Everyone's favourite ZSUS is back which can be had even cheaper if you stack with Topcashback's 16% cashback and use AliExpress Coins at checkout. These are great for use with a laptop while traveling.
Featuring a 14" IPS display with 2160x1440 resolution, 60Hz refresh rate, 16:10 aspect ratio, 100% sRGB colour gamut, 350cd/m² brightness, HDR, 178° wide viewing angle, dual speakers and weighs 500g. Note that this is not the touchscreen model.
There's two USB-C ports for display/power, PD passthrough charging, Mini HDMI and a headphone jack. A portable stand, Mini HDMI to HDMI cable, USB-A to USB-C cable, USB-C to USB-C cable and charger are included.
- Apply the coupons AUAF09 or OZAF09 or AUCD05
AU$ based on current Mastercard rate and GST inclusive.
For those paying in USD this is how you get the correct exchange rate in PayPal:
Setting overseas websites to AUD or letting PayPal do the currency conversion results in an inflated rate. To get the correct rate you need a card without international fees and do the following:
- Set the website currency to USD
- Checkout with PayPal
- Select your card with no international fees
- Click "See currency options"
- Select USD to bill the card in USD instead of AUD
- Proceed with checkout
Now you'll get the correct MasterCard or VISA exchange rate depending on the card.
These are great. I’ve got one running nvitop so I can monitor my CUDA workloads.