexus 7 2013
Got this phone for $1019 in the Samsung trade in deal.
Best phone I have ever used and will continue to buy fold phones in future (on discount of course).
is this suitable for note taking for studies in hospital as med student?