• expired

nbn Superfast 250/25Mbps $90/Month, Ultrafast 1000/50Mbps $130/Month for 6 Months (FTTP, HFC & New Customers Only) @ Telstra


Not the biggest fan of Telstra but can try Superfast 250/25Mbps $90/month for 6 months and see if you like it enough to continue at $140/month.

Ultrafast 1000/50Mbps $130/month for 6 months. Continues at $180/month.

No lock-in contracts.
Home phone landline calls included.
Modem/router with 4G backup included (Cancelling before 24 months incurs a $9 per month remaining cost - up to $216).
International calls included to 13 countries.
Free 3 months Binge standard (new Binge customers).

FTTP cancellation isn't done automatically. Call your existing ISP to cancel.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    Man, don’t know if it’s just me, but your post is extremely difficult to read

    • +3


    • +11

      It is just you. Maybe you need to install the Klingon to English translator.

    • +4

      If you're associated with Telstra perhaps try and not be a typical Telstra person and offer suggestions

      • +1

        At Telstra we are trained only to offer more plans.

        Don’t you love the 6 months of this and free 3 months of that. (They are hoping you forget and they get extra out of you)

        • +4

          At Telstra we are trained only to offer more plans.

          Aren't you lot also trained in ingenious ways to rip off your customers?


          I don't care how many times I get negged. Companies like Helstra and AGL are some of the greediest scum on this planet, and deserve all the fines they cop a lot more punishment for their predatory behaviour.

    • +2

      Maybe because telstra t&c is hard to read. I like that op pointed the modem repayment catch. Not really a no locked in contract to me.

      • There is no penalty to leaving, you need to pay for the equipment you've effectively had interest free.

        There is no fine

        Similar if you sign up to a mobile plan and leave early you need to pay for the handset cost

        • +2

          Ive had a telco try to pull that before.
          I got money out of them.

          Because IF we're paying for the REMAINDER of the time; then its 'finishing off a layby'.

          I returned the device; as per acl, either party can 'cancel a sales contract' at any time.
          They had their goods back in perfect condition, yet still had $X per month of mine; doesnt matter if its 'built into the bill'.

          Telco's really do need to be careful about how/why the charge things. They forget we have protected rights also.

  • Telstra wont allow me to get their premium internet plan as I'm FTTN not FTTP, yet they have sent me an email saying my household is capable of getting 100mps…

    • Want me to look into that for you?
      Send me a PM with your account number

      • Read that nbn are upgrading connections to fttp if you order a high speed service. 100+ for fttn and 250+ for fttc to qualify but I am unsure how to initiate as it just says unavailable at this location. Anyone have any further info on this?

        • +1

          I believe this is just for the lead-in so your area needs to have been upgraded to fibre first.

          More info…


        • +1

          All internet providers are still working on what this process would look like. I feel like nbn co jumped the gun a little to announce to the market without a process yet.
          I feel like we're a little way away to get this out. I called Aussie, Optus & TPG - all in the same boat.

  • +2

    Heya, do you know what the upload speeds are like? cant seem to see it listed on anything above the 100mbps pack

    • +1

      nbn Superfast = 25Mbps.
      nbn Ultrafast = 50Mbps.

      • +9

        This is really average. You’d think they would make a better upload speed tier for those that wanted it.

        • +4

          I suspect is to prevent businesses from buying these tiers.

          • +3

            @Cozzie: It's also likely to hide the upload capacity shortcomings of the HFC network.

        • +4

          This is thanks to nbnco, they set the tiers that are available. They're worried if they made uploads higher businesses would switch from business plans to residential plans and lose them a tonne of revenue.

          A 250/100 business plan is usually north of $200 a month, so if a residential 250/50 plan popped up for $120 most small businesses would switch over. nbnco charge a higher wholesale price for business networks because it's supposedly more reliable but in reality it would be fine for most businesses.

          Hopefully they fix it eventually, it's a joke at the moment. I'm moving back to 100/40 from 250/25 because 25Mb up isn't enough for two of us working in the house, with files syncing to the cloud and video calls/screen sharing needing to happen without notice.

        • +1

          Those lucky enough to have FTTP can get 1000/400, 500/200, 250/100.

          • +1

            @Twix: My company has an 800m symmetrical line through vocus, so WFH with 40 up has been painful.

    • Que?

      • +5

        He asked, why the up stream is worse than dialup speeds. Are you one of the few people who did not ever get 25mbps on dialup by trunking 450 phone lines?

    • +1

      ask the libs

  • Anyone know what the expected upload speeds would be on these plans? Can't find information anywhere.

  • +6

    It may say no lock in contract, but the modem is if you need a new one. Cancelling before 24 months incurs a $9 per month remaining cost. No idea if I need a new modem either, doesn't mention which one is required.

    • +1

      If you speak to the live chat you should be able to signup without getting the modem. I've done it along with another couple of people I know.

  • +13

    Thanks Malcolm. Faster, Cheaper, Sooner.
    I'm consigned to FTTN for the next decade or so, and can only dream of these speeds.

    • Yep same here. The great NBN divide!

      • +1

        What connection does Malcolm's house have?
        (Didn't ask about his property portfolio).

        • Last I heard he has HFC.

          • @Twix: Lucky bastart. I have FTTC.

              • @Twix: Too quick - I corrected to FTTC

                • @wetwork: Ninja 🐱‍👤

                  Have you checked how much FTTP will set you back?

        • “Mr Turnbull received preferential treatment after his department intervened to ensure his house was connected to the NBN's hybrid fibre coaxial cable, just days before the company announced a pause on HFC connections.” https://www.afr.com/politics/malcolm-turnbull-under-fire-ove…

    • +2

      lol decade…. there'll probably be flying cars before we get fttp

  • +9

    Seems there's no option not to get a modem and you have to pay back

    • +4

      Mandatory modem option definitely kills this deal. Good for people who were planning to switch to Telstra I guess.

    • +2

      There is if you contact them over live chat :)

  • +1

    Any chance for existing customers to get this deal?

  • I just switched over to this deal and I'm with Telstra they wouldn't give me the extra discount.
    What annoys me is I've been with Telstra for a long time and I still pay $110 for six months than 140 per month . new customers get the extra $20 it's appalling anyone know another good deal for nbn250, so I can leave Telstra and then maybe come back as a new customer.

    • exactly. but why bother with Telstra while there are tons of other ISPs available? they are all from NBN anyways

    • +5

      Superloop give you a free upgrade to 250/25 for the first 3 months, $75 a month.

      Been on Superloop for a while for 100/40, switched to 250/25 a couple of weeks back when I needed to move 5TB of data and it was properly fast. Would have gone to 1000/50 but they have a data cap of 3TB.

      • Wouldn’t be easier to move the data using a combination of hard drive and courier/post ?

    • +1

      ABB have a pretty good deal on the 250/25. I have nbn service with them and have no complaints, with speeds as advertised.

  • +8

    Can't stand these "for 6 month deals"

    • +3

      Why? I just ISP slut every 6 months. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. Exetel $50 for 50/20 is what I'm on right now, but that's only because I'm on FTTN, otherwise I'd be on MATE's plan.

      • +3

        I'm too lazy :(

        Too many things to keep track off, really don't want something else added to the list..

      • +1

        when you switch is that pretty instant ? how long does it take to transfer over ?
        Any downtime ?

        • Last couple of times for me (FTTN) it has been completed in under 20 mins from the time I submitted the request to the new provider.

          My 2 main considerations when switching are :

          1. Try to do it as close to your anniversary/billing date with your current provider as possible so you don't waste paid days. They don't get refunded.

          2. Most of the time the modem setup didn't need to change but I have had one or two which required auth credentials set up in the connection setup. If this is the case the isp will send you the details once you're activated.

          Other than that it couldn't be easier.

      • -3

        Do you have to use their required modem/router every time?

        Because setting that up every 6 months is my only gripe with doing it that and I am tied to a phone line combo with TPG because of elderly senior citizen house mates that still rely on ancient technology every now and then even though I have put them all on prepaid mobile plans go figure.

        $70 TPG NBN50/20 on FTTN + $10 oz talk add on which I think is unlimited calls for national, mobile and other certain numbers no international calls.

        Happy with $80/month but man that $50/month sounds really nice that extra $5 a week could go to my chocolate milk budget :)

      • This doesn't really work for anyone who plays games overseas or hosts something on a server.

        ISP's are simply too unreliable when it comes to knowing how they actually perform.

    • +1

      These deals are all predicated on them using the Focus on Fast promotional rebates, so they'll all be 6 months.

      Of course I'd rather nbnco get rid of the CVC construct and reduce the AVC pricing of the Superfast and Ultrafast tiers, but that's about as likely as me winning the lottery.

  • +2

    So expensive. Only $10 per month for 100mpbs back home in Russia, and geforce now works like a breeze.

    • Cool. Tell me more.

    • +19

      In Soviet Russia, internet download you!

      • +2

        I mean like it would be nice to have more affordable internet here in Australia

        • spackbace was downloaded being on holiday in Soviet Russia back in 80ths :))

        • +1

          i remember being in China 15yrs ago in whoop-whoop near the Tibetan border.and saw a billboard offering 100mbps speeds for ~$50/mth. I was paying about ~$60/mth for 8mbps

          • @M00Cow: Wow, back in 2006 I was only getting 30 Mbps from Telstra cable. There was nothing faster at the time.

    • +1

      noncomparable )

    • +3

      In Singapore, 1Gbps plan / $49 SGD = $48AUD / per month.

      • +6

        I hate the NBN myself but a bit of an unfair comparison.

        Singapore land area - 728.3 km²
        Australia land area - 7.692 million km²

        • +1

          But most of the Australian population live in relatively densely populated cities.

          • +1

            @wetwork: Greater SYD land area - 12,367 km²
            Greater MEL land area - 9,992 km²
            Greater BRIS land area - 15,842 km²

            Afraid the logic still applies Karen :)

          • +1

            @wetwork: What would be the point of the NBN if only people in dense areas could get it?

    • +1

      Sounds nice but when I tested 100mbps my FTTN line could only handle about 70-90 stable realistically and sometimes would only hover around 70 so the extra $10-20 per month for only 20mbps increase was not worth it.

      We settled on 50/20 FTTN unlimited with TPG for $70/month bundled with a $10/month phone landline deal (elderly senior citizen housemates don't ask).

  • +1

    Can existing HFC customers try this?

    • +4

      I'm on HFC with Telstra and am on the Superfast 250 6 month trial at the moment - I run a speedtest docker container on my NAS which tests my speed every hour and graphs the results - I get consistently 270meg down and 22meg up

      • Sounds interesting, link us to the results if it is possible.

      • I get the same with Telstra on the same plan great speeds. my problem is the price and my biggest problem is I've been a customer for 15 years and new customers get a better price then I do.

  • +10

    I ported to ABB six weeks ago and asked for Telstra to disconnect my old HFC service. They chose to disconnect my fathers service instead.

    It took them 5 weeks to restore my fathers service and disconnect my redundant HFC service.

    Why would anybody in the right mind choose this offer when their are other better offers out there with RSPs that can actually provide effective support for their products.

    • +8

      I’ve found the only way to get good customer service for Telstra is through the TIO 😒

      • Well one good thing out of this pandemic is telstras promise to bring support calls back onshore.

        So hopefully it improves at least a little; though im skeptical.

    • Stupid question why would you ask to disconnect a service that is ported? Having dealt with 100s of ports in a previous job it was never up to us to cancel the service, once it's ported, its basically done for you by the incumbent…. It's possible that if you had done nothing then things would have sorted themselves out between aab and telstra…

      Please note: I'm in no way on telstra or optus or any other carriers side they all suck equally in terms of customer service… Big 2 being the worst by million miles in that area..

      • Not a stupid question at all. I had Telstra non-NBN HFC so strictly speaking I guess it wasn't a true port.

        I paid for a TC upgrade from FTTC to FTTP and signed up with ABB. Waited for a week to make sure it was all stable and contacted Telstra to disconnect my HFC service. My dad called me the next day to say his Internet was down 😒

        • hmm interesting i had thought non-nbn hfc things were a thing of the past, i know that Optus had to give up theirs to NBN a while ago. To be honest it does not at all surprise me, probably looked at the last name then disconnected the service associated with it. loll

          • @scud70: Nope; NBN bought telstra and optus' copper and hfc networks, as well as most existing fiber.

            Any other providers or technology still exist (for example iiNet cable).

  • -2

    I've been with Telstra paying $99 for a few years now, I get these speeds (250download and 25upload)

  • +8

    Telstra is a royal pain in the ass to deal with. When we got "upgraded" from Telstra HFC to NBN HFC, we had to pay an extra $20 a month to keep the same speed. I know that that isnt really telstra's fault, as NBN costs more for them or something, but any communication we received described it as an "upgrade" when we infact got downgraded from 100 down to 50. After switching to superloop, I couldnt be happier. Their support phone lines are australian, and dont take hours to pick up your call. We got a sign up of discount of $15 a month for 6 months, which puts our NBN 100 plan at $75, as opposed to telstra's $110 .For the cherry on top, superloop rewarded us with a free upgrade to 250 down for 6 months. I cannot see any price making me want to go back to telstra.

    • +1

      Me too. Went to Unity for $85/month 100/40 with voip.
      Was the only one I could find that lasted more than 6 months, so signed up for 2 years.

      The marketing with this annoying 6 month thing is that they know some people will be too lazy to move after the 6 months.
      Similar to discounted gift cards - a certain percentage of people will lose or forget about them and they'll expire.

    • Your scenario is identical to mine I argued that we're getting less of a service and having to pay more money so they discounted the $20 for 2 years which was up two months ago when I realised I was paying the extra money that's why I'm currently on 250/25 Telstra plan for 110 month (6 month only than$140) I was only paying 90 for 100 megabytes then they started changing $110 no notice it was happening.

      I will definitely look into superloop thank you.

      Can we still use the Telstra modem on superloop or do we have to get a new modem?

      • Hey Tunafish1 did you do this switch to Superloop? Just curious as I wanna do the same Telstra HFC jump to Superloop but just not sure if any new hardware required?

        • I haven't made the switch yet I'm looking at Aussie Broadband now when I spoke to them they said I could still use the Telstra modem

  • +3

    Not worth the trouble of dealing with this company.

    • +1

      Yep, I came here to say telstra suck. Never ever do I want to deal this this stupid company again.

    • +1

      Typical evening speed is half that of Telstra's. Also it's MyRepublic, if you read some reviews you'll see why they're the cheapest, they basically don't have a customer support team.

    • Why negative review tho?

      • +1

        Cos in his opinion, MyRepublic is a better deal.

        I'm still regrowing my hair from dealing with them 4 years ago

  • +1

    Of course existing customer need to pay extra $20

    Well done Telstra

  • +1

    I am with Superloop with a similar deal. Not going back to Telstra ever - their support just kill me.

    • +1

      their support just kill me.

      What support!

      Have jsut moved after spending hours on their app, waiting for sensible responses.

      Love how after given them a piece of my mind, they asked if there was anything else they could help me with, like mobile phone deals etc.

      Really need to update their canned responses

      • Telstra customer support just sucks up precious time in your life, even when you try to close your account with them. Just to remind you again not to go back to them. It's so broken, it doesnt take much for competitors to do better.

    • Same here, superloop are fantastic and their Tech support is topnotch.

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