• expired

[eBay Plus] Receive $30 eBay Voucher upon $49 Renewal of Current Subscription


Decided I wasn't buying enough on eBay plus to justify the membership. Went to cancel and was offered $30 voucher. Might stick around for that.

Under 'My eBay Plus' go to 'edit membership' and cancel. Follow the prompts and you should get a $30 voucher.

Your mileage may vary but it seemed worth the post. Might not work on young accounts, I've been on it for almost a year.

edit: Some people are getting long commitment dates for the voucher. Mine was a month but young accounts can be asked to commit for up to six months. This is better for older accounts with some tenure.

Terms & Conditions

previous deal

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome! Thanks for this, got the offer for the $30 gift card as well! Cheers!

  • +10

    It's not a $30 gift card straight up. You need to continue your membership beyond your current expiry!

    "Stay & continue your membership beyond 18 December 2020 & receive a $30 gift card*"

    Or are others getting a different deal!?

    • also interested in this, mine doesnt expire until December either, do you get the $30 before then or after you renew?

      • T&C
        "The $30 eBay Digital Gift Card will be sent to your registered email address on your eBay account within 10 days of payment of the annual Plus membership fee"

        • Mine was only contingent on hanging on for another month. So it's probably set by join date.

  • Also got it but says will receive after membership payment made, which is Jan 2021….

  • got it

  • Got it, available confirmed immediately. Waiting on the email. Noice!

  • +14

    Thanks OP, mine is up in Aug, offered me $30. For $19/year, I don't mind. Prime holds such a better value than most subscriptions imo.

    • Yeah it’s kind of ridiculous how good value prime is at the moment at $5 a month. Surely they will need to bump up the price at some point.

      • $5? I'm getting $6.99?

        • +4

          pay Annually dude.

        • +1

          per year rate of $59 and then if you have Amex added bonuses from time to time

      • Yeah, they will. US Prime is $179 AUD equivalent if paid yearly, more if monthly.

        We're getting a sweet discount for the first few years so they can build their customer base.

        The losses Amazon would be making in Australia would have to be massive.

        • You reckon a loss? I reckon they probably making heaps with all the buying I've done just cos it's prime hahah

          • +2

            @NeoX: Their financial reports state Amazon Australia has lost $10M in 2 years, so yeah.

            Like selling cartons of drinks for low cost, with free (sometimes express) postage. There's no way in hell they're making money on stuff like that, for example.

            • @BradH13: they make so much money on AWS, this stuff is just a plaything to Bezosberg

              • @ProlapsedHeinous: Yeah, of course. Was never saying they're in trouble. They can afford the losses. 10M is a drop in the bucket for them, but it's still a loss and they won't want to lose in Australia forever.

                • +1

                  @BradH13: Amazon are smart, they are always playing the long game. The competition does not have the stamina to fight them usually. they know all they have to do is choke out the competition long enough, and the market has been captured.

      • +5

        The fact you also get prime video makes it well worth it.

      • Why is Prime so good value? What are the perks of Prime besides the free delivery?

        I keep wanting to join Prime but I'm not sure if I actually need it.

        • If you play games on PC there's also twitch prime which gives free games monthly and cosmetics

  • Awesome! Got one!! Not sure where can I find that gift card..And can I stack my ebay plus $5 voucher while using the gift card to make purchases. TIA!

    • Yes, last year I got $50. It was ebay gift card. So you still can use a promo code.

  • +21

    i paid $1 for ebay plus on some deal. I'm yet to receive that much value from the membership.

    • +24

      They paid me $1 and yet I don’t see the value of eBay Plus.

      • The value of it had really only just started. Now you get a free upgrade to express post from eBay plus sellers.
        Having said that, I've only benefited from this once as most sellers I but from tend not to be eBay plus sellers

        • Kinda lame now that auspost isn't offering express post currently nationwide. I wonder how this is going to work out when all parcels are done by regular.

          • +2

            @aerona: It is pointless to have express post at the moment. Some buyers paid for express post for items I sold and they did not get them any faster. When I contacted Australia post they said until further notice they will not guarantee next day delivery as they are shipping around 2M parcels a day all over the country and cannot cope. So I now have to warn buyers that whilst they may want it faster express post is not guaranteed anymore.

  • +7

    Better of cancelling and resubscribing when they have one of those $50 gift card offers. Which are frequent. This $30 gift card is after paying your renewal for the next 12 months.

    eBay plus isn't worth it as most would tell you anyway

    • +2

      For $19 per year of $1.58 per month I reckon its worth it.

      • it really isn't..

  • I don't have the cancel button?

    • Its 'Edit your membership'

      • +1

        Yes, but it's only showing View invoice and eBay Plus Terms & Conditions

        • +2

          Ebay sucks

        • You have to sign-in in a browser

          • @Karansingh: Yes I did

            • @Nathw: I have the same issue. They have removed the cancel button and it is physically not possible to cancel my membership…

              • +2

                @Chivalry85: I just rang the eBay Plus support hotline and it appears they've just closed it down. They simply refer you to the "help" link at the bottom of any page. However, the "help" link is a fancy new do it yourself crowd-sourcing type of help page. So basically, no humans from ebay are available to provide you a workaround to their failure to allow you to manage your own subscription. Bad.

                • +1

                  @Chivalry85: Thanks for the amazing update

                  • +3

                    @Nathw: FYI - the button doens't show up when you have already previously requested for your subscription to be cancelled. Unfortunately that information is not provided anywhere on their site.

  • +30

    I cancelled and didn't accept it. Nor should anyone else.

    (profanity) eBay Plus.

    • +5

      Amen brother

  • so targeted?

  • The lack of eBay 20% off sales on stores like Sony and The Good Guys has made eBay Plus not worth it, considering you can usually go to a stores actual website and buy their items without the eBay markup.

  • +1

    When I went to cancel mine I didn't get any offer. They went ahead and cancelled as requested so it may only be with some accounts.

  • Worked for me thanks

  • Wouldn't you be better off actually canceling and then taking up one of the frequent offers for free ebay plus? Thats a $50 saving instead of $30. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/534651

    • +2

      You can only get once unless you create a different account

      • Not sure why you got downvoted. I am experiencing the same thing.

  • +1

    Got $30 gift card for 1 month commitment after membership expires

  • +1

    Worked like a charm. For me it says that the voucher will be valid for 3 years and will be sent after membership payment.

  • +2

    Gift card delivered after membership payment.

  • +1

    never got my voucher from last time i did this

    • +2

      because you only get it ONCE you sub for the next year.

      • +1

        ah ok thanks

        • Yeah it sucks from a consumer POV but makes sense for business lol.

          If you want something more instant, a few weeks ago there was a post on here about an instant $20 voucher to try ebayplus.. i got it like instantly using another email and there was no minimum spend

  • +1

    It says "You've already accepted the offer "Thank You for Choosing eBay Plus - $30 eBay Gift Card" for me :(

    • +3

      you mustve did it the last time somebody posted this…you dont get to claim your voucher until you next renew so there is probably one pending for you already

  • +2

    I've been pro-eBay Plus @ $19/yr (because you can cancel for $30GC every year) over Amazon Prime for a while due to lack of variety and pricepoint for a lot of things, but i've noticed my online spending has reduced completely since starting my 60-day Prime Trial so @ $60/year i think Prime might be my future. eBayPlus was good at the start when sellers would send things quickly with tracking. Nowadays its jsut filled with Dropshipping and cheap untracked mailers

  • Unless you're keen to sign on for another year then I would be hesitant to accept the terms of this. For most people you only receive the voucher after committing to paying for another year of membership.

  • Thank you!

  • +1
  • +2

    Did this some time last year and never got my voucher…. so YMMV…

    • +1

      You'll get it when you renew. For me that's in August.

      • The original message didn't say at time of renewal, just said to wait up to 10 business days from memory.

        Anyway…. not sure when my renewal is either so not getting my hopes up lol

  • I was tempted to do this then realised I haven't seen any eBay plus items I've wanted for a long while

    might as well just cancel it

    • But, up voted?

      I learnt my lesson, the first year was good.

      The second I haven't had a single selling promo which this offered.

      Just get Amazon Prime, don't reward shoddy websites.

      • upvoted for visibility because it's a good offer for those who make good use of it. I wouldn't call it shoddy, it's saved me its fair share in shipping when I needed to buy computer parts from multiple sellers

        but personally it reminded me that I haven't needed my ebay plus sub since then

  • +1

    Essentially it's a free $19 eBay voucher. Not bad if you find something you actually need for a reasonable price.

    • +3

      It's free after you pay $19 for it

  • Ty op, did mine and get $30 too.

  • Setting up remnder in december when my plus is exp.

  • You've already accepted the offer "Thank You for Choosing eBay Plus - $30 eBay Gift Card" — Looks like I did this long ago lol

  • My offer period for the voucher ends before my renewal date… How am I supposed to renew before my renewal date?

  • I got the 'are you sure you want to cancel and lose all these benefits' window, with 'I still want to cancel' & 'Keep my benefits' buttons. Is it offered after this one (mine expires in December)?

    • +1
      • +1

        Yes, worked. I was on step 1 of that picture, so you just need to keep going and you get it. Thanks.

  • I'm guessing they don't want you to cancel and rejoin so they don't have to pay this:

  • THank you OP

  • Worked for me. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    lol eBay experiencing a high number of cancellation requests this morning

  • Thanks OP for reminding me to cancel this.

  • +2

    i had ebay plus last year, i dont remember having bought one deal where it wasnt available to others without a plus membership, meaning all the better deals that i went for were available via a %20 off coupon which turned out better offerings than the ebay plus deals.

  • Thanks OP for getting me $30 :)

  • +4

    eBay plus is totally useless for me. I have not benefited from this since I got it half a year ago.

  • Thanks OP! Old account, got 3 years on the gift card.

  • +2

    The $30 GF vouch will only deliver 10 days after you paid $49 to renew eBay Plus. So $19 to extend eBay Plus a year. Not interest. The max I would pay eBay Plus a year is $1.

  • +1

    I've been really happy with my first year of eBay Plus, so I was intending on paying the $49 for another year beyond my August expiry date.
    So getting a $30 gift card for pretending to cancel is a nice bonus, thanks to krunchymoses for posting this deal!!

  • +1

    I've only ever renewed on $50 vouchers, $49 spend. Pay me $1 to subscribe again please, ebay!

  • +1

    I thought this was still $19 too expensive.

  • Yeh mine says stay until my next membership renewal date hahahaha..

  • @krunchymoses Thank you for sharing!

  • Super cool. Thanks for sharing 😄

  • Thanks mate eBay plus membership expired tomorrow, so good timing

  • Followed the instructions: Gift card delivered after membership payment. Expires 3 years from issue.

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