• out of stock

25 Metre Heavy Duty Powerlead with Power Indicator - $7.50 @ OW Online Only


A good price for a 25 Metre powerlead I think. Great for outdoors since its so thick and heavy duty.

Neon light glows to show power is ON - this is a great advantage as you could be working up to 25m away from the power point.

Extra long 25m lead: Long length to access difficult areas where power outlet may not be available.
Heavy Duty: Thick outside sheath to ensure durability and long life.
See through SOCKET with NEON light: Neon light glows show power is ON.
Complies with all applicable Australian standards: Guarantee of compliance and product safety.


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closed Comments

  • +1

    out of stock ???

    • Lol, they are In Stock!!!

      • not in Victoria

        • I concur.

      • Then error - Product JAPEXT25MV cannot be back ordered

        • did you do instore pickup?

    • +1

      out of stock ???

      Of course! It is officeworks. Can we ban these posts unless they state which states/shops allegedly have stock?

      • +1

        I wouldn't ban all OW posts, but I agree that it should be required that all OW clearance posts state which state they are in, or store they bought from, and have actually completed a purchase, instead of "just saw it". Also a warning that stocks may be low. This is the well-known OW clearance trap, some lucky guy gets a good deal and gets everybody excited, and then it's disappointment and anger for nearly everybody later.

  • All gone?

    • It says their in stock online!

      • +2

        probably depends on what state you're in…

  • +3

    I think these types of OW specials, shouldn't be here, there's never enough stock :(

    • I'm all for it if the op has done their best to ensure there is stock for others, and made their post as accurate as possible

  • +4

    Out of stock, & should have put both in title & description that it's Online Only clearance
    Rolls eyes could've saved people time if you mentioned Online only

  • I just ordered 10(for work) from the Townsville store. So there must be some still available but only at some stores.

  • -1

    OW play so fast and loose with "bargains" they do not deserve our attention or trust. They play some games that are very close to bait and switch. Wake up OW!

    • +1

      Come on man, you know that's not true. OW aren't playing any games. The website works Australia wide, that doesn't mean they have stock available everywhere. It's not a "bargain" until someone posts it here, before they do it's just a clearance item. And the rest of you crack it for being out of stock in your location once it's posted, now why don't people crack it when Harvey Norman in WA or a grand opening JB Hi-Fi have a sale that's not available in your location? There are heaps of things cheaper at OW compared to other places, current products that are available, but everyone looks for the clearance items because they're advertised as such, unlike JB/HN who just have 'sales' year round.

  • Out of stock…get sick of these kind of deals, only show the price and out of stock always.

  • +3

    Goes all the way to paypal screen. Then error - Product JAPEXT25MV cannot be back ordered

  • Don't bother…Says "in stock" when u enter 4000, but when u g to check-out, it is out of stock…i'v tried 5 times with different quantities…not trying anymore…not worth my hassle…besides, i had to beg a friend for their QLD address to have it sent - only to find out i've wasted my time (i live in VIC).

  • -1

    Officeworks customer service is terrible I made a complaint about 4 weeks ago heard no response followed up on the complaint still waiting for a call back, its about time they offered a bit of service…..

    • -4

      Officeworks=Coles=Bunnings=Wesfarmers…. Complaints fall on deaf ears.

  • no stock for post code 5000 :(

    Out of stock

  • Shipping cost?

  • +1

    Yeah that's fn dumb. Shows as In Stock then you sign up and get all the way to payment before it fesses up that there are none.


    • You new Matty? Lol

      • New to OW online, yeah. Rookie mistake? ;)

  • Bummer, would have bought a few. No stock in NSW it seems.

  • -6

    Usual Officeworks clearance … NIL STOCK.


    • +1

      There was stock, so unpublishing it would be an overreaction wouldn't it?

    • Still shows as in stock here in Brisbane.

  • +1

    Initially shows in stock but when order it shows unavailable for backorder

  • I bought one of these at the local OW for this price some months ago. Those who have managed to get hold of them are getting a bargain - they're very good quality.

  • Well i'm in Ipswich QLD and it's no love for me….

    Sorry - we were unable to continue, please check the following messages

    Product JAPEXT25MV cannot be back ordered
  • Website now says:
    Online Only
    Out of stock"

  • +2

    So besides mattgal did anyone else get some of these? Seems to me we have +19 with only one confirmed purchase? Officeworks might fail but in this deal thread they have won…….

  • Just tried to order one for Sydney.. same story Product JAPEXT25MV cannot be back ordered

  • Out of stock

  • +2

    Whats with the negative votes here? It was a bargain posted by a user who was able to get it(and a couple others). it may be clearance, but do you all expect there to be stock in all states. its not a 'catch of the day' or 'daily deal' fair go Australia.

    • -3

      Learn to read replies dude seriously… it was in stock when most tried to purchase it, thus far we have one confirmed purchase…what we've got here is dodgy officeworks tactics…

      • -1

        I'll post again, how is it dodgy Officeworks tactics? This website turns everyone crazy over prices you didn't even know existed. If you looked it up on your own and didn't know about OzBargain, you'd probably see the 'stock varies state to state' messafe and just say oh, bad luck for me. But this place makes everyone expect the world of every single deal that gets posted! They don't change anything before or after a deal is posted here, it's just the way their Australia-wide business works.

        • "expect the world" mate, officeworks was offering an IN STOCK item, asked me and many others to sign up (and receive their promotional bs) once signed up we all get told "oh sorry mate but the item can not be backordered". So on average we just wasted 5 minutes of our time, let alone the time it takes to comment here… and on top of that officeworks has us on their mailing list….

          Now i would not have complained or negged this but look up champ, 99% of the postcodes here were not able to order one of these … and that was an IN STOCK item. I'm sorry but this seems more like some Officeworks marketing team trying to drum up extra business than anything else to me….

          It has only been out of stock in the last few minutes, it was in stock earlier when everyone tried to get it..

        • Your multiple postings in defence of Officeworks smacks of unusual or even insider interest, maybe you work them eh? My beef with them is way more wide ranging than them not offering merchantable quantities. (An offence under law?) There are other aspects of unconscionable behavoir, including not displaying original prices or rrp prices, leaving out of stock items up on their website (they have our location so accurately reflecting stock is very easy). Etc. Your attempted defence is laughable, if that is "just the way their business works" then chances are they are in breach of the law, not to mention pissing off hundreds of people as you can see here. Will you tell them or I?

      • +2

        Maybe lower your expectations on clearance stock. its a run out item, the OP never claimed there to be an endless amount of stock. Officeworks didn't make the post either. There are multiple people who have made the purchase.

        • +1

          Clearance does not mean unobtainable… I'm not negging the op, i'm negging officeworks… unless of course if the op is affiliated, in that case i'm negging him also

      • +1

        You get told to proceed to checkout to confirm availability in your area, right next to where it says that availability varies state to state. If it's a clearance item there's obviously not a lot of stock left, if it was in stock before then maybe there were only five left and they were bought up. In that case, neg the deal, not Officeworks. Some tradie could have bought 20 for him and his mates last week when it was clearance, and that could have been all the stock they had left in your area. Officeworks marketing has nothing to do with how their website ordering works, and why would they?

        And no, clearance doesn't mean unobtainable, but once it's posted here clearly it means much more than 'limited availability'. You know you can call Officeworks to ask for stock levels? Heaps of people did it with the Acer tablet price drops.

  • "Great for outdoors since its so thick and heavy duty."

    That's what she said.

    • +1

      Your gf called you thick? And heavy?

      That's not very affirming.


      • +1

        Depends on what part of the anatomy.

        • Let's hope she didn't mean the head. :)

  • +1

    Seems truely out of stock tried all capital city postcodes.

  • Here's an idea for the mods: besides just the + and - voting on a deal, maybe there could be a "bought" vote too. Its count could be automatically added to the +ve votes, but it would show at a glance how many ozbargainers were able to take advantage.

    I haven't negged this, and it's a great find from the OP. But a cursory glance of the comments suggests only about 3 or 4 people were able to purchase. For a big company like OW I was tempted to neg on an apparent "bait and switch" (and having to sign up before it admitted there were none in stock), it would be good to see at a glance how many of us got access to a deal.

    • Not sure how many happy OzBargainers would come back to tick the I bought box. Problematic posts are due to OW's stock system and posters need to be aware of this. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/59966#comment-702993

    • +1

      as i said before. Officeworks did not give us the bargain, they are clearing out stock, of course there will be limited quantities, this is not a 'bait and switch'.

      The idea of a 'bought' button would be good. as a true indication of how many people take advantage of these deal.

  • +3

    Mona Vale NSW Office Works apparently have twenty in stock…I just bought the last two from Office Works Hoxton Park, NSW at 4pm. I'm a casual reader and I can't believe how many "bitches" there are on this site. It's as if you own the site and someone who posts incorrectly or makes a small mistake gets hammered..Deep breath and move on people !!

    • yeap, NSW has a couple of stores that have it in stock.
      Mona Vale has 20+ last i checked at 9pm.
      West Ryde have about 6.
      there are a few NSW stores here and there that have 1-3 left.

  • +1

    I'm working at an Officeworks in QLD. After seeing all the tension here I went in and checked the stock system for all of QLD at work. According to the system there is none of this stock available in any of the QLD stores, or in the QLD distribution centre. Sorry for the bad news, but I hope it helps.
    If you ring, or go into an Officeworks store with the product number, most staff are able to check stock levels for all stores in the state.

  • They still had a few last week in the Mona Vale store. Bought 2.

    Thanks OP.

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