7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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    • +2

      Scum………I mean spam….

      • +1

        Member of over a year, 0 posts, 0 comments, now bam !!!

  • With the update, that has now mysteriously fixed the A02 issue I was having with my non chopper phone.

  • Getting a G09 error when trying to login 🥺

    • +3

      Your account has been suspended.

    • +1

      What did you do to flag it with them/come under their radar? Multiple locks or spamming something else?

      • No idea.

        It looks like 2 accounts on different phones have been suspended. Only thing I was doing was locking on one phone but also being logged into a different phone (main phone).

        I'll just make new accounts and just leave the locking phone in my glove box or something.

  • +1

    The T&C’s and Privacy Policy have changed. Has anyone bothered to read and note the changes. I’m guessing it’s just related to Pay & Go.

  • I am getting E03 error after the app's update, anyone is having the same issue?

    • Well that's new, e03… Never heard of it

      • Location gets updated in the app, once I select fuel and click on lock the price it comes up saying " Uh oh! That didn't work quite as planned, there seems to be a problem. Please try again later. Error E03."

    • It must be worse than E01.

      What did you do?

      • +6

        Can’t be as bad as E10

    • all sorted, updated ios to 15.5

      • still modded/jailbroke?

      • Can confirm too, got the error on a non-jailbroken 6s. Updated to 15.7.3 and it fixed it.

  • +1

    So it looks like prices are spiking again!
    Jumped to $2.34 - $2.44 yesterday in my neighbourhood for U91.

    • +1

      This is false. I was looking at the wrong fuel type. :p

      Does anyone know how to get a post removed (there is no more edit option)?

      • +1

        You can click Report on your own post/comment and request it to be deleted

  • +1

    Is anyone having an issue with iFakeLocation? I keep getting the error “Mount failed with status: N/A and error: ImageMountFailed” when trying to set fake location.
    Thank you in advance.

    • Just realised I missed a whole line 😅
      Can anyone assist me in getting it to work by any chance?
      Thanks in advance.

    • Having same issue on ios 15.5

    • +1

      I've seen that msg a few times but after restarting iPad/laptop, always works.

      Yep, I'm just an end user!

  • Massive 39c saving today. Insane.

    • +1

      I prefer to think of it as $1.39c more than I was paying 18 months ago…

      • Inflation mate

        • What's the inflation rate at the moment?

  • +5

    Oil prices have shown a promising decline the past two days. We should start seeing this reflected at the pumps hopefully by next week

    • +1

      diesel still high as :(

      • i got one bar of fuel to go

      • I'm using it sparingly until it drops to under $2/L at least. :/

        • HAHA, yea, me too!

    • +2

      TGP has also come down from a peak of $2.01 on 21 July down to $1.957. https://projectzerothree.info/trends.php

    • -2

      Oil prices have shown a promising decline the past two days.

      School holidays are almost over.

      • I don’t think our school holidays affect the TGP, the price we pay from Singapore or the global crude oil market.

        Do the school holidays across Australia even line up that well? This is the last day in Victoria…

        • +2

          Do the school holidays across Australia even line up that well?

          They don't need to…

          The oil companies always put up their prices during the school holidays as more families do significantly more driving during that period, regardless of the global price. The normal price cycle is ignored during the holidays.

          • @jv: I don’t think it has a big an influence as you suspect. Let’s take Sydney for example.

            School holidays started on the 4 July. Sydney average price was $2.19 on 20 June and has trended down to $2.04 as of the 7 July. There has been no school holiday associated hike, unless it comes in week two of the holidays.

            • @sween64: In Melb, prices were $2 just before the school holidays, then jumped to $2.40 the day before holidays started.
              It is a common theme.

              • +2

                @jv: Ah yes you’re right. It did appear to happen in Melbourne this winter. But why didn’t it happen in Sydney? Is it only a common theme in Melbourne? What happened in Perth or Brisbane? What happened in Melbourne during the Easter school holidays?

                • +1


                  Is it only a common theme in Melbourne?

                  I can't speak for other cities, but it has been happening here on school holidays for a very, very long time…
                  You need to fill up on the Wednesday before school holidays start or you'll miss out… 7-Eleven fuel app has changed things a bit though and gives you 4-5 days extra before you're hit.

  • +5

    Crazy price gyrations during the stealth of night. Down a cent or two per night lately, then shot up again by 3 cents around 5:00 AM today.
    Just who spins the wheel of (mis)fortune on the petrol (un)merry-go-round?
    There is no (moral/valid) justification for price movements like this. Totally unrelated to supply, as any new change would not hit the bowser for many days!
    Happens nowhere else in the world AFAIK, and I have driven in many countries.

    • +1

      noticed that too. u95 dipped to 1.999 so i locked in. woke up this morning and it went back up to 2.017. same servo in NSW

    • +1

      Happens nowhere else in the world AFAIK

      Well it does happen elsewhere in the world, not surprising really.

      Indeed, petrol price cycles exist in all major cities across Australia (Byrne 2014), as well as in international cities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe (Eckert 2013).

      Australia Has the World’s Best Petrol Price Data: FuelWatch and FuelCheck by Byrne et al.

      Actually an interesting article although I only skimmed through the first 10 pages or so.

      And the cited article (which I haven’t actually read):
      Empirical Studies of Gasoline Retailing: A Guide to the Literature by Eckert

  • my fuel lock didn't scan and when i asked 7-11 this is what they said

    To help keep our customers’ accounts safe, and to ensure we meet our legal and regulatory obligations, we use a specialist third-party provider to verify customer details.

    Your account appears to have breached the My 7-Eleven App Terms and Conditions. Consequently, 7-Eleven has terminated your My 7-Eleven App account per the App terms and conditions.

    I haven't done anything different to what I normally do and this account is actually legit details of my own.

    Note : Fuel lock in the App still works, but doesn't scan at the register. Using a non jailbroken iphone.

    Not sure what's happened, but is there a way I can create a new account but use the same phone ?

    • +2

      Note : Fuel lock in the App still works, but doesn't scan at the register. Using a non jailbroken iphone.

      Try sign out and sign in
      If you have a velocity account - perhaps you'd still be able to unlink it since it looks like you're signed in?
      You should be hit with G09 error

      Not sure what's happened, but is there a way I can create a new account but use the same phone ?

      Yeah, sign out and use a different email to sign up.

      • so with a new account on the same phone, will that mean I wont be able to link my velocity account to the new account since it's banned ?

        i suspect i may have been banned because i was fuel locking from interstate 7-11's not close to home.

        edit : bugger, looks like i can't log in anymore after since getting that email. :(

        • +1

          i suspect i may have been banned because i was fuel locking from interstate 7-11's not close to home.

          That cannot be the (only) reason. Everyone on this thread does it but not everyone has been banned.

        • The interstate 7-11 - did you find the location from a website like p03?

          Were you on wifi or mobile data at the time you locked in?

        • 7-11's not close to home.

          How would they know where your home is?

        • +1

          Did you lock in interstate and then grab fuel straight after? I wonder if they're targetting those now…

          • +1

            @DamonT: Yeah i wonder if it's because of "impossible travel" detection. Best would be to lock in advanced.

          • @DamonT: i previously locked in WA and using it interstate with no issues, but i did allow a few days of 'locked' price before filling up intersate.

            My most recent was Locking in WA and using it interstate (within the hour), which prompted the ban i'd say.

            Maybe it's best to use the lock price within same state or wait 24hours to use the locked price interstate in case of the "impossible travel"

            • @mengy: Also the fact that I was always choosing the 'lowest' 7-11 in Australia probably made their data matching easier to ban me. But I've been doing that fine for a while with no issues.

              Maybe they're banning account who continually lock their 7-11 from p30. I think i'll choose one from a nearby servo with similar price to avoid the ban.

              • @mengy: Just make a new account

              • @mengy: I think they are flagging (not necessarily banning) accounts that lock in from p03. If you hadn't raised a ticket with support, you might not have been banned. What happened to you happened to me, even tho I was locking in within the same state.

                • @skid: yeah but they only banned my account when i raised the ticket. The barcode didnt scan at the register so i got no discount so i had to raise a ticket.

                  Did your barcode stop scanning when you continued to pick the cheapest within the same state from P03 ?

                  What is your solution ? keep opening new accounts ?

                  • @mengy: Yeh, the barcode failed to scan at the register like yours. Like you, I had done nothing different. After it failed to scan, I checked the iphone and it said I was logged out so I logged back in. This was before I raised a ticket. I think I'll choose a nearby servo with a similar price from now on. I am only using one account.

  • +5

    For those who are HODL'ing through the high fuel prices - looks like today's TGP (186.6cpl) has fallen below June 11th, 2022 (190.2cpl for TGP) levels according to ProjectZeroThree trends graph

    Current TGP is below E10, looks like at the peak (using 29th June, 2022 as data point), TGP should be 6c above E10 pricing.

    I.e. at TGP currently at 186.6cpl (assuming it stabilises without any spikes up), E10 should theoretically fall to at least 180.6cpl sometime.

    Fuel price predictions assuming TGP doesn't rise/fall.. (may fall further)
    E10: 180.6cpl
    U91: 182.6cpl
    P95: 194.6cpl
    P98: 202.6cpl

    Thanks to WA's Fuel Watch Crystal Ball (Also available at Refinery.fyi for convenience):
    12/07/2022 confirmed pricing:
    E10: N/A in WA
    U91: 187.9cpl
    P95: 199.9cpl
    P98: 207.9cpl

    • +1

      E10 should theoretically fall to at least 180.6cpl sometime.


      • Then in Sept, up to around $2.50 when the 40 tax cents is re-applied.

        • -1

          when the 40 tax cents is re-applied.

          Thank everyone who voted Albo in…

          • +3

            @jv: It was part of the final booby traps set in by the outgoing Liberal Party, part of their vote-seeker policies…

            The fuel excise has always been there..

            • @cwongtech: That is just hearsay and speculation now.

              The reality will be if Albo adds back the 40 cents per litre…

              • +1

                @jv: Suspicious timing right before the election when Liberals were in power.. suspicious 6 mth period, why not cut it permanently?

                • @cwongtech: hearsay and speculation now…

                  • +3

                    @jv: Objection! Hearsay!

                    Also where did you get 40cents from? Fuel excise was cut by 22cents (half), so should be reverted by the same amount

                    • @cwongtech:

                      Also where did you get 40cents from?

                      My wife gave it to me.

                      • +2


                        My wife gave it to me.

                        Maybe you should find a better source/stop listening to hearsay, flying choppers requires precise calculations

                        information received from other people which cannot be substantiated; rumour. - hearsay

                        ATO mentioning 22.1c

                        • -1


                          ATO mentioning 22.1c

                          That is just the reduction in the fuel tax.

                          Albo will be adding back the entire 44.2 cents into their coffers… (plus the extra GST)

                          • +1


                            The reality will be if Albo adds back the 40 cents per litre…
                            - JV

                            This implies there is no 40 cents per litre currently

                            Albo will be adding back the entire 44.2 cents into their coffers… (plus the extra GST)

                            That "entire" 44.2 cents has been in place for a very long time, until the Liberals removed it temporarily right before an election.

                            Other costs and taxes
                            All retail fuel prices in Australia include GST at the rate of 10 per cent (or 1/11 of the total price paid).
                            Excise rates on fuel and petroleum products (other than aviation fuels) are indexed twice a year in line with the consumer price index (CPI) – generally in February and August.
                            Automatic indexation of fuel excise was re-introduced by the Australian Government on 1 July 2015.

                            So, the collection of full fuel excise since 1st July 2015 was entirely Albo's doing?

                            • @cwongtech:

                              This implies there is no 40 cents per litre currently

                              There isn't, it was reduced by the previous government.

                              • +2


                                There isn't, it was reduced by the previous government.

                                It's vote seeking "Cost of living relief now" measure in place for six months as per the Morrison Government's treasurer, Josh Fraudenberg who lost his own seat

                                Albo letting that booby trap go off is part of the Liberal's plan in case they (Liberals) lost the election

                                29th September, 2022, when the 22.1c fuel excise vote seeking "reduction" ends, there will be media pieces on what a terrible job Albo has done for cost of living.

                                Thank everyone who voted Albo in…

                                Looks like NSW Floods round two, ADF has been deployed immediately, unlike ScoMo who waited to get out of COVID isolation to do it for the photo ops, then blamed Anastasia Palecek for not requesting it formally.

                                • -1


                                  what a terrible job Albo has done is doing for cost of living.

                                  fixed that for you…

                                  • +2

                                    @jv: Better than Josh Fraudenberg and ScoMo in Hawaii..

                                    • -1


                                      Better than Josh Fraudenberg and ScoMo in Hawaii..

                                      Isn't that where Albo is right now? or is he in Bali, Maldives, Kyiv, Tokyo, Jakarta ??? I'm losing track…

                                      Why isn't he here helping people damaged by the floods and storms instead of holidaying overseas and riding bikes?

                                      • +2

                                        @jv: I wouldn't call meeting other countries' leaders the same as laying back sipping on a drink… But okay JV, you do you..

                                        • -1


                                          I wouldn't call meeting other countries' leaders the same as laying back sipping on a drink…

                                          I doubt he did much whilst there… other than sip drinks…
                                          Other leaders couldn't remember his name, or told him it's ok to take a nap in the conference….

                                          • +2

                                            @jv: JV, if you're referring to a Liberal Shills Network Skynews reporter.. enjoy the Murdoch Media brainwash show I suppose..

                                            Sky News reporter suggested Albanese needed to nap after catching Covid

                                            Not sure what you mean with your comment

                                            told him it's ok to take a nap in the conference….

                                            • -3


                                              JV, if you're referring to a Liberal Shills Network Skynews reporter..

                                              No, referring to an ABC story I read about Albo in Tokyo…


                                              "If you fall asleep while you're here, it's okay," Mr Biden said.

                                              That's what the world leaders think of him….

                                              • +2


                                                No, referring to an ABC story I read about Albo in Tokyo…

                                                Out of that article you chose one line to judge a person.. speaks volumes about your comprehension skills

                                                • -3


                                                  Out of that article you chose one line to judge a person

                                                  That's what I remember from the meeting with the US president. It was widely reported at the time.
                                                  Similarly, it was widely reported when the Canadian PM forgot Albo's name…

                                                  It kind of gives you an idea about what they think of him…

                                                  • +1


                                                    It kind of gives you an idea about what they think of him

                                                    So you know everyone's name at a house party hey? Especially the new guy?

                                                    • +1

                                                      @cwongtech: @cwongtech: each side would've had advisors prepare dossiers about other leaders and key figures.

                                                      Personally I found it ironic (amusingly funny) that Biden talked about falling asleep :D

                                                      • +1


                                                        Personally I found it ironic (amusingly funny) that Biden talked about falling asleep :D

                                                        Thats true, Biden has been seen nodding off in press conferences

                                                        • @cwongtech:

                                                          Thats true, Biden has been seen nodding off in press conferences

                                                          Like attracts like…

                                                        • -1

                                                          @cwongtech: I think we are getting a wee bit off-topic here….

                                                  • +1

                                                    @jv: https://7news.com.au/sunrise/on-the-show/scott-morrison-resp…

                                                    And instead of saying “ It kind of gives you an idea about what they think of him” you’ll twist this to be about Biden being old or something similar. Your shtick is getting boring.

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