Won't last long get in quick
Maybe gone by time I post this
EDIT: Sold out in 8 minutes.
Won't last long get in quick
Maybe gone by time I post this
EDIT: Sold out in 8 minutes.
So fast. Maybe, PS5 = Permanently Sold in 5 (minutes)???
Lasted longer than what I do in bed
The one time I'm not on OzB and I miss it :(
Aussie bargain app can auto notify you immediately based on keywords - fyi.
Mind explaining how pretty please? Can't find setting…
now the question is, is there second wave tonight?
i have a feeling bigw, target, harvery will have some just saying
i don't. it was amazon cancelled orders just now
no one knows that for sure
Did they cancel your order ?
@ozvictor: no, also sony just announced on twitter another wave of playstations is happening by years end
I won't even bother, the websites will be buried by the bots within seconds and it'll just be a frustrating 10 minutes of trying to add credit card details.
Sony / Microsoft / Amazon / Target / BigW / EBGames don't care as they're all making their money. eBay is loving the cut of $1500+ consoles.
All for basically what's already been on the market for years, but with a faster drive. Playing us for fools this generation so far
Yeah the auto scalper bots. The reason why these sell out within minutes. You can be sure that the scalper system bots are monitoring the Ozbargain web site. They probably do have bots which are specifically designed around the Ozbargain web site.
I rkn only a fraction of scalpers know how to use bots. Not many of them would be that smart.
@[Deactivated]: Well for example in the UK. They just pay money to hire out an already set up bot for a certain particular item such as this. Remember about the scalper group who amassed 3500 PS5 consoles by recruiting people to buy it for them using the groups bots. It's probably a point and click operation with bots made for dummies.
Mate you and these bots hah - people are desperate for these things and are waiting out for them. Aussie bargain app, PS5 group on Facebook and PressStar on Twitter all auto notified my phone when they saw stock available - give these a go and who knows this weekend what’ll happen :)
veryy guudzz
Funny that the click count is still going up sky rocketing even but the deal thread is marked as out of stock. Can see the auto bots at work.
People just tried to refresh the link with hope it would be available again
Why would they click on the Ozbargain link multiple times?. You can only click on it once and when on the Amazon web page you can refresh it as many times as you like. No need to keep going through the Ozbargain link every time.
By that same logic why would the bots need to go through Ozbargain for the Amazon link when they can look up Amazon directly?
That'll just make a useless bot that will lose to bots hitting the Amazon listing directly every time lol.
Glad those Amazon notifications are working 🙄
I find it to be around 10-20 mins slow. Was always missing out on TP and dettol during peak pandemic
what the hell, i had sign up for alerts for this bloody thing and nothing.
amazon alerts is not even competing with ozb here…. lame
The alerts aren't quick enough when it sells out too quick.
I had PressStart twitter notifications turned on, they have been on the ball.
Anyone plan to wait for the digital version tonight?
The digital version already sold out , it was in stock 30 mins ago
So sad, I missed everything :(
Probably wait for eb or target tonight at 12am
What’s happening at 12 tonight?
this was posted 60min ago and it is sold out….
It sold out within the first 8 minutes.
f**ken scalpers
That's what i basically said.
PSA - set up auto alerts on the Aussie PS5 Discussion group on the Facebook app, PressStart account on Twitter and “PS5” keyword on the AussieBargain app.
Thanks Audi
Wahhh I want the digital version and I want to play Ghost of Tsushima on it :+(
Sold out in 8 minutes? Officially giving up trying to get one…
There might be another stock drop coming soon. But you literally have to be there within the first few minutes.
I got mine from Amazon yesterday and been playing Demon Souls on it. The visuals are out of this world. Good luck everyone. What an amazing new generation of consoles we have been blessed with.
Crazy how many people missed the actual deals and are now just paying RRP. Ouch.
Hope it doesn't get delivered by Couriers Please, because if they deliver to wrong address they will take no responsibility, have fun if they send it with them.
With Amazon you will have no problem getting your refund back if that happen, they really have the best after sales customer service. I ordered a switch and got a tiny scratch on the corner, called them and they sent a new one out immediately and asked me to return the old one within the next 2 months. way better than eBay that you need to first send it back and take ages to resolve issue
What happens if you don't return it? Sneaky grin
then they charge you full price for the replacement
Amazon use fastway occasionally not CP.
Nah, they used Couriers Please, seem to be more over the past few months.
I’ve noticed that too. They are sending my laptop stand via courier please today too.
I’ve also noticed a lot of my other Amazon orders have been delivered by random people using their own vehicles to deliver packages. I think it’s amazon flex
@Ebaygiftcards: About 95% of my orders are now delivered direct by a amazon courier. Only items from interstate aren't.
I just received a Lego set delivered by CP from Amazon this week. The box was squashed.
Amazon used Aus Post for mine, delivery took 3 days.
Oh crap the 1 hour I was away from Ozbargain and this happens!!!!!
only last 8 mins
8 mins? That’s eternity. My wife will be very happy if I lasted 4 mins……
Where’s your waifu from?
The key is to think about about XBOX
So little stock. Gone
Damn it, was having dinner. RIP
Was dinner that bad?
That would teach you to never eat again!
Got mine on the 12th November from Amazon with 17th December ETA and they delivered yesterday so this batch could come quicker than estimated delivery date
The first review?
1.0 out of 5 stars Happy that I got the pre-order
Reviewed in Australia on 13 November 2020
Loose Translation: "Hey, hey! Pay attention to me! My ego needs to be fed and my mother didn't hug me enough"
then buy from eBay & sell on Gumtree for profit
And I thought I did well after selling my used PS4 Pro for $550
Can't really blame anyone reselling when there's this much money to be made, Hell i can sell my used PS5 i have here to cex for $1050 cash, they sell them for $1315 https://au.webuy.com/product-detail/?id=sps5825gbw001
@Axelstrife: Given eBay auctions are selling for over retail you don't even need to try to scalp, buyers are happy to pay overs.
Combine with free listing via Gumtree and cheap post via Sendle it's some decent pocket money… hypothetically of course.
I managed to grab a digital edition on Amazon just after the disc version sold out and now the digital version is sold out after about 5 mins
I was initially after the disc version but happy to have the digital version for Christmas!
not into video games but
did we settle xbox vs PS console war this quickly in ps5 favour?
google BBT xbox ps4 clip 😂
PS5 if you like single player or console, PC if you like xbox and pc games.
Wow Ok I take a nap for a few hours and this happens. Ok life ok
Only last 8 mins mate. Please hand over your ozb badge
wow I received my PS5 amazon order just today. (was expecting to wait till around 17th)
Straight to Gumtree? $1299.
haha no scalping for me defs.
Sorry guys, but I have to ask. Can it run Crysis? The original version in 4K HDR 60FPS?
Most will run in 4K 30FPS
You can now get the Xbox Series S at $499 at Amazon
Dont think it going to sell out in 8 minutes
Really hope Amazon replenishes stock for the Series X
Gone. Haha
Are these even being flipped?
They sure are on the gold coast…
The jb hifi near me had a bunch in stock i dont believe it will be long before they are available everywhere
which jbhifi, if I may ask?
keen to know
Are you sure that it's not the digital edition?.
Dont bother with Target, they wont have any stocks at all