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Free Vodafone Handset Unlock (All Contract Handsets)

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Free unlock for Vodafone mobiles on contract.

Just bought a locked iphone4 on Ebay and called the support line - they couldn't help me since I don't have a plan with Vodafone ….
Found this tool to unlock on the vodafone site.
Takes about 24 hours to update the apple servers.
Should work for other mobiles …

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closed Comments

  • +6

    This tool has been around for a while.
    and some phones can be unlocked for free right away. Just need to have IMEI

    • which tool are u referring to… ? ;) LOLz

      • lol, i hope he didnt mean the mt-box unlock tool :D

  • This isn't new. You can unlock any handsets which were brought under a contract for free (doesn't have to be 6months).

    As long as the one you brought was sold from a contract then you can use this website.

    The short address is:

    • +17

      Stop saying brought >:[

      It's like nails on a blackboard. Buy = Bought. Bring = Brought.

      • -2

        As much as I love Hamish and Andy, they have the same problem.

      • +1

        I'm so happy you said this!

  • +40

    Dafuq is this? How is this a bargain? It's like posting "RAIN IN PROGRESS - FREE WATER FOR EVERYONE"

    • +15

      Where.. where?
      TELL ME NOW!

      • +14

        2km east of your location. You better hurry there before friggin adele tries to set fire to the rain.

        • +6

          I think I finally understood where raincheck originated.

    • +1

      OzBargain 2050 style.

  • +4

    well at least its not a dupe :)

    just thought i got a bargain since the locked iphone i bought was about $200 cheaper than the unlocked ones on ebay

    • +7

      This is worst than a dupe.

    • the person who sold you the phone must be an idoit, not to have know!!!

    • Well, that certainly makes it a bargain! But yeah… the unlock tool has been around for ages. I got a new phone on contract, unlocked it and sold it for extra :)

  • lol..is this a deal? or bargain? how come a long time available tool become a bargain??? neg for this

  • +3

    "We make it easy to unlock devices that have been purchased from us."
    You do have to wonder why they even bother locking them if they make it that easy.

    • +2

      It's Vodafone… every little thing they do makes you wonder why they did it

    • You don't have to wonder, anyone with half a brain can work it out.

  • +3

    The box that my postpay phone came in has a big red sticker on the side directing me to the vodafone.com.au/unlock site to get a free unlock code.

    • mine too!

  • +1

    My mum bought a Voda prepaid phone last week, next day i checked the voda website, entered IMEI, they gave me unlock code and presto!!! :)

  • +1

    Your unlock code is: NOT LOCKED

    No other instructions so I assume I insert another sim & that's that.

  • You can unlock any handsets which were brought under a contract for free

    • according to www.vodafone.com.au/unlock charges apply

      • charges may apply to prepaid phones. If u have to pay the contract for 24 months voda doesn t care if you use the handset with another company because they get paid anyway.

        • +1

          When I purchased iPhone 4s under 24 mth contract last October at Voda shop, unlocking was not free so I did not go ahead then. I appreciate this offer.

    • +4


      You throught 'rong. :P

  • +1

    this is not a deal

      • +30

        At least he was nice enough to share it. Thanks anyway, OP!

  • +2

    according to www.vodafone.com.au/unlock charges apply what is the way to do it without charges?

    I have a phone on a contract and it's still locked because I CBF paying $25-$50 just to unlock it how do i get it for free?

  • +1

    To view information about unlocking including using your device overseas, charges and more, click here.

    which takes me to

    "There may be a charge associated with unlocking your device."


    "A basic fee of $50 to unlock the device at any time, reduced to $25 if you obtain your unlock code using Vodafone's website at vodafone.com.au/unlock. Plus additional $50 to unlock your device within six months of purchase."

    it's not free

    they will add it to your phone bill

    • +1

      SOME phones are free, some are charged. It depends on the Handset repayments still owing.

      I've bought a few phones on eBay that have unlocked for free, and one that didn't

    • Uh what? Only phones on a cap are unlocked for free. Those charges apply to prepaid phones.

      • +1

        I've unlocked a prepaid nokia using this service before

        • Prepaid phones are free, depending on how long ago they were manufactured. If they are quite new (not sure of the time period) there will be a charge. Charges do not get applied to bills from my understanding.

  • +19

    What's with all the hate? The Op found something that he/she found useful and was generous enough to give up their time to post it here on Ozbargain. Some people would find this very useful and valuable.

    • +14

      Yep, and call me ignorant, but I didn't know about this until now and it was useful because I had a phone locked which I was hoping to use on prepaid and now I can! Thanks!

      My question is - have I missed this sometime, or am I just ignorant? I think this is a 'bargain' at least the first time you find out about it. But as with some bargains, it could be worth a 'reminder' occasionally… I give it a +

  • Anyone know a similar site for 3?

    • +5

      Wouldn't it be the same? 3 is Vodafone now

    • +4

      Don't worry - as I suspected before writing the comment - Three is the same as Vodafone, therefore that link works!

      Thanks OP!

  • +7

    Thank you OP. I'm not sure where all this hate is coming from, unnecessary in my book! Maybe all those haters could be transcribing the good info here into the OzBargain Wiki?!

  • +9

    Even though majority of people know about this, I love how this community still negs something that is unconditionally free.

  • +7

    Didn't realise I could unlock my 3 phone, thank you!

  • +2

    thanks for this OP! I did not know this, I have 1 phone somewhere that needs to be unlock! thanks OP!

  • +2

    Have been meaning to post this:

    This bloke:
    Can unlock most all Huawei Phones and Modems INCLUDING the latest Pocket Wifi 2 for ~ AU$10.
    Would recommend if you have a Huawei phone and no luck with the Voda unlocker… its pretty much random.
    He's on Pommie Ebay so thats 6.88 pounds.
    Have done three so far, always spot on.

  • +6

    There are differences in perspective here.
    Some argue that something that is always free and have been around for a long time is not a deal, and then neg it. On the other hand, people who see it as something new and benefit from it will see it as a deal and upvote this deal.
    The right place should be in the forum. However, the reality, rarely people want to see the forum and nice things like this will simply miss.

  • +1

    i find the general tone of ozbargain is dependant on the first vote if some one negs everyone wants to neg for the sake of it.Then i one person says i found this helpful then more people also say it is helpful

  • nokia phones locked to vodaphone must be sent to nokia in Tassie.

    you can't unlock them yourself even though they provide an unlock code. -your phone ends up blocked.

  • +3

    Thank you,didn't know about this.Unlocked my 3 usb modem.Awesome.

    • -2

      I tried this on my 2007 Barina, and it worked !!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I can unlock my Galaxy S2 now.

  • -4

    It's not FREE as advised by the poster.

  • -4

    This url is literally printed on the box of contract mobiles. This is not a bargain…

    • +3

      Not sure why you cant post that in a comment , without being a douche

  • -2

    not a bargain, always like this.

  • the Red Bull Mobile HTC ChaCha (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60887) can be unlocked for free :)

  • +1

    just unlocked my galaxy s 2

    thanks for the post OP

    hope i dont get charged in my bill

  • ALL if not 99% of phones are unlockable (free of charge) through vodafone as long as its on a contract

  • -1

    You are bound by the contract not a lock on the phone. Most contract phones are unlocked anyway.

  • -1

    Not sure why so many people didn't know about this… Thought this was meant to be a site of bargain hunters.

    • It's called 'lives'.

      • True, knowing about good value (cough standard processes of huge companies) completely negates the possibility of having a life!

  • +1

    I unlocked my 3 contracted BlackBerry through this form a while back. Then I got an SGS2 and threw my BlackBerry at a wall. Best day of my life.

  • sorry, comment withdrawn.. power on. =)

  • What the hell is this.

    • People are negging comments on people who voted negative on this deal. By doing so, it will lower total number of negative votes on the deal.

      At times, the voting on OZBargain deals can be quite inconsistent.

      I don't know the rule on submitting a deal that's always free. Maybe it is allowed. Or, there is something special about this one that makes it okay.

      Tough the Voda unlock site is good for people on a contract, it is not so good for people on prepaid (in my experience). I have a prepaid mobile for more than 6 months, but on that site/unlock page, it still insists the prepaid phone as brand new (< 6 months) and want me to pay the full unlock fee.

      Prepaid broadband… you generally have better luck… but then if you compared to Tel$tra, they give you unlock code for their prepaid pocket wifi for free.

      • +3

        It's really quite simple in your case, don't patronize people in general. Had you not been so patronizing in your comment it would have generally been left alone.

        • I was not referring to my comment earlier (I expected my previous comment to get heaps of negative votes). I was referring to other comments.

          For example, someone mentioned you can get a phone under contract for free normally (as a comment). That's perfectly fine as a comment I thought… but he got negged because he voted negative on the deal.

          Anyway, if you have a mobile phone under contract, regardless of which provider you are with, you can get it unlocked for free. If you have a Telstra pocket wifi, you can get the unlock code for free (even if it is a prepaid one).

  • this is not really a deal as it has been there for a while in the website

  • anybody else noticing the website for unlocking is now down?

    • Doesn't seem to be.

  • +2

    I wouldn't neg this deal. Vodafone don't exactly go out of their way to remind you that you can unlock your phones.

    Sure current contract phones might have a sticker on the box telling you to go to this site, but when I bought my iPhone 3GS under contract it sure as hell didn't, and neither did my iPhone 4. Many people may have bought these phones a year or more ago and not realise they can unlock it.

  • +1

    Thx OP.. did not know about this… may never use it… but good to know

  • I was able to unlock most of the handsets I bought from Vodafone (postpaid and prepaid) using this service, including a couple of prepaid 3G modems.

    The only one I can't unlock for free ($25 unlock fee) is the one I'm using right now which is a prepaid Nokia 2330 that I brought for $19.

    • send it to nokia unlock service in Tassie.

      they will do it for free.

  • My SGS2 from Voda (on contract) came with a sticker on the box saying that the handset was locked but I could go to this URL to unlock it. Took me under a minute to unlock. Too easy.

  • +1

    It unlocked the $1 HTC chacha i got with the red bull deal here… http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60887

  • +2

    I don't care if it's been available for the last 20 years, nobody has posted this before and a lot of people didn't know about it. Thanks for posting!

  • I guess that tool won't last long after the exposure here ~~~

  • bought the Iphone from Ebay as an unlocked phone (which isn't), have checked out www.vodafone.com.au/unlock but it says insert your Vodafone SIM, which I don't have, can anyone please tell me what to do?

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