• expired

[Preorder] PlayStation 5 $749, Digital Edition $599 @ JB Hi-Fi (Instore Only)



We can now confirm that JB Hi-Fi will be taking PS5 pre-orders in store starting today with stock set to arrive on or after January 21st.

As of today, stores have received their allocations for the next shipment meaning that they can now take pre-orders for the drop happening next week. You’re best to call your local JB Hi-Fi before heading in just in case they have already pre-sold out.

EDIT: Few replies to the Tweet confirming success at preordering at JB. https://twitter.com/PressStartAU/status/1349913754532679680

YMMV but don't give up

EDIT2: "Just spoke to my local, all stores are taking preorder in-store now, according to one rep. Wouldn’t take my details over the phone though, so need to head in and take care of it. Will report back."

EDIT3: "Local JB (Perth) confirmed they're taking preorders with full payment"

EDIT4: "Just made the preorder at northland. Was told stock sometime next week"

Mod: Check comments below, before calling your local store(s) regarding availability.

Edit 2/2: Some stores/users are reporting preorders are available in store again. Comments

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

        • Omg, same here waiting for text meesage

        • Do you think they would have it on Wednesday?

          • +1

            @Hoz: Hopefully by Wednesday they have it because its ridiculous that some of the stores have it today. Like for example, Midland Gate has it but Midland Home haven't received theirs to think that its a few metres away.

      • have you called them

        • Yes but they said same thing, some of the stores have problems with shipping. I thought all of stocks are in one warehouse in Perth then it will be dispatched to every stores.

  • except midland home

  • i just rang and they said it probably won’t come today and then i said would it come tomorrow since being a public holiday and he said he’s not sure if they get deliveries tomorrow

  • So many scalpers went up an hour ago :/

  • WA based waiting for the call from Perth CBD…. And toey'r than a Roman sandal….

  • Just picked mine up from Carousel guys. Good luck and I hope you get yours very soon!

    • Not all JBs in WA received their stock allocation per store.

  • any luck WA

  • bad news so no delivery today so that means either tomorrow or any day this week or if not this week, next week

    • That's sad, to think most of the stores managed to get their stocks. Especially Amazon arrived after 2 days of ordering the unit.

  • tomorrow is the day hopefully

    • Yeah Mate, crossing our fingers.

      • any luck WA

        • Nothing yet unfortunately

  • some jbhifis think today or tomorrow they should get them in WA

    • Did you call midland home?

      • yeah, i ask to talk to games and every time she says my colleague is busy i’ll try and give you a hand ahahahaha

        • It's actually such a sweat this wait

          • @Hoz: Everytime I get a message I look down at such excitement, followed quickly by elite level disappointment.

            • @2keane: Yes my friend, I am in the same boat as you

              • +1

                @Hoz: Was/am(?) inside the top10 on a expression of interest list JB @ Forrest Chase was doing. Haven't heard boo. Fingers remain crossed.

                My mates in Sydney received theirs this week (one from amazon, another from big w).

                Not that i'm in any rush but…yea, ditto any time a perth-based call or sms comes in. :)

  • surely they come now

    • Have you received a text message with regards the pick-up?

      • nah not yet, have you yet mate ?

        • Same response from them, problem with shipping. It will be a week tomorrow since they said 21st January, they should have said from 21st of January.

          • @AirJordan23: Would it be likely after 3?

            • @Hoz: Hopefully if they managed to get a special delivery today,. AFAIK, they received their delivery on a Thursday.

  • it’s pathetic coz midland gate jbhifi is legit a walk down the road away from jbhifi home and they still don’t have stock.

    • Hello, i just got a call its in!!

      • Where? Midland Home as well?

        • Yeah

    • It was a real pleasure my amigos, good luck!

      • Enjoy big fella. Enjoy.

    • Cherloc, Hoz got a call already I don't know which JB but its a good sign.

      • yeah mate headed in now to pick it up

        • Ok Mate, picked up already.

  • +1

    Well I rang JB Forrest Garden (Perth, CBD) today, as i have my name on the list there.

    Ultimately i was advised to remain patient. They only got "5 or so" in this round. More due in…a week, a month..unknown.

    All good. Resume status quo: patience. :)

    • Bummer! thanks for the update though.

  • I hope everyone in WA have collected their PS5s!

    • It's just 5 days lock down, not 555, jesus 🙄

  • Merged from [Pre-Order] PlayStation 5 Disc Console $749, Digital $599 @ JB Hi-Fi (in Store Only)

    JB HiFi, Amazon and other retailers will be having a restock this week, according to article

    JB Hi-Fi will be getting more stock this week. Some stores are contacting people that are on an expression of interest list as of today to pay for their console ahead of stock arriving this week. Worth checking with your local store as some will have excess to be able to pre-order although stock is still limited. As far as we know stock won’t be sold online again.

    Take it with a grain of salt


    In before:


    • In before moved

    • Thank you, might grab another for the son.

    • +1


      Except it’s not

    • +1

      Thanks got 10 with my bot

      • Good bot

  • Called JB Hifi Caringbah and they have 5 PS5 preorder left. Can only do it in store. Might be worth calling around. I believe a few just got restock but only a very a limited amount.

  • JB Hifi World Square had 16 units when I was there a few hours ago

  • Thanks! Preordered one in Sydney

    • No store is taking pre-orders unless you are on their EOI. Which store did you manage to secure?

      • Wetherill Park, they only had 5 and were getting lots of calls

  • Got a call from JB in Fyshwick, ACT in the morning to come to pay in-store within 48 hours. Did that and was having a chat with the sales guy who said they will be receiving 16 units in the next week or so. That's not too many! I was on their priority list.

    • +1

      ..and picked up my disk console today…not gonna miss all those days spent refreshing retail websites!

  • Me love ps5

    • Why is that dear



    • -1

      Snooze you lose

    • was there another restock??

  • Anyone know how long it will take for JB to get this round of stock in for the latest pre-orders?

    • Picked it up yesterday, that was fast :P

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