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Samsung The Frame 65” QLED 4K Smart TV $1499 Delivered @ Samsung EPP (Excl. TAS, NT)

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40% of RRP on Samsung The Frame 65” QLED 4K Smart TV (NEW)- Wall mount included if you have access to samsung EPP

Can get further $100 off with trade up.

Also 98'' Crystal UHD DU9000 4K Smart TV for @ $3899.35 - Further $150 off using tradeup.

NOTE: this product cannot be delivered to a number of postcodes in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA (as well as all of TAS and NT).

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  • how to get EPP please?

    • students or teacher?

      • +1

        Samsung EPP is employee partnership program, you get access via your employer

        Samsung Education is when you are student/teacher or employee having. Edu.au email address.

        Hope that helps

        • -1

          you get access via your employer

          What if you are self employed?

          • +11

            @jv: Tell your boss they're a goose!

            • +1

              @tunzafun001: thanks bud you made my night.

              Anyone know of any non smart tv's that are good to buy? I can't stand the bullshit that comes with a smart tv. I've got my own mini pc's that come, get this - with privacy and you know I can set them up how I like instead of swallowing whatever default shite comes down the update pipe they decide to fling in when they forget your a customer and not the product itself.

          • @jv: Then you ask yourself.

        • Can someone see if Samsung Education pricing is reduced as well?

        • Is there a simply way to access or join an EPP to do this? @MXsoul

          • +1

            @Tomhenrylin: @tomhenrylin No, you would need access via your employer

      • +5

        school gardener?

        • Sounds legit

    • +2

      westpac also gives corporate pricing but not always as good as EPP

      • +1

        same prices on this one

  • +3

    Damn no educatiob

    • +31

      We can tell by the way you spelt education

      • Obviously a failure of the education system

  • Looks like those prices are not correct?

    55" is $1499.25
    65" $1874.25
    75" $2624.25
    85" $3749.25

    • +4

      These are the prices I see on my end.
      55" is $1199.40
      65" is 1499.40
      75" is $2624.25
      85" is 3749.25

      • Can confirm, Also seeing these prices via Gov portal.

        Now, if only I hade those prices available to spend :(

      • No love/discount on the 43”?

        • $899.40 for the 43 but it says Pre-Order
          $1,079.40 for the 50

      • $1329.43 for the 65" after $100 "trade in" and 5% off first purchase.

  • Show 1800 for me

    • +5

      I mean that’s in the title. Not really a valid reason to neg.

    • +1

      I access Samsung EPP using reward gateway. I dont have Samsung email address

    • You read the title, right?

    • +1

      woke up on the wrong side of the bed and ill-informed to boot?

      You don't need a Samsung email address to access EPP.

      You do need access to EPP though.

      Surely that's not a reasonable reason to neg a deal

    • -2

      Not available to the general public

      Lets see how many people can actually access this pricing then… I'll wait here ;).
      I was just trying to warn people not to waste their time jumping through all the hoops Samsung want you to do, only to NOT see the above pricing.

      EPP is NOT education pricing, it's as I said "Employee Partner Program". You need to have a very specific membership or employment to access these prices. NOT available to general public, hence the neg.

      But go on, neg away! Remove my neg and waste people's time. You're helping no one by giving this deal plus votes.

      • Every government employee has access at least

        Similar to posting deals on good guys commercial or targeted promos.

  • +6

    This Samsung TV Frame is amazing! Worth the price.

    • Question: do you actually leave it on with artwork displaying 24/7?

      I saw this on disay and honestly the pq was mid tier at best. It looked OK with static art images but still didnt sell me as a painting (probably because it wasn't hanging on a wall), but pq on mini-leds even on the TCL just wasn't comparable tbh.

      • +1

        Well, it is a mid tier tellie.

      • +1

        Yeah I really don't get the appeal of this TV. It doesn't really look like art and isn't very good as a TV (at least against its similarly priced competitors). Great marketing I guess

      • +4

        2 reasons I'd buy this again if i had my time over:

        1. the art looks awesome - we keep it on all day, leave it off at night. I've had many people think it is a picture frame
        2. i'd choose glare-resistance over picture quality for a super bright lounge room, like where i have it. it's the best at that.
        • what do you mean "if i had my time over"

          1. so you switch it off at night time or theres an an automatic timer thing with these Tv frames to say ;switch on at 7am so when you wake its showing artwork? or you just physically switching in on / off ?
          2. yeah i've heard about the glare -resistance. my mum has the old school fat TV's and it had glare resistance but of course its not LCD lol
          • +8

            @prankster: I’m not who you are responding to but we have the 65” Frame from about 2021. It has a motion sensor that can be used in art mode, so we leave it on all day and night, and when it doesn’t sense motion for 5 mins it turns off. Like all electronics it isn’t fully off, but the screen is fully off. If it senses motion it will turn the art back on.

            When you press the “on/off” button on the remote, or “on/off” is triggered from HDMI CEC, it toggles between TV and art mode. To turn the screen completely off (so it doesn’t respond to motion etc.) you can hold down the off button on the remote instead.

            An unexpected feature that I don’t remember programming is that when I trigger my “turn everything off” at night when going to bed, the TV goes completely off. I would have expected it to go to art mode and then turn off after not sensing movement for 5 mins. But it’s like it senses that the whole room is dark and so “off” should mean completely off rather than Art mode. But then if I walk out into the lounge room the sensor will turn the TV on. I like that behaviour and maybe there was a setting that made it work that way but I don’t remember it.

            The screen is noticably more “art-like” on my wall at home compared to the bright in-store environment. We have it mounted fairly high (for a TV) and have had many shocked reactions when we switch it from art to TV (or the art switches). But like all TVs, it needed calibration once it was placed in position to get the best colour out of it.

            It’s not super bright (not an issue for me and the location it’s in, but definitely would be for other locations) but the anti-reflection is superb. Putting your own custom art and photos onto it is super (profanity) annoying in my experience (without a Samsung phone, tablet or account). I think there is a 20 image limit too. But hopefully that has been improved in the last 4-5 years.

            That turned out way longer than I anticipated, it’s just a TV afterall

            • @carnyturbo: thanks for the comprehensive reply :) wondering if there are new (remote control/app) features with this model or if its just generally the same regarding the remote and on/off capabilities like your 2021

          • +2

            @prankster: if i had my time over = if/when i need to buy a new tv, i'd buy the same thing.

      • It definitely looks like art especially textured oil paintings look very real. Make sure you get the matt display (all models since 2022 have been matt so that's default)
        I have this and multiple people have mistaken it for real art than a TV.

        You have to work on the settings a bit and it works better if the surroundings are bright. When its darker its evident that the LED is emitting light of its own and then the illusion is broken.

        Its an excellent TV in terms of aesthetics and more than capable in terms of the quality of the actual TV.

        And no, you don't have to leave the artwork on 24/7, it has a timer and as well as a motion sensor to turn the art on and off.

      • +2

        It has sensor. Artwork displays when movements in front of the TV. It will turn off when no people at home or at night.

  • Do the regular Samsung customer service chat codes / loyalty codes work on EPP?

    • Nah, I went through a bunch of hoops recently via their chat to organize a further discount on a new Z flip 6 and they said there are rarely codes for EPP, let alone codes that stack

  • Tizen OS. Not having Android TV is a deal breaker for me.

    • +2

      Still amazes me that people pay good money for a TV and ruin the experience by using the always-crap-and-slow OS that comes with it, over a dedicated Android box.

    • You can just buy a seperate box??

    • Nothing a Chromecast can't fix. I'm sure you'd have a few lying around.

  • +1

    great TV, but keep in mind it comes with one connect box, so make sure you have a spot to hide it.

  • Is there much difference between the 2024 and upcoming 2025 frame TVs?

    • The spec of the screen itself seems like it should be way better. The feature I wasn't a fan of was the wireless one connect box….

    • +1

      The frame pro has a wireless connect box (which I don’t really get as the tv still needs power) The pro has higher peak brightness and is micro LED but is edge lit also has 144hz variable refresh rate up from 120hz variable on the 2024 model.

      The regular 2025 model is basically the same as the 2024 model except has 144hz variable refresh rate.

      I ended up getting the 65” 2024 2 weeks ago for $1758 delivered via JBHIFI as I couldn’t justify the new tv tax price (there isn’t pricing yet for the 2025 models yet as far as I know)

      The TV is great in my bright lounge! The contrast was better On my old QLED but is understandable due to the Matte display. We can now watch tv with blinds open!

      • Disappointing they continue to nerf the frame with that panel - even the pro is edge-lit nerfed. Give us some local dimming! But I guess they can save money as people buy them anyway coz art mode. Actually thought with TCL and Hisense bringing out competing models last year that 2025 mighta been the year for the OG to leapfrog. Alas, just a gimped pro screen with semi-wireless box that'll cost heaps more, and a minor refresh rate bump on base model.

  • I have this unit. Works great. Don't really use the picture mode much (at all). but great as a TV.

    • Same, but since I use chromecast and when it's idle it goes to photos mode. So I added a album with full of photos that look like painting using a filter. Now the chrome cast screen saves looks great on this frame

      • Is it a filter within google photos? Keen to do the same as you

        • just made 20 photos using a filter form google photos app, but each photo was filtered individually.

  • Got 75 for 1890 delivered 3 months ago and love it

    • Same deal through the EPP? If so I might hold off I am not in a rush but want a 75 or 85 ideally.

      • +1

        Nah , from GoodGuys

  • Dont see that price on my Epp :(

  • From memory there was no way to put photos on yourself (I.e) via USB, only through the Samsung app? I'd love to make a big digital frame with my own photos, but don't really want to go through Samsung's app. Can anyone comment?

    • +2

      Correct, only through the app - it isn't a great app, I use it for one photo and set and forget

      • Thanks - what a shame, such a wasted feature.

      • +2

        You can save photos from a USB key via the one connect box and then you can copy them via the gallery app under the art section.

        • +1

          this. on the 2024 model you can copy to the connect box / tv via usb stick. also there's a few gig of storage. I've copied over 200+ photos with plenty of space to spare.

          • +1

            @C-Nut: oh nice! my model is a few years old, so fair point for the new models!

    • +1

      Maybe not the best solution - but I do something very similar with a chromecast on my old LG TV. Set up an album in Google photos, then set that album as the screensaver.

      • Cheers, not a bad work around

    • You can upload photos from USB flash drive.

    • You can transfer using the USB port on the One Connect box. Definitely better than using the app.

    • We have photos on a usb plugged in, works fine if formatted correctly

  • Anything different about the screen ?

    Ie..use more power/ less power / doesn't burn in/ has no speaker etc?

    • Burn in shouldn’t be an issue with the tech used in the screen since it’s not OLED.

      The key feature for me is that it’s a very matte screen. The downside of that is that contrast is slightly reduced. Blacks are not as black as a glossy screen. The upside is it dramatically reduces reflections. My tv is opposite large windows, so this was a big selling point. I can now watch tv without having to draw the blinds during the day.

      If that’s not an issue for you, then the matte screen does make the art mode more convincing, but won’t improve image quality when watching video content.

  • I would really like to know from an owner who uses this in portrait mode as I plan to get it just for that. Is that seamless? Thinking of the 50inch one.

  • isn't this a new model just got released what last year? and why is samsung already having a 40% discount?
    thought they do this when a new model comes out?

    • +1

      they announced a new 'Frame Pro' for this year - maybe that's why this one is discounted

      • +1

        Pricing and release date TBC.

        I like that the control box will be significantly smaller.

        • As a person who's (mid-range) routers burn out regularly every two years, I have absolutely no confidence in the durability of the Frame Pro wireless system.

  • Can someone here pls tell me go with Qled or Oled lol

    • +2

      Oled is generally superior

    • +2

      Depends if you get glare where your tv is I guess.
      I have an OLED, but looking out for one of these because I love the natural light too much.

      Like the OLED pro is that the blacks are super black, but in a lit room, the blacks are my driveway, trees, and people walking their dogs.
      Take a look at these when you are at the store, comparing the amount of glare on them. It's ridiculous at Costco with warehouse lighting.

    • +1

      Oled with a static picture would be all bad (burn in). As a moving TV..heaps better

  • Could anyone with EPP access advise what the price of the 57" Odyssey Neo G95NC is on there?

    • +1

      Yes, $2469.05. Recycle old monitor will get you another 25$

      • Thank you @Rayuth!

  • Hmm. Anyone here use with dakboard. Could be a winner!

  • Samsung Frame, Hisense Canvas or TCL NXTFRAME? Can anyone comment? I more partial to the TCL as it in Android based with a Google Play Store app.

    • I am leaning towards Hisense as well mainly because I want to put this in a bedroom and there is no way for me to hide the one connect box. Hisense looks pretty similar and doesn't come with the one connect box.

    • samsung does not use google TV. else very nice.

  • -2

    Will this be a better picture than my 10 year old Panasonic?

    • -1


      If you have a 10 year old TV, it will definitely be better than any new innovations for decades to come.

  • Is it easy to install or need to hire someone to do it

    • It comes with two separate brackets that you need to line up. It also comes with a mounting ruler/guide to show you where to drill the holes.

      My diy skills are pretty basic at best. But if you can use a drill then its easy enough.

      Watch some youtube videos beforehand and you'll be right.

      It's definitely a two person job to put the tv on the brackets though, do keep that in mind!

      • Thanks paid someone $250 to do it

  • +1

    Got the 85” the other week for $3100 by price matching at Jb. Of course, I had to waste money by buying the magnetic frame for $250 coughh rip off

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