Looks like price matching Aldi.Plenty of stick around
Link to 2.0Ah battery
The 4Ah is usually $69
The 2Ah is usually $ 39.90
Looks like price matching Aldi.Plenty of stick around
Link to 2.0Ah battery
The 4Ah is usually $69
The 2Ah is usually $ 39.90
meh, unless you desperately need one right now, i would wait for other deals like the twin pack with twin charger for 99, or 3 pack for 99, or 4 pack for 129.
I’m not desperate. I just need ONE extra battery so this is great for me.
What is this "need" you speak of?
This is OzBargains. Please leave rational pragmatism at the door :)
Thanks, I've ordered two packs. Is the standard procedure to leave them in the garage unpacked among other similar things?
But… the more you spend, the more you save!
@Hugh. Wow, when was deal on last?
i think last march was the twin battery with twin charger, so keep your eyes open next month.
i think i bought my 4 pack during black friday in november.
pretty much the holidays they have deals (fathers day, black friday, etc…)
Not price matching the 8Ah?
Now if only they price matched the 8Ah battery as well…
Why is bunning matching? Are the aldi ones ozito rebranded and is exactly the same?
Stopping people from moving away to Aldi. We shouldn’t complain or give any ideas to Bunnings.
I don't know if Ozito and Aldi batteries are compatible.
There is a FAQ here, but it looks old https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/591076
I don't know if Ozito and Aldi batteries are compatible.
They are not.
Bunnings generally matches the same type of power tool at the same time as Aldi's special deals.
So, this week if someone wants to buy cordless pruning secateurs and one battery, they can get them both at the same price as the Aldi special offer.
Not rebranded, the Aldi stuff comes from the company "Workzone" which imports the tools, sells them to anyone including slubs like me who bought Aldi stuff and now don't live anywhere near an Aldi store to take advantage of the buy in deals they have when they have them, buying direct from Workzone is way way way more expensive than buying from Aldi!
Workzone are a better tool than Ozito, learnt that lesson! and the Workzone batteries are different and last longer, there will be Ozito fanbois who latch onto this and attempt to Sh!t all over what I've said… it's my experience … I'm not BS'ing you!
Won't be getting into the sh!tfight that is likely to erupt!
This is b'shit.
real men use ozito
lol… yeah, ok, champ.
I have both Ozito and Aldi powered tool and Aldi ones are crap compared to the Ozito Power Xchange tool.
Aldi tool even feel like they are made out of old used recycled plastic. The Ozito ones almost feel as good as the DeWalt tools I have.
I flog the guys out of my Ozito tools in a workshop along side guys with Milwaukee, Makita and DeWalt tools and the Ozito performs just as well for what they do…
I gave up on the Aldi shit because of how easy it breaks, or if you need a new one, you have to wait until next time it is on sale. Ozito I can just go to Bunnings and swap it under warranty or get a new one.
And your “not BS” is very anecdotal to say the least. (As is mine). But there are far more “down sides” to Aldi crap than there is to Ozito.
You are! delusional!
Ish would be awesome
Two pack of the newer compact 4.0 Ah ones for $44.50 each?
Save $3.50 EA.
Are the compact ones any lighter?
No but at least 30% smaller
yes they are, by 90g. look at the einhell website for the specs.
The link was removed. When I clicked the first time I could see the products you mentioned with warning that they could not check stock. I refreshed the browser and found that it was linked to another page!
At the moment, the website showed "Oops! This product is no longer available.
We searched 'Ozito PXC 18V 4.0Ah Compact Battery PPBP-240 - Twin Pack' to find similar."
Still refreshes fine for me. But hammerbarn be devious in their webpage shenanigans.
When I chose store to NSW, the items are not available - may be because of this
Anyone in NSW can access this page?
Nice, I hadn't seen these before.
So same size as the new sealed battery just without the IP57 rating.
Good point. I had no idea about their weather ratings.
Showing for $89
Twin pack.
I skimmed past the "each" in "$44.50 each".
That's a good price, I have a few Ozito tools that keep going including a wet/dry battery powered vac that has been brilliant and the only reason I bother with the other Ozito tools … live off-grid and use the vac regular.
try finding stock … none around me in inner Melbourne.
Sadly says unavailable for me (not out of stock). If I set the store to an interstate store it appears in the search results though. Anyone else?
Might check in store today. I’ll let you know.
If you're after a smaller capacity battery and charger, watch out for this promotional deal. Seems to crop up at Bunnings on a regular cycle.
This is actually a much better deal over the 2.0ah here. The 2.5ah's use 20650 cells with a higher discharge rating than their 18650 batteries (ie 1.5ah, 2.0ah, 3.0ah, 4.0ah) and are the same cells they use in their 5.2ah "ultra" battery only in a single configuration. After having used all of their batteries a LOT over the years and tearing some apart and doing all sorts of things, the 2.5 makes the 1.5/2.0/3.0 batteries completely redundant and not even worth keeping around
yep, the 2ah is only rated for 450w and weighs 410g while the 2.5ah is rated for 720w and weighs 460g. huge difference is power output and I bet you would see that in most equipment.
Chargers can be found on gumtree for ~$10 in new or near new condition.
meh Bunnings can do better. I bought three of the Ozito 4.0Ah for $99.
Now if they had a special on the 8.0Ah then I WOULD be interested.
If you are near Jindalee you could get an adaptor for ALDI | OZITO for $20 each , I'm using them with some 4ah XFINITY batts in my ozito tools. You would need an XFINITY charger for them though they won't charge through the adaptor. I will be picking up the 8 ah XFINITY when they have stock.
Can anyone recommend an ozito to ryobi adapter? I am not a heavy user, just the odd bit of DIY / removing car wheels etc and i don't what to pay over inflated ryobi battery prices.
Unfortunately not, but thanks for the suggestion.
This one….and there are others on aliexpress
Oh wow…. never would have thought of that….. /s
Imagine being upset that someone asks for a recommendation on a product that others know to be good, rather than just buying blindly off ebay….. oh wait i forgot they only sell the highest quality goods on ebay, could never go wrong.
I've bought this and works perfectly for my Ryobi blower - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006340151080.html?spm=a2…
Fantastic, thanks for that.
I bought this one the other week. Does the job. It even fits into my Ryobi to Dyson adapter for adapter inception.
Wished SuperCheap also did something like this. Needing to get a few Worx compatible ones like Toolpro….. looking for a >4ah one for cheap.
2Ah is usually $ 39.90
last time I got 2.5Ah battery and charger for $19.98
PXBC-25B kit
Can anyone help design a battery system where we can snap these batteries into it, I multiples of 14, so that we can get a 4AH, ~240V battery system.
What are you going to do with a 240v DC system?
They could get 2 banks of 14 and flick a switch 50 times a second 🤣
Any deal with charger (& battery)? Could be good entry ticket kit to buy into Ozito eco-system for myself = )
Check your local Facebook marketplace for a charger. Plenty of people (myself included) and purchased units with included battery and charger. The chargers build up in the bottom drawer pretty quickly and I've seen them going cheap on FBM.
There's still a few promo packs with battery and charger out there.
Not great. Not terrible - https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-pxc-18v-5-2ah-cordless-ult…
Battery by itself if $119. Kit is $99.
https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-pxc-18v-5-2ah-battery-twin… - 2 batteries for $199 if you don’t need the charger.
Good deal