• expired

[eBay Plus] Receive $30 eBay Gift Card upon $49 Renewal of Current Subscription @ eBay


Under 'My eBay Plus' go to 'edit membership' and cancel. Follow the prompts and you should get a $30 Gift Card

Your might vary. Mine is due in July so might depend when yours is due.


deals posted last year for further details

edit. is a $30 Ebay Gift Card ( not $30 voucher )

edit. Last year ebay sent me a gift card via email after the membership renewal payment went through

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closed Comments

  • +21

    No good deal should be $50 i had received in past when I renew my one

    • agreed, I have just received $50 for renewal 2 weeks ago.

    • +1

      You can stack this one with the $50. Has been shared before.

      • +2

        How to stack them?

      • I too would like to know how to stack

      • Actually all ebay plus sign up promos can be sort of stacked.

      • +2

        It was fixed so people weren't getting the 30$ gift card. But cancelling and renewing might be better with $50 voucher

        I posted it last year and was able to get both $30 and $50.

        • Same

        • It can't hurt to go through the process for the $30, and then just cancel and go for $50.
          (If you don't mind having a voucher of course, because you need to spend the $50 at once.)
          Worst case, you get the $30 GC.
          (ebay always "fixes" things, yet they keep making the same mistakes with vouchers and promo's. )

          • @johnmelb: I think in the end it's better to cancel, $50 voucher seems better than the $30 GC

        • Thanks bro, gonna try this later this week.

    • +1

      So basically you are saying you're entitled to a free membership each year?

      • +1

        Yeah, and targeted with 30 dollars voucher a few weeks ago.

      • +1

        Last year I wasn't "targeted" when ebay plus expired - but after +/- 1 month I was targeted and I was able to sign up with the $50 voucher offer again.
        (Voucher does mean you need to place an order of $50 at once, or remaining balance is forfeited. It's not like a gift card).

    • Basically, it's not real cancel. Just cheat to get the gift card.

  • Worked for me. Thanks OP

  • Worked for me as well. Thanks OP

  • Cheers.

  • Nice thanks. Got it!

  • Mine ends in July too. How many times do you have to click on cancel? I mean, does it offer you the $30 straight away , or do you have to click on the second "I still want to cancel" button?

    • yeah click "i still want to cancel"
      after that i got the voucher.

    • +3

      It'll pop up after you click next on the "Select a reason" question

  • thanks got it!

  • How do you guys find ebay plus? Any genuine deals you've had? Almost everything I search or want isn't applicable to ebay plus or available from a plus seller, and even as a user experience I feel like I've got to work at it to find a deal, as opposed to an Amazon prime user experience. No wonder Amazon has conquered the world I guess.

    • +6

      Not bad actually. Personally I've saved way more on purchases than I've spent on eBay plus by waiting for key sales, moreso on the recently bugged(?) coupons such as the $18 gin, $10 afterpay discount, $5x3 voucher, etc which pop up on here occasionally.

    • I've found my $19 renewal great value this time around - though, obviously, YMMV. I've purchased (and 'needed') a Dell monitor, RaspberryPi, headphones, AppleTV, shoes, tools, 'saving' $620, and been online at the right time to snag free Ugg boots, USB cable, and groceries ('saving' $70). Having search buttons dedicated for eBayPlus items definitely helps, too.

      • -1

        which dell monitor model and deal?

      • ooh that's nice. good work.

        what's the ebay plus search button?

    • With all the free giveaways recently, you might be able to get some additional gadgets ..

      • +1

        the additional gadgets that I'd never used lol

        • Yep, this is a constant battle in a lot of Ozbargainers' minds:

          "I might need it one day!"


          "Do I really need this junk?"

    • Picked up a computer recently (refurb gaming machine) when it was 17% discount for plus members, so that basically paid for it through that 2%. The last two weeks though it feels like ebay have finally decided to actually push Plus as a thing, before that I never used it much but now we're getting some good stuff (I grabbed the soda stream over the weekend too, plus a free USB cable)

      Different to Prime in that the benefit of Prime comes from constantly using Amazon, fast shipping and instant gratification. Ebay can be a couple of times a year and it pays for itself (especially if they keep handing out coupons)

    • +1

      I had ebay plus all year used it once maybe, cancelled it and now it expires in 13 days, then all of a sudden got a robot vaccum which was going for $800 for $180! Thanks to the OP that posted that deal 🤗!
      Best deal I've ever got from Ozbargin and I was just so damn lucky I had some time left in my ebay plus membership to get it. But prime I use almost every second day for anything and everything so I see why they conquered planet earth

      • what was the (now expired ofc) code for the vacuum by the way? eBay is still prompting me to pay. The seller was half a day late in responding to the offer that I missed out, and I don't know what my next steps should be.

    • It's very easy for me to say that I've saved alot cause flash sales on ebay can be pretty nice. But, you'll need to be one of those people who are really willing to wait for big sales for stuff you really wanted, and are willing to come to ozbargain daily.

      But for 20 bucks, if you're the type that shops quite a bit on eBay, it's probably worth it for the cut on delivery.

    • It's actually been pretty good, with lots of random sales.

  • +1

    Yep got it too! Got it last year too, can't really complain for $19 a year to be honest. I know many take issue with the average deals but i've definitely had $19 of value/discounts from it, the express post is nice too (when i actually need something express and not on/quicker than Amazon), though a couple stores don't seem to have got the express post memo…

  • awesome, got it aswell

  • works

  • Got mine, Thanks OP!

  • +4

    You should go through this process, then go through it again and cancel anyway.
    Then use the $50 voucher signup to stack $50 + $30.
    Explained here


    • +1

      You won’t get the gift card until the eBay plus annual fee is paid

      • Yeah, don't understand how you can stack if the terms of receiving the $30 is that you cannot cancel your membership…

    • Thanks for highlighting that. All done, now we just wait to see if they put on the same $50 offer. I have nothing to loose as I see it.

  • Mine is $50 credit voucher. So no deal.

    • +1

      I read comments previously it can be stacked, so it is a deal.
      Probably best to be added in the description, so everybody is aware.

  • Hmmm mine is already cancelled but within membership until Aug. Don't see any offer.

    • I went through this with my account (due for renewal in November). I took screenshots just in case.
      But after it's cancelled, I think it's too late to get this offer.

    • Yeah I cancelled mine a few weeks ago so that I didn't forget, also with August expiry. They might send an offer yet as the time gets closer.

  • Worked for me too. Cheers OP.

    • Close to renewal: you might want to go through with cancellation anyway.
      Then see if you can apply for the $50 too, and stack with this offer.
      Read some of the comments here

  • Not worth it.

    • +1

      I use ebay plus and amazon prime, I often find better deals on ebay and vice versa so definitely worth it imo particularly at $19 for the year or $1.58 a month and you often get free express postage :)

  • Can the $30 eBay gift card be used with other codes? Is it a gift card or an eBay voucher?

    The $50 voucher can’t be used with jack

    • Same where did OP say gift card ?
      Besides that if you can't find 4 figures ++++++++ of profit with Ebay + during the year I'd give up your OZB license .

      • In the other post linked by the op, other people mentioned they received a digital gift card.

        Just wanted to clarify because the voucher is useless. I’d rather sign up for a month when eBay actually has deals and 20% off codes

    • It would be the same restricted voucher like the $50 one where you need to buy from feeBay Plus seller and cannot stack with any promo code I reckon.
      Except, it is $30 one, which is even worse.

  • Thank you! It worked for me!

  • On a monthly subscription. After the "Select a reason" question, it ended my subscription. haha

    • On a trial, same thing, didn't offer anything, it just cancelled right away

  • +7

    Hi all, i would just like to express a personal experience. I signed up for eBay Plus when they were promoting 'sign up and get a $50 ebay voucher'. I did not receive the voucher upon singing up, when i spoke to support, they manually added it for me. I then purchased an item that was $16, and lost the entire credit amount. When i spoke to them about it, they said that is how their vouchers operate, you have to use the entire amount in one hit. Just an FYI in case anyone else gets caught out. I also don't find eBay plus that useful at all to be honest. Amazon prime is far superior in my opinion, in every way possible.

      • +4

        Didn't come across that way to me. It was an FYI that you need to use the voucher in one go. Good to share this kind of info with the Ozbargain community (I knew about it already but others might not).

        Edit: I didn't neg you.

      • +2

        Hi there, technically I paid $49 for the membership and received a $16 item from the "voucher". So i didn't get it free..I paid for it through my membership. This was purely an FYI for others to be aware of, not complaining at all. :)

        • -3

          Well no the membership costs $49 at normal price… the $16 was a bonus hence free vs the normal cost of a membership.

          So yes you were upset you weren't getting more for free.

          • @4foxache: Ummmm no…I was just disappointed I didn't know I had to use the entire $50 voucher in one go.. but if it makes you feel better and will help you sleep tonight, then you are right yes, I was devastated, ruined to pieces, oh the distraught.. goodnight.

    • I really need someone to sit down and show me how to use Amazon. I find it the worst website in the universe to look for bargains.

      eBay is so clean and elegant. You search something and get 100 options. Easy.

      Amazon you search, and get one result, then have to go into the item only to see “click here for options” under the price. Just tell me the god damn price so I don’t have to click a listing.

      I get it, everyone loves Amazon, so it’s obviously me that is the issue.

      • ebay became way worse with the annoying combined listings.
        They allow crap to be listed together with other items, even if they're not related.
        If you search for micro sd and sort on lowest price, the more expensive uSDs are shown because a crappy adapter is being sold for $0.50.
        But then again, on amazon you can't (easily?) search for cheapest price - CCC does help.

        I said I would never pay for prime, now I have both ebay and prime. Both have their good things. And I got my subscription's worth back for both.
        (If you have an issue and need support, ebay doesn't even come close to Amazon support. If you want to compare, then you probably need a logarithmic scale. I ordered 2 items via amazon, 1 defective. I asked where to upload the video with proof and was told to not bother with it - Entire order refunded because they couldn't ship 1 replacement item.)

    • I signed up, they didn't give me the $50 gift card. I then enquired and they said they could offer me a voucher. At that point, I asked what the difference was. If you get a voucher, the issue is what you experienced. It's more restrictive and you have to use it in one transaction. I insisted on the gift card, given that was the original offer, and they didn't give it to me until another couple weeks (I think). It was strange, but I got it in the end.

      I agree though, it's a little deceptive.

    • Similar experience with the $30 cancel->renewal promo.

      Waited 3 weeks after renewal, didn't receive my $30 gift card as promised.

      Contacted support, they said I didn't meet the conditions (wtf, they offered it to me when I cancelled). They made a big deal out of it and eventually said "ok we'll give you the $30 just this once as a gesture of goodwill". Such BS, they made the offer, it's their legal obligation to make good, they're not doing me any favours.

      Then I find out they didn't give me a $30 gift card, they issued a $30 voucher that expires in 30 days (the promo gift card has 3 year expiry).

      I complained again, rep said they can't issue gift cards, only the 30 day vouchers.

      In the end I quickly bought a Woolies gift card with it to avoid expiry but the whole experience is really shitty. Making an offer, failing to honour it, then making the customer jump through hoops and pretending like they are doing me a favour.

  • i got it, not sure if i will still cancel to be honest, ebay plus is a bit shit, and i get free prime membership via my phone provider.

    • +2

      who's your phone provider?

    • +1

      I'd like to know this too!

  • +1

    Damm did not work for me

    You've already accepted the offer "Thank You for Choosing eBay Plus - $30 eBay Gift Card" Promotional offer summary

  • I was going to try this but then… ebay poped up a message and FOMO kicked in, they say:

    Don't Miss Out

    Plus is about to get even more exciting. Exclusive offers & updates are being added all the time. More details in your Member Hub

    I mean the chance of more excitement?? I'm in, I'm excited. What about the Member hub guys? that sounds pretty elitist? Exclusives! lets not forget the 3% off millions of carefully selected vendor items selling Pikachu onsies.

    • this is why marketing folk get the big bucks

  • +2

    I preferred it when i got paid $1 to take out Ebay plus

  • My membership was expiring mid-august (picked it up last year with the $50 offer since I was about to buy a $60 item). 100% worth it as I've been able to get ~5 completely free $10 items (USB's / USB-C cables) and a lot of discounted items from previous deals. Was about to buy something so this looks like a great deal. Cheers OP.

  • Had it last year and set the reminder to at least attempt the cancellation. For some reason I missed it and the first I knew about it was spotting the renewal charge.

    No email notification or warning from eBay, not sure what others see. Just a PSA on this.

    Under the terms could at least contact them within a set number of days for a refund and you have to be really clear with this or you get a good runabouts. Still waiting for the monthly process for that to occur.

    Personally don't think I even got the $19 value out of it.

  • Thanks OP. Worked for me.

  • So I got the $30 prompt and my renewal is in November, does that mean I only get the voucher after my next membership payment then?

  • I got "You've already accepted the offer" hmm

  • Be careful even though you accepted the offer they still charge full at renewal
    Happened to me 2 years in row
    Should contact them hoping they have records of accepted offers

    • It always charges you in full and you get voucher and/or giftcard.

      I think the current offer end date 26/10/2021 11:59:59 PM. If your renewal date is beyond it, you may not get the giftcard or need to accept a new offer later.

      • no, I was doing tax and that's what got charged with Amex

  • Got it and it expires in Oct

  • Awesome! Thank you!

  • Well that was easy. Thanks OP!

  • Start date 02/06/2021 7:39:37 PM(The time you got this offer)

    End date 26/10/2021 11:59:59 PM

    If your membership expires after that, you may not get the $30 giftcard?

    • yeah wonder too expiring in Dec

  • Ebay hid the Cancel My Membership button in my Edit Membership drop down!!

  • Jokes on them, I was never going to cancel my membership!

  • do they send an email with the gift card or is it automatically applied?

  • Thanks mate. Looking forward to my $30 ebay gift card

  • Where do you find or how do you use the gift card?

    • same here, where is it ???

  • i just bought ebay plus Last week, i just went through cancelling, and got $30 gift card saying i have time from 2nd to 26th June, but i cant find it anyway, what to do now ??

    • Maybe you were in your 30 day free period ?

      • i bought 1 year subscription last week, it also keep saying expire in 3 years, way too confusing.

  • Did this but haven't received yet, do I need to pay the annual fee first?

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