• expired

Up to 37% off Beef Jerky When Use Special "RELIEF" Code.


As most ozbargainers that buy from us know our Kilo bags are normally $110- I have had this changed for the holiday season to $90 and if you use your “RELIEF” code (capitals please) it brings the price down to $67.50

There are many other specials online but you will have to find them ;-)

Thank you to everyone who ordered on our last deal and had the patients to wait for your order. Due to flooded family, computer meltdowns and our meat suppliers shutting down doe to floods it has been testing times. Good news is that most orders are out-only the few from direct deposit which leave on Monday.

Geronimo Jerky will also be moving on the 1st of March to a new location making eight times the amount we currently produce and getting orders out a lot quicker :-).

Take care..

The Big Chief

P.S. email is back up so if you need to contact me for any issues do it direct at mark@geronimojerky .com

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Geronimo Jerky
Geronimo Jerky

closed Comments

    • +7

      … what the fish? O.o

      • I dont know what your fishing for, but catch me a GREAT WHITE!

  • +4

    Is it just me, or is anybody else somewhat amused by the irony of the terms "jerky" & "relief" in the same sentence? ;)

    I've really gotta get around to ordering myself some more Buckshot though…keep getting busy & forgetting!

    • +1

      lol never thought of it quite like that.. but im a girl ;P

      • -4

        And a good girl too apparently! ;)

        Don't worry, we'll drag you down into the gutter with the rest of us Natt! :p

        • umm this was a witty reply .. but for some reason it displayed wrong

          darn you internet

          .. get to the choppa!

          ps if you get this .. im scared and vaguely impressed

        • Arnie would probably governate me himself if I didn't get that one Natt! ;)

          Most of the quotes I remember from Predator aren't suitable for mixed company!!! :p

  • Hi Big Chief, awesome promo, love your work. Just wondering if pickup is still available with online ordering? I can't find the option on your website anymore. Cheers!

  • +2

    I though the "Relief" code was a special code for us flood victims, from the flood discounts website http://www.flooddiscounts.com.au/discount-categories/food/ge… . Obviously not…

    • +3

      It was Baycie and it is still helping because we are still donating a dollar for every bag sold. Just thought I would share the code now as the more sold the more we can donate.

  • -1


    honestly I think the last thing you would need would be jerky

    anything that sniffs of hopping on the "QLD Flood" bandwagon I normally frown on

    but these guys been sticking around a while .. so benefit of the doubt

    mind you I have a dehydrator .. and 1 kilo of jerky, well I would do that myself

    but still not everyone is that way inclined

    I think it more reflects the problems they have been having..

    • +5

      Thank you Natt,

      Didnt want to have that percetion and glad to hear good feedback.

      I actually saw Eddie Mcguire on the 10th of January for the Qld flood appeal and spoke to business partners then to get the green light on donating for each sell. Then when the Toowoomba and Brisbane floods came and I saw the flooddiscounts site I didnt actually ask partners, I just did it. We were one of the first to register with them and have kept it there ever since.

      I only have to recall the devestation of my best friends place in Yeronga to know I am doing the right thing.

      Take care….

      The Big Chief

      • +2

        Good to hear! There seem to be quite a few companies just out to cash in on all of this flood business, some of the discounts are not genuine and Natt how do you know that jerky might not help me get through all of this? Emotional eating perhaps? :)

  • +1

    Bought jerky from Geronimo on the way to Kingaroy a few weeks back. Their stocks had been depleted by the flood rush, so we couldn't get Blazin' Saddle, but were really well looked after by the staff. If you can go to the store, I recommend it as they're super friendly :)

  • -2

    argh ok stewballs now I am scared….

    maybe we should shift this to the forums

    .. running man.. "he had to split"

    anything with a chainsaw .. is awesome

    Ivan .. hes a genious!

    • ROFLMAO, just looking at some of the negs on various comments…jeez there's some humourless gits around! ;)

  • Thanks Chief!

    So folks, what's your favourite?

    • -1

      Buckshot, awesome peppery flavour! :D

    • Blazin' Saddle if you can deal with a bit of heat :)
      Otherwise the original flavour is really nice too!

      • +1

        You should try the Flaming Arrow…now that's got some pizazz! ;)

        I've also acquired a bit of a taste for the missus' fave, Sidewinder; quite tangy & spicy…I'm chomping on a bit now, my supply is all eaten but she'll never know I'm rorting her stash, hehehe! :p

  • Where are you moving to, hopefully somewhere closer to me so i can pickup :)

    Edit: actually i found a place which sells this in my suberb- this code wouldnt apply though?

    • I am afraid code will not apply but if you come in and buy and mention your on Ozbargainer you will be well looked after.

      Currently we are at 240 stafford road stafford and moving to 32 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton Qld..

      Add us on facebook for updates if you like…

  • +1

    good to hear geronimo is upsizing! Love the jerky :D

  • +1

    Big Chief, you would want to check your mails more often and respond to them. Out of the sample batch of jerky I received, two packets were not sealed. One of them attracted ants within a couple of hours of receiving them and upon close inspection I found another in that state although not as bad. I emailed you the video on 25/01/11 and have had no response to date.

    I have not negged this deal as it is not relevant but since you are on this forum I thought might as well bring to your attention here.

    • good, publicity is good

    • I dont really know what jerky tastes like but I've ordered a sample pack based on what I imagine it tastes like.
      Hopefully it comes in a better condition than binxx's!

    • Hey Binxx-Sorry for that-can you give me your order number pretty please….

      • Order #364

        Order placed and monies transferred: 11/01/2011

        Shipment received: 25/01/2011

        Email sent with video attachment of the sample: 25/01/2011

  • Okay was looking forward to this deal rolling 'round again. I got the sample pack last time and can honestly say this is my favourite jerky to date. I've only tried about 4/5 others but what I like about Geronimo is that it doesn't have that 'rotten meat' aftertaste others seem to have. In my book that's moved jerky from "funny redneck cliche" to snack I'm hooked on. I'll be getting a big bag of the blazin' saddle this time. So hot it made my teeth numb!

    • How much beef jerky of each flavour do you get in the sample pack (in grams)?

      • +1

        It's pretty small; like about the size of a couple of postage stamps in each. But you get seven little packs and I found that enough to chew on and pick my favourites.

        Jerky's probably not the most low-budget snack on the market, but when you think that you're chewing on a chunk of (premium?) meat with the moisture sucked out I can see value in the price. I know people who have thrown a few bits of jerky into strews while camping and found it re-hydrated into pretty goood meat content.

        If you can do that with a handful of cheetos or a snickers I'd…well actually I'd like to come camping with you. Sounds like you know how to live on the edge ;)

        • I'll throw bits of jerky into strews while juggling cheetos and snickers, how about that! Thats if I dont eat all the jerky and run away once its in my hands :D

        • (grabs swag) Can't wait to see the encore…

  • I would give this a positive only the order I placed over a month ago still hasn't arrived and I've received no reply to the emails I sent.
    Y u no send delicious jerky? :(

    • Howdy Gopher,

      Give me your order number and when I am back on today I will look it up and see if it went out with last weeks batch.

      The Big Chief

      • Hi, it was order number 440. Thanks.
        I'm a bit bummed because the variety pack I ordered was supposed to be for a birthday that was last week :(.

        • +1

          Sorry Gopher-Left last week-WA it takes a couple more days through Aussie post to get over there.

          I would be happy to make a phone call for you to your friend ;-)

          Next time you order please contact me directly so I can make it up to you.

          Kind Regards,


  • Chief

    Could you check on order 493, made it on 30/01 and have heard nothing since.



    • Hey DB,

      Order was sent last week and I would expect it to arrive today if not tomorrow..

      Let me know directly.. mark@geronimojerky. com

  • +2

    is it just me?
    i dont understand how $90 for a kg of jerky is cheap?
    you guys obviously have not try the Asian's variety at your local asian grocery store at $7 for 500gm , its spicy and very tasty and has been around for over 20yrs and yes its made in australia, using ozzy beef

    • +1

      you guys obviously have not try the Asian’s variety at your local asian grocery store at $7 for 500gm ,

      those are the best

      i love the chilli flavour don't really like the curry flavour

      i buy those whenever i go to sydney @ the shop @ cabramatta

      @ brisbane it is expensive

      buy asian beef jerky jis different to western jery
      with asian jerky you can 'strip' the beef off, and its tasty

      • What shop at Cabra do you get the Bak Kua from Issh? I tried a couple today and they had no idea what i was talking about.

        • +2

          but here is what i remember(my relatives took us there)
          it's the place like cabramatta's chinatown (http://au.totaltravel.yahoo.com/destinations/destination/aus…)
          i don't know street names but, when you walk down from the Golden Casket shop @ Cabra, when you walk out of it turn right and walk down that street until you get to the end, and it should be in the shop on the right
          the shop there sells

          The shop name is (from their packaging)
          241-243 Railway Parade

          they sell heaps of asian meats, (Lap Cheong, Bak Kua, Vietnamese Beef Jerky, etc)
          small shop though
          i recommend the chilli flavoured Viet Beef Jerky(look at link below for image of what it looks like)(or if you don't like hot things, go for the curry one)
          The Viet Beef Jerky is expensive, the BakKua is relatively cheap

          BTW: i was talking about this http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/youngandhungry/2009…

          in my above post, hence the different flavours

          but as for Bakkwa, i have eaten it and it is sweet-ish

    • +1

      Hello Andy,

      Agreed, there is some cheap product out there like Bak Kua or kho bo uot. (Cheap in price, I haven’t tasted so cant say bad tasting) but I think you have to ask what you are getting? What quality of beef do you get for $7 for 500grams raw? Also with our style of jerky it is very dry, 3 kilos of topside reduce down to 1 kilo after dried- Also we do not skimp on heat-our flaming Arrow uses chilli oil that we import from overseas. This cost us $70 for a 100ml bottle in which we use 20ml per 3 kilo cook. A lot involved in processing and quality product goes in to produce a quality product at end.

      Try it.


      • Actually that's a fair point. I love Bak Kua (have missed it since moving back to Bris!) but I'm pretty sure it's mostly cheap pork mince.

    • +2

      Hi Andy,
      I love bak kwa (the "chinese jerky" you speak of). It is sold at every corner in my country, Malaysia! However, you ought to know that bak kwa and jerky are completely different.

      Traditionally, bak kwa is minced pork made from leftover meat because Asians don't like to waste food. Nowadays, of course, it is more hygienic and made of fresh meat. I don't think it is cheap because they use bad produce… but I think it is cheaper because they sell what they make. E.g., if they prepare 1kg of meat, they will sell 1kg of meat whereas Geronimo shrinks 3kg of meat into 1kg.

      Whatever it is, the taste, the texture, the preparation method, etc are all different for both products.
      - Bak kwa is marinated pork that is coated in oil then BBQed. It is oily/damp, soft and easy to chew.
      - Jerky is usually made of beef (I'm not australian so correct me if I'm wrong) then cooked and dried. It's really, really dry, kinda hard and very chewy. Yum! So hard to find jerky in Malaysia!

      Anyhow, really happy to hear you enjoy Bak Kwa. :)

      Mark from Geronimo, gasp you haven't tried bak kwa??? :O You have to! I insist! :P

    • Yes, and it's just loaded with delicious MSG too andy! ;)

      Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of stuff too, but there's just no comparison…Geronimo is the best of any biltong/jerky/niu rou gan I've tried, period! ;)

  • I seem to be getting 'Coupon code not found' when trying to use this… Just me?

    • capital RELIEF ?

      Let me know how you go Ashur……………..

  • $70 for 100ml chilli oil? Chef,are u buying chilli oil or truffle oil? i am pretty sure u can get a cheaper bottle for the same quality!!!

    • so in other words.. $700 for a litre of chilli oil?… hmmmm, does seem a little odd… maybe im in the wrong business..

      • I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but in the food industry there are varying grades of most products.

        There's the basic stuff for the home you'll find in overpriced deli's that Joe Average reckons is just fine; and then there's highly concentrated commercial grade products (and oils are most certainly no exception) for use by chefs & other professionals. Different constituents, processes & tolerances make for utterly different end products! You won't find these on supermarket shelves, you've got to source them from specialist suppliers.

        As someone who worked in a commercial kitchen for a good while, I can tell you that once you experience the smells & tastes of top shelf produce, spices & oils; you wouldn't quibble about paying a few extra bucks to get the good stuff. For instance, once you've had real fresh cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, you'll wonder what the hell that bland stuff in the cans is! In short, Oils ain't oils, Sol! :p

        • Lol…well said Stew

          Whne are you in Brisbane next?

        • +1

          Hmmm, there's a sad story to my answer Mark.

          If I'd read that question before I checked my work email @ 7am this morning the answer would've happily been "shortly after Easter, I've got hol's coming up"; I was planning to go GC, Bris, Hervey Bay & then up to Cairns/Port Douglas for a long overdue break with family & friends!

          A couple of real klangers in the inboss seem to have scuttled that for now, so I'm erm…negotiating…(euphemism for pissing & moaning) alternate plans with the boss. I can't blame them, & it's nobody's fault; but since I was the only one with plans other than work around that time I seem to be the only one adversely affected.

          I may end up having to settle for a couple of shorter discrete aways on longish weekends instead! :(

          Next time I'm there I'll definitely be coming in to the store to harass you guys; I'll try to ditch the missus & you can hook me up with some of the Jerky Girls! :p

  • It has taken years for me to find a chilli oil that will add heat but not tarnish the taste fo the jerky.
    Years ago I would add flakes, powders and various other product but I felt it ruined the flavour of the Jerky itself.

  • Couldn't find any info on shipping cost and expected delivery times on the website. Also how long will this promo last? I plan on buying the sample first.

    • i wouldn't worry too much if you miss this deal, they come out with similar ones fairly often :)

    • With respect to delivery times, could be a week, could be a month or more. That's what makes it so exciting!

  • +1

    I was making a trip home and I bought 3kgs worth of jerky from Geronimo for my dad and he absolutely loves it! It's full of flavour and has a nice bite!

    What I wanted to compliment Geronimo on was how helpful they were! They ensured my order was packed & shipped out within 2 days from the time I placed my order so that I had enough time to pack it into my luggage. And, since it was 3kgs worth, Geronimo asked me if I would prefer it repacked into smaller packets! Isn't it nice of them for offering to do that with no extra charge? I'm obviously a happy customer! :)

    My dad now has twelve packs each weighing 250gm in his room for him to snack on in front of the TV. Contented man he is! LOL!

  • Hey Chief,
    Any chance on letting us know about the "other specials online"?
    I've been searching and can't find any.

    Maybe somthing for the 200g party sharer? coughfree shipping?

    • The code works for 500gram bags

      and the summer holiday is still on…

      3 x 200 gram packs of mixed flavour for $50….

      ; > )

  • just bought a 1kg flamin arrow :D

  • hi chief

    If I order 1kg flamming arrow now, what is the expected delivery date to Melbourne cause I have to be interstate by 4 March thx

    • +1

      ASIK28 order and contact me on mark@geronimojerky. com with your order number
      It will be done urgently

  • hi chief

    order no 612
    I'll send you an email shortly

  • Big Chief,

    Any chance of throwin in a calander or pics of the hot chicks in my 1kg order? :D

    • Calander will be ready for next year- (not my idea).

      • damnnn, who would have thought, Jerky and Chix actually mix haha :)

  • Very tempted to buy the 1kg bag for $67.50, but still haven't got my paid sample problem sorted so a bit cautious about buying more.
    I understand you guys are busy but I've sent the first query a month ago and another 2 weeks ago and have had no reply from customer support.

    What are others experience with their customer support service?

    • send me a message to my email mark@geronimojerky .com and I will look after you please.


      The Big Chief

      • Thanks Mark, email sent, order 347

        • still waiting for a reply…

        • Sorry J3123,

          Sent last week to your address-We are moving to a new premises for the past week and grand opening is next Sunday so been busy doing everything.

          Record shows we sent one out ages ago so I am thinking might have to think of a different way to send out that is both cost effective and trackable.

          Kind Regards,


  • Hi Mark,

    Nice to know that you've sent out a package and that you're working on improving the system but what I'm most concern about is the lack of reply and communication through the email system. A simple reply email would be greatly appreciated, I shouldn't have to come onto ozbargains to gain contact with you guys.

    Again, I really appreciate the time you have taken to handle this single case but it would be great to get a reply and know that my email didn't end up in your junk filter.

    • Agreed- Should have mentioned that we are making a massive move to bigger area and email will be back soon…Sorry but things are going to get much much much better.

      Kind Regards,


  • Mark,

    Still waiting on an order placed on the 22nd. Sent you an email also. Don't get me wrong I am happy to wait but correspondance is much appreciated. This better be the best damn jerky I ever had :)

    • Hey Bemy,

      Nearly there with new shop and would expect I can look into it very soon.

      Sorry for the delay. If it was on the 22nd of Feb we have a 3-12 working day turnaround if it was 22nd of Jan then we have a problem-

      I will check back soon so let me know..
      Kind Regards


      • no prob mate, if thats the case and you havent shipped it yet, any chance of adding a sample of the gaurana jerky? intregued about it!

  • +1

    Geronimo Jerky is on the move!

    Just a little after one year we have outgrown our humble little shop in Stafford and are moving to a much bigger premises. All thanks to you wonderful people that buy Geronimo Jerky! With the new shop we will also be receiving our new dehydrators so that we can produce up to a tonne of Geronimo Jerky a week! Can you imagine that? We are still getting our heads a round it. That's how much you guys love it.

    Today was day one of our move and we will upload a new photo every day to show you how we are counting down to our…..


       More on that soon!
  • "GeronimoJerky on 16/02/2011 - 19:53
    Hello Jason,
    Sorry for the delay we have had major issues due to flood and not recieving emails but I have checked on your order with the folling results.
    All $7 sample packs have been sent out and normally get sent out the following day as we have samples all packaged up. Your was sent out straight away and I will have a chat with the post office as a few of our $7 packs have not made destination but on the other hand all the tracked parcels for normal orders seem to make delivery- hungry postman? Maybe.
    I haven’t got a solution to be honest as I thought the $7 sample pack was a great idea, although we don’t make any money out of it it is a great way to get product into mouths to sample-regrettably this product has not made it to your lips so another one will be sent out tomorrow.
    $7 is $7 dollars and I wish the system worked and you had some nice jerky to munch on for camping.

    Kind Regards,


    question - how long does delivery take form QLD to Melbourne? because the replacement sample pack u sent is still yet to arrive.

    • Hey Jason,

      Seriously 2-3 days-
      I will send another regestered post on Monday so we can track it.

      I know you sent an email before but can you send another to mark@geronimojerky .com and I will email you the tracking number.

      Kind Regards,

      • I emailed mark@geronimojerky .com, just waiting for a reply with the tracking number.

  • Any ETA of orders made the day you put this deal up?

    • Hello Adam,

      We have a 3-12 working day timeframe on orders but we with our new shop opening this Monday orders will be more like 3-5 working days.

      Kind Regards,

  • Big Chief,
    J3123 is right,

    It is just wrong for your customers to have to log into ozbargain just to reach you.
    I placed my order on the 24th, and sent an e-mail to both you and the regular customer service e-mail addresses with no reply to date, I know you guys were busy moving out and in.
    If so, there should have been a notice of "shipping expected to be delayed", or "moving out, no process of orders for a x business days" etc.

    I guess I am just the same as some other frustrated customers out there, sent out a "free samples" request when you guys started advertising on ozbargain and receives nothing. A "sorry we ran out of samples" would have been nice for me to bury my expectation and curiosity under the soil.

    • Hello Jojo-Ma,

      I can understand frustration with no reply but as I have posted we have moved and there have been issues connecting back up with service providers dragging feet.

      The people that have called have been able to get through and talk to us about there order with some resolve.

      We have not had any delays in shipping that I am aware of as all parcels are still within our 3-12 working day as stated on website and all $7 sample packs have been sent out.

      If you ordered on the 24th of Febuary it has only been 7 working days but if it was the 24th of January I think there has been a serious problem as all orders are out.

      I really do appreciate your business and if it is the 24th of Jan please call me so we can get this fixed up urgently.

      Thank you.

      • Geronimo Jerky,

        The reason why you guys have no had any delays in shipping is because the 3-12 business days is more like an international delivery time frame. Put this into the perspective of how Metro train runs their trains with 99.8% "on-time" performance.

  • Thanks, received my order of the sample packs today.
    Jerky is a lot drier than I thought it would be, I kinda looked at it and wondered how edible it really is!
    However, once in the mouth it softens and is actually not bad. It's an interesting thing to eat.
    Sidewinder's a bit too spicy for me - I can't believe there's two more that are even hotter!

  • I ordered on the 22nd of February. Anyone know when my order will arrive? I live in Sydney.

    • same here buddy. Still waiting on mine too…

    • I ordered on the 20th, and am still waiting. No response to emails sent to them…. 18 working days so far… surely plenty of time to check emails…. and perhaps spend 20 seconds of one of those days responding

      • Hello All,

        We have no fully moved in and in full operation-we have not received our new cooker but when we do in the next couple weeks we will be able to cook close to half a tonne.

        should be 3-5 working day turnaround.

        Please check your email or spam filter to see if we already sent tracking.

        The rest of the orders are leaving tomorrow when the hot batch is pulled off.

        Kind Regards,

      • +1

        Clearly, Mark from Geronimo Jerky hasn't been listening to what I just said. He was just taking this web portal for granted by replying to questions directly on ozbargain, without replying to the e-mails I sent to orders@geronimojerky. com and mark@geronimojerky. com.

        The e-mail I sent on the 3rd of March has not been followed up as of now. Like I said, I had to register for an account on ozbargain to reach Geronimo. This is not mensch at all.

        I didn't want to reply to this thread initially, because I knew that my order was placed on the 24th Feb, and is still within the 3-12 business days frame. However, I received a further notice from geronimo jerky today (10 March 2011 3:37pm) saying that my order status has been changed to : confirmed. Does that mean the Big Chief confirms that he feels like cookin my hot jerky with his US-imported-$70-worth of 100ml chilli oil TODAY??!!

        Seriously, what is CONFIRMED? Is it shipped? Cooked? Packaged? Dispatched?

        I placed an order with ASOS for my clothing on the 25th Feb, and I received it today. This inefficiency is of great annoyance and I am disgusted with the misleading "freshly cooked to order" ploy.

        Obviously, this pragmatism does not uphold the 3-12 business days (plus whatever the 3-5 turnaround is".

        And just to let everyone know, I have already received a pack of geronimo jerky which my mate got me when he went to the new shop! Epic.

  • Received an e-mail from austpost today at 11:19am about the jerky parcel being despatched. This order is going to be a 3 weekends of waiting time.

    If there is no formal apologies made by Geronimo Jerky to all fellow ozbargainers who are suffering from the waiting, I don't think my conscience will allow me to be a returning customer.

    • +3


      You ordered was on the 24th via direct deposit, your deposit cleared on the 26th.
      It has been 11 working days, you will receive your order on Monday (12 working days).

      Most ozbargainers know me as a geniune person that trys hard to look after our customers and we dont need someone getting on a soapbox to smudge our small business's name.

      For any fellow ozbargainers whos order is outside of the 12 working days…Geronimo Jerky says Sorry.

      We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Ozbargainers.

      "A future where Geronimo Jerky resolves that the injustices of the past must never, never happen again.

      Kind Regards,


      • Thank you! That's a +ve vote frm me.

  • Received my 1kg and a sample thrown in today, thanks GeronimoJerky!

  • Just received an email that my package has been dispatched with Australia Post yesterday. Took 3 weeks, but hey at least it's good news that my Jerky is coming soon. Hope i get a free sample like jojo as well :)

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