I just ordered this rechargeable lawnmower to replace our plug in electric lawnmower. I did my research and the Bosch is supposed to be good. We only get the lower power, 1 battery 36V model here which is about $567 from memory, in Bunnings. The delivery is 40 Euros but they also deduct VAT. My parents have used appliances brought here from Germany for the last 30 years so voltage shouldn't be an issue though I will need to use a travel plug thing. I also added lots of great shoes (included under same 40 euro delivery)for my family at very little cost. An avenue worth considering for similar purchases. Hope this helps someone.
NB/ I am not sure if warranty is international but am willing to risk it.
Bosch Rotak 43 Li Rechargeable Lawnmower 2 Batteries AUD $534 Delivered from Amazon Germany

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Bunnings sell the Rotak 37 Li, which can be had for about ~400AUD on amazon.
Also, FYI you may also get the new ergo handles on the German mower. These are not yet available in Australia.
Does this have any substantial advantages over a 4-stroke?
Those Li-Ion batteries have a limited life and are awfully expensive.- less noise
- light weight, but does the job.
- no fumes
I bought the Bosch electric mower for my mum to use. The main advantage is it is very easy to start (push the button) and there is no messy, fumy petrol. It is light weight and can easily do the front lawn, nature strip and half the backyard of the suburban home before recharge.
Amazon were great to deal with (aftersales support).
I love the smell of petrol! its that satisifing smell you get when you mow! can i get a petrol evaporator for this unit?
how long does the battery last, have they got as much torque as the petrol ones? odd concept
can i get a petrol evaporator for this unit?
I think they're fairly common in the Northern Territory! :p
NT = LOLs aplenty
Let me know if this gets shipped to you. Last time (2 weeks ago) I tried to order the same item from Amazon.de UPS returned the item to Amazon noting "Hazardous Materials" (I'm guessing the Li-Ion batteries) and I was refunded.
See: http://wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processAltInputRequest?lo…
Would be good to know if things have changed?
I attempted an order on the 3rd Jan (yesterday), and struck the same issue as you - i.e. UPS identified it as "Hazardous Materials".
After the initial harzard exception, it appears the shipping is still going ahead. So far so good anyway. @RayEarth2162 - the trail I have looks quite different to the two delivery trails you got when the product was returned. Not sure if it's worth trying to order again?
Here's an extract of my trail thus far:
05/01/2012 1:23 Export Scan (Koeln, Germany)
05/01/2012 1:12 Export Scan
05/01/2012 0:33 Arrival Scan
04/01/2012 23:07 Departure Scan (Herne-Boernig, Germany )
04/01/2012 21:20 Origin Scan
04/01/2012 21:10 A hazardous material irregularity has occurred with the shipment UPS will contact the shipper with further information
03/01/2012 22:00 UPS prohibits air transport of this hazardous material / UPS contacted the sender (Herne-Boernig, Germany)
03/01/2012 21:18 A hazardous material irregularity has occurred with the shipment UPS will contact the shipper with further information
03/01/2012 7:16 Order Processed: Ready for UPS (Germany)
oh dear, I had forgotten about the Li-Ion batteries issue but I thought that was Australia Post only? It has shipped, will advise if I get it.
thats too much for a mower, i'll just buy a goat
Thats the true ozbargainers way!
better yet.
trade 2 chooks for a goat!please post where i can do that
You are kidding aren't you :-)
Oi, ease up…who are you to stand in the way of true love? :p
I've seen that tried before, the goat ate absolutely everything in the back yard except for the lawn..
Thumbs up for being able to read Deutsch. Be wary of the blades as it appears to be a solid bar and not suitable rocky or uneven surfaces.
Use Google Chrome and it will translate the page for you.
Do goats actually eat grass, sufficiently to keep it mowed? I know from personal experience that they will shit everywhere but on the grass and eat everything but grass, if given any say in the matter.
Jeez you are game buying a mower with no usable warranty. I bought a Rover less than a month ago. The rear wheels are now locked unless you put it in self-propel: the rear wheel covers keep on falling off: it has sounded terribly out of tune since the first time I started it.
I am taking it back to the mower shop 1km down the road tomorrow.
A German built, battery-powered mower is as safe a bet as I can imagine, but still too risky a conveyance for me.
I just received my electric Rotak 34 from Amazon UK for about 120 quid shipped. A test drive awaits over the weekend!!
I thought they didn't ship to Australia ?? Amazon uk I mean
they do for some items, I bought my my electric Rotak 43 from Amazon UK last year.
Sorry I just found out you meant the electric, I was after the cordless 34 LI which is strangely enough not being able to be sent to Australia. Good Bargain tho
This is the message I get when I try to check out:
Dieser Artikel kann leider nicht an den von Ihnen gewünschten Ort versandt werden. Sie können entweder die Versandadresse ändern oder den Artikel aus Ihrer Bestellung löschen, indem Sie die Stückzahl auf 0 setzen und anschließend auf "Aktualisieren" klicken.
Translation:This item can not be shipped to the destination of your choice. You can either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order, by setting the quantity to 0 and then click on "Update".
When you search for an item you'll often see multiple ones offered. This is because Amazon allows third party retailers to sell on the Amazon site. They usually don't ship to Australia. You have to find the item being sold by Amazon itself - that will ship to Australia.
This item is sold by Amazon, but they wont ship to Australia.
Simple as that.Do not Neg my comment before checking the facts for yourself.
they have definitely shipped it to me, strange. but I may not get it because of the Li-Ion batteries which I didn't think about. I did check the customs website and didn't find anything about Li-Ion batteries….we'll see I suppose.
First off, I didn't neg your comment (ozzy2000) (must've been someone else). I just gave a possible explanation for why it may not have been able to be shipped to you.
Second - I was able to (almost) buy it, so I'm not sure why you couldn't.
Maybe they are all labelled as having batteries (being a Bosch product they would be) but only sometimes get noticed by someone along the shipping line.
There shouldn't be anything about Li-Ion on customs, they're legal.
The only problem is that they can be a hazard to ship, aus post for example will not take them by air.the lawnmower is at Botany so only has to make it a few more km's - fingers crossed!!
Seriously folks, buying a single lawn mower all the way from Germany, risking shipping problems, delays, warranty, unsuitable blades, etc, to save $100? I know we're all after a bargain, but isn't that taking it a little far?
Moneycomein… really what are you doing on this site… its a hundred bux man!
Lawn mower arrived today and was pretty easy to setup. Just in time too, as the grass was starting to take off with all this rain+sun in melbourne. It took me a little while to get the hang of holding the bar down to prevent the mower from shutting off though, but once I got out of old habits, it worked a treat!
I purchased a $9 converter adapter from office works for the charger.
@moneycomein88: I think the saving is a lot bigger than $100 dollars. This particular model isn't sold in Australia - the stores here only stock the smaller (and cheaper) 37cm blade model which only comes with a single battery. Given the model in this post is the 43cm model which carries a 120GBP (RRP) premium over the 37cm model. It also comes with an additional spare battery, the saving is more in the order of $200 - 300 AUD.
Another thing to note is that it appears the 37cm model that bunnings is selling is the old model (refer here: http://www.bunnings.com.au/products_product_bosch-rotak_92.a…). The newer models have different handle bars as a distinguishing visual feature. Not sure what else is different though.
A word of warning, I bought the smaller Rotak 34 LI from Amazon UK (as seen on http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/42540.) The charger has now packed up and Bosch Australia won't touch it - said take it back to Bosch UK. This is the risk we bear for a bargain I guess.
Replacement charger bought in AU is supposedly $60-70 according to the Bosch tech support guy, though Bosch don't set a RRP. If this is actually the price, I suppose I'm still ahead cost-wise… just fortunate that it wasn't the mower itself that failed.
If anyone in Melbourne has a 36V Rotak charger to sell, I'd be VERY interested!
Sorry to hear you've hit some issues.
I think getting the charger for $60-70 locally is probably unrealistic from a couple of quick google searches. I found two sites selling it within the 200-220range.
Refer here for indicative (albeit sexpensive):
https://www.alltools.com.au/shop/index.php/740/4374_Bosch_Ch…On ebay there were local sellers selling it around 150. If you're lucky you may be find something cheaper than that, but most likely only in an opportunistic ebay auction.
$60-70 locally is probably unrealistic
I realised that after ringing a few places! You're spot on with the prices you've found. Maybe Bosch guy gave me the distributor price…
Looks like I'll be trying harder to get assistance from Amazon or Bosch. Another Aus purchaser on Amazon appears to have had some luck after his entire mower failed after 30 minutes of use.
Maybe look on ebay UK for one?
Could also see if an independent electronics place could fix the dead one? It might be a simple thing.
I could look on ebay UK, but let's see what Bosch and Amazon can do… I'd rather avoid the risk of a second bought-overseas charger dying on me.
You can buy a 36V Li_Ion charger for a lot less than $70. It will not have a bosch battery connector, but you can connect the cable to the connector from your dead charger. If you are afraid to solder, get some kiosk place to do it.
A li-ion charger is actually much simpler than a smart ni-cad or lead-acid charger. It just has voltage and current limits. A cheaper charger may not charge as quickly as the original though. Check the current rating.
My mower arrived last week too - less than a week from there to here. Haven't used it yet but looks good in the box! Maybe problems arise with the shipping if it has to go by air once it arrives in Sydney…I am in Sydney so no internal air shipping required.
he3at - I would think that if your mower is still under warranty, Amazon UK, as the seller, would really be obliged to help you out to some degree…worth a try anyway…yeah somethimes amazon covers return shipping, or refunds your item fully if shipping costs to much.
they refunded my item as it wasnt quite right, and send my mate a replacement kindle without having to send the old one back…. that said that was the US one.
think regulations about batteries have changed, as i remember you never used to be able to ship them, seems they have gotten a bit more relaxed now…
Any updates on how you're finding the mower? I'm looking into getting one myself but just noticed the amazon.de price went up over the last few days and uk still doesn't ship :(
Great lawn mower. I have the same one but I purchased in Australia. It was $699 in Bunnings but is now $599 since the Ryobi Li mower came out. The real winner for your deal is the 2 batteries, though I have never had my one battery go flat when mowing the lawn. Also available overseas is the 36 volt Bosch chainsaw.