…, page 13
photo of item in kmart catalogue…
the fine print says pre paid phones are network locked, but doesnt go into which carrier (confirmed, its telstra!) thanks ryang;)
could it be unlocked by software easily?
slim pickings for large screen budget android phones that 'may' be upgradeable to android 4.0 in the future
this phone being single core and only 512MB is a bummer, but the slide out game pad is its killer feature
some phone specs
this phone on offer here should be the 850mhz version (thanks oringal)
a different version of this phone (900mhz)in dick's catalogue has 'not recommended for telstra 3G from 31/8/12 or next G'
since that phone is not 850mhz and will be obsolete soon (if used on telstra network) as telstra are phasing out 2100mhz for phones.…
Is there different versions of this phone?