• expired

[Preorder] PlayStation 5 $749, Digital Edition $599 @ JB Hi-Fi (Instore Only)



We can now confirm that JB Hi-Fi will be taking PS5 pre-orders in store starting today with stock set to arrive on or after January 21st.

As of today, stores have received their allocations for the next shipment meaning that they can now take pre-orders for the drop happening next week. You’re best to call your local JB Hi-Fi before heading in just in case they have already pre-sold out.

EDIT: Few replies to the Tweet confirming success at preordering at JB. https://twitter.com/PressStartAU/status/1349913754532679680

YMMV but don't give up

EDIT2: "Just spoke to my local, all stores are taking preorder in-store now, according to one rep. Wouldn’t take my details over the phone though, so need to head in and take care of it. Will report back."

EDIT3: "Local JB (Perth) confirmed they're taking preorders with full payment"

EDIT4: "Just made the preorder at northland. Was told stock sometime next week"

Mod: Check comments below, before calling your local store(s) regarding availability.

Edit 2/2: Some stores/users are reporting preorders are available in store again. Comments

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

    • I had the same concern as you, I just called the JB where I secured the pre order,
      Expressed my concern and they asked me to quote back my phone number, then confirmed my name.

      They confirmed I had secured it, the specific store also advised that they don't sms for preorder confirmation.

    • I Rang my local store and asked them the same, They advised they will send a SMS on the day for pick up. Once you pick the item up they provide a tax invoice onsite.

  • After 2 of my preiovus orders got canceled, I'm still not confident that they will have stock this week…they said starting from 21th Jan, but could be at a later date.

    • Why did 2 of your previous orders get cancelled?

      • I think we're all a little on edge after The Good Guys situation.. =(

      • One from goodguys and one from target

  • So has anyone reveived a confirmation in any way for this etc email, sms text, call?
    I havent received anything and just want to know if anyone actually has. Cheers

    • +2

      Nope. I think its after 21st that they will start contacting us.

  • Strange that some people have said their JB's have insisted on nothing less than full payment for preorders whereas mine insisted on nothing more than $50.

    • Indeed. I wasn't even asked one way or the other, Disc or Digital.
      Just went through the motions of getting my details, and then when it came to pay anything the balance was $749.

      • I just realised they didn't specify what PS5 version I was putting a deposit down for. I'll be annoyed if it's the digital lmao

        • +1

          Haha. From what I've been reading (including from the guy that put my order down) they barely got many, if any digital models in.
          You should be fine :P

  • Anyone heard from JB? Quite honestly wouldn't mind another $100 gift card like Good Guys did.

  • +7

    just received call from jbhifi saying that ps5 is ready for collection

    • which store?

      • westfield kotara nsw

    • I did too, Shellharbour

    • did you pre-order last week?

      • +1

        5:29pm Friday,
        I had to pay in full though,
        Still thought I would get a call saying it was cancelled.

        Fortunately not

      • yup..preodered last Saturday

  • +4

    Just got SMS from MacArthur Central store in Brisbane advising my PS5 order has arrived.

    Does anyone know if you can pay the balance outstanding with giftcard?

    • +2

      Yes you can

    • +1

      I got the text from that store too! Very excited. I'm also planning on paying with gift cards.

    • +2

      Oh nice! Gratz mate.

      I fully expected Melb/Syd orders to be fulfilled first.
      Hopefully the rest of QLD up north follows suit… ;P

      • +2

        Contacted Sunshine Plaza, no stock yet.

        • +1

          Mine was from the Home center JB.
          Haven't got a text or called them yet. Will wait a day or so.
          (in the meantime the Good Guys got back to me about that email-order too, so now I'm juggling and deciding what to do or to wait; whether to cancel somewhere etc. :P)

  • I just went into the Brisbane Queen St JB and asked and they said that they might be getting this afternoon or tomorrow and that a text would automatically be sent out once they are scanned into the basement.

    Not long now!

  • Any one in VIC got it yet?

    • Nope waiting for melb central :(

    • Nope waiting here too

    • south wharf, still waiting

      • Frankston. Nothing yet.

    • thomastown, nope.

    • Have an order with Holmesglen and heard nadda

    • still waiting for stock at Werribee Plaza

  • Anyone know how jb go with putting through a gift card if all you have are the numbers and not the physical card/email?

  • +1

    Anyone in WA got one yet?

    • Nah not yet. I'm waiting for the Forrest Chase store to message me. Since it's WA I'm guessing Friday.

      • Ah yeah, I'm awaiting mine at Midland Home. Really hoping it comes before the weekend

      • -1

        Interesting didn't know there was a forest place JB store.

        I got my name down at the CBD century City store. They weren't asking for deposit.

        Did you have to put money down?

        • I have no idea where CBD century City is? Im talking about the Forrest Chase Store in Perth.

        • +1

          I went to the CBD store and they did not take deposit but when I went to the Joondalup home I had to pay deposit and they also gave me a receipt.

        • I did yeah, paid in full

    • Ordered at Osborne Park and had to pay in full. Nothing yet

    • Mines on order at Mandurah HOME, paid the $50 deposit but haven't heard anything yet. My mate got his at the Mandurah Forum store - he paid in full but nothing yet either. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday!

    • Nothing from Ocean Keys as yet either…

  • Has anyone got it in Hobart City store?

  • +1

    Anyone else in NSW?

  • +2

    Just picked mine up from JB Wollongong

    • Did they send you a message?

      • +1

        Yep sms around 3pm

  • +1

    It seems only TAS and WA haven't got the stock yet :(

  • Just got mine from Newcastle NSW :)

  • Got mine from Dubbo NSW

  • North sydney expecting end of Jan…

  • Got a text message informing of a delay. NSW Liverpool

  • +1

    Sydney CBD…no news today…

  • +1

    Just got a call, the one I pre-ordered last week is in-store, it's ready for pickup. Brisbane QLD

  • Just got mine from Albury NSW for $606.69

    • Digital version?

    • +1


      • HIM cards bought at 10% off during Zip Pay 10% off December Saturdays.

        $749.00 x 10% = $74.90
        $749.00 - $74.90 = $674.10
        $674.10 x 10% = $67.41
        $674.10 - $67.41 = $606.69

        I'm glad I got it for much cheaper as it means an even tidier profit when my new eBay listing sells. Kidding about that last part.

        • +2


        • +1

          Lol I don't know why you are getting negged for getting it the cheapest price possible .
          I have JB cards from the same deal , same price :)
          Probably they don't want you to sell it on Ebay and make more on other platforms hehe .

          • @popsiee: Dunno lol. My original comment started getting negs even before I made my joke comment about eBay.

  • +2

    Colleague of mine got his from Brisbane CBD this afternoon.
    Waiting for mine which I ordered from Westfield Carindale.

    • My mate also picked up his.

    • Also preordered from Carindale, still no SMS from them.

  • +1

    Anyone in VIC collected yet?

  • +5

    Today is the day guys! Good luck

    • Any texts this morning? Nothing in Rouse hill or Castle hill

      • waiting on castle hill :/

    • Nothing so far from jb top Ryde.

      • same here, waiting on top ryde

      • Just got the text from Top Ryde!!

      • just got sms from top ryde

    • +1

      North Sydney texted. Ready to pick up

  • On the JB expression of interest list, just watching everywhere else get stock and telling myself to hold out to use my $500 JB gift card from the Telstra Phone bonus :(

  • Any word from highpoint JB?

    • I also order from highpoint JB, I just called them and they said they are processing the delivery now and text will be going out soon.

      • yep got one pretty much straight after this, heading there after work, gotta get demon souls too.

  • +4

    Waiting for that text, hope I didn't miss my chance not hopping on the Big W or Amazon restocks

    • +1

      Same, I spent ten minutes with it sitting in my Amazon cart before it sold out, but didn't want to deal with the hassle of reselling the extra console.

      Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!

  • Anyone in TAS got one?

  • Didn't get a text so called and they advised it was ready for collection. @Westfield Carindale.

    • +1

      I called JB Blacktown and she said no one in NSW has got it. LIES

  • Anyone in SA heard anything?

    • +2

      Modbury didn't have stock yet when I spoke to them around 4pm yesterday. Haven't heard anything yet today

      Edit: looks like someone from Marion just got an sms

      • Thanks mate, I haven't heard anything from Gepps Cross at all yet.

  • Anyone from Leichhardt been contacted?

  • Anyone have text or news about JB Moore Park Sydney?
    I put down $50 last Friday but haven’t heard anything yet.
    Bit nervous because I have a new mob phone number and worried I gave it wrong.

    • Probably u can call them directly.

  • Anyone from melbourne get a sms yet?

    • I called Dandenong and they said it's coming in later today and they will call me when it does. I paid in full last week.

      • Ok thanks, thats where I ordered mine too.

        • Dandenong just messaged saying its ready for pick up.

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