• expired

[VIC] $200 off Your First Electricity Bill When You Switch @ Powershop


Maybe targeted?

Heard the advertisement on the radio, and signed this up. Likes the single tarrif for both electricity and gas.Im with SPAusnet—-works out better for me.

Only thing uncertain is if my first bill less then $200. Will this be deducted in my 2nd bill?


Referral Links

Referral: random (360)

Referrer receives $75 credit and referee receives $75 credit on first bill.

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closed Comments

  • can't see the offer

    • Link updated. need a # at the end somehow.

  • Only thing uncertain is if my first bill less then $200.

    So what if this ends up costing you more ?

    • +1

      Already did some comparision with my existing usage using powershop rates. saves a bit.

    • start selling electric to EV on your first month… cash out the $200

  • +1

    The rates quoted to me are significantly higher than my current rates. Even with my first bill wiped out, this would cost me a lot more. The daily supply charge alone is 20c/day higher for power.

    • Try dodo power and gas via cash rewards 80 back and their daily supply charges are lower than most and single rate and I did some analysis I just switched from momentum also if you have solar they give 12.5 cents which is very good.

      • +1

        Like fuel from petrol station, it pays to re-check the rate changes once everytime the energy price changes. (~once every 6 to 12 months)

        goto Australia main energy compare site "https://www.energy.gov.au/households/Find-the-best-energy-deal".

        Depending on your power distributor as per your fixed property location, The rates fluctuates accordingly.

        For myself from 1-Aug-2021, "Energylocals" is the cheapest.
        Between, 1-Jan-2021 to 31-July-2021, "Powerclub" was the cheapest.
        Prior to that, I don't remember.

        The savings in switching when price changes is quite significant every time. It saves me at least $200+ per annum.

    • +1

      Just leave after the first month is up

      • Nope you got to stick around for 70 days to get the cash back.

        • -1

          Didn't see that anywhere in the agreement.
          Meh,there's always the Ombudsperson.

  • +4


    For my postcode, the electricity prices are 6.7 c/kWh (Solar), 92.28 c/day and 22.68 c/kWh. This is more expensive than my current Tango rates: 10.6c/kWh (Solar), 86.900 c/day and 20.900 c/kWh.

    • +2

      Christ some people are lucky to have such cheap electricity.

      • That's a reality check for me. I have no idea what others pay and constantly think I'm paying a lot!

        • I recently signed up to the second-best plan I could find for my area which was with OVO Energy for 119.35c/day and 24.09c/kWh.

    • +1

      I’m on that Tango plan as well. I did a comparison the other day and Dodo would be a similar price. Need to look into gas though.

    • Ausnet for me with ElysianEnergy (old plan), $126 per month (includes daily charge and 400kWh) — 10.2c FIT, 22.88c single rate for excess of 400kWh.

      They have a good Solar plan now (solarMaximizer), but LIMIT that to people with solar systems 5kW or less; so I cannot get that plan with a 13.3kW system :(

      • Same Ausnet. Reamped or dodo is the best rn

    • I used to be with Tango too but found globird to be even cheaper in my area (16.2c/kWh, 73c/day)

      • I was with globird. When we put a solar system in, they forced me onto a plan that charged.38.7 cents peak.
        Daily charge (AKA the F… You tax ) went up to $1.185. And they pay only 6.7 cents for the power I give them .

        I changed after the first bill to Dodo. 88.58 cents daily charge 24.66 cents per kWh. 12cents feed in.

        • Okay thanks, BUT…
          I just got a Dodo quote and it says 24.66c / kWh for the first 11.18kWh per day and then 26.39 over that; otherwise the same.

          Elysian FIT is 10.2 as above, and the single rate is 22.88c for all usage above 400kWh and the $126 includes the first 400kWh (and daily charges), if less than 400kWh is used in the month, then it is credited back at 22.88c / kWh.

          Dodo may be slightly better overall for me, but if it is, it isn't much — the 12c FIT helps somewhat, perhaps that will make enough difference, so long as it doesn't drop down to 6.7c — dreading the situation in a few years that will allow retailers to charge for exports instead of giving positive FIT it will be like negative FIT.

          I also understand that Dodo does special deals from time to time…. so I wonder if a special deal could make the difference better.

          Right now, I'm not sure it is worth changing for me unless they change my FIT at Elysian and/or force me to a different plan; coming back might not be an option to get back on my current plan either.

          • @affinity: I just got a quote from Elysian that is tempting.

            Flat rate of $80 for first 250 kWh - that works out at around 21c if a daily charge of 88.58 cents is deducted . ( There is a catch 150 kWh is day rate , 100 night rate )

            Excess usage is 26.4 cents 7a.m to 7 p.m

            7p.m to 7 a.m that drops to 9.9 cents.

            They are offering a Feed in Tariff of 13 cents.

            Currently generating around 15 kWh, but it is winter and we have shading issues . So it will interesting to see how much we get when the sun is higher and the days are longer.

            • @morestuff: Yes, but you MUST have a solar system of 5kW or less, which counts me out.

              The other really good thing is that they pay 13c FIT on that plan and charge much less during what they call "sun down" period. They wouldn't accept that my system is limited to 5kW export …. which I think they should.

            • @morestuff: 250kwh per month?

              • +1

                @chutibuti: Not sure what your question is.
                The Elysian deal is as above. $80 a month includes the supply charge and up to 250 kilo Watt hours . If you use more than that you pay, if you use less there is no refund.

    • What are you guys looking for when shopping if you have solar? the lowest daily charge/rate? or the highest feed-in?
      for example:
      1) 67 cents daily charge / 8 c/kwh feed-in
      2) 58 cents daily / 6.7 c/kwh
      3) 81 cents daily / 10.2 c/kwh

      • The best overall deal, so it factors in all of the above.

      • It's a balance between the cost per KiloWatt and the Feed In Tariff .

        For Dodo in Ausnet's area it is between 12c and just over 25cents.

        If you use the electricity each Solar KiloWatt is worth 25 cents.

        If you don't use it yourself it is worth 12 cents.

  • Can’t see $200 offer anywhere.

  • Are there disconnection fees from changing power companies?

    • Yes if you are or not on a smart meter for electricity and may be also if you are on a different network grid.definitely costs involved in switching gas but you can ask them to waive it and they almost always do.

    • +1

      In Vic no, read is obtained remotely from your smart meter. Non smart meter, yes for a meter read to be done, but is usually waived because the retailer wants to start billing you sooner.. or you just change on your schedule read.
      Gas, yes, about $10 max and usually waived.

      • Yeah in Vic, no smart meter. I think there is a charge from my existing retailer Ovo, I'll have to look at that contract.

        My term ends in mid September, so hopefully the deal is still around then

  • Is this current? I can find the banner and promotional text but according to this page https://www.powershop.com.au/powershopvic200terms/ the promo has expired

    The $200 (incl GST) sign up credit (Credit) is only available to new residential electricity customers where Powershop operates in Victoria who sign up their electricity to Powershop by 5 August 2021.

    • +1

      Saw it on Facebook today. It's new and pays quicker than previous promos which ran many months (they were 4 x $25 for electricity, 4 x $25 for gas in Victoria).

    • It's showing in their Facebook ads

    • It pops up when you go to the homepage. Expiry is 31st August.

  • Solar feed in tariff 6.7c, is that even allowed?

    • +1

      VIC government allowed it of course, its a joke.

    • Of course it is. Solar is worth very little because it's all being generated at the same time, and that's when there isn't a huge demand for it (although WFH has changed that a bit). The whole point of self-generated solar power is to self-consume it (i.e. move your loads to the generation hours).

      • That is what they want you to think.

        If you look at all the offices and factories operating during the day you can see why peak is like 7am - 9pm at 20c+ the Victorian feed in someone did an analysis is about right at 10c (using wholesale electricity less network prices).

        If you think about residential roof top solar it is like Uber of electricity. Some fool puts up the capital and takes whatever price you give them at the time, unfortunately over time their prices go down.

        If you can get 5Kw per roof you get 1000 people to put up money and you've got 5Mw power plant with very little investment (no land purchase, no panels, no contractors to worry about). A 5Mw solar farm is $8m+ just to build not including land 10 hectares (or 25 acres).

  • +2

    Currently referral program is $200 for referee and $100 referral

    • Can you use both offers?

  • +1

    I'm not sure if it has been said already or if it is widely known/accepted, their power comes from renewable sources so the electricity you pay for is at the very least carbon offset/neutral. This is at least something to note when comparing against other providers.

    • -2

      Where did you buy that renewable only bullcrap? Regardless of what they claim electricity you use will come from a mix of clean and dirty bag. Retailers can do something like carbon offsetting to counter the claim but how do they calculate the cost? Is it the cost of planting a tree where 90% of the cost go to inflated administration cost or something else.
      until Australia shut off its coal plants altogether just don't waste money on those bogus claim

      • +3

        Dude our Governments are moving incompetently slow - they're going to be funding coal til they get sued. Every little bit has to help. If 1000 people sign up and plant a single (profanity) tree - it's better than nothing due solely to the network effect. I've worked directly with these suppliers - there are extremely harsh penalties for making bogus claims and they are investing in renewables and offsets. Throwing out there that it's bogus claim just deteriorates the resolve of the less informed to take an action, any action

      • +1

        Understand what you're trying to say. Powershop is a retail shop owned by a company called Meridian. Meridian supply the grid with power from wind and hydro. The power you draw from the grid may end up from non-renewable sources which is why I was careful to not call the energy drawn as from a renewable source but as being offset.

        The planting of the tree analogy could be happening (I don't know) but I imagine the renewable power they input into the system would cover a large portion of it. I'm guessing your comment about bullcrap arose because you assumed they were just a retailer and not an actual generator.

        FWIW they are ASX and NZX listed and ESR claims like renewable energy are subject to audits. If you have information to add in your corner other than just a baseless generic claim, I'm happy to receive and review it. I'll leave it to you to provide something substantial to back it up as bogus but will equally look forward to silence.

        Here's some more information: https://www.powershop.com.au/why-powershop/renewable-energy/…

        Choice seem to rate them highly as a green provider: https://www.choice.com.au/home-improvement/energy-saving/red…

        In short I'm not an expert but I at least did some due diligence and satisfied myself that these guys are the closest thing to being "green". Like the comment above, the alternative is that you can just pick unsubstantiated faults at things and hope everything works out.

  • Yeah expensive. A lot more then AGL. We signed up with them and spend an average of $20 more a month. Now we are moving back

  • Waiting for when they offer gas in NSW.

  • If I have purchased the “power pack” already and I change to other providers, I guess those pre-purchased amount is not refundable right ?

    • I've always been refunded when I've moved properties etc

  • Worth moving if it's for an investment property?
    Ie no electricity usage.

    • After all these, do we have any clear winner for whose who have Solar & on Ausnet Grid?

      • And with a larger solar system too, same otherwise?

  • Quick question is it bad to move companies every 6 months?

  • I was with Powershop for 2 years and left.

    Their pricing "packs" is a very clever way to give the impression you are saving money, but when you look at the bill at the end of the cycle you will notice the kWh rate is not cheap.

    I moved to QENERGY

    • OkayQEnergy has higher rates than I am getting for me with Ausnet in Vic.

  • Good news! The Powershop referral deal has been extended until September 30th!

  • This is a major reason why I have to change providers and Red Energy is the same, the following quote from Red Energy terms and conditions, PDF link below too:

    "You are eligible to take up the Premium feed-in offer if You:(a) have installed a QseGf at Your Property which is equal to or less than 5 kilowatts in capacity;"


    Elysian Energy has the same problem with their otherwise fantastic SolarMaximiser plan, they offer 13c FIT with great rates otherwise, but sadly the solar system size limitation screws that.

    Unfortunately, even if the same doesn't apply for Powershop, they only offer 6.7c FIT for me in Vic with Ausnet; I expect that I'll end up with Dodo at this stage and save close to $500 over the next 12 months based on usage and generation from the past 12 months. Dodo is offering 12c FIT.

    EDIT: Umm, not PFIT for me anyway, so perhaps that can be a difference after all??

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