This was posted 13 years 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Sale on ALL 200gram Bags of Beef Jerky Plus We Will Throw in Free Taste of New Flavour


Geronimo Jerky is having a 50% O F F sale for 48 hours on our 200g bags of Beef Jerky.

Code word 4ozbargain will allow you to buy any 200g bag of beef jerky for 50% off.

We are also throwing in a sample of our new flavour for you to taste.

Please remember that one of the flavours (flamin arrow) IS the hottest in Australia and is not for the faint hearted. Blazin Saddle just won a medal at the Sydney Royal fine foods and would be better if you just wanted a little bit of heat ;-)

Geronimo Jerky also has no artificial flavours or preservatives but we still retain a 6 month shelf life on all beef jerky.

Take Care,

The Big Chief

Related Stores

Geronimo Jerky
Geronimo Jerky

closed Comments

  • Damn thats a good price!

    200g Spicy Shaman
    200g Original

    = $32.85 Delivered

  • how much is shipping?? Not a big jerky fan but some nice flavours there might try it

    • +5

      $7.50 — half way to doubling the price, lost my interest … that information would have been nice before being forced to sign up to find out

      • +2

        Yes not sure I will order now. that shipping is a bit high for a small packet of jerky.

      • +19

        It's ridiculous that you have to register AND activate your email before you can even check out. I don't want a relationship, I just want some jerky.

        • +13

          I don't want a relationship, I just want some jerky.

          Is that you Hugh Grant ????

    • It was $15.95 to Perth. Bit of a rip off.

      • Hello Chillemi,

        It is using the Australia Post calculator-How much were you attempting to order?

        • +2

          Theres your problem, auspost is a ripoff! Get some startrack 1kg airbags, can get send them for about 6 bucks each with max of 1kg of jerky in each, nationwide next day delivery to all major capitals. No im not affialated with star track.

      • Was $8.85 to Perth for me.. but I only ordered 2 bags.

  • +5

    Heads up, your code is taking 50% off everything as long as you have a 200g bag in the cart with them.


    1kg bag and a 200g bag in the cart, it will take 50% off the entire cart.

    Might want to fix it before it gets exploited :)

  • -1

    Shipping is calculated by the Australia Post plugin calculator and works off of weight, size and distance.

    You do have choice if you live in Brisbane to pick up from our Mitchelton store only.

    Kind Regards,

    The Big Chief

    • +3

      Hey Chief - great deal for holiday snackin'!

      Now, I notice everytime you post a deal some lucky OB commenter usually scores an extra extra bonus added to their order.

      I just ordered (#1635) and always talk up your jerky. Hint hint?

      Aww, come on, it's the ozbargain spirit…

      • Order #1640 here!! ;-)

        • order #1659, ps.. mmmm jerky.

      • Totally jumping on the bandwagon. Took a bunch to a gaming night at a mates and the jerky was gone in 15 minutes.

        Order #1664.

        Beer makes it even better!

        • Indeed! A returning customer. 1754 :)

      • Matty you already got a fantastic deal as you got half off on your kilo bag ya sly dog…lol

        • And then… ;)

    • -1

      Order #1716 … tasty animal via mail!

  • +1

    i don't know which ones to choose :S

    • +1

      Blazin' saddle. Can't miss.

      • done!

    • +7

      You feed your dog spicy food? I hope you're in front when you go walkies…

        • +1

          "we generally get to enjoy fresh meat"

          Have you ever had a hot dog or a ham sandwich ???

        • +3

          dogs also enjoy fresh meat, so why shouldn't humans enjoy dried meat?

        • +3

          I bet MrZ only drinks soft drink and is morbidly obese because he refuses to drink water. "Dogs drink water, I am not going to drink the same thing my worthless dogs drink".

    • +6

      Your dog is so lucky to get Geronimo Jerky! ;P

  • +2

    $7.50 shipping? Gees…Im going to the local deli instead

    • -2

      which one do they sell at your local deli? i found the more commercial ones usually have MSG…

      • +1

        delis usually aren't commercial. hehe

      • jv how many negs you had today? must be over 20 atleast.

      • and what is wrong with MSG exactly? MSG is found in tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese etc…

        • +1


        • You're thinking of Glutamic acid, which is commonly found in many fruits, vegetables and cheeses (especially hard cheeses). MSG is Glutamic acid crystallized into a salt to make it shelf stable. MSG is quite safe however, the 'Chinese food' syndrome which was came about in the early 70s was just anecdotal. Double blind studies have found it to have no measurable effect on people other than placebo.

  • how spicy is blazin saddle exactly?? can it be compared to nandos hot sauce??

    • +1

      I'd put it on par with medium nubz. I call that "feelin' it hot", not "challenging hot".

      I realise that's pretty subjective, but hope it helps.

  • Also guys I did mention blazin and flamin but remember this deal applies to all of our jerky (sidewinder out of stock)!
    Original-nice garlic taste
    Stampede-mmmm guarana - go go geronimo
    Buckshot-My fav with a brew, cracked pepper
    Spicy Shaman-almost like barbeque flavour but nicer ;-)

    Above flavours our not HOT
    Below are…………

    Blazin is our medal winner at the Sydney Royal Fine Foods

    Flamin will kick you in the pants :-)

    • Hey - just placed my first order, and threw in a "sample pack" to get a taste of all flavours. Looking forward to it!

    • +1

      Made an order for Blazin saddles and Buckshot, and a sample pack :)
      shipping was $8ish, seems a bit expensive, but I guess it's okay.

      • +1

        Yeah shipping made me think twice about ordering

    • +1


  • I like garlic and curry flavour, but I think I will get a blazin saddle and spicy shaman to try them

    Like I said I am not a big jerky fan only tried it a few times but will be nice to try some quality jerky

  • +20

    Negging this deal, not specifically due to the problems they had with getting the items out so much as their attitude towards customers who were furious about waiting months to get their orders, but because of their very poor attitude towards the problem and the perception I had that they were studiously avoiding the issue. Also, there have been major quality control issues in the past and people were promised "extras" to make up for the grief they got. Apparently many who were promised that they would have it made up to them got stuff all or something that was an insult.

    I would never deal with a company where there were so many issues.

    • Fair enough and I agree - I'm still not at all satisfied with how they handled the classic Geronimo Debarckle of 2011. Ignorance is not bliss.

      That said, the jerkey quality (when it eventually arrived after nearly 2 months) was quite good and it HAS been quite a while now so hopefully they learned from the saga…

      Fingers crossed.

    • +1

      Hello Voteoften,

      We have addressed this and at that stage months ago we were very apologetic for the many problems and issues we had.

      No empty promises for extra-Anyone we promise extra stock too has received it.
      and no major quality control issues????

      We have been posting deals for over two years with ozbargain. I find your post about empty promises and poor quality control without any merit.

      However I do feel we did leave a lot of people in the dark during that one sale which will not happen again as long as I am around.

      kind regards,

      The Big Chief

      • Before I decide whether to order or not… is Geronimo Jerky still pursuing halal certification?

        • +13

          I am sorry FerretallicA,

          We will not be pursuing Halal meat at this time.

          Again, sorry.

          Kind Regards,

          The Big Chief

      • +8

        Cheng2008, I hope you're trolling because I really fail to see how halal meat is humane.

        Halal meat is acquired by cutting the throat of a live animal and letting the process of exsanguination take the life of the animal (i.e. let it bleed out to death). The animal is NOT stunned prior to the cut. Muslims defend this religious act as something that is no different to what would ordinarilly happen in the wild and that the sacrifice of the animal is offset by the praying that occurs beforehand.

        Of course, people will have their own opinions (which they have the right to), but I find it barbaric and digusting.

        (edit: oops I replied to the wrong person).

        • You are so misinformed mate, please read this:

        • Talal, I have read your comment and it is cleverly constructed to give the impression that in Australia, Halal is always performed on unconscious animals. However that is not the case. Halal is also performed on conscious animals including cattle and sheep, albeit far less frequently than on stunned animals. I think it is also worth noting that the stunning of the animal beforehand is not an Islamic requirement, rather it is a requirement of Australian law.

        • +1

          @clandestino, thanks for your comment, however let me clarify couple of things here. Stunning is not an Islamic requirement as you said but also it is not something discouraged or against Islam. If we go back 100 years only, we find that all cultures and religions used the same slaughter fashion or even worse. I am not denying that in many countries Halal slaughter still performed in the old cruel fashion but I say that it is wrong to label Halal as cruel, inhumane or torture everywhere because some people still do it the primitive way. The mistake is that to correlate Halal with cutting throats of conscious animals rather than the religious practice of pronouncing God's name during the process.

          As I said in my comment, slaughtering unconscious stunned animal is completely Halal and even better and more appropriate as long as the animal is still alive and did not die from the stunning process. If you do some research, you will find that slaughter houses in all western countries make sure to do that “not to kill the animal by stunning and just put it in coma”, because letting blood drain off a died animal will not be the same as of a living unconscious animal and this will affect the meat quality too.

        • uh no, i'm not trolling. i'm merely asking for the explanation, because i have no knowledge on the topic.

          but thanks for clarifying.

        • I find eating pork disgusting but you wont see me venting my frustrations when someone posts the latest Coles sale on bacon.

          There is a time and a place for everything.

          Ozbargain is not the place for your opinion (as justified as you are to have one, Thank God for democracy) on non-consumer related issues.

    • +2

      Agree re their attitude towards customers.

      I have yet to get a response to my emails to them to date despite reminding them twice

      First one here:

      Then here

      Negging this deal specifically for this and like voteoften, would not deal with a company not being able to respond to such lack of quality control.

      • +1

        Your second link is for biltong…which is a diff company?

        • True.

          Posted in the wrong one for the second link but the post in first link has not been responded to date and I feel Ozbargainers should be made aware of this especially as the packets arrived unsealed.

          Also remembered that in the second link we were discussing Geronimo and I replied to a post by djones145 agreeing with him/her that there was an issue with Geronimo.

        • while i was part of that crazy-iness where nothing was deliveried in the in 3 months which is totally un acceptable, i have receently order and received the order 2 days later

          while i am still unsure they have been ok in the last 2 orders and i guess if they fulfil orders here i'll prolly order again

      • +1

        Don't we use the voting system to vote on the deal, not the company? If everyone followed the "vote on the company" policy, MLN would never be able to post on here again, yet they still get positive votes.

        • +2

          Generally yes, though there are definitely circumstances where the reputation and reliability of the company heavily influence the value of the deal.

        • true
          same with MSY
          terrible service but awesome prices

        • -1

          There is a difference here in that The big chief or chef is presenting him or herself as the principal of the company. I was taken aback by their attitude on OzB towards people who had very legitimate compaints. In my mind it was dismissive and condescending. Completely unaccpetable when they were the ones who stuffed up. If I recall, repeated deadlines came and went without the company keeping people informed. Complaints about poor quality and breakages were dealt with in a "Too bad mate" attitude. I could not believe the self righteousness of this company in responding to people. In my mind this attitude is the ethos of the company.

      • +1

        Hello Binxx, I am sorry as this was overlooked.

        The bag was sealed but has obviously opened in transit-this happened before with larger bags too and is now why we use a different packaging method.

        I found the video as I haven't seen it before and it has attracted ants hasn't it.

        I have credited your paypal account the 7 dollars you spent and have organized a new sample pack to be sent to you.

        Thank you,

        The Big Chief

        • Well thank you.

          I was not expecting a credit but acknowledgement of the issue with the packaging process or courier used and ensuring that it is fixed.

          Pity it took so long.

        • Agreed Binx,
          It did take to long but I honestly overlooked it.

          Will try to not let it happen again.

          Kind regards,

          The Big Chief

  • +3

    Ordered, thank you.

    Flamin Arrow should be illegal. That stuff is seriously HOT.

  • +4

    geronimo jerky is WAY too dry, and the buckshot is far too peppery beyond possible enjoyment. original was tolerable, but i've still got tons from my order ages ago nearing the expiry date i've got no desire to eat. waste of money for me, and the delivery problems, well, it wasn't until i threatened to lodge a paypal dispute they actually got round to fulfilling the order.

    there's another jerky supplier that's advertised on ozbargain before that is infinitely better. if they have another deal i'll comment on their thread explaining how good it is. they are cheaper and actually deliver in a reasonable time frame.

    i wouldn't neg, but if you've never tried jerky before i wouldn't go ordering tons of the geronimo stuff like happened that one time at bandcamp on ozbargain.

    but if you want to fall for the clever marketing, by all means, go for it.

    • my experiences with jerky was bad because of the taste too bland. That is till I tried geronimo, took awhile to like it due to past experience but one thing I found different, I kept wanting more and more. I've ordered in 500grams and 1 kilo of their jerkies since then. For me from the many jerky brands i tried, I'd say geronimo is the best, although I'd still choose the singaporean bbq jerky anytime

      My point is different person has different taste. So if you are first timer, I'd go with the 40gram ones before trying the bigger packs.

  • +2

    thanks, just ordered (#1660). I understand the reason for the delays last time and although it probably could have been handled better, I know you guys have learnt from the experience and will be better for it. For anyone that was burnt last time, just order again and I am sure the experience will be different. Definitely the best jerky I have ever eaten!

  • +3

    For f**ks sake…everythings out of stock

    • There's still Blazin Saddle, Flamin Arrow and Stampede..

      • yihaaa

      • Wanted original/spicy shaman/stampede…very annoying when you've added to your cart then go to pay and it's out of stock…so bugger it all.

        • +2

          I can give you the numbe to the idiot that put tha cap on it-It has been fixed and you can order.

          Kind Regards,

          The Big Chief

  • +1

    Contacted IT as he put a cap on product numbers for some reason.

    Everything is back to normal just trying to get him to fix original.


  • +1

    restocked ;-)

    and ready

    • Ahh happy now :)

      • :-)

  • ordered my jerky, can't go wrong with meat

  • Ordered #1683.
    Looking forward to trying this after seeing your deals splashed around for a while:)

    • Coonie I hope you like it……

  • Will it arrive by Monday if I order today?

    • Joedingy,

      Let me know your order number and I will make sure its packed swiftly.

      • Others not bothering to whine about arrival date will not be packed swiftly chief? if so i'm gona whine.

        • Won't help. I ordered last Wednesday (23rd) and order stuck on 'confirmed'. Sent a whiny email on Saturday and haven't had a response (or shipping) yet. Order 1822 if anyone cares.

        • +1

          Hello Dr.

          Just so you know the orders will be packed as the came and in that order.

          Cook is cooking all flavours every day and this in turn is being packed and sent every day.

          I did get someone who ordered at 7pm on Wednesday and complained on Sunday.

          We have a ten business day policy on our website but we are trying to cut that in half in most causes.

          Just so you know-

          Pending is normally meaning we are awaiting funds to go through.

          Confirmed means money has gone through and is awaiting packing.

          Shipped means shipped (you will get an email with tracking via Australia Post)regardless of statues.

          Kind Regards,

          The Big Chief

        • ADAMTUBA.

          I went through our emails
          info@geronimojerky. com
          orders@geronimojerky. com
          mark@geronimojerky .com

          and could not find your email? can you let me know what email address you sent it to?

          It might be in junk or spam.


  • Seems rather expensive to me even at half price. Im yet to see any Beef Jerky that comes close to tasting as good as biltong which can be purchased for between $50-60/kg depending on where you buy it from.

    • +1

      i can't stand biltong… too soft…

      • I like both.

      • Go dry then. Biltong can be soft as butter or hard as rock. The drier you go, the harder the biltong. There are many many many different varieties. Also you should source it from either a butcher or your local South African food store for the best prices. Buying the packet stuff from supermarkets would end up being very expensive.

  • GeronimoJerky I have a suggestion for a new flavour-

    Do the Spicy Shaman recipe but add about 1 teaspoon of blair's ultra death sauce to 4kg of beef. I make my own beef jerky all the time and the hotness is about the same as your Flamin' Arrow beef jerky. I think Spicy Shaman is your best recipe but needs more hotness added. Add the blair's ultra death sauce I think it would easily be your best flavour.

    • Thanks Videoman-

      noted ;-)

  • Cool deal, I got both bags of the ones that claim to be hot. Must try the bitong also

  • OP should put the average shipping costs into the the title and description.

    • +1

      Shipping cost varies, it would be hard to put in the title..

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