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Vodafone $36 Per Month 50GB, Unlimited Calls/SMS + Motorola Moto G8 4GB/64GB on 12 Month Plan

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  • Select the $40 lite plan which is currently $35 and comes with 40GB bonus data per month (normally it's only 10GB).
  • Select Motorola Moto G8 (blue or white) which is $1 extra per month.
  • Select the 12 month plan (minimum cost is $432)
  • Get 3 months of Amazon Prime when you sign up to this plan.

Once your 50GB is used up every month it throttles down to 2Mbps so it's basically unlimited internet.

Cashrewards have $35 cashback on Vodafone 12 month plans with a handset.
Which brings the plan down to $397 after cashback.

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • -6

    Not bad unless you want to consider how tpg plays into all of this

    • +9

      Hey mate can you please explain?

    • From what I hear (ex employee), after merging they have a new CEO over the entire group who has a much different reputation than David Teo did. For whatever that’s worth to you.

      Also the new group is poised to have the best 5G network if that is something you are interested in.

      Source: a brief conversation I had with a current employee. So, take it as meaning as much as any comment you’d read here.

      • +7

        The "new" CEO is the existing Vodafone CEO Inaki Berotta. David Teo is now the executive chairman/board.

      • What's the reputation?

      • +2

        dont need a source if its just one employees opinion. its not a fact.

      • +1

        How exactly can Voda have the best 5G network? They’ve never once gone to the effort of having the largest or fastest network, and to date their rollout progress has been slower than Optus and Telstra. There’s literally nothing that objectively suggests Voda can come out and suddenly become the best operator at 5G

    • interested to know what this comment means

    • You can't have that be a deciding factor, TPG is going to own everything Telstra doesn't own one day.

    • +2

      Yea i am confused too as to what 36$ per month phone deal got to do with CEO who's who

    • -3

      In terms of service and customer service

  • can I port in my old number ?

  • +1

    You can get a g8 for 250 around thst price

    • I bought it for $203 in the recent Good Guys eBay deal. Not a bad phone (don’t use NFC) as I am using dual sim feature.

  • +11

    now that's a decent deal

    much better than Samsung A11 for the same price where everyone negged me for stating the obvious that A11 is nigh unusable

    this is much more phone for the same money.

    • +1

      well i'm waiting for the a11 until mid November, might just tell vodafone to change it to this phone

  • Is it 12 months plan or 36 months plan??

    • +1

      It's $1 per month for the phone on either plan. Wouldn't make sense to go on the 36 month plan though.

    • +1

      12, 24, or 36. $1 on all

  • +9

    I'm not one to go on a plan since I never use the internet on my phone and can get a year for around 100$ of unlimited calls / text and more internet than I'd ever use,

    but I will stop by and say this is definitely one of the better plans I've seen. Had I not FINALLY ordered a new (similarly spec'd) phone a week or so back, I'd be very tempted to get this and kill my home internet for a year since it's essentially unlimited, but slow.

  • Is the phone locked?

    • +3

      Shouldn't be. I haven't come across a locked phone from Voda in years.

    • +3

      Vodafone don't sell locked phones on postpaid, so no

  • +4

    3 months Amazon Prime included as well, nice little bonus

    • +17

      Yes, heaven forbid we encourage competition. As always with mobile, go with who meets your requirements in your area. I get over 200mbps indoors on vodafone where i live, but at my mothers place i struggle to get 20mbps. I can say the same for Optus and Telstra for different areas. That's mobile.

      • I help older folks with setting their phone plans. When they tell me they saw "a great deal" and that the sales person verified their area is covered, I just tell them that the only way to know is to have someone on that service, with the same phone, come to your house and prove it.

    • +3

      They are not good enough but with a good enough deal, that could be compensated.

    • Driving the north coast of NSW I find what kml22 says to be true. I am comparing it to Optus in that area.
      The very cheap deals with Voda/Kogan make up for the lack of connectivity at times though.

    • +1

      Faster than Telstra where I am. I regularly switch over to my Kogan Sim(Voda) when Telstra is next to useless around the peak times in the evening.

      Unfortunately, need Telstra for rural areas in country

  • -5

    Vodafone $36 Per Month 50GB, Unlimited Calls/SMS

    Am I missing something? $36/month plan (called Lite) has $50 Gb data but it not Unlimited Calls/SMS. "Unlimited standard national calls and texts" starts with Lite+ ($40 per month) and 60 Gb data per month.

    • +6

      I saw this for discounted $40, now $35 plan. Plus phone cost $1 = $36

      “standards national call - unlimited”
      “Standard text in Au and oversea-unlimited”

  • +1

    Application declined what the..

    • +2

      Same same here. I don’t how they think we can’t afford $36 per month. Oh well. Life goes on to find a better deal.

      • +2

        Been at work for the last 20years doesn't count.. yep find another deal not with these guys.

    • +1

      Failed at credit rating check?

    • +5

      Ignore the email. I got the same thing last time and gave them a call and all cleared, they shipped the simcard next day. Their credit check system is rubbish, my credit score is excellent and never missed any repayments on the credit cards or homeloan.

      • +2

        Just rang the guy wanted me to ring another number to get checked, told him I have never missed a credit card payment or loan payment, but that's not good enough, what a rubbish company.

  • I have 20 days left on my current Vodafone plan. Do I get charged from the day my Sim arrives?

    • Whenever you change plans with Vodafone, your next bill will only be the plan you have changed to. There are no pro-rata charges for phone upgrades. If you change to this plan in the middle of a billing month, your next bill will be the next plan.

  • +1

    I am on a dated $45 Voda Red plan which is out of contract, never bothered to change the plan, just upgraded to Super plan with handset is only $46.
    Hope the G8 is a improvement on my current handset (Galaxy A20).

    Thanks Op!

  • T&C says "Tethering permitted to personal devices only, but must not be used in a modem or as a substitute for a home internet service."

    Does Vodafone have a way of enforcing this, or is it just honour system?

    • +3

      As far as I know, as an employee, this isn't enforced.

      • +1

        even if its enforced, how to do it? or how to tell?
        will voda detects modem instead mobile phone? curious..

        • sorry, my wording wasn't very good. as far as i know there is no way to check where the sim is being used, and so it can't be enforced

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Incorrect, carrier knows the IMEI of the device the SIM is in which they can use to match to a device.

            • @pat25d: Up untill two years ago, I could not use a mobile phone sim in a modem for Telstra and Optus,

              only with Vodafone you could. Now all three allow that.

            • @pat25d: None of the three networks cares anymore about using a voice plan in a modem, now that Telstra and Optus don't have ADSL and HFC to flog they're all happy to siphon those fixed broadband customers off the NBN.

              The prohibition against putting it in a modem is a cover your arse clause to stop people from using the $45 10/10 plan in a seed box and sucking up multiple terabytes per month. If you run under ~200GB-300GB a month they aren't going to care very much.

          • @[Deactivated]: Lol? This reasoning cannot be correct

        • Since some carriers block use inside of modems I'd say its got something to do with the imei or mac of the modem or something.

          Either way, to get around this get a phone, tether off it and then get an access point in client mode to act as a client to the phone. Then ethernet from acess point to your router for internet access. A mikrotik hap mini or hap lite is good for this at the ~$30 price point.

          You could even take it a step further and VPN all traffic at the router level so they have no idea what you're using the connection for.

  • +2

    This is a great deal.

  • Who is the backbone?. I remember going into their offices to broker a deal and my boss saying we didn't need them lol.

    • +1

      Probably mostly TPG, not really sure what you mean your company didn't need them.. Guessing we need to know where you work to get the joke? Lol

      • It was a domain name registry, they wanted to see our VOIP tech as they were getting interested in the tech, my boss was arrogant enough to say what he said, I just Googled and it was Crazy Johns we had the meeting with.
        Still all this aside as much as I was tempted with this deal, anything with TPG affixed with it I will give a wide berth.

        • +1

          haha never had an arrogant boss nor have i been one so can't relate… my internet has been with TIG which then merged into TPG since dialup days… still with TPG now.. good 20 years now i'd say, never saw the point in changing value for money wise.

          • @scud70: TPG are wonderful inside their network boundary, I had FTTB for three years and it was spotless.

            Once you hit problems with Telstra copper their techs seem to lose a lot of their enthusiasm for solving your problem…

  • Trying to work out.
    1. Is checking your voicemail for free?
    2. Is sending an MMS free? <— ??" Premium SMS Rates dependent on service"
    Its not clear from the "rates and charges" links, and havent been on Voda for years..
    Thank you…

    • +1

      Did you accidentally paste what you wrote to the voda chat bot?

    • +2

      doing both of those things on a Vodafone postpaid plan are free

  • +4

    Not a great look. Finish the order and get presented with a page saying "we need to check a few things. Please call us on 1300 858 469". Call the number and get a recorded message "The number you dialed is no longer in use".

  • +1

    That's a good deal. I was on a month to month Vodafone plan for $35/month with 40GB and upgraded to this. This gives me 50GB/month for $36 plus the G8 (free delivery in 1-2 business days).

  • Unfortunately the Vodafone network is completely useless when I need it, I've been on it since COVID and it's been 1 bar or less for the entirety, no 5G in my area despite them advertising it and the latency fluctuates between 50 - 1500ms to Sydney servers seemingly at random.

  • +1

    How much is the phone's actual worth?

    • +1

      The last time it was posted on Ozbargain was 8th Oct for $195.

      • +4

        That had to be purchased with latitude pay that does a credit check though. $249 in JB at the moment.

    • It's a good phone at a good price.

      Four 2.2ghz Cortex-A73 cores, decent ram, fast storage, so-so 720p screen, a worthless potato camera, interest free finance, and not an Mediatek A53 shitbox.

      If you're dead broke and on Jobseeker it'll sort out your phone and home broadband situation for $36 a month, which is a steal I think.

  • +1

    I've upgraded three of my numbers to this so 3 phones coming in the mail.

    Not sure what i'll do with them…

    • Give it to me:)

    • Christmas gift or just sell it for some cash back.

  • Is there any international calls included?

  • -1

    Not good deal. Im with Optus on 40bux per month with 80gigs, unlimited calls/sms/international calls.

    • +6

      Let me guess…. grandfathered plan that hasn't been offered to new customers for over 12 months? Not a valid comparison.

      Cheapest Optus plan on offer (https://www.optus.com.au/mobile/plans/shop) is 10GB for $39 with no International calls or text included.

      At the same $40 price, Vodafone will do 60GB (then shaped to 2mbps), plus 100 mins for Zone 1 Standard international minutes from Australia & Unlimited standard national calls and texts https://www.vodafone.com.au/plans/sim-only

      Not good deal for you perhaps, but some of us aren't lucky enough to be enjoying a plan from over 12 months ago

  • Is that phone a good hotspot?

  • +3

    Whats with this level of ID check, copy of you holding the license and a video if your face performing actions. Next it will be a blood sample and a picture of your first born making faces

  • +2

    My credit check was approved for the plan but not the handset, therefore I had to cancel the order. Ridiculous!

    • +5

      Wow it's only $12 more!!! Tell them you won't have lunch tomorrow.

    • I got the same thing. Any idea why?

      • They're out of stock maybe? It's not like you can't afford $1 a month

  • How do you get the $5 discount? Comes up as 41/month for me

    • Save $5/mth on plan fees online

      Save $5/mth on plan fees
      Save $5 on plan fees each month you stay connected to this plan. Offer ends 12/11/20 unless extended. New and existing services - online only. T&C apply.

      • +2

        Yeah, I also see it says that but it comes up in the checkout as $41 for me too. Checked earlier on the mobile and it was $36, no dice on the desktop

        edit: back to the mobile and it gives me $36, desktop is showing $41.

        • Mobile showing 41 for me will try on desktop 😂

    • Make sure your adblock is disabled, it prevented the discount from showing up for me (using unlock)

  • I'm curious, please don't neg me, what do people use so much data on? Apart from say a broadband replacement.

    I have 35GB and I'm struggling to finish it every month and even before covid when I watch alot of YouTube videos and Netflix during my commute to work.

    • If you watch a Netflix video on a 5G network will use more data on the same video on 3G or 4G network, it is a 480p video not a 4K video because of the slow internet. Also, I use a lot of data for uploading high res videos and photos, average 3 to 5Gb per day.

      • Why don't you wait till you get home to upload? I upload alot too but only on my NBN wifi.

        • “Why don’t you wait..”

          This mindset reminds me of people calculating kilo bytes of a game so that it can fit into a couple of floppy disks and are satisfied with it

        • The app will upload them automatically, and the mobile internet is 5 times faster than the NBN at my home.

    • Same here. A lot of people watch a lot of content not just on commutes.

  • +5

    After using all 3 networks, Vodafone, Optus and Telstra, I can't use any other network apart from Telstra. The data speed and coverage is unmatched, I can't stand the other two, constant dropped calls, very slow date…

    • Yeah, Optus is the worst teleco I've ever dealt with and the network disappears after you hit the blue mountains. Vodafone works well where it works, but is clearly positioned as a no frills budget carrier with metro-only coverage. Which is just fine if you're using it for that.

      I'm on Boost for regional (full Telstra network) coverage, and vodafone for home broadband and $5 per day overseas roaming. Vodafone speed is spectacular where I live, reliably greater than 100Mbit download.

      • +1

        Overseas. What is that?

        • +1

          Vodafone has an offer where you can pay $5 day and in selected countries you can use your allowance as if you are in Australia, it's not bad, but even before covid I don't travel enough to justify this.
          When I travel for work, I roam with Telstra which is reimbursed, so don't really have a need for the $5 roaming offer.

        • +2

          Lmao, just realised it was a joke comment haha

    • I had a different experience. Was on Vodafone and on metro it is giving good speed but then changed to Telstra I had very little signal on the metro. For me Telstra did not prove that it worth the extra $$.

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