• expired

[Preorder] PlayStation 5 $749, Digital Edition $599 @ JB Hi-Fi (Instore Only)



We can now confirm that JB Hi-Fi will be taking PS5 pre-orders in store starting today with stock set to arrive on or after January 21st.

As of today, stores have received their allocations for the next shipment meaning that they can now take pre-orders for the drop happening next week. You’re best to call your local JB Hi-Fi before heading in just in case they have already pre-sold out.

EDIT: Few replies to the Tweet confirming success at preordering at JB. https://twitter.com/PressStartAU/status/1349913754532679680

YMMV but don't give up

EDIT2: "Just spoke to my local, all stores are taking preorder in-store now, according to one rep. Wouldn’t take my details over the phone though, so need to head in and take care of it. Will report back."

EDIT3: "Local JB (Perth) confirmed they're taking preorders with full payment"

EDIT4: "Just made the preorder at northland. Was told stock sometime next week"

Mod: Check comments below, before calling your local store(s) regarding availability.

Edit 2/2: Some stores/users are reporting preorders are available in store again. Comments

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

      • -1

        Have a read through the 31 pages of the PS5 issues thread on whirlpool

        • +4

          I was down for 30 pages, 31 is a page too many.

    • +2

      The vast majority of people have not had any issues. I haven't had a single console issue since launch day 12th Nov and putting in over 400 hours of play across many games so far. Cyberpunk is the only exception with occasional crashes but still finished it & all endings fine.

      You only tend to hear the vocal minority about the negative things as usually people don't post saying everything is fine.

  • +3

    Already seen a couple receipts posted on marketplace for $1100-1200 sigh (all the sellers have names that are very hard to pronounce 🤣) I might just wait for stock levels to normalise in six months time hopefully by then most games will have the 4k 60fps patches by then

    • +2

      I'm tired of your shltty posts on these shltty posts. Two shltty doesn't make a non shltty.

      …what's a shltty?

      • a verbal promise from federal government….

  • I'll bite on a PS5 order when they release a special edition console.

    • +1

      Yeah keen on a slick looking black one without the wing bits on it haha

      • +1

        The MGS V PS4 console was pretty slick from memory.

  • search facebook marketplace, scalpers already reselling these preorders in Sydney

    • If we can wait 2 month, we don't mind waiting another month or 2 to get it in store

  • +19

    Do people not realise when market price is higher than RRP, RRP becomes a bargain?

    Disclaimer - First year uni microeconomics. Happy to be proven wrong…

    • +6

      I thought it was common sense but too many Neg RRP Sheep at Ozb .

    • +3

      Yeah seriously. The day that we can walk into a shop and buy these off the shelf, or order online without it being a ~5 minute blink-and-you-miss-it level of stock is the day that it will cease being worthy of 'deal' threads.
      Until that time all the downvoting RRP trolls need to kindly point us to where else we can purchase these things at 'RRP' if they are so pedantic about it -_-

  • I was able to get a preorder down with full payment at JB Airport West at 8:11pm. I was second to get my preorder down. The lady didn't tell me exactly how many were left, but said "not very many".

  • +1

    Does anyone know if you can play off the balance with jb gift cards?

    • I paid the whole thing with a stack of gift cards so yeah

    • 3% cashback on JB gift cards with shopback, what I will do if this goes to plan.

      Plus $25/$5 referral. Total $50 off the PS5..

      • Got a bunch of Ultimate gift cards from woolworths not too long ago - $100 cards giving you $10 back in woolworths money. Used 6 of them, and some other yellow JB cards I had as gifts from Xmas, so a decent discount all up!

  • I want to say thank you to the OP. I rang up and luckily got my name down for the last PS5 preorder available at JB Broadway. Going in there first thing tomorrow morning to lay down my $50 deposit, and then 2 weeks later I’ll be the happiest gamer dad in Sydney.

    • +4

      Wow def lucky they didn’t let ppl do that in other stores!

  • +1

    I tried at JBs in perth , mid afternoon and was told all gone within the hour .

    • Didn't you know the Eastern States have to be looked after first .
      Obviously freight costs help the notion .
      If I'm not wrong all biz max profit is a primary goal .

    • Give Armadale and Mandurah a try

  • Why does everyone want one so badly? I get that it's a new console, but apart from playing PS4 BC games that you already have, there's not a whole ton of games on it yet. Same with XSX.

    • +1

      But you can have better picture quality and fps on the new console. I want it badly to try Ghost of Tsushima.

      • +1

        Ah I know you, the pal & counter strike guy.

    • To make money

    • For me, it's because my ps4 pro console died in a lightning strike exactly one year ago. So many ps4 exclusives I want to catch up on so well worth the purchase.

      • Mine I am still using the original PS4 back in 2012. When I played the Spiderman the screen is only about 3/4 of the TV screen.

    • -1

      I'm not going to buy one until the price drops below $550 for the disc version. It's against my principles to pay RRP full price on anything. I'll stick to my $420 PS4 Pro for now while waiting for a good deal.

      • how's that been working out for you this year?

      • +1

        Its not dropping to $550 or below for at least 2 years imo. Why go through so much wait to save $100/yr?

        • +2

          Me, playing my PS5 I got at launch: :D
          KOBH, saving a massive $2 a week but has no PS5: shakes fist

        • +1

          You think about it as $200. I think about it as 40 eneloops.

          Think positive.

          • @lostn: I rather have $200 in my pocket then 400 eneloops.

            • @KOBH:

              I rather have $200 in my pocket then 400 eneloops.

              if you sold the eneloops you'd have a lot more than $200.

        • Its not dropping to $550 or below for at least 2 years imo

          I bet you're wrong about that prediction. The price will drop below $550 by or before Xmas.

          • +4


            The price will drop below $550 by or before Xmas.

            For the $749 physical disc edition? Zero chance.

            • @Hybroid: Let's wait and see….

              • +3

                @KOBH: No need to wait. A greater than 25% price drop on an approx at-cost product with high demand and low manufacturing yield within 12 months is impossible.

                Games will get cheaper over time for sure. The console will not. If you really want one, just get one and enjoy it like many are. If you're not fussed, don't. But don't kid yourself.

          • +1

            @KOBH: LOL good luck with that HAHAHA

    • +1

      Literally why I'm buying it after being an xbox fanboi the past 2 generations. Plus it will look nice on my C9 doing 120fps

  • Australia Fair JB QLD 4215, don't bother going or calling. Called this afternoon and told to go in. End up with the last one available. Staff said they are going to be answering heaps of call this weekend.

  • +1

    This is why i hate scalpers with a passion. this is why software/game companies are delaying the release of their games due to the below. This is just a example, its happening around the world not just Australia

    The knock-on effect is an unusually low software attach rate in Japan, Bloomberg reports. As noted by the publication, a healthy ratio for a new console is around one game sold for each console bought.

    But based on Japanese sales data from Famitsu, Sony sold around 213,000 PS5 consoles in the product’s first month of availability and just 63,000 physical games, meaning consumers have bought less than one packaged game for every three consoles purchased.

    Lucrative software sales are particularly important at the start of a console’s lifecycle when the hardware is sold at a loss, Bloomberg added.

    • +3

      Is this because most are playing ps4 games.

    • And most games were got digitally

    • +1

      That's probably more to do with games being $109 or $180 for ultra gold platinum fantastic edition than anything to do with scalpers

      Plus first gen (I think) that is fully backwards compatible with both your digital and physical library as well as a bunch of ps plus games so a lot of people are playing some older titles while they wait for more interesting games and lower prices.

  • +1

    I could be wrong about my statement below but i may have a fair idea why its correct.

    first month of launch date scalpers flooded the market with over priced consoles ( $1500 - $2000 ), Some people paid the money some didn't. No wonder why people cant purchase a simple $120 dollar game anymore and play backward compatible games.

    The big gaming companies are not releasing exclusive PS5 games due to scalpers having a huge stock pile. For example - 2000 consoles are being used and 4000 consoles are not being used due to the scalpers stock pile ( this is an example not true statistics ). would you release a new game that you developed and spent 10s of million dollars on hoping 3-6 months down the track people will still buy a 6 month old game once they finally are able to purchase a PS5 from a retailer, with out being told its sold out with in 8 mins.

    All I'm saying is if they release a banger of a game now and only get 50% sales or wait a few months and get 90% sales which one would you chose if you were the developer.

    I have my PS5 on pre-order so I'm not complaining about not getting a console, I was just saying this is the reason why new and upcoming exclusive games are not hitting retailers due to the above statement.

    • Well said, I never saw it this way.

    • 2000 consoles are being used and 4000 consoles are not being used

      Surely flippers are aware its one of the fastest depreciating asset around based on whatever release is happening . Hence they will flip as fast as they can so it should be in the hands of a eager beaver user :) .

      • I am waiting for flood gate to open on marketplace or gumtree

        • As soon as there is stock for more than a few hours at a time we'll start to see more realistic prices. The price is already down to 1200 from 1500 on release. At this point it depends on the production pipeline more than anything.

  • Any chance of securing a ps5 from this batch at the start of this coming day in geelong or in general?

    • +1

      In general there's a chance because other retailers are also receiving shipments too and they're yet to pop up online, so I'd keep a close eye on here and hopefully Amazon/big w/Harvey Norman or someone will have stock to sell..

      In terms of jb, maybe call the less popular stores in the region, who knows there might be some units left.

  • None seem to be available in the ACT :(

    • +5

      Another reason not to live in Canberra.

  • No luck on my side. No pre-order available in Bondi junction. (Yesterday at.6pm)
    Rep told me they received only 10 (and last shipment was early December).
    They still have a backlog of +150 previous preorders.
    They will reopen once they clear the backlog :/

  • Any ideas how you can check status of order? Apart from the receipt I haven’t heard anything. Deposit 500 I want to use a couple of gift cards to finish the order

  • -3

    Got three thanks!

  • +1

    My brother just paid a deposit for his pre-order at JB in Tuggerah, NSW. He was told they got their allocation this morning.

    • +1

      Same i just paid my deposit at Tuggerah. Funny they said they were getting lots of calls suddenly. They have very few & expect to be all allocated quickly.
      Have to be in store to do preorder.
      Erina had already sold out so at 9am so I called Tuggerah to check next. Very surprised they still had preorders left.

  • +1

    Lining up at my local waiting for opening time, fingers crossed. To clarify, you guys just went to the main checkout counter right? Because these places usually have a games register too.

    • +4

      I waited in line at Dandenong Plaza. I was about 10th in line. Then all of a sudden, everyone in the line walked out. The last of the pre orders were sold.

      Hopped in the car, drove to another store. Called them on the way and they confirmed they had pre-orders, but wouldn't tell me how many.

      15 minutes later, in line and pre ordered the PS5. I paid with 15% off TCN cards, all in $50 increments so the cost dropped from $749 to $636.65.

      It took a good 10 minutes to process the cards as the operator took 4 calls which were all for the PS5 pre orders. The 3 people behind me were all PS5 pre orders.

      There was even a customer next to me begging to put down a $50 deposit and pay for the rest when she next gets her pay. They didnt allow this.

      I do hope you get one however, i think you might be a day too late.

      • +2

        Just got one :D
        Home centre Sunshine Coast
        I came ridiculously early and lined up. Was first in queue, about 5 behind me. Think we all got one, but they were running out fast.

        Hooray. No more needing to F5 spam a million tabs!

        • Good result, well done.

          When i secured mine yesterday, they said stock will be available by month end. What did they tell you?

          • @COVID-19: Same thing more or less 'toward the end of Janurary' which is a lot better than the feb-mid March we've been hearing up until now :)

      • I though they were all secured yesterday .
        Looks like some of the stores told some untruths .

        • +1

          Some stores haven't even been allocated numbers yet. For anyone else on the Sunshine coast, the Maroochydore plaza JB recommended to keep ringing back daily as they hadn't been able to take any orders as of yet

      • Yeah, I got $750 worth of those GC that I grabbed 19% off 😂😂😂

  • EOI only at Morayfield store. Expecting more stock in Feb-March.

  • managed to get one at jbhifi westfield kotara at 9am.

  • +1

    Spoke to a nice employee in Vic amd was told Vic allocation is completely sold out so if in Vic saves you wasting your time.

  • No pre orders available in Cockburn Gateways Perth

    • +5

      sick store name!

      • They actually sell a cream for that!

        • BBQ or Tomato cream/sauce?

  • +2

    Thank you OP. I am on holiday in Sunshine Coast and I managed to get on this morning.

  • Went to most of the stores in Sydney, none left. Was told only 30 per store. Hope the staff and their friends were not the one doing the preorders.

  • +3

    Sent an email to JB hifi forrest chase on the day this was posted— they said not taking any pre-orders but they will put my name in the waiting list. Next morning, I got a call saying that “someone cancelled” and I’m next in queue so I managed to get one but pre-order. Went in store and paid in full. (Hubby very happy i was able to get him one) The lady said that they may receive it in 2 weeks time. I saw their list and looks like they were trying to call a lot of people who would still like pre-order so maybe wouldn’t hurt to check on them again.

  • +1

    I am gonna wait until there is a compatible portable SSD so I don't have delete my games. 600g is not enough!!!

    • Oh yeah I kind of forgot about that.
      Thought we'd see a whitelist leading up to launch, or atleast coinciding with it.
      Crazy that there still isn't any word =(

      Stock size is indeed far too small

    • +2

      It's perfectly fine as long as you don't care about COD.

      Also, USB 3.0 external drives already work for PS4 games and even better if it's an SSD.

      There will not be external drive support for PS5 games, only the internal M.2 SSD when it gets enabled.

  • +2

    People struggled to secure even 1 piece

    How this bloke was able to get 5? Isn't their any check and balance from JB Hi-fi?


    • -1

      he has friends working at jbhifi.. pairup with them and thy split the profit.. simple.. store attendants are cashing in too.

      • You have proof of this?

        • -5

          uhhh.. i dont need to prove anything to you. if you dont believe it, its your business.

          • @ruztynail: No, no I don't. Don't slander someone unless you have something that confirms the slander being thrown at them.

    • +2

      100% agree its a joke how people can get 5, love the fact he writes "no questions about offers will be entertained what a dick"

      • +1

        So buy low sell high is fine when you do it or a business does it, but when someone else does they're a dick. Lmao.

        Also there's a sense of entitlement that you somehow deserve the PS5 even though someone was earlier than you, with unfounded accusations like some jbhifi staff conspiracy.

        It's not dick to say no offers will be entertained, because people will offer $800 for the ps5

    • +1

      He may have also had sisters or brothers who attended with him. Some other guy on facebook got 4 PS5's, 2 from the Leichhardt store and 2 from another store. He show's all 4 receipts in a photo. someone should send an email to Jbhifi and let them know. People these days, It is what it is i guess. This wont change until the laws around scalping is changed.

  • So whats the best discount on JB hifi gift cards at the moment??

    • 5% with Suncorp?

        • +3

          I’m waiting till I got the notification for pickup then I’ll buy the gift card, it should be spontaneous

        • cant see it being a flop. Worst case can likely sell on ozb forums for face value.
          I thought there was another website that allowed you to buy cards at a bigger discount that was exclusive to certain unions that was a good deal and the end of last year but i cant seem to see it anywhere…
          Found it - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/574606?page=2#comment
          not sure if they still do better then 5% though on JB valid cards (havent got a login yet)

  • For those who successfully secured a preorder from JB, did you receive any sort of SMS confirmation ? I got a preorder (15th in line) and have the the receipt but I'm worried they took my mobile number down wrong

    • oh dear, I am worried about the same thing as you….. T_T

    • +4

      nope - just wait until others have heard they are ready to pick up and then call your store.

    • I wouldnt worry if you didn't get a confirmation SMS, they asked for my mobile number and looked me up on the system (I have a jb account) and confirmed my name, I didnt receive a SMS confirmation.

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