Trying to clear as many of these bags as we can before the end of the financial year. At $50 this is more of a steal than a bargain, we get nothing but rave reviews for these bags and they are useful for just about whatever you can imagine.
Also after checkout, you will be able to purchase an LED light kit for only $30 extra, these also come with a small canvas bag, another great deal.
Made from super durable 400GSM ripstop canvas this canvas bag is a must-have on your next camping adventure.
Tough 400GSM Canvas (Hydrophobic Coating)
Small L220 - W160 - H80mm
Medium L350 - W250 - H120mm
Large L440 - W330 - H120mm
Durable waterproof SBS Zippers
Slimline handles that won't get in the way
Front mesh pocket
Not questioning the quality, just the "was" price
$60 last November
$60 last December
$50 in January
$60 in May
$50 2 weeks ago