G'day all strangers,
I'll keep this short. My wife ask me to post this.
She bought (7yrs ago, when she was young & naïve) a house, in Geelong area, with her father. On the paper she own 95%, 5% is her dad. She never stay there, beside a few holidays. They paid a total of $350000 and and owing $160000.
A few year ago, she was diagnose with cancer. So that change her perspective/goal/priority in life. She want to sell the house ( we did tried many times to talk him to rent out the place, but he said no lol ).
Is she able to sell without his permission. He can have his share and she can have her share? Will she needs legal advice? Will they able to pay back to the bank when they are done?
Are they tenants in common?
Thank you.
EDIT: Excuse my bad grammar, English isnt my native language.
EDIT 2: Please stick to the topic at hand, I didnt ask for any judgement either us or her father. If I want it I would put it down. For those gave practical & helpful advice. THANK YOU !
UPDATE 1: Thank you for those suggestion, I have 1) Request further doco from the bank 2) Will use https://www.landata.online once those doco arrived.
But I mean, your daughter has been diagnosed with a serious illness. First problem would be to prioritising her needs.