• expired

7% Cashback on TCN: The Online Card (Redeemable for eBay, OOS) / Him, Her, Home Cards (Use for JB HI-FI / TGG) @ ShopBack


Not sure why noone has posted this deal yet. Shopback is currently having 7% cashback for TCN gift card (increased from 5%) which means you can get TCN Online card which can be swapped for eBay gift card with 7% cashback.

7% cashback is also for JB Hifi and TheGoodGuys as well with TCN Home card.


  1. Do not use the GC portal, that will only give 5% cashback. You need to search for "The Card Network" and click through the link to get 7% cashback
  2. From the other post, you need to make sure you select the whole amount of your TCN gift card when you swap it with eBay gift card instead of the default $30 option.
  3. eBay Gift Card maximum denomination is $200 so it is best to buy multiples of $200 TCN Online card instead of multiples of $500's since that forces you to swap to 2x$200 +$100. Ebay has a limit of 8 cards redemption per transaction.

All TCN cards have the same level of cashback of 7% (till 25 Oct)

Card Type Cashback Percent Redeemable for top retailers such as…
The Online Card (currently out of stock) 7.00% Cashback eBay
The Him Card 7.00% Cashback JB HI-FI, Fashion
The Her Card 7.00% Cashback JB HI-FI, Fashion
The Active Card 7.00% Cashback Sports brands
The Home Card 7.00% Cashback JB HI-FI, Homewares, Pets and The Good Guys
The Teen Card 7.00% Cashback JB HI-FI, fashion and sports
The Kids Card 7.00% Cashback JB Hi-FI, Sportswear and Xbox
The Baby Card 7.00% Cashback Toys and Baby

Referral Links

Referral: random (3578)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
The Card Network
The Card Network

closed Comments

  • +2

    Not sure why noone has posted this deal yet.

    Because is shopback, and half the community will just post about data breach shit.

    Which of the four cards offering 7% cash back can be swapped for eBay gift card?

      • +10

        No.. People are literally getting daily spam calls to their mobiles now. How would you feel about that? The only escape is to change numbers..

        • +1

          Ahh that makes sense now how I kept getting spam calls and messages the last month and a half. I really thought it was because of Catch when I swapped over to them from Optus around the same time.

        • +3

          To think you still have control over your privacy is a meme, sure maybe you're getting spam call and messages, at least you know and those are easy to deal with. The thing that are scary is what you don't know

          Also your mobile number is so easy to get these days, when you go to a restaurant, sometime they check in using pen and paper, so everyone could see your detail anyway

          • +1

            @ln28909: Yeah but you don't get annoyed by restaurants calling you constantly..

    • The description of the cashback seems applied to any of TCN gift card. I have PMed SB rep for confirmation.

      • The description shows just cinema, pamper, restaurant, bar and pub card with 7% cash back?!

        Keen to find where the other cards with 7% off are

        • scroll down to the bottom of that page
          Deal Details
          10% off Restaurant, Pub & Bar, Pamper and Cinema Gift Cards 7.00% Cashback 31/10/2020
          The Him Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Her Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Active Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Home Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Kids Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Baby Card 7.00% Cashback Ongoing
          The Card Network (TCN) - Gift Cards 7.00% Cashback Ongoing

          • @samehada: Ah, the four cards have 10% off on top of the standard 7% cashback.gotcha

            • @avoidfullprice: Maybe it is best to wait for confirmation from SB rep first unless you want to buy a small amount of TCN Online card to try.

            • @avoidfullprice: The Restaurant and Cinema cards has extra 10% off as in the other deal post.

    • They automatically cancelled my order at 8:00am sharp today. And therefore invalidating my shopback and cashrewards eligibility. Of advertised amount.

      Do not buy from them as they will obtain all you name, address, phone number, and credit card details!

  • I see jb and tgg but no ebay

  • Any idea if this is stackable with the other 5% off deal?

  • +1

    Is it just me but my Shopback app still show only 5% for Online and Home cards?

    • +2

      This is not the app and it should be cashback instead of instant discount as in the app I believe

      • Got it. Thanks. Just spend a whole lot $ on TCN via the Shopback app before seeing this deal…..
        FYI, buying the TCN cards were within a minute. Then changing to EBay cards were within a minute, done on a phone app. So you should be able to grab any eBay deal quickly.

        • just ignore my previous comment, the gift card portal in the app is not instant discount.

      • App isn’t instant cashback either.

  • Not sure why noone has posted this deal yet.

    Umm, you literally commented in an existing thread before you posted your own… https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/575524

  • +1

    I am going to buy $2500 GC if this is legit, please keep me updated, I need an iPhone

  • i needed to use apply pay so did it via app so what rate will i get 5% or 7%?
    ref TCN - The Online Card (Redeem at eBay, ASOS, Adore Beauty & More) 5% Cashback

  • OngoingVerified
    The Him Card
    7.00% Upsized CashbackDetails
    Shop Now
    Participating retailers: JB Hi-Fi, Nike, Calibre, Culture Kings, Diesel, adidas, ASOS, Academy Brand, Foot Locker, Platypus, Timberland, Surfstitch, Xbox, Neverland, Aquila, Surf Dive ‘n Ski, Drummond Golf and Edge Clothing.

  • +3

    Can you use edege5 with this deal?

    • It is not guaranteed even though it tracks but still can be rejected so do at your own risk, worst case you still get 5%

  • +1

    I bought it around midnight but still haven’t received the gift card..

    • I bought at noon and finally received the email with the gift card redemption at noon the next day, a full 24 hours later. Not very speedy…

  • @OP any confirmation from the SB rep it is 7%? Seems to be 5% atm?

    • You search for TCN , and not click through the GC portal

  • +2

    Can we stack with the 5% code? It's not on the SB app so I'm guessing not. Would be an amazing deal if you could.


  • Thanks OP. restocked some

  • Can someone who bought one let me know if Shopback tracked it at 7%? Have been having issues with them tracking TCN purchases

    • Yeah - I bought a TCN GC yesterday morning but it hasn't been tracked yet
      Will give it another 24 hours and contact them on Monday if it doesn't come through

      • I bought TCN GCs via the Shopback app. Tracking was instant.

        • +1

          I have too. a purchase via Shopback app is instant but not when it goes via the TCN site. This deal is about going via the TCN site

          • @clx: Tracking is not instant via the TCN site. I have just bought a gift card there. Even the gift cards themselves have not arrived either… Wondering if it is a person manually processing Mon-Fri.

            • @Buy2Much: tracking may take up to 24h usually it is quite fast within 30' to a few hours

    • +1

      7% tracked worked for me for Shopback -> TCN online

  • +3

    Bought an hour ago via shop back app. No tracking yet.

    Edit. I got it shortly after this post. Bought 500 got app notification of 35$ tracked.

  • I bought 1000 online card at about 12:30 am. Why just got 50 cashback?

    • +2

      How did you buy it? Do NOT click through GC portal in the SB app, that will only give you 5% cashback. You need to search for "The Card Network" and click through the link there for 7% cashback.

  • +2

    My cashback tracked within an hour of purchase and redeeming as eBay voucher.

  • So.. I just got $0 tracked. Wtf

    • Mine just had 7% tracked. Went through shopback mobile app to TCN website and purchased.

      edit: But i havent received my card from last night or today..

      • +1

        Mine also tracked at 7% - used desktop/ Safari. I've also not received my gift cards yet, only invoice and order confirmation. Purchased last night at 11.41pm.

        • As an update I received my cards today. 👌

    • Did you use the 5% discount code? I suspect any purchase with it will not be supported as it is not listed in ShopBack. I received 7% cashback within 4 hours without using the code.

      • No discount code nothing. This would be the shameful equivalent of paying full price.

        • +1

          Put in a message to support or DM gotyourback

          • +1

            @lilkid28: Already did. It was tracked with the order number and I have the order number on the invoice so hopefully it would be fixed. But waiting 90 days to get the CB.

    • Same here, just got a Shopback email an hour after my purchase saying $0.00 tracked. I made sure the Chrome extension was green and confirmed tracking all the way through the checkout process, and used no promo codes or anything like that.

      • Q: Did you use a different email to your SB account to receive the card?

        • Nope, exactly the same email.

          I've tried reporting missing cashback via the Shopback site, but apparently I have to wait 2 days first.

    • I'm in the same boat. Mine tracked at $0. @$#*

  • Dang, was hoping they had Bunnings gift cards.

  • +1

    First time getting TCN giftcards would like to swap to JB HiFi for a PS5. On the TCN website only seeing options to purchase cinema, pub etc… options. Don't see an option for TCN Home card. Which one do I purchase and how do I swap to a JB HiFi gift card? Again never done this before so help would be appreciated.

    • +1

      If u are after jb hi fi and have agl.. Or know someone who has this is a beyter deal for u https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/575203

      • Don't have agl or know anyone who does which is why I'm interested in this deal.

        • +1

          There are multiple cards on tcn which offer jb hi fi. Check this https://thecardnetwork.com.au/ but remember to go to this site via shopback only to get the cashback

        • You can always try the classified section to get a good deal.

  • is this still available?

  • +1

    This is the first time I've purchased on the TCN website, and so not sure how long it takes for them to email details of the digital card. I purchased cards from their site 24 hours ago, and still no sign of their email on how to download details to Apple Wallet.
    I've already received their email confirming my purchase, as soon as I paid for it online. Last words on the email are "We will notify you once your order has successfully been processed."
    Does it generally take this long for TCN?

  • +3

    TCN Online Card (Physical and online type) is both sold out :(

    • Can still get 5% off through Shopback app

    • Tis was gone at lunch time. Website glicked for a while and all sold out.

  • +2

    Bought into this around 8 this morning still havent received the gift card itself, though received an order confirmation.

    Anyone else have the same issue?

    • +1

      Yes. Mine was purchased a bit later (10:25am) and nothing yet unfortunately. Not happy with the speed of this since it's an Online Card.

  • yepo online/ebay still sold out phyiscal/online

  • +4

    Selling out of a digital gift card? That's the lamest thing I've seen in a while.

    And people aren't getting their gift cards instantly? How does this business even exist!

    • +1

      I was getting their GC's instantly via the shopback gift card app, but directly with them still waiting. And selling out of digital gift cards reminds me of the eBay gift card spree via eBay UK… Miss that.

      • And Paypal them running of codes and every one getting 7 digital codes instead of 13.
        Poor team at Paypal sending new ones out manually.

        • I dont even remember how much I got, had to start up a doc to hold them all. Ended up getting things like a new washing machine out of it haha.

  • I bought a couple this morning. Just got my Shopback tracking email which tracked the cashback at $0. Seriously, Shopback needs to get their act together

    • Wonder if SB had an outage.

    • Yep. I just got my $0 Shopback tracking email too.

  • +1

    Haha damn managed to miss both the 5% discount code and this 7% CB -.-

    • 5% gift card should still work directly via shopback

  • New to ozbargain and I know it's a bit off the topic (feel free to delete if this is not the right place to comment here and direct me where I can ask such questions) but I have a question in general regarding cashback/bonus cashback via cashrewards and/or shopback.

    I bought a few items off ebay while the bonus $20 deal was running 2-3 weeks back and a few items I ordered were not up to the mark as with some packing was insane and with one order, a piece was missing. So I contacted seller and they offered me a partial refund. Now my question is does it forfeit my cashback and/or bonus cashback of $20?

    • +1

      I feel like the cashback may be rejected based on shopback's following eBay T&C:

      • If anything from within a basket is unpaid, exchanged or returned, Cashback for whole basket will be declined

      If the cashback is declined, the bonus would also be declined. However, you can send them a message on their website to confirm, or message gotyourback here being the shopback rep.

      edit: also the better place to ask this question in the future is the forums section rather than deals. You'll probably get more answers there for these types of questions.

      • Thanks, and does cashrewards has the same condition as shopback? If you have direct links for cashrewards and shopback could you please send it to me? I couldn't find anything under cashrewards website.

        • +2

          Here you go:

          Cashrewards has the same clause at the bottom of the page, albeit worded slightly differently:
          * If anything within your cart is unpaid, cancelled, changed or returned, cashback for the entire cart will be declined.

          But here is the page for reference:

          Edit: Here is the link for the forums for future reference too. Just need to find the right forum to post questions.

          • @frogduck: Thanks, yes I saw that on cashrewards, but since it was a partial refund I wondered how will cashrewards know if I have been partially refunded as the ordered was not cancelled nor it was fully refunded. This is where I have the confusion.

            I'll ask this question on the forums too.

            • +1

              @IpGem: I believe its more like eBay will know, and then they wont approve the cashback (its only pending until eBay approve it in a few months).

            • @IpGem: Don't accept a partial refund. Get them to send a replacement. It's within your rights. You may have to send the old one back, in which case I hope you had PayPal refunded returns switched on at time of purchase

  • Merged from 7% Cashback on all The Card Network (TCN) gift card (can redeem for JBHifi, TGG, eBay Gift Card) @ ShopBack
    Go to Deal

    Shopback is currently having 7% cashback for all TCN gift cards (increased from 5%) which means you can get
    - JBHifi : TCN Him/Her/Home/Teens/Kids
    - The Good Guys: TCN HomeOnline card which can be swapped for eBay gift card with 7% cashback.
    - Ebay: TCN Online - in high demand so currently OOS but they may add more in stock again

    This is useful for those of you who are looking to buy things like iPhone 12 in JBHifi or TGG and don't have AGL membership or need more than $1000 than the limit from AGL.

    WW is having sale of Ultimate GC (JBHifi/TGG) which means 10% worth of points but the value of the bonus points can only be used in WW, it can't be used to buy gift card again or cash out. This is physical gift card like EFTPOS card so it can't be used online. For those who are in Melbourne you can't use it online when the stores are closed during COVID-19 restriction.

    This is different with the 5% from GC portal via the app. Some restaurant and cinemas gift card has extra 10% off as posted in the other deal

    - Do not use the GC portal in the SB app, that will only give 5% cashback. You need to search for "The Card Network" and click through the link to get 7% cashback
    - From the other post, you need to make sure you select the whole amount of your TCN gift card when you swap it with JBHifi or TGG gift card instead of the default $30 option.

    Don't forget referral link to sign up for Shopback, they have increased referral credit to $10.

    • +1

      Didn’t you already post this? Just need to update if stock is available and can be redeemed for more places.

      7% Cashback on TCN: The Online Card (Redeem for eBay Gift Card) @ ShopBack - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/575530

      • that post is only for the ebay card (TCN Online) and currently marked as OOS. The deal is still on for all other TCN card not just ebay one.

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