This was posted 3 years 5 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Meross Smart Garage Opener $47.70 Delivered @ Meross Direct Amazon AU

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The Meross Smart Garage Door Opener is back on sale, only this time at its lowest price $47.70 at Amazon according to the 3Camel website.
I got another one for the 2nd garage door.

Update: Link to the specs for the unit on Meross website with some support details
Compatibility Check

Mod: Warning - Be aware of safety standards and laws regarding the use and installation of this before purchasing.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I use this to open the garage door while driving through Google Assistant (Android Auto) voice commands upon reaching my home. Really useful for not reaching out for my remote.

    • +1

      I've considered getting one of these but in theory is it possible for a criminal to activate this by talking to a Google inside the home through a window? Serious question

      • +3

        They will still need a pin to unlock.

        • +1

          Ok thanks, good to know

      • +3

        My house is completely voice activate (lights, garage, etc..)

        First, you have to rely on the thief to know that it's voice activated.
        Second, that they get the right name and combination" hey google, open the garage" (you could always make it garage door, garage gate etc)
        Third, majority of the time, Google is good as identifying your voice and not allowing commands from others, as long as you have 'guest mode' turned off.

        I'd say chances are tiny, the combination of the above would happen and they open it.

        • +1

          During Skype calls with friends, i occasionally say hey Google just to mess with one of their google home systems which responds to my voice despite never having had any permission or interaction with it prior.

      • +1

        Yeah it will ask for a 4 digit pin to continue

      • +9

        If a criminal is hellbent on getting into your house, they will get in your house. They'll start with the easiest way, and then just smash a window if they can't find another way. If they're preempted targets, the criminal will have heavy duty tools to pry open anything.

        • +5

          couldnt agree more, looking at the front door and windows here in Australia they are no more than a visual barrier and to keep wind out….

    • +3

      Can I ask a question about this- My issue is that I sometimes forget to close the garage door. Does this provide real-time status of the door or only a log e.g. when last opened/closed etc?

      Also, with the log, will this trace if the garage was opened/closed from a remote or switch on the wall?

      • I think I have the same one and have it hooked up to Google.
        I can ask it if the garage door is open via Google
        It will also send a notification when the door is opened/closed via the app on the phone (not Google)
        I also have it setup to tell me that the garage has been open for more than 20 minutes, and another reminder telling me if it's still open later that night.

        I'm not sure if the log can distinguish between remote vs switch

        • To know garage status is open/close, do we need to install the sensor?
          Or can we get away to have the correct status, by not installing that sensor?

        • It can tell you if it was opend by the remote, app or Google assistant

      • I don't think it can log how it was open/closed.

        But it has a sensor that you mount so it can determine if the door is open or closed - this is how you can set auto close at certain times (if open), or alerts if open for longer than X minutes.

      • +1

        Yes, it tells you how it was operated in the Meross app

        It has a sensor you need to install to give you the status of the door

        Also, has a real-time warning, if door has been open for 15 mins or longer

  • -1

    Too expensive, several cheaper options on Ebay.

  • Dang not the homekit version :(

    • +4

      HomeKit Version is on discount too ($72.20), just not the lowest ($71) according to camelx3

    • +1

      What's the main difference?

      • +1

        The more expensive one supports Homekit ie native integration with Apple devices.

        • Will an iPhone user be able to use the app with this version?

        • oh so just pay more because Apple users can't use the OG

          • @Poor Ass: Apple users 100% can use the cheaper one.
            Look up what Homekit is, if you care.

            • @theguyrules: nah man you my google

              • +5

                @Poor Ass: haha fair enough mate. Basically Apple users can use the cheaper "OG" one no worries, they just have to either use the Google Home app or the Meross app. If they want to be able to say "hey siri open the garage door" they need the one with Homekit integration which is more expensive cause Apple charges for certification or something

                • +1

                  @theguyrules: I got it. Well worth it.

                  Siri is a boss with it.

                  I’m just paranoid to click the icon accidentally and not knowing if I opened or closed it (the open closed notification isn’t bombproof)

                  • @random101: I sometimes accidentally click the garage door in my control center.
                    Thankfully the open/close sensor has never been wrong. So even if im not home, I can be reasonably certain that i've closed it properly.
                    However getting a wifi camera in the garage would be the best solution for peace of mind.

                • @theguyrules: Still possible if you run home assistant or homebridge, then you can control any device with Siri



                  • @trapper: Interesting I've never heard of homebridge. Does the device homebridge is installed always have to be powered on to be able to use it with homekit?

                    • @zintill: Yeah it does. You can run it on a Raspberry Pi though, and just leave it plugged in next to your router.

      • You have to have the HomeKit version for it to work on HomeKit or you have to have HomeAssistant and I’m even then the integration is 3rd party.

        I’m saying that the HomeKit version can only be used in the HomeKit app, I think you can set it up as an integration but you can’t use your voice to control it (probably a good limitation for this IMO)

  • Any feedback on this one?

    • 36,212 not enough?

      • +4

        Look at the comments though, all saying that it doesn't work for Australian garage doors..

        • +1

          Then dont you have your answer?

    • When I was doing my research this was one of the best ones that I found in market, but will not work with Australian garages due to US garages having some sort of sensor install to avoid crushing someone/something underneath if it detects something it just opens back up again.

  • +1

    Works fine with a b&d opener. @maki is correct, you have to set a pin before you can use it with Google assistant.

    Anyone know of a 24V equivalent I can get for my gate motor?

    • +2

      You mean because you only have 24V power source available? 24V to USB adapter (24V is common in trucks) should suit fine (assuming it is 24V DC, not AC).

      • +1

        Yes 24v down at the gate. I'll have to check AC or DC. Good idea about regarding the truck adapter. Thanks.

    • Hi mustop,

      Which B&D model do you have? I have the B&D RDO-1V3 PD, but I wasn't sure if it would work with it. The terminals were all covered up on the back plate and I'm not too sure how to access it to test the compatibility. How do you access the terminals?


  • +2

    Purchased this last time it was on sale, worked fine for my garage door. Their support is good, email them with your garage door opener model and they’ll advise if it works.

  • +3

    I have the Bunnos opener ($42.99)
    Pretty simple to install, but wish could use with HomeKit or IFTTT.

    • Hey mate, i'm about to buy this one myself. You should be able to connect it to homekit using homebridge (which is what i'm planning to do) since grid connect is on the tuya platform

      • Let me know how you go setting it up with HomeBridge. I’ve got some GridConnect light switches I’d also like to integrate.

        • +1

          I've already got 4 lights & 2 powerpoints that connect using gridconnect working on homekit via homebridge so when i saw this i don't imagine it not working.

          you can use this homebridge plugin to control the web connected grid connect devices -

          ps. i use the smart life app instead of the grid connect app

          • @jlay5: Thanks for my weekend project!
            Will I need to flash the firmware of the GridConnect devices?

          • @jlay5: I've managed to get homebridge talking to the grid connect light switches, but no luck yet with the garage door openers. Thanks for the tip re: using the smart life app, as I wasn't able to connect from homebridge with the grid connect app.

            • +1

              @muncan: i'm picking mine up this weekend, i'll let you know how i go

              • @jlay5: Hey mate, curious if you managed to get homebridge to talk to the Bunnos garage door opener?

                • +1

                  @muncan: yep sorry forgot to post, it took a bit of mucking around. I had to change the HB plugin to expose the garage door to homekit, it wouldn't appear with the other plugin.

                  I switched to using this plugin which looks like it was developed by Tuya themselves -…

                  A few got yas that I discovered & tips:
                  * You might have to setup your automations with any accessories that use the new plugin, this was a bit of a pain in the ass for me as I had 10 other accessories in all different types of automations
                  * The youtube video in the above link was pretty useful for setting up a tuya developer account, not all the steps are the same as it looks the platform has been updated but it's close to get you through
                  * You can't use your "smart life" app login for the tuya developer site, you need to register for another account. Once you're setup, you then link your existing smart life account to the Tuya developer site to get access to all your existing devices
                  * when selecting the "data centre" location, just select all the regions. I had originally only selected one of the countries as I thought it meant which data centre it will use to store my information, however it's actually the other way around, we're telling the tuya developer platform which data centre our smart life app data is stored.

                  Once setup though, i've got it to work flawlessly through homekit. The other accessories actually seem a little more responsive and I've got some more functionality with a couple of them so the change in plugin looks worthwhile. This is only a week in though so fingers crossed no long term problems.

                  Hope this all makes sense and helps somewhat, it took me a couple of hours to figure it all out.

         - Happy days!

                  • @jlay5: Thank you so much, I will be busy tomorrow (/today) with your help!
                    But I'm a little concerned with your spelling of Whisky in your screenshot - is everything OK?

                    • @muncan: lol… yeah i need to do something about that american dictionary

                      Just yell out if get stuck and i'll do my best to help ya out.

                      • +1

                        @jlay5: All working now. You were right about needing a separate Tuya dev account - and it looks like we’ll be setting up new trial account in a year’s time when they expire ;-)

                        • @muncan: excellent, glad you got it going.

                          Haha yeah i saw that, i hope they don't take advantage of us now that they got us around the nads.

      • Sure why not. As long as it has some terminals you can connect a wired button to. If not, it’s easy to return.
        Edit: page 4 of instruction yes

    • Nice work. Looks like a better piece of kit too. Will buy

  • Is it possible for thief near the window ask Google to open the door?

    • No. Unless they know your 4 digit pin!

      • +1

        Do you mean the phone? What if they ask Google home? Or echo dot?

        • +1

          If you add your garage door to Google, you are required to set up a 4 digit pin.
          This 4 digit pin will need to be provided Google to open the garage door, not sure about when closing.

          • +2

            @theguyrules: Pin is only required when opening. No pin required when closing.

          • @theguyrules: my garage is with google and it doesn't ask for a pin?
            mind you it was a different cheaper ebay version that uses tuya.. maybe why??

      • @revivor: Please help me to understand, So do you mean we need to say the 4 digit PIN before the voice command?

        • Yep.

        • No, after asking google to say "Hey Google, open garage door!", It will then ask for your pin. Then it will open if the correct pin is recorded

          • @revivor: I see

    • If they know your pin, or have time to cycle through up to 10,000 combinations, maybe.

  • +1

    This looks like a Sonoff basic ( which can be had for about 10 to 15 dollarbucks. The SONOFF RFR3 has a wifi and RF remote too.

    • It looks like it, but it also needs to support a sensor to tell if the garage door is open. I'd say it's based on the same design but quite modified.

      • +2

        Yeah, these are all pretty generic sonoff devices. I got a similar one with sensor (USB powered) off eBay for around $20. Works great with Home assistant sonoff integration including love control.

        With meross you're just paying for a (somewhat) better known name.

  • Dang I just bought the Kogan one for $50. (Kogan SmarterHome™ Wireless Garage Door Opener)

    Which one is better? Should I return the Kogan one?


    • I haven't tried Meross, but have used the Kogan garage door one for over a year, and it's good.

      The app sometimes gets confused whether the door is open/closed but doesn't really matter.

      I also use a few other Kogan SmarterHome things, and it's a good ecosystem.

      • I would think the app telling you the door is closed when in fact it is open would be a really big thing for these products?

  • +4

    Got the wofea equilavent ones that you can get on AliExpress at a fraction of the cost. Works fantastic.

  • do these work with real old garage doors from say around 1980?

    • Your garage opening unit will need to have the 2 pins available for manual opening/closing via a switch. Usually can be found on the unit itself if there is a manual button.
      Best to confirm with Meross directly on your model or check the website as a first pass.

      • ok i just took of the housing off and looked at the actual motor i searhed for the model (merlin 4000) and found this… it has to terminal screws with nothing connected so i assume it just may work!

        • Try just shorting them - if the door opens then this will work for you.

          • @h00tz: how do you do that?? screwdriver??

            • @gordo5150: Long nose pliers

            • @gordo5150: he means put a wire between the two terminals. if it shorts, then the door will open and you can use the meross opener.

              the meross opener and other similars ones essentially work by triggering this shorting action to trigger the door opening/closing.

        • Yeah just shorting the pins will provide the manual open/close signal.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I'll buy one for my 3rd garage door

  • Does this work with garage roller doors?

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