• expired

3% Cashback (up to $30) When You Tap and Zip (Minimum Spend for Period $1000)


3% cash back deal with the new Tap and Zip accessible when opening the ZIP app under the 'Your Zip' Tab.

Note as per the terms and conditions, it reads like if you don't spend $1000 between 16/11/2020 and 8/01/2020 to reach the $30 cashback goal you will lose all accumulated 3% credit.

How to earn with Tap & Zip:

Add your Zip card to your device

Use Tap & Zip to pay wherever you see the contactless symbol

Get 3% back on eligible purchases, up to $30 per purchase

Terms & Conditions
Use Tap & Zip instore to get 3% credit back on any eligible transaction, up to a maximum limit of AUD$30 per transaction, redeemable when you reach the Reward Goal (“Offer”). This Offer is only available between 12:00am (AEDT) on 16 November 2020 and 11:59pm (AEDT) on 8 January 2021 ("Offer Period"). Maximum reward limit is AUD$30 per a transaction.

This Offer is subject to the following conditions:

The transaction must be made using your Tap & Zip card in-store;
In order to redeem the credit back you must reach the Reward Goal;
For each transaction less than AUD$1000, you will earn 3% credit back on that transaction. For each transaction equal to or greater than AUD$1000, you will earn AUD$30 credit back; and
At the end of the Offer Period, any credit back that has not reached the Reward Goal will be cancelled.

The Tap & Zip card means the virtual Visa credit card provisioned to your Apple Pay or Google Pay wallet that can be used for in-store transactions on your Zip Pay Account with a merchant who accepts this card as a method of payment for goods or services. The transaction must be made in accordance with your Tap & Zip Terms and Conditions and your Zip Pay Account Terms and Conditions.

You may only redeem the credit back you accumulate using your Tap & Zip card when the credit back reaches AUD$30 (“Reward Goal”). If you have reached the Reward Goal, you may redeem the Reward Goal via the Zip App (or any other method we make available to you). The Reward Goal will be applied to your nominated Zip Account within 7 days. You can only redeem the credit back in whole Reward Goal increments. Zip may run other Reward Goal promotions which can be used in combination with this promotion to earn your Reward Goal.

Referral Links

Referral: random (255)

$10 for referrer & referee, if referee applies for account within 10 days of invitation and completes a transaction within 14 days of account approval.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Am I correct in saying that you can only redeem your cashback if you reach the reward goal of $30 (i.e. minimum spend of $1000)?

    • +1

      That's what it sounds like to me too.

      You may only redeem the credit back you accumulate using your Tap & Zip card when the credit back reaches AUD$30 (“Reward Goal”).

      OP please add minimum spend of $1000 in title between promotion period.

    • No - "For each transaction less than AUD$1000, you will earn 3% credit back on that transaction."

      You can purchase anything you like with this feature that offers tap and go. You will continue to accumulate 3% until you have spent a total of $1000. That is then the reward goal achieved. You don't have to spend $1000 in one transaction minimum to get the credit back… I thought that was pretty clear and understandable when I read it? Not sure how you're reading it like CodeXD.. The title is accurate that you need to spend up to $1000 to get the reward/credit back, but not in one transaction.

      • +1

        "At the end of the Offer Period, any credit back that has not reached the Reward Goal will be cancelled." i.e. If you don't spend $1000 you will get nothing.

        • +2

          Yeah I guess that's what they are referring to? What I'm not sure about is if the credit goal is only limited to 1 only offer? Can you achieve the credit goal multiple times (therefore multiple $30s) and if on the 4th attempt to reach $1,000 isn't achieved, your credit for that attempt is cancelled?

      • +1

        Uh not sure I'm the one who is having trouble comprehending here..if the title is accurate then my understanding of the offer is too..

        • +1

          I thought you implied that you had to spend a minimum of $1000 in the one transaction to get the offer. My presumption was not correct? If so, my apologies.

  • -8

    lol what a russian roulette offer for $30

    • +4

      Umm - not sure why you've neg the deal when it is so simple and easy to use? Each to their own but not worthy of a Neg.. You basically set it up like any normal tap and go feature and pay whatever you like with it. That's an easy $30 as I'm sure most people can rack up $1000 worth of spending before the promotional period ends.

  • i wonder if its targeted or for all zip customers or not as i dont see it on wifes account. maybe ill try and uninstall and reinstall app?

    • I had to click the rewards section on Your Zip and go through the wizard to see it.

  • I guess if at the end you need to spend few hundred bucks, you can use it to purchase gift card from Coles right?

    • +1

      I believe the transactions have to be via your 'tap and go' feature through your google/apple pay app in-store only. Unless you are buying gift cards in-store and paying for them with your tap and go then no, you can't just buy them online to make up the few hundred dollars.

      • yes I mean in-store

        • Then all good I reckon. Just says in-store and with your tap and go feature.

  • -1


  • You can earn multiple rewards in $30 increments. It seems no limit was mentioned regarding how many $30 increments.

  • The way they restructured the rewards in $30 increments makes it a hassle. You have to track and ensure you spend at least $1000 each time to get a $30 reward.
    If you don't spend $1000, you lose that $30. There is a real possibility that your net return will not be 3%.

    • There is a progress bar @ 'Your Zip' section.

  • This works for Apple Pay payments online such as Uber, McDonald’s, Prezzee. Be careful though, overseas transactions have a 1% fee, which I suppose is ok?

  • Today my payment methods were gone/removed in the account. Not sure whether Zip did it intentionally or not. As a result, it can start to charge monthly fee to unconscious users when monthly payment fails.

  • +2

    Just made it to $1000 today, redeemed $30 and it reflected to my balance instantly. You can make a 2nd trxn(and so on) to exceed $1k in total, which does not affect cashback. My reward balance had been $31.XX before redemption. I am on my way to spend the 2nd $1000.

  • Hi Guys, Just made up an account to get 3% back, how do I schedule to deduct the monthly automatic payment of the statement balance?

    • Pro pays it off when his CC new billing cycle starts. The auto payment is designed to make you pay $6 monthly fee. It'll work the first time and then the amount is set. It seems you need to adjust every month to avoid $6 monthly fee.

      • Thanks, I'll put a reminder for monthy check

    • Pay the closing balance at the end of every month, except your first month.
      Just pay the minimum weekly as you go.

  • +1

    Is there a way to find out the card number stored in google pay?

    • Good question. I think it is supposed to be hiden. Otherwise, the uncovered universal VISA card can void all the other features that ZIP has established.

      • I am curious now. there are online website that supports payment via google pay.

        wouldn't it then be possible to use the zip card to shop online?

        • that google pay doesn't prompts your zip virtual card. clearly, they have thought about it. :P

  • this post has conflicting information
    "up to $30" implies even if you spend $2000, you will still only get $30 cashback
    but then "For each transaction equal to or greater than AUD$1000, you will earn AUD$30 credit back" implies you can get multiple $30 cashback :s

    • +1

      To clarify, each time you spend $1000 you get $30 Zip Credit. So in your hypothetical, if you spent $2000 in the offer period you would in fact get $60 in credit.

  • If you spend $0-$999.99, you can redeem nothing
    If you spend $1000-$1999.99, you can redeem $30 zip credit back
    If you spend $2000-$2999.99, you can redeem $60 zip credit back
    and so on …

    • Just buy Coles Group & Myer (or whatever is on sale) in the last week to make it up to a whole $1000.

      3% off is not bad, slightly better than 3% off Coles only eGC @ Suncorp.

  • what if they gave me just a credit limit of $500?

    • Pay it off soon and continue.

      • If I pay it soon do they increase limit? Asked because this post sayd you have to spend a min of $1000 to get 3%

        • Just to add: You have to wait till the trxn settles before pay it off. You cannot pay off pending trxn in advance.

          • @Neoika: When you initiate additional payment how long does it take for the funds to get through?

            • @BlueSkyAPI: instant using credit card.

              • @PissLUR: Sweet, thank you for confirming this! This is be handy for planning how to maximise the next two Saturdays

                • @BlueSkyAPI: Just note that the Zip system disallows payments which are greater than the balance owing.

                  To overpay, you will need to BPAY. Zip says that BPAY can take up to 3 days, but this should not be the case. BPAY payments are batch processed overnight.

                  I made a BPAY payment today (well before my financial institution's daily cut-off time) and so I am expecting those funds in my Zip account tomorrow morning.

                  I shall report what transpires.

  • do u need a pin if u spent $1000 in one transaction?

    • No PIN needed. I have made a few 300+ purchases.

  • Is it cash back or credit?

    • Dont see the difference here.

  • Does anyone has issues with logging into their zip account?

  • So with the 10% cash back promo on Saturdays, does this mean if I spent $300 on Saturday, I get the $30 credit?

    • +1

      Yes, tried it the Saturday just passed and the 10% only applies, you don't get the 10% and the 3%.

      • Will the rebates keep accumulating after $30 or is $30 the maximum you will get?

        • Rebate keeps accumulating and can only be redeem in $30 block.

  • Just noticed there's an offer for 5% off at BP under the rewards tab

    • Correct.
      You can also earn, I presume, the bonus Qantas points at BP for shopping instore, and earn Credit card rewards points when paying off the zip pay balance as it's treated like a normal purchase transaction.

  • how long does it take for the 3% cashback to show up in the account?

  • Just did a Tap & Pay transaction worth $19 and got a push notification telling me that I just earned $3. But when I checked my rewards section, the $3 wasn't there. Tried another transaction worth $10 and got the exact same push notification.

    Clearly something is wrong.

    • Did it come through eventually?

      • +1

        The correct amounts come thru eventually.

  • Now the minimum 1000 spend is no longer required due to 10% Sat cashbacks, right? Still have to earn more before Frday deadline. Any good ideas to reach the limit?

    • +1

      If you are close to the next $30 reward, grab a custom amount Coles Group gift card with the exact amount you need to hit $30 rewards. Otherwise if you need a spend a fair amount, pay or prepay a bill at Australia post, just tell them how much you want to put on it when they scan it.

      For example if you currently have $10/$30 for your reward. Pay $687 at Australia Post on a bill that accepts credit cards to get the remaining $20 reward to hit $30 ($667 with 3% reward = $20). Assuming your spend limit is high enough.

      • Must it be Tap only? So, my zip-tap card is acceptable at any store that accepts cc? Thank a lot.

        • +1

          Yes that's right, it's just a virtual Visa which you use via Apple Pay or Google Pay. So any store that accepts credit card.

          The transaction must be made using your Tap & Zip card in-store

          The Tap & Zip card means the virtual Visa credit card provisioned to your Apple Pay or Google Pay wallet that can be used for in-store transactions on your Zip Pay Account with a merchant who accepts this card as a method of payment for goods or services.

          • @hamza23: Any particular reason s to mention coles group cards? I guess I should tap at Coles in store. I don't know much gift card s hardly shop at supermarket s. Thanks

            • @amorn: Just because they are one of those gift cards where you can choose the exact amount you want to put on it, not preset $50 $100 etc amounts and coles group gift cards are widely accepted. Coles, Coles express, Officeworks, Kmart etc. They are also not something you can get discounted usually as such, only individual Coles gift cards.

              By choosing the exact amount you can spend exactly what you need to hit $30 reward amount.

      • Where are Coles group gift cards physically sold where i can manually select exact amount?

        • +1

          At Coles. The gift cards don't have any value preloaded, you select the amount at self checkout/checkout.

  • Managed to get 10 x $30 rewards during the promotion - $300

    Sad it has to end :(

  • +2

    Zip cashback promotion ends Friday 8 January, 11:59 pm AEDT
    Hello PissLUR,

    We hope you've enjoyed using Tap & Zip to earn rewards on your everyday purchases. Thanks for taking part, now it's time to bring the cashback rewards promotion to a close.

    Any outstanding credit that has reached a $30 incremental goal by Friday 8 January at 11:59 pm AEDT will be redeemed automatically into your Zip account within seven days.

    Any other credit that hasn't achieved a reward goal at that time will be cancelled.

    Remember to Tap & Zip just about everything, everywhere, and stay tuned for more great developments!

    The Zip Team

  • The last $30 reached and redeemed. This deal all done! Wait for the next one!

    • really? how do ou know? been searching what to buy :)

      • Today is the last day for you to reach $30 and redeem it. If your balance is still less than $10 and with nothing to buy, you might forget about it.

        • just over 10 now. waiting for gr8 deal here on ozb. :)

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