This was posted 3 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order] Graphics Cards: Gainward Phoenix RTX 3080 10GB LHR $1788, RTX 3080 Ti 12GB LHR $2288 + Delivery @ Techfast


Some more GPU from Techfast, price is good to my eyes

3080 LHR:…

3080Ti LHR:…

Important Note: This product is expected to ship to customers in late December.

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closed Comments

  • +2


  • +4

    Still HODL?

    • +2

      Potential 100% LHR unlock coming in next 2 weeks, so no, buy now

      • +1

        any source?

      • +1

        Old news, it was fake. Still a good price for the card though

    • +4

      Buy now, you can regret later

      • dont tell the wife

  • +8

    Need that Ti to come under 2k!

  • -6

    Thanks OP, bought 5 each.

  • +2

    How does this 3080 compare to others? If I'm after a 3080 should I buy this or would I be better off purchasing another brand?

    • I am thinking of if reselling would be an issue. If one is Asus and the other is this one…

    • This is slower than the reference model and runs hotter.

    • +2

      I'm happy with mine (non-LHR). I've not tried any other 3080's, so nothing to compare it to, but here's my experiences:
      It is pretty power hungry with the out-of-the-box overclock, but I've lowered the power limit and overclocked it with afterburner (to reach the same speeds but with lower voltage/power). This is a typical gripe for this card, but if you're comfortable playing with afterburner it's a non-issue.
      For mining: I've not pulled mine apart but a mate has and I've seen the pics. This card uses high quality pads so they're not worth changing, but there is a metal interface plate between the memory and the cooler, so there are two sets of pads to get the heat from the memory to the cooler. Not an issue at all for gaming, but it runs hotter than other cards using good thermal interface material when mining.

    • I’ve had mine for a few months now. Runs about 70c under stock load and memory in high 70’s.

      Mining it runs memory high 80’s and chip at mid 50’s, fans boosted up a bit though.

    • I have the Gainward 3080 Phantom. Only complaint is the fan noise, which is very noisy. Aside from that I have it undervolted to give me more stable temps and framerates - very good performer.

    • +1

      I have the Phoenix 3080 Ti and it is damn impressive running at 360W 72C after 6 hour continuous full load, and since it is a reference pcb you can flash a lot of different bioses on it for higher max wattage.

  • +9

    How many do I need for lag free solitaire?

    • +1

      Quad sli is the only option for solitaire. Mine at the same time. Thank me later ;)

      Not financial advice

  • Never heard of Gainward. Are they a reputable brand?

    • +4

      Years ago they had “Golden Sample” cards which were highly rated and could be overclocked higher than the already-overclocked factory speeds. They were basically cards that used higher binned chips I think so could handle more overclocking.

      Not sure what they’re like these days though, I think they’re related to Palit or something.

      • +3

        This card is at the low end of 3080 models, as far as speed and power delivery, complaints about cooling but run at default and undervolt so it runs at below 300W I think it is just fine

        • To think ROG 3080 was 1699 at launch, and still too expensive compared to reference or EVGA :(

        • Mine would hit 320w at stock

        • I think zotac still holds that crown with the trinity.

    • They were mainly marketed in China and south east Asia I believe. Definitely not an off brand of any sort but I have my doubts about customer service and RMA here in Australia. Anyone got experience dealing with them?

      • I would assume that’s it’s a grey import by techfast, so if you have any issues you should be going to techfast instead.

    • +1

      Gainward was around way back over 14 years ago. For some reason, they are quieter now in our Aussie market compared to others. I guess it is like Galax, not many heard about them or think of them as reputable, yet they make the best 3080 Ti and 3090 with their HOF version of the cards.

  • I know you can’t go back time but I mean the equv price of a cheap low end 3080ti can net you a laptop with 5800h+16gb@3200+between a 3060 and 60ti performance card+2k165hz laptop in 2021.

    All the while I got an 1060m/7700hq/16gb@2400/1080p60hz laptop back in 2016 for 2k and I know for certain a top end 1080ti released in 2017 or a top end 1080 released in 2016 didn’t cost anywhere close to 2k. They were like what? 1.3k?

    • +35

      Your post hurts my brain

      • +1

        Sorry was on mobile.

        Basically I meant I can get a laptop with a gpu the performance of which sits between a desktop 3060/60ti for the price of a low end desktop 3080ti in 2021. While in 2016 a high end desktop 1080 card was much less than a 1060 laptop. And a high end desktop 1080ti card released in 2017 also cost much less than the 1060 laptop.

    • I know you can’t go back time

      Proceeds to try exactly just that

      Must be nice living inside that bubble where the world didn't go to shit

      • +6

        Im not? Just trying to offer a look at how messed up the current market is. Im not saying this is a bad deal at all I literally upvoted this deal first and then posted my comment.

        • +22

          Mate don't try to reason on the these forums. It's pointless. This is the age that Socrates lost his life fighting against: the age of rhetoric. The whole point of the internet today is to pick on someone in some way and score a point. It's not about the exchange of thoughts, ideas and collaboration to extend knowledge. You are ahead of your time unfortunately.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Even though you didn't pick on anyone Im still giving you a point 🙂

  • +2

    No good deals, only prices that are less trash than others and this is a good trash price. Gonna be gone fast.

  • $2K… really? stock availability aside.. wouldn't it be better playing on consoles?

    • +4

      You can have great performance with lower end cards for a fraction of this price

    • Current-gen consoles are still hard to get… supply is still an issue, and will be for a while.

      • Demand is as much of an issue. Sony has shifted more PS5s than they sold PS4s in the same time frame. So it’s not exactly true that there aren’t very many next-generation consoles out there. There are - gaming is simply more mainstream than it was in pre-pandemic times.

  • With GPU still at these prices, glad to buy the last batch of non LHR from Techfast. Not sure if it is worth swapping my 3080 for a TI LHR…

    • Depends. Do you want an extra 5-6% performance for an added 20% on the 3080 price?

      • +1

        The resale value of a non lhr is well above this TI price

        • That is my point exactly. Miners would love to pay a premium or even swap LHR versions. Let's see in a few months time. :)

        • resale value matters if there're buyers, once mining stops the only buyers are gamers, lhr and non-lhr won't matter.

  • Damn, I just pulled the trigger on this deal instead:

    Aesthetics and DLSS/Ray Tracing aside… I guess they're about equivalent.

    • -4

      Not in 4k. 3080 seems to peform closer to the 6900XT.

      • You got a reference there? I'm always keen to see a new bench-off.

    • It's also an extra $150 plus delivery on top.

    • +4

      You chose well.
      6800XT (Merc) here, more stable at the higher frames than the 3080 (Giga) I had before it.

  • +1

    gonna wait for 40xx series

  • Anyone else getting chucked back to the cart screen when they try to purchase?

  • +1

    isnt jan 27 is the new ngreedia cards coming out with more memory?

    • Yep

    • 3050 and 3090 Ti are on the 27th of Jan, 3070 Ti 16 GB is on the 11th of Jan and the 2060 12 GB is the 12th of December.

      • +4

        HODL until then, I was about to place an order whilst pissing and dropped ma phone in the bog. I took it as a sign to wait until Jan.

        • +2

          Yeah, while this is is a good deal compared to what's currently on offer, it's still pretty sad given how much cheaper full hash rate models were historically, new cards/refreshes on the horizon (including Intel GPUs) and both the new Nvidia/AMD series rumoured to be launching in Q3 2022 supposedly have 100%+ performance gains over Ampere - plus ETH PoS transition is meant to happen in Q2 2022.

          Basically - this is the absolute worst possible time to be buying a GPU.

          • +2

            @iseeyou1312: My concern is ETH POS will be early 2024 :) crystal ball stuff but yes things will be more clear in Jan2023

  • +8

    Please be careful if you're dealing with Luke from Techfast, you may end up getting exactly what you ordered

    • do they make a mini 3080?

      • This is the only sub 3 fan 3080 AFAIK - in stock and on sale.

  • +2

    Really curious how this console generation pans out. So far, PS5 and XSX deliver 60 fps at 1440p…4K in all titles, some shooters even target 120 fps. A 3080 Ti doesn’t offer enough upside for most gamers in my view. Sure, resolution and effects are slightly better yet. And you get even higher frame rates. But we’re talking diminishing returns, which is a far cry from the last console generation where you needed a PC to break away from 30 fps and slow loading times.

    So you’ve got to wonder when (if) we will again see a night and day difference between PC and console gaming in this generation. Perhaps once more titles go all in on raytracing, for which PS5 and XSX have only basic support. But I doubt that that’s going to happen anytime soon. If only because most PC gamers cannot afford new GPUs at the moment.

    • +1

      I don't think many console gamers care about the technical details of resolution or frame rates. HFR is a very new feature for the console market; and they probably see "4K" as just "matching their TV".

      I personally think that, if someone was wanting to invest in gaming, with no prior experience in the market; if they wanted the best 'graphics', they're research should lead them to PC. More likely, they'll pickup whatever system/platform their friends are on.

      While it's fantastic that consoles are becoming more in-line with PCs - they will never truly compete.

      Don't forget - PC gamers don't need a new GPU to play new games. Some might be on 10 year old hardware, and still get to play modern games!

      That, and more and more "console exclusives" are finding their way to PC now too.

      Plus, a PC doesn't have to just be for gaming (though Microsoft seem to be making the Xbox more like a PC now with a browser and KB/M support).

      And don't get me started on backwards compatibility :)

      • I went with a series X over a GPU upgrade. It's good value right now. Still have my PC for the stuff PCs offer though.

    • +1

      Consoles are much cheaper than PCs, and are essentially running PC hardware. The majority of games in the future will be cross platform by default, since there is no difference in architecture.

      I don't see this as anything except a good thing. What's the point of amazing PC graphics that only 1% of players will ever see?

    • Honestly cards such as these are well past the point of diminishing returns or even tangible improvements. For most they would get a lot more mileage out of a more moderate card and another replacement in a few years. For many people who buy this card it will be more as a hobby trying to get additional performance for for its own sake.

      That said because most PC games are thoroughly linked to console performance most of the games in the next 5-6 years will be stuck at this level anyway. I think the only thing which generally stresses my PC (running a cheap rtx 2060 and before that a gtx 8060) these days is very poorly optimised console ports.

      • +1

        True, but for anyone running VR, especially in one of the newer headsets, even the current generation of cards isn't quite fast enough.

        • Quite right, hadn't factored in VR.

    • +4

      A PC running one of these Gainwards will get you 100ish FPS fixed @ 4K High but not Ultra settings, all day.
      PS5/XSX get you 60FPS variable @ 4K equivilent to PC high settings (even though it says on thier box 4K120).
      Does the average console user know or even care?
      You bet the PC owner does.
      Add in the precision of a mouse & KB or steam controller vs a PS/XSX controller that requires auto-aim & you have 2 very different approaches to "gaming".

  • Anyone know if this is a reference card?

    • +1

      i have the pheonix 3080 Ti and yes its a reference pcb

  • How does the Gainward customer support compare to say someone like evga when it comes to Rma's.

  • +2

    Just a quick note for those concerned about warranty. I have purchased from Techfast before and found them to be very good. However, it should be noted that this deal is slightly different to those I have taken up before in that the products I purchased had local manufacturer support.

    I was in two minds about getting the RTX 3080 until I visited the Gainward homepage and found that the warranty section leads you to a drop down menu for official distributors which does not include any official distributors for Australia or even our region. This suggests that the card was likely parallel imported.

    This may not be a concern to others but for me, due to the amount of RMAs people have had to endure with the 3080/3090 products due to their thermal instability and very hot video ram, I decided against it.

    If Techfast were able to clarify the official warranty status of these products it would help me to decide. I am not against sending the product overseas for repair or replacement (I have done this with Corsair power supplies) but the eligibility for this support is what concerns me.

  • Is it worth selling my 3070 FHR and pay an extra 100-200 ontop for this card?

    • yes, better gaming performance, less mining performance.

      • Damn. I missed my chance…hahhaha. Next time I see a deal for a 3080 I'll scoop one up. I was worried that the Gainward wouldn't be that good.

        • Mining gone soon, just enjoy your 3070, its decent card, unless ur doing cyberpunk 2k or 4k.

          • @[Deactivated]: If I see a deal pop up in the next week or so, I got people still willing to pay 1.6k for the 3070 lol

            • @Ehx: 3080 is $2k at least, 3080ti is 2.3k at least, you still end up paying more to upgrade.

              • @[Deactivated]: Not worth the performance jump at 1440p?

                • @Ehx: my 3060 ti can handle 1440p fine on demanding games. your 3070 will do better.

                  3080 is for 4k gaming.

                  tho your 3070 FHR is sweet for mining…

                  • @[Deactivated]: Any tips for mining? I looked into it before and it didn't seem worth it but I'm probably wrong.

                    • @Ehx: Its too late now to start, best time to start was around Jun-Jul last year and get yourself this:


                      Its all in hindsight.

                      Might as well buy any of the alt coin early last year, many of them went up 200x.

  • @luke are these on track to ship some time towards the end of Jan? Will the 3080's be the 12GB version by any chance?

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